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10-10-2012, 12:00 AM
The first annual Florida Meet and Greet in the making and the when and where is undecided as of yet so let's start planing.
When? I'm thinking around the end of 2012 or first weeks 2013 when Sniper T is in town.
Where? Post up where it would be convenient for you to make it to but keep in mind that Florida is a long ass state so it needs to be centralized as much as possible so more people well be able to meet up.

A couple of areas I'm thinking of is in Orlando somewhere, to the South East a tad at Camp Holly on the St Johns River http://www.campholly.net/, Lone Cabbage fish camp to the East a tad from Orlando on the St Johns river http://www.twisterairboatrides.com/cabbage.htm Both places we can get group rates on airboat rides and both have Food and a watering hole.

10-10-2012, 12:03 AM
The first annual Florida Meet and Greet in the making and the when and where is undecided as of yet so let's start planing.
When? I'm thinking around the end of 2012 or first weeks 2013 when Sniper T is in town.
Where? Post up where it would be convenient for you to make it to but keep in mind that Florida is a long ass state so it needs to be centralized as much as possible so more people well be able to meet up.

A couple of areas I'm thinking of is in Orlando somewhere, to the South East a tad at Camp Holly on the St Johns River http://www.campholly.net/, Lone Cabbage fish camp to the East a tad from Orlando on the St Johns river http://www.twisterairboatrides.com/cabbage.htm Both places we can get group rates on airboat rides and both have Food and a watering hole.


10-10-2012, 12:19 AM
Being there is dependent on my having transportation... Should also consider maybe a weekend meetup in jan/feb for a camping outing possibly? I definitely think central state, peace river maybe?

Some possible locations?

http://www.floridastateparks.org/oscarscherer/default.cfm (Oscar Scherer State Park?)
Peace River?

10-10-2012, 01:11 AM
Sounds good to me.

10-10-2012, 01:39 AM
Sounds good.I'm open to date and location.The panhandle ants could caravan down.

10-10-2012, 01:50 AM
Sounds good.I'm open to date and location.The panhandle ants could caravan down.

Kinda like this?


hehe, hopefully we can find somewhere central so it isn't too bad of a drive!

10-10-2012, 02:14 AM
We can go camping inside bass pro, I've always wanted to go fishing in that huge fish tank!

10-10-2012, 02:43 AM
We can go camping inside bass pro, I've always wanted to go fishing in that huge fish tank!

Your avatar is messing with me... I had that same eagle for a good 6 months...

10-10-2012, 10:01 AM
Sounding Awesome!

I'll be in the Lauderdale area from Dec 30 to Jan 5, and looking for a reason to roadtrip!

10-10-2012, 11:52 AM
Well I guess I'm in, only because Sniper's in town :p

10-10-2012, 12:10 PM
Why don't we go to silver springs?

10-10-2012, 12:10 PM
Well I guess I'm in, only because Sniper's in town :p

I feel so pretty...

er, um, I mean special!



10-10-2012, 05:58 PM
This go round I was thinking of just doing a day thing because for the uncertainty of January's weather which poses a problem with drive times. It sound like the Orlando area might work the best for most of us. It's a 3 1/2hr drive from Lauderdale and 4hr from Tallahassee.
Florida is tough because it so long and it takes 10-13 hr or more to get from tip to tail depending on where your going.

So what doses everyone think of having it in the Orlando area?

Taz Baby
10-10-2012, 06:12 PM
Like always I miss the Fla meet and greets when I am here. They are either before I get here or shortly after I leave, :mad: And this year I got here a month earlier.:(

10-10-2012, 07:16 PM
I think a day thing would work best for us too. I'm sure the wife will have other plans for things to do besides hanging out with a bunch of people like me. lol

The Orlando area seems quite centralized of the State, but perhaps once we get a firm commitment from those attending, it can be fine tuned to better serve the group. ie. No sense being centered in the state if the farthest North person is in Daytona

You're just going to have to make a special trip Taz!

10-10-2012, 07:49 PM
Evo, lets plan for Orlando, but wait and see who commits to coming before firming up the location as Sniper says.
I'm better with the day thing myself.

10-10-2012, 08:19 PM
If i have a vehicle, and the funds, im in... Sarasota here...

10-10-2012, 08:19 PM
FWIW, the Bass Pro Shops in Orlando has a meeting room, I know they loaned it out for a FL survival meet and greet a few months ago, I think its free to use , I might be able to ask around and find out who to contact, there is also a Fudruckers in that Mall adjacent to the BPS for a good burger, and lots of stuff everyone needs inside the store

10-10-2012, 08:22 PM
FWIW, the Bass Pro Shops in Orlando has a meeting room, I know they loaned it out for a FL survival meet and greet a few months ago, I think its free to use , I might be able to ask around and find out who to contact, there is also a Fudruckers in that Mall adjacent to the BPS for a good burger, and lots of stuff everyone needs inside the store

We could take this and run with it... I like the idea so far!

10-10-2012, 08:25 PM
first steps would be to narrow down some dates then we could ask BPS when the room is available, I think it would almost have to be a WEEKEND day like Sat or Sunday, and IIRC the mall/store closes early on Sunday

10-10-2012, 08:54 PM
first steps would be to narrow down some dates then we could ask BPS when the room is available, I think it would almost have to be a WEEKEND day like Sat or Sunday, and IIRC the mall/store closes early on Sunday

Saturday would probably work best for everyone...

10-10-2012, 09:18 PM
except me!

We fly in on the Sat 29th in the afternoon.

Sunday 30th is free and would work

Any weekday (Dec 31 - Jan 4) is free and would work

Saturday 5th, we need to check out, return our car, etc, and find a place for the night

Sunday 6th we jump on a ship
Wed 16th we arrive back in Fla, and fly home

10-10-2012, 09:23 PM
except me!

We fly in on the Sat 29th in the afternoon.

Sunday 30th is free and would work
Any weekday is free and would work

Saturday 5th, we need to check out, return our car, etc, and find a place for the night

Sunday 6th we jump on a ship
Wed 16th we arrive back in Fla, and fly home

rats... sunday would work for me...

- - - Updated - - -

well, actually, the week of the 30th is fully open, so we could do any day that everyone is available...

10-10-2012, 09:45 PM
Yeah that's not a good week for me at all.

10-10-2012, 09:49 PM
^ bummer! I was kinda hoping to check out that jeep a little closer!

10-10-2012, 10:21 PM
Ok it looks like the best day is going to be Sunday Dec 30th and like Sniper and Onestep said we'll wait to zero in on the location after we see who all can make it on the 30th. For now the tentative plain is the Orlando area (maybe Bass Pro) but this could change.

So... Who all is in for the Dec 30th and what county or city will you be coming from?

So far we have Lauderdale, Seminole County, Sarasota (Maybe) and Brevard County. :)

10-11-2012, 02:55 AM
If it turns out to be Sat 30th, then we'll probably be coming from the north due to Christmas at relatives. Other dates that time of year we'll probably come from St. Lucie County, it's complicated. :rolleyes:

Also, I agree that a one day or afternoon only would be best because the weather is very unpredictable that time of year in central Florida for camping...could be 25 degrees or 80, who knows.

Question, is this a SHTFReady only event?

10-11-2012, 03:24 AM
If it turns out to be Sat 30th, then we'll probably be coming from the north due to Christmas at relatives. Other dates that time of year we'll probably come from St. Lucie County, it's complicated. :rolleyes:

Also, I agree that a one day or afternoon only would be best because the weather is very unpredictable that time of year in central Florida for camping...could be 25 degrees or 80, who knows.

Question, is this a SHTFReady only event?

Whatcha mean by shtfready only?

10-11-2012, 10:23 AM
I hope not, otherwise I'll have to tell my wife to wait in the car for the day

10-11-2012, 11:06 AM
If it turns out to be Sat 30th, then we'll probably be coming from the north due to Christmas at relatives. Other dates that time of year we'll probably come from St. Lucie County, it's complicated. :rolleyes:

Also, I agree that a one day or afternoon only would be best because the weather is very unpredictable that time of year in central Florida for camping...could be 25 degrees or 80, who knows.

Question, is this a SHTFReady only event?

Anyone is welcome.

10-11-2012, 11:41 AM
Bass Pro is fine but the thing I don't like about it is it is just a meeting room. No food or beverages allowed. We'd have to eat somewhere else and then go there. Me personally, I'd rather grill out, drink a cold one and BS outdoors...but that's just me.
Lets see how many decide to show up, I may have an alternative site if that sound more inviting to those coming.

10-11-2012, 12:01 PM
I fully concur! The whole meeting room thing really does nothing for me, unless it is pouring! There has to be a park, or some kind of greenspace around that we can 'occupy' I'd rather meet and hang out with you guys in a natural environment, where I can learn a little about local flora and fauna, maybe see some wildlife, wrestle a gator or two... then grill them! you know... day to day 'Florida' things

10-11-2012, 01:34 PM
Whatcha mean by shtfready only?

I mean, folks from this SHTF Ready website only. Or is is open to anyone from other groups outside of this website? But I think Evolver just answered that above.

- - - Updated - - -

Not talking about spouses of course. :)

10-11-2012, 11:43 PM
Bass Pro is fine but the thing I don't like about it is it is just a meeting room. No food or beverages allowed. We'd have to eat somewhere else and then go there. Me personally, I'd rather grill out, drink a cold one and BS outdoors...but that's just me.
Lets see how many decide to show up, I may have an alternative site if that sound more inviting to those coming.

Yeah thats why a thought of Camp Holy, Lone Cabbage or a place like it. I thought a air boat ride would be fun to throw into the mix. I also would rather do something outdoors.

10-11-2012, 11:50 PM
I mean, folks from this SHTF Ready website only. Or is is open to anyone from other groups outside of this website? But I think Evolver just answered that above.

- - - Updated - - -

Not talking about spouses of course. :)

Yup I knew that ya meant.

10-12-2012, 02:48 AM
I know a lot of you folks would like this to be an outside or camping type event, but I think its safer to plan for a few hours indoors, can't tell you how many things like meet up's and meet and greets fall apart at the last minuet cause of weather.......luckily I'm only about an hour outside of Orlando, but I for one wouldn't drive 3 hours to hang around some picnic shelter in the rain ....YMMV

maybe we shouldn't try for too much for the first one ?? , thats why I thought a common place like BPS for a few hour M & G , I've been to another event where they tried to do some informal training and speeches combined with a M & G and it was a huge WTF ??? head slap, felt like school, where I was the dumbest one for attending, like why did I waste my time to come hear these folks talk about carrying seeds in their GHB, FEMA agents and Gov conspiracy ....:confused:

we probably would never get anyone to agree on a restaurant, so I wouldn't even think of that, there are several around, so should you wanna go off after the meeting or eat prior that could work.

10-12-2012, 03:16 AM
I know a lot of you folks would like this to be an outside or camping type event, but I think its safer to plan for a few hours indoors, can't tell you how many things like meet up's and meet and greets fall apart at the last minuet cause of weather.......luckily I'm only about an hour outside of Orlando, but I for one wouldn't drive 3 hours to hang around some picnic shelter in the rain ....YMMV

maybe we shouldn't try for too much for the first one ?? , thats why I thought a common place like BPS for a few hour M & G , I've been to another event where they tried to do some informal training and speeches combined with a M & G and it was a huge WTF ??? head slap, felt like school, where I was the dumbest one for attending, like why did I waste my time to come hear these folks talk about carrying seeds in their GHB, FEMA agents and Gov conspiracy ....:confused:

we probably would never get anyone to agree on a restaurant, so I wouldn't even think of that, there are several around, so should you wanna go off after the meeting or eat prior that could work.

I agree with this...

10-12-2012, 03:35 AM
Evolver, I've been kinda quiet on this because of the date. Songbird and I would love to be there, especially since Sniper-T and his better half are coming from afar and will be in the area. You guys decide where and we will try and make it work, we're easy. But, the week between Christmas and New Years is always a big family time for us and we may be in Wisconsin (Songbird's family) this year. So, like I said, you all decide and we'll try our dangest to make it and would love to meet everyone.

10-12-2012, 11:21 PM
Rentprop, Your idea for Bass Pro is great one and it might work out to be a good plan B. I too have been to the FL M&G there before, it was fun but like others have said I would rather look for a better alternative plan.

I too like what Onestep suggested and what T seconded. Meet at a park or somewhere and grill up late lunch early dinner, pop a cold one if you want and just BS. If anyone would rather not cook they could ether bring KFC, Drive-Thru or even something from home. If the weather looks like it going to mess with us we would just move to plan a B for shelter if needed. :)

It's still looking like the Orlando area but we haven't heard much lately from the folks to the north other then Willie so chime in if you can make it on the 30th. :)

10-12-2012, 11:28 PM
Rentprop, Your idea for Bass Pro is great one and it might work out to be a good plan B. I too have been to the FL M&G there before, it was fun but like others have said I would rather look for a better alternative plan.

I too like what Onestep suggested and what T seconded. Meet at a park or somewhere and grill up late lunch early dinner, pop a cold one if you want and just BS. If anyone would rather not cook they could ether bring KFC, Drive-Thru or even something from home. If the weather looks like it going to mess with us we would just move to plan a B for shelter if needed. :)

It's still looking like the Orlando area but we haven't heard much lately from the folks to the north other then Willie so chime in if you can make it on the 30th. :)

We can always watch the weather for a bit to see how it plays out as well...

10-15-2012, 11:50 AM
That's the best part of being a prepper... there is always a plan B. lol

If we are focusing around Orlando, then have both plan A and plan B in the same area. According to Google, there is a "Clear Lake Park", about 5 minutes NW of Bass. Looks like a decent place: http://www.cityoforlando.net/fpr/html/Parks/ClearLake.htm

If it is raining or miserable, then we do Bass, if it is a beautiful day, we do outside. seems pretty easy.

And remember... KISS! I for one will be bringing nothing with me but my pocket knife, a pocket kit (airplane safe), and that's it. This doesn't have to be a competition with the Tenessee get together for who can bring the most stuff. Keep in mind too, that since we are in the middle of town, we can simply order pizza!

We wont be camping over, but we would probably pack a cooler with a few bevies and something either to be eaten cold, or warmed up on a grill.

10-15-2012, 12:38 PM
Could do a bar b q if the weather is ok... I guess plan a maybe?

10-15-2012, 11:21 PM
That's the best part of being a prepper... there is always a plan B. lol

If we are focusing around Orlando, then have both plan A and plan B in the same area. According to Google, there is a "Clear Lake Park", about 5 minutes NW of Bass. Looks like a decent place: http://www.cityoforlando.net/fpr/html/Parks/ClearLake.htm

If it is raining or miserable, then we do Bass, if it is a beautiful day, we do outside. seems pretty easy.

And remember... KISS! I for one will be bringing nothing with me but my pocket knife, a pocket kit (airplane safe), and that's it. This doesn't have to be a competition with the Tenessee get together for who can bring the most stuff. Keep in mind too, that since we are in the middle of town, we can simply order pizza!

We wont be camping over, but we would probably pack a cooler with a few bevies and something either to be eaten cold, or warmed up on a grill.

I like it!
We have a date, Dec 30th
We have a place, (Plan A)... Clear lake park, 2301 29th Street Orlando, FL 32805. (Plan B)... Bass Pro, 5156 International Drive, Orlando, FL.

Now we need a time? 11:30-12:00? That should give everyone the road time needed.

I'll call and check on a pavilion and see if there is a open charcoal grill on site. If not we'll go from there. KIS is our motto. We drop the last S. :)
T... I'm sure the you'll see some southern hospitality and you'll need not to worry about what to bring as far as food goes. (wink)

10-16-2012, 06:53 AM
ok, guys. you are hearing from the Panhandle. it might be possible for me to make the drive. just depends on the holidays and family. as of right now, i am game.

10-16-2012, 11:27 AM
Gotta love when a plan comes together! :)

10-16-2012, 04:37 PM
just to throw this out there. as for me coming down, it will be at least 2 days and 1 night, if others are up for hanging out an extra day or so, i could stretch it for a 3 day trip. planning on getting a room due to health.

rice paddy daddy
10-16-2012, 07:07 PM
It's still looking like the Orlando area but we haven't heard much lately from the folks to the north other then Willie so chime in if you can make it on the 30th. :)
Well, ya can't get much farther north than Boulogne, on the Georgia border. I'm about two miles south of there. About a 4 hour drive, but I'd come down for a couple of hours to meet you guys. Kinda like a handshake tour.:D
Boulogne probably ain't on the map anymore, but it's where US 1 crosses the line.

10-16-2012, 10:27 PM
Well, ya can't get much farther north than Boulogne, on the Georgia border. I'm about two miles south of there. About a 4 hour drive, but I'd come down for a couple of hours to meet you guys. Kinda like a handshake tour.:D
Boulogne probably ain't on the map anymore, but it's where US 1 crosses the line.

Right on RPD looking forward to meet you! Sniper T has close to the same drive time coming from the south so the M&G is defiantly centralized.

10-16-2012, 10:38 PM
just to throw this out there. as for me coming down, it will be at least 2 days and 1 night, if others are up for hanging out an extra day or so, i could stretch it for a 3 day trip. planning on getting a room due to health.

Now this is dedication. :) ^^^ Looking forward to meet in person Rob and I hope the you get some takers for hanging out awhile, Justa and I can only make out for the day.

10-16-2012, 10:45 PM
I too like the idea.I live waaaaaaay the f*ck down in homestead,so i would probably get a room myself(maybe family too)
I could ask redjohn if he'll be in lauderdale then.Who knows it might be better than a kick in the balls.
Keep the date and locale updated for me puleeeeese!

10-16-2012, 10:57 PM
Will do GB69 :) It would be great if you can make it all the way up!

Dec 30th
(Plan A if the weather is good)... Clear lake park, 2301 29th Street Orlando, FL 32805. (Plan B if bad)... Bass Pro, 5156 International Drive, Orlando, FL.

Now we need a time? 11:30-12:00? That should give everyone the road time needed.

10-17-2012, 01:32 AM
GB69----- don't know that i want t have that much fun... LMAO!!!

time wise, works for me, considering that i am coming from the Arse Crack of Fl. LOL

10-17-2012, 02:24 AM
Gunbuilder, its mandatory you bring some of your goodies with you!

10-17-2012, 09:50 AM
years ago I was a salesman and central Orlando was part of my daily territory. I know things change , but can ask a few questions without sounding like Debbie Downer or really negative ??

did someone just open a map of Orlando , throw a dart and pick the closest city park next to where it landed ?? Not for nothin, but IIRC that area is nice mix, :rolleyes: # rolleyes, there are some sketchy areas just to the east.....to put it nicely, its somewhere in between the ghetto, and a blue collar area. Now I'm not saying your gonna have issues with the local gang over turf, but stopping at the local 7-11 on the way there may not be as wonderful of a Sunday drive as you may think.......do we have any Orlando members that might wanna drive over and check it out, maybe take a few pics of the park and pavilion areas first before you guys set it in stone ??

I hope I'm wrong, if so I will not be eating crow for the BBQ but I will apologize ......and just to think of another item, do we need to reserve a pavilion or is it first come first serve kind a thing ??

Mr. negative signing off now !........lol

10-17-2012, 10:31 AM
Ironically enough, that is exactly how I picked out that park (Google maps) Found the Bass Pro that was selected, and threw a dart. (still waiting for a replacement monitor)

Without going back to Google, I seem to recall about a 1/2 dozen parks near by Bass. If this one is dicey, we can pick another.

I did go down to Street view, and essentially toured the entire place, and aside from 2 steamers, I saw nothing but a nice park, with some nice pavilions by the lake. But then again, I'm not from there, so I am unfamiliar with your gang/turf issues.

Why can't everyone just be friends?


10-17-2012, 02:13 PM
not to sound naive, but they have that problem there? we have nothing like that here.. i know ft.lauderdale and miami have issues. i guess, if i don't see it everyday i don't think about it.

10-17-2012, 04:17 PM
I just checked out where Clear Lake Park is and rentprop is correct, we don't want to be in that part of town. I worked not far from there years ago and it is a rough area to say the least. You need to be carrying.
Yes rob, Orlando has it's fair share of gang and related problems, just like every big city (which it is now).
There's a lot of other parks and such but there aren't going to be any "safe" ones near Bass Pro as it's on the edge of tourist town and the ghettos. And being the holidays, you all will want to shoot yourselves dealing with the traffic. It is by far the worst at that time of year. I don't even go near that part of town then.
I think we need to go to a plan C.

10-17-2012, 04:36 PM
What's your proposal Onestep?

If we head South East to the Coast, it looks like a pretty cool fishing shop called Gunny's in Melbourne??

Meet and Greet on the beach as a plan C... and then need a plan D for a rain day?

10-17-2012, 04:41 PM
No People
Coming from

Day Trip
Fort Lauderdale

Local yokel

Brevard County

2 possible 4
Crystal River



1-3 days?


Rice Paddy Daddy

Willy51 & Songbird
Day trip

Ste Augustine




What say we get a commitment tally, to see where we are, and keep track of who is in, with how many people, and for how long.

Perhaps a Mod can toss it onto the first post of the first page so we can find it easier

10-17-2012, 04:47 PM
Well, because you asked. Depending on the head count, we could do Lone Cabbage Fish Camp on the St. Johns river on SR 520. It's a restaurant/fish camp. Down the road from it is a county park (JB Smith park I think) that allows outdoor cooking and has some shelters. Both are within 5 miles of I-95 for those coming from the north or south. Coming from anywhere west will be a longer drive than going to Bass Pro. I don't know of anywhere on the west side but even then you'd still be dealing with winter tourist anywhere near Disney/Universal and that's basically the whole west side of Orlando. I avoid it like the plague.

Oh, 2 for us.

10-17-2012, 07:10 PM
What about ft pierce or vero beach?

10-17-2012, 07:51 PM
Twitchy, if we have some So Fl ants that want to attend, that could work.
Sniper will be up in Orlando anyway so that was why I was suggesting around it.
I'm actually NE of Orlando, near Sanford/Geneva.

10-17-2012, 08:12 PM
I'm actually going to be in Ft. Laud. we'll be driving up for the day for the M&G. We will probably do another trip up there, as I'm sure the MRS will want to do a Disney day.

Personally I would rather lob Holy Hand Grenades into the Surf and pick up Lobster tails as they float into the beach

10-17-2012, 08:20 PM
I think piranha2 is in Ft Pierce occasionally, ill try to get a hold of him to see if he would be in town... I think gaterboii117 from the old site is there as well...

The Stig
10-17-2012, 10:24 PM
Glad y'all are working out the details for a FL get together.

Good luck and looking forward to the AAR.

10-17-2012, 10:32 PM
Crestview Fl. just me.

10-17-2012, 11:23 PM
Ok... How about Sebastian Inlet State Park? http://www.floridastateparks.org/sebastianinlet/

10-18-2012, 12:05 AM
Ok... How about Sebastian Inlet State Park? http://www.floridastateparks.org/sebastianinlet/

LOVE THIS ONE...and the fishing is awesome there. They have the best pier fishing in the State of Florida.

- - - Updated - - -

Also, any coastal area will be warmer than inland especially Orlando. It can vary by 10 degrees. Also, anything can happen with the weather...remember it's Florida, but that time of year is not our rainy season. It's usually dry.

10-18-2012, 12:11 AM
No People
Coming from

Day Trip
Fort Lauderdale

Local yokel

Brevard County






Rice Paddy Daddy






What say we get a commitment tally, to see where we are, and keep track of who is in, with how many people, and for how long.

Perhaps a Mod can toss it onto the first post of the first page so we can find it easier

Willie51 and Songbird- 2 or us and a day trip. We'll be coming from the north down I-75 to Turnpike or we'll be coming from St. Lucie up I-95 depending on where it ends up being held.

- - - Updated - - -

I just checked out where Clear Lake Park is and rentprop is correct, we don't want to be in that part of town. I worked not far from there years ago and it is a rough area to say the least. You need to be carrying.
Yes rob, Orlando has it's fair share of gang and related problems, just like every big city (which it is now).
There's a lot of other parks and such but there aren't going to be any "safe" ones near Bass Pro as it's on the edge of tourist town and the ghettos. And being the holidays, you all will want to shoot yourselves dealing with the traffic. It is by far the worst at that time of year. I don't even go near that part of town then.
I think we need to go to a plan C.

Onestep is totally correct here with the traffic and that part of town. And he should know, he lives close to Orlando.

10-18-2012, 12:19 AM
I'm actually going to be in Ft. Laud. we'll be driving up for the day for the M&G. We will probably do another trip up there, as I'm sure the MRS will want to do a Disney day.

Personally I would rather lob Holy Hand Grenades into the Surf and pick up Lobster tails as they float into the beach

Sniper, if it is held in Sebastian and you are planning a day trip for the M&G, then you could leave from there and be in Orlando for the Mrs. in 1 hour, 1 1/2 at the most.

10-18-2012, 02:40 AM
I'm near Crystal River on the Central West coast, if you draw a backwards " C " from Ocala to Orlando and down to Tampa, if the M & G falls within that line or damn close to it I'll be there +1 ( wife ) maybe +3 ( 2 other like minded folks ).....I commute 110 miles a day round trip for work, so not being in the truck any longer than I need to be......keep in mind , anywhere in Florida during that time is gonna be busy, with plenty of traffic, and expensive if you need to stay over, we have furry children so we can't be away for a long time....that limits my travel more than anything

10-18-2012, 04:51 AM
guys, just keep in mind that i am driving 8-10hrs to get where we are going to have it. i don't know anybody else's driving time for sure or plans other than a M&G. if we could keep it kinda centrally located, it would be appreciated. not complaining, just saying.

10-18-2012, 10:26 AM
Table updated (p.6) check to confirm. and post your info if you haven't yet.

10-18-2012, 03:20 PM
Table updated (p.6) check to confirm. and post your info if you haven't yet.

All the interest here has me considering changing some items on my calendar... put me down as a solid maybe. I'd be coming from St Augustine.

10-18-2012, 03:33 PM

10-18-2012, 03:59 PM
Sorry guys I'd love to come but ill be having physical therapy from the fusion I'm having in a few weeks so ill be locked down to my compound for quite a few months. Maybe next time guys.

10-18-2012, 04:48 PM
guys, just keep in mind that i am driving 8-10hrs to get where we are going to have it. i don't know anybody else's driving time for sure or plans other than a M&G. if we could keep it kinda centrally located, it would be appreciated. not complaining, just saying.

You are 7 1/2 maybe 8 hours from Sebastian. 10 hours gets you to Ft. Lauderdale. :)

10-18-2012, 06:12 PM
it used to be, when i could just jump in the truck and go. now i have medical reasons, not supposed to sit for long periods. so i am looking at frequent stops. which at times is a PIA, but has to done.

10-18-2012, 07:11 PM
it used to be, when i could just jump in the truck and go. now i have medical reasons, not supposed to sit for long periods. so i am looking at frequent stops. which at times is a PIA, but has to done.

Understood my friend. It's always good to stop every couple of hours and stretch anyways, no matter what. I do that now. I will pull in a rest area and just get out and walk around the vehicle a couple of times and get back in and go.

10-18-2012, 07:25 PM
If you had a van, then you could just put on the cruise control, and walk around!



10-18-2012, 08:43 PM
If you had a van, then you could just put on the cruise control, and walk around!



LOLOLOL!!!!! FUNNY MAN in the house... ; )

10-18-2012, 09:40 PM
Everyones input is welcomed as far as the new location goes, we have plenty of time to figure of THE place and the final decision will be made no later than Dec 1st.

So far we have,
Bass Pro Orlando.
Lone Cabbage east of Orlando.
Camp Holly south east of Orlando.
Sebastian Inlet Central east coast.

For the unknown weather reasons we still will be doing a Plan A and B.

10-18-2012, 10:18 PM
Sebastion inlet is closer for me!
Awesome surf there in april btw...

10-18-2012, 10:41 PM
Sebastion inlet is closer for me!
Awesome surf there in april btw...

Hell yeah!!! The water temp in Dec is still around 70f I can borrow some boards and have them there. I'm not a surfer but it's still an idea. :p

10-19-2012, 12:25 AM
Sebastian would be excellent for a day trip. Shoot, I might pitch a tent & relax for awhile.

10-19-2012, 12:46 AM
Like Willie said Sebastian is one of best pier fishing sites in the state. We could get a our lines wet and maybe even have a sushi appetizer for lunch :p Note to self... pack the soy and wasabi.

10-19-2012, 04:20 AM
We need to make this a yearly thing, I'm gonna miss this one but we need to do a once a year get together so this time it's Orlando, next time Jacksonville or Gainesville, Ocala national forest camping trip? Kinda even it out for everyone and bring survival goodies to talk about!

10-19-2012, 09:52 AM
Mmmmmm Sushi...

- - - Updated - - -

Updated... Still have some question marks...

No People
Coming from

Day Trip
Fort Lauderdale

Local yokel

Central E Coast

2 possible 4
Crystal River



1-3 days


Rice Paddy Daddy

Willy51 & Songbird
Day Trip

Ste Augustine




What say we get a commitment tally, to see where we are, and keep track of who is in, with how many people, and for how long.

Perhaps a Mod can toss it onto the first post of the first page so we can find it easier

10-19-2012, 11:26 AM
Actually Sebastain does not have a "pier' per se.
The north jetty has a concrete top to it and does extend slightly out the inlet.

10-19-2012, 12:40 PM
Everyones input is welcomed as far as the new location goes, we have plenty of time to figure of THE place and the final decision will be made no later than Dec 1st.

So far we have,
Bass Pro Orlando.
Lone Cabbage east of Orlando.
Camp Holly south east of Orlando.
Sebastian Inlet Central east coast.

For the unknown weather reasons we still will be doing a Plan A and B.

ok, guys. here is the dilemma for me. i thought this was a M&G? if i wanted to come down and go fishing, i would much rather go to Mosquito Lagoon. around the Orlando area for a get together bbq/lunch is good for me. i understand people would like it to be close to them for the ease of getting there and whatnot. and before folks get in an uproar, we are still in the "planning" stage of this.

10-19-2012, 12:53 PM
And is good fishing. :)


Sebastian Inlet is known World Wide as one of the best snook spots anywhere. Catch and release of a dozen fish per night with many over 10 lbs. are not uncommon.

Snook can be caught year round with Fall & Spring being best. Live bait such as: Shrimp, Pinfish, Pigfish and Mullet work the best. Artificials such as: Bucktail Flair Jigs in Chartruse and Red/White and Swimming Minnow Plugs like Bombers and Rebels also work well.

Other Species include: Redfish to 40 lbs., Large Tarpon, Jack Crevelle, Mangrove Snapper, Bluefish, Flounder, Drum and Sheepshead.

There are many places to fish at Sebastian Inlet like the North and South Jetty, the Catwalk under the bridge over Sebastian Inlet, and a pier on the Southwest side of the Park.

10-19-2012, 01:03 PM
I dunno, if there is a place by the water somewhere with a couple picnic tables I would toss out a line. plop the rod down and keep half an eye on it while sitting around chatting. We might get a snack out of it, and see some different fish cleaning/cooking techniques.

I will be bringing a collapsible rod down with me

10-19-2012, 01:12 PM
We posted at the same time Rob so it looks like I'm cramming fishing down your throat but thats not at all the case.:o
Yes are just planning and throwing ideas out there to find one that sticks and tiring to accommodate as many of our interests as possible.

10-19-2012, 03:45 PM
And is good fishing. :)


Sebastian Inlet is known World Wide as one of the best snook spots anywhere. Catch and release of a dozen fish per night with many over 10 lbs. are not uncommon.

Snook can be caught year round with Fall & Spring being best. Live bait such as: Shrimp, Pinfish, Pigfish and Mullet work the best. Artificials such as: Bucktail Flair Jigs in Chartruse and Red/White and Swimming Minnow Plugs like Bombers and Rebels also work well.

Other Species include: Redfish to 40 lbs., Large Tarpon, Jack Crevelle, Mangrove Snapper, Bluefish, Flounder, Drum and Sheepshead.

There are many places to fish at Sebastian Inlet like the North and South Jetty, the Catwalk under the bridge over Sebastian Inlet, and a pier on the Southwest side of the Park.

Right on!!! And the pier is unique because it juts out and then southward into to cut. There is a strong tide (which means good fishing for those big fish). That's why it's so popular there. I'm there every winter with rigs in hand. :D

Also, the campground is across the highway on the water on the intracoastal side.

- - - Updated - - -

And again, anywhere on the coast will be warmer than inland in the winters, whether it's the panhandle of Florida or the east and west coast of Florida. The opposite is true for the summer, coastal is cooler than inland.

10-19-2012, 03:50 PM
And same here too, it doesn't matter to me where is picked, we'll try to make it. :)

10-19-2012, 06:53 PM
the thought i had on fishing is not everyone is going to fish. so that means two groups, 1 fishing and 1 at the park. so a picnic lunch where everyone is in 1 spot seems more M&G to me.

10-19-2012, 07:22 PM
If fishing was a consideration, just keep in mind that you will need a permit or they will hammer you... (FWC that is)

10-19-2012, 07:31 PM
I realize different groups of people will interact differently from one another, but if the TN meet is any kind of indicator, you guy's won't be thinking much of fishing.

Conversation will be the dominant activity.

And oh by the way, T's right... Don't try to compete with the TN Meet... We won't want to hear you cry when you lose! :p Lol

ETA: I actually wish I could make this meet as well, but its not in the cards for this year. Ya'll have fun! I'm happy to see this happening.

10-19-2012, 09:14 PM
The way I have been reading all this is this way: The M&G would be a 2 to 4 hour picnic and then the ones having to leave would go their merry way . And then the folks making more than one day out of it could fish nearby. I agree, it will be hard to concentrate on serious fishing and serious visiting at the same time. :)

10-20-2012, 01:17 AM
fishing , now surfing, what happened to K.I.S.S ??

10-20-2012, 02:09 AM
fishing , now surfing, what happened to K.I.S.S ??

this is all i am saying. i mean seriously i can fish here, Eglin Reservation has some of the best ponds in the state (just our secret) and go to white sandy beaches. i am coming down to put names to faces and meet folks. whether we do it outside (picnic) or find a restaurant with a large size meeting room (rain plan) like Ryan's. i am just looking at goofing off and meeting new friends.

10-20-2012, 01:00 PM
Ok... Getting back to simple. We are looking for a place that we can have a picnic with shelter/pavilion, after we find a good spot we'll then find a restaurant in the same area for plan B if the weathers bad, for the people that are planning to stay overnight can find accommodations near by.

Justa and I are meeting the Onestep's and a member from a local preparedness board for lunch today in Coco. Onestep's been to Lone Cabbage so I'll talk to him about it today and maybe even drive out there to see if it fits in with what we're looking for.

T... Two of us and a day trip. :)

10-20-2012, 11:41 PM
Lone Cabbage would work and quite nicely at that. It's about 3 miles west of I95 on 520 located on the St Johns river.

There is a small park adjoining it to the west with restrooms, pavilion with I'd say 6 full size picnic tables, no grill but this can be worked out, small ponds and the St Johns river . It's basically in the same parking lot as Lone Cabbage.

Plan A if the weather is good,
Meet up around 12:00 Have a picnic lunch around 2:00 for those that would rather buy lunch can get carry out from Lone Cabbage or dine in. They offer good ole Florida cracker food like Gator Tail, Frog Legs, Turtle, Catfish and Burgers as well as the rest of there 42 item menu or... you can bring takeout from your place of choice. Simple so far right? :)

Plan B if the weather isn't so good,
Meet up at Lone Cabbage at around 12:00, Dine in and hang out. It's going to be in the off season so I we won't be getting kicked out due to the lack of tables. The place is good sized with open air covered patios and inside seating.

Here are some photos.


I'll post a few pic's of the park later.

10-21-2012, 12:23 AM
Here's the pavilion, restrooms and ponds that I took today.



- - - Updated - - -


This still isn't final so what does everyone think?

10-21-2012, 12:38 AM
For the people that are going to make it a overnighter can ether stay in Orlando which is about 1hr away or Coco, Coco west thats about a 1/2hr-15min away (depending on where you stay).

10-21-2012, 01:11 AM
I LIKE it!!!

10-21-2012, 01:55 AM
It just might be a keeper. :)

10-21-2012, 01:57 AM
It's about 3 miles west of I95 on 520 located on the St Johns river.


Ouch.....figured you East coast guys would favor your side of the state....lol :D

lets go back to the park in da' hood in Orlando ......j/k :p

10-21-2012, 02:44 AM
Hey is still just over 2 hr away from you. :)

10-21-2012, 04:07 AM
It just might be a keeper. :)

works for me. even lunch inside sounds good. hard to beat good gator, turtle and frog legs. ; )

10-21-2012, 11:34 AM
That's a two hour ride for me. Sounds like a nice little road trip.

10-21-2012, 01:27 PM
That's a two hour ride for me. Sounds like a nice little road trip.

Fantastic! Looking forward to meet you F to F.

10-22-2012, 02:14 AM
I should be able to go as i found a ride... fellow lurker here!

10-22-2012, 10:17 AM
No People
Coming from

Day Trip
Fort Lauderdale

Local yokel

Day trip
Brevard County

2 possible 4
Crystal River



1-3 days


Rice Paddy Daddy

Willy51 & Songbird
Day trip

Ste Augustine



Running ToTAL:

10-22-2012, 10:25 AM
So is that one or two for you Twitchy?
Do we have another name?

10-22-2012, 12:39 PM
So is that one or two for you Twitchy?
Do we have another name?

2 for me, not sure his username here... I know he is fka gaterboii117 at the old site...

The Stig
10-23-2012, 12:58 AM
Man...I can't wait to read of the exploits and hilarity that will take place at this.

I really hope it goes off well for the Florida ants. Can't wait to hear all about it.

10-23-2012, 07:12 AM
Man...I can't wait to read of the exploits and hilarity that will take place at this.

I really hope it goes off well for the Florida ants. Can't wait to hear all about it.

what??? can't be all that bad, just a few folks getting together. what could go wrong? ; )

10-23-2012, 09:45 AM
I think he is refering to what is goiing to go right!


10-28-2012, 11:35 PM
I am back in Ft. Pierce for now and would like to make a commitment. December 30 might be tough, but I will try. When all is finalized, please let me know. Twitchy, I did get your phone message, but had no signal to return the call til today. I will be heading back out next Monday or Tuesday, so when the decision is made, please send me another call. I will do my best to meet the colony.

10-28-2012, 11:38 PM
I am back in Ft. Pierce for now and would like to make a commitment. December 30 might be tough, but so am I. When all is finalized, please let me know. Twitchy, I did get your phone message, but had no signal to return the call til today. I will be heading back out next Monday or Tuesday, so when the decision is made, please send me another call. I will do my best to meet the colony.

Will do! So far its looking like we are in the finalizing stages, but will keep you updated if anything changes!

10-28-2012, 11:49 PM
If you can get anywhere close to Ft. Pierce, you could ride with me.

10-29-2012, 12:17 AM
Hope that you can make it piranha.

11-13-2012, 09:11 PM
Bumped up for our new member from FL.

11-13-2012, 09:30 PM
Date: Dec 30th
Place: Lone Cabbage
Time: 12:00 to whenever

There is a small park adjoining it to the west with restrooms, pavilion with I'd say 6 full size picnic tables, no grill but this can be worked out, small ponds and the St Johns river . It's basically in the same parking lot as Lone Cabbage.

Plan A if the weather is good,
Meet up around 12:00 Have a picnic lunch around 2:00 for those that would rather buy lunch can get carry out from Lone Cabbage or dine in. They offer good ole Florida cracker food like Gator Tail, Frog Legs, Turtle, Catfish and Burgers as well as the rest of there 42 item menu or... you can bring takeout from your place of choice. Simple so far right?

Plan B if the weather isn't so good,
Meet up at Lone Cabbage at around 12:00, Dine in and hang out. It's going to be in the off season so I we won't be getting kicked out due to the lack of tables. The place is good sized with open air covered patios and inside seating.


I'm looking forward to this!!! :)

11-13-2012, 09:54 PM
you know, i thought about bumping this early this morning, but i got reading other posts and forgot all about it.

11-13-2012, 11:35 PM
what is the date of this thing again ??

11-13-2012, 11:52 PM
Dec 30th.

11-14-2012, 10:07 PM
I really wish I could go and I want to and my wife will let me go but because of my surgery my body won't let me go for such a long drive

I better get some photos from this one!!! I really wish I didn't have to miss out

11-14-2012, 10:16 PM
I really wish I could go and I want to and my wife will let me go but because of my surgery my body won't let me go for such a long drive

I better get some photos from this one!!! I really wish I didn't have to miss out

It's six weeks away and by then your going to be stir crazy so I bet that we'll end up meeting both you and your wife face to face. :rolleyes:

11-14-2012, 10:21 PM
It's on the radar!

11-15-2012, 02:46 AM
I really wish I could go and I want to and my wife will let me go but because of my surgery my body won't let me go for such a long drive

I better get some photos from this one!!! I really wish I didn't have to miss out

if needed we can make a bed in the bed of my truck and you can ride with me. ;) LOL

11-15-2012, 04:02 AM
Maybe one or two of you guys could meet me somewhere on the way back home up north? Have like a little mini after session and get me in on the topics?

I am sure I can find somewhere warm, cozy, and free to do it at. Somewhere in the Gainesville, Starke area. It would mean so much to me if we could make that possible!

11-15-2012, 09:05 AM
Maybe one or two of you guys could meet me somewhere on the way back home up north? Have like a little mini after session and get me in on the topics?

I am sure I can find somewhere warm, cozy, and free to do it at. Somewhere in the Gainesville, Starke area. It would mean so much to me if we could make that possible!

i don't see why i can't stop by, not in a big hurry to get anywhere... on my way up and back, wouldn't matter if you weren't. LOL just PM me the details.

11-16-2012, 02:37 AM
You guys post a bunch of photos I really want to see how this goes!

Edit: What was posted after should be better placed in an actual thread sorry guys

11-16-2012, 02:39 AM
Hey all! I'll be picking up Twitchy and going with him to the meet-up. I'm pretty excited to meet with you all and establish some good friendships!

11-16-2012, 10:56 AM
No People
Coming from

Day Trip
Fort Lauderdale

Local yokel

Day trip
Brevard County

2 possible 4
Crystal River



1-3 days


Rice Paddy Daddy

Willy51 & Songbird
Day trip

Ste Augustine



Vera Beach

Running ToTAL:

updated! Let me know if I missed anything

11-23-2012, 10:00 AM
bump for new members

11-24-2012, 01:59 AM
it will be a day trip for me...

11-24-2012, 02:15 PM
Looks like a decent get together. Too bad I won't be around.

11-24-2012, 04:43 PM
Are you square? :p ^^^(Pun intended)

Yeah it looks like we're getting a good turn out and this should be allot of fun being able to meet the faces behind the user names.

11-24-2012, 04:53 PM
Don't forget the antennas for the group picture.

11-24-2012, 05:21 PM
I like it!!! Evolver is headed to start making antennae.

11-27-2012, 12:39 PM
make a set for me too Evo. I'm not sure they'd go over so well on the plane

11-27-2012, 12:46 PM
Little over a month away. still some question marks. IDTandy? Gunbuilder69? Rice Paddy Daddy?

No People
Coming from

Day Trip
Fort Lauderdale

day trip
Local yokel

Day trip
Brevard County

2 possible 4
Crystal River

Day trip


1-3 days


Rice Paddy Daddy

Willy51 & Songbird
Day trip

1 (+1?)
Ste Augustine



Running ToTAL:

11-27-2012, 03:06 PM
Day trip for me too Sniper.

11-27-2012, 09:55 PM
make a set for me too Evo. I'm not sure they'd go over so well on the plane

Will do!

11-27-2012, 10:08 PM
It's going to be a day trip for me. And a possible (likely) +1.

11-27-2012, 10:30 PM
OK one more thing would be helpful... Who is going to be grilling?
Sniper since your the most awesome chart man... next to the No People could you put a G or Grilling after each one on the Ants that chimes in? :)

This way I'll have an idea of what to bring for grilling on.

Sniper T,Justa and Evo are grilling.

If we get allot of griller's will talk about doing some pot-luck. :)

11-27-2012, 10:37 PM
I'll be cookin some meat & will bring a small propane grill to share. I'm not opposed to bringing a dish.

11-28-2012, 01:29 AM
Next year ill make my famous shrimp and grits with my 7 cheese sauce, I keep getting asked for the recipe but I'm not yet ready to give that one up lol

11-28-2012, 01:54 AM
Ya'll are putting TN to shame! Guess we're going to have to beef it up next year. Sounds like it's will be a great M&G down there. Wish we could come down since FL is our origional home and still have family there.

11-28-2012, 02:46 AM
Ya'll are putting TN to shame! Guess we're going to have to beef it up next year. Sounds like it's will be a great M&G down there. Wish we could come down since FL is our origional home and still have family there.

Where's your family from if you don't mind me asking?

11-28-2012, 02:49 AM
Where's your family from if you don't mind me asking?

Orlando and Oviedo

11-28-2012, 03:24 AM
Ya'll are putting TN to shame! Guess we're going to have to beef it up next year. Sounds like it's will be a great M&G down there. Wish we could come down since FL is our origional home and still have family there.

You and BWRR come on down. :)

11-28-2012, 11:19 AM
Next year ill make my famous shrimp and grits with my 7 cheese sauce, I keep getting asked for the recipe but I'm not yet ready to give that one up lol

You can always make up a batch and send it down...


11-28-2012, 11:24 AM
No People
Coming from

Day Trip
Fort Lauderdale

day trip
Local yokel

Day trip
Brevard County

2 possible 4
Crystal River

Day trip


1-3 days


Rice Paddy Daddy

Willy51 & Songbird
Day trip

1 (+1?)
Ste Augustine
Grilling meat



Running ToTAL:

11-28-2012, 11:36 AM
You can always make up a batch and send it down...


see i was thinking the same thing, i am going right by there.;)

guys, i was just going to eat there, gator, frog-legs,ect. but if you would like me to stop and get something, more than happy too?

11-28-2012, 03:28 PM
Evolver, We can bring whatever....so let us know.

11-28-2012, 05:19 PM
You can always make up a batch and send it down...


Then I will be getting random 2AM phone calls, honking at my gate, mods swinging from telephone poles tapping my house.

Nah man I would but its a 24 hour process I'm just not physically able to do it yet, next year when I release it I will send you the recipe but its but between you and me.

The grits are the perfect texture
The shrimp are pink and flavorful
And the sauce is to die for

11-28-2012, 05:28 PM
24 hrs to cook shrimp? you're not using body heat from your armpits are ya?

11-28-2012, 07:38 PM
24 hrs to cook shrimp? you're not using body heat from your armpits are ya?

Nah man It's the way I cook the grits, its not that store bought instant crap it's real grits you have to cold wash to remove the shell pieces and I do a slow cook process on a big crock pot for 24 hours and I have to mix in milk or extra grits and seasonings every 4 hours or so and it makes really fluffy very flavorful grits. I can do it in 12 hours but it doesn't taste as good as doing a full 24.

The shrimp are just custom seasoned and tossed in a Pan after being deveined and shelled, if I had the back for it and it was season I would go out on my boat and do what I do for my birthday in July the shrimp are normally running and so I go out to Palatka to the St Johns river and cast net a full to the Brim 5 gallon bucket of shrimp and hand select the entire lot.

We need to do a summer meet and greet on the water, any of y'all got boats and wanna go shrimping in Palatka next summer as a summer meet and greet I should be healed enough for that around July and I will bring the Grits and the Cheese sauce (the cheese sauce is the best part) and we could have a little party on the water!

We can get a campsite and I will cook the shrimp and teach everyone how its done!

11-28-2012, 09:36 PM
That sounds like allot of fun but if all goes well we'll be relocated in Utah by July.

11-28-2012, 10:08 PM

Why not up here?;)

It's where all the cool kids hang out.

11-28-2012, 11:38 PM
We need to do a summer meet and greet on the water, any of y'all got boats and wanna go shrimping in Palatka next summer

Dude, if you're in Palatka we fer sure need to catch up when you're feeling froggy.

11-28-2012, 11:55 PM
The whole dam fam is in Utah Grand Kids and all. :) Justa has only visited there once... and she got altitude sickness. :eek: It was my fault though... The second day that we were there I took her up in the mountains to 10,000 ft. :o I didn't even think, her being a flatlander and all that it's the highest she has ever been. I should have waited a few days for her body to acclimate. Lucky for me It's was like a womans pregnancy... she forgot just how bad it was.

11-29-2012, 12:51 AM

Why not up here?;)

It's where all the cool kids hang out.

AAAWWWWW, come on Iz??? we got 'cool' people here too..... besides we have White Sandy Beaches. :p

11-29-2012, 01:03 AM
and we dont have hurricanes..............

11-29-2012, 01:09 AM
we haven't for a while. i say we, i mean here around the house. when we do, it's not that bad, little wind and rain.

11-29-2012, 01:26 AM
That sounds like allot of fun but if all goes well we'll be relocated in Utah by July.

Songbird and I will be jealous when you move out to Utah. :) No really, I will be very glad for you and Justa.

11-29-2012, 02:35 AM

Why not up here?;)

It's where all the cool kids hang out.

Now, i am working on that!

Nah man It's the way I cook the grits, its not that store bought instant crap it's real grits you have to cold wash to remove the shell pieces and I do a slow cook process on a big crock pot for 24 hours and I have to mix in milk or extra grits and seasonings every 4 hours or so and it makes really fluffy very flavorful grits. I can do it in 12 hours but it doesn't taste as good as doing a full 24.

The shrimp are just custom seasoned and tossed in a Pan after being deveined and shelled, if I had the back for it and it was season I would go out on my boat and do what I do for my birthday in July the shrimp are normally running and so I go out to Palatka to the St Johns river and cast net a full to the Brim 5 gallon bucket of shrimp and hand select the entire lot.

We need to do a summer meet and greet on the water, any of y'all got boats and wanna go shrimping in Palatka next summer as a summer meet and greet I should be healed enough for that around July and I will bring the Grits and the Cheese sauce (the cheese sauce is the best part) and we could have a little party on the water!

We can get a campsite and I will cook the shrimp and teach everyone how its done!

I think we need to start planning this... if only i had a boat!

11-29-2012, 05:44 AM
I think we need to start planning this... if only i had a boat!

I have a 14' Mirrocraft Jon Boat with a little 25hp 2004 mercury tiller motor that I traded my last jet ski for when I finally accepted I am unable to ride those for a few years and It has a 950LB Weight Limit, but its Real Wide (60") V-Hull


It's not something I would be able to hold a ton of people in but i can make multiple trips and we could find a place that has a small island or a nice spot on a calm river to make a campsite and just do freshwater.

If I'm not able to do that type of riding (Stable and Deep gunnels and ultra wide for a 14' but its still a metal boat and that ain't suspension) by then we can just do a beach day somewhere like Daytona and just have a nice relaxing day out on the beach and I will bring some surf rods. I have two 13' and two 16' surf rods and we can do some fishing and relaxing. Maybe even a beer or two couldn't hurt either.

11-29-2012, 02:37 PM
BC, if you need to keep the motor going, i will offer my services to you. come down and run it through it's paces, make sure everything is working properly. LOL it's been a few years since i was down G'ville way, i am sure it would come back to me. seems too me,i remember there being pretty good Bass and Panfishing down there.

would a shame for it to just sit around and get dirty. LMAO!!!!!

PS. i have my own fishing rods......

11-29-2012, 07:39 PM
Well, hit a minor snag... my ride and fellow prepper has to work that day, so i am working on another ride option!

11-29-2012, 11:45 PM
and we dont have hurricanes..............

But you get them damn Tornadoes that can catch you with your pants down and rob you blind. At least with Hurricanes we can see that broad ass bitch a coming days before she bitch slaps. :) Utah has earth quakes and has only had one tornado touch down in history but the biggest concern in Utah is a super volcano up in Yellowstone. :eek:

11-30-2012, 02:43 AM
But you get them damn Tornadoes that can catch you with your pants down and rob you blind. At least with Hurricanes we can see that broad ass bitch a coming days before she bitch slaps. :) Utah has earth quakes and has only had one tornado touch down in history but the biggest concern in Utah is a super volcano up in Yellowstone. :eek:

couldn't have said it better. i like to watch, before i get bitch slapped. and earthquakes and volcanoes, you can have all that too. at least with a hurricane, you can decide if you want to run, hunker down, hide... and if the power goes out in the winter, it will take longer to FREEZE to death.:D

11-30-2012, 03:04 AM
our plans for New Years may change, if they do that would put me in South Florida during the M & G, which basically means I would be passing the location a day or two before and after, will all that traveling I don't think its in the cards for another trip back up for the M & G, so as of now put me on the probably not list, sorry guys.....

maybe we can do something in the spring around the Ocala area, maybe involve some shooting / range time

Alas Babylon
11-30-2012, 07:05 PM
Sorry I am such a late arrival to the thread.
As the crow flies I am about 20 miles from Lone Cabbage, of course it's 20 miles of wonderfull Florida swampland.
If yall dont mind, I'll check and see if I can get a day pass from the wife, and join yall. It be nice to see some familiar faces, and meet some new ones too.

11-30-2012, 09:42 PM
Sorry I am such a late arrival to the thread.
As the crow flies I am about 20 miles from Lone Cabbage, of course it's 20 miles of wonderfull Florida swampland.
If yall dont mind, I'll check and see if I can get a day pass from the wife, and join yall. It be nice to see some familiar faces, and meet some new ones too.

Great to hear this Alas and I'm glad that you saw the thread. It would be good to see you again and Justa says hi!

11-30-2012, 09:43 PM
Sounds great AB, I'll ad you to the chart

11-30-2012, 10:24 PM
our plans for New Years may change, if they do that would put me in South Florida during the M & G, which basically means I would be passing the location a day or two before and after, will all that traveling I don't think its in the cards for another trip back up for the M & G, so as of now put me on the probably not list, sorry guys.....

maybe we can do something in the spring around the Ocala area, maybe involve some shooting / range time

Dang... Sorry to hear this but we might be able to hook up at a later time.

12-01-2012, 12:19 AM
BC, if you need to keep the motor going, i will offer my services to you. come down and run it through it's paces, make sure everything is working properly. LOL it's been a few years since i was down G'ville way, i am sure it would come back to me. seems too me,i remember there being pretty good Bass and Panfishing down there.

would a shame for it to just sit around and get dirty. LMAO!!!!!

PS. i have my own fishing rods......

LOL I don't think you could handle that beast! I had built it up with my dad just "abit" it's runnin more than 25 Haha you should have seen the parts I had to get when I got the darn thing, rebuilt the foot, the throttle, the choke is still missing a tiny little piece but I've got it rigged for now, and the friction plate was gone when I got it. Now it's a well oiled 2 stroke that is easy to crank and easy to run.

I'm gonna go crank it up tomorrow probably and give it a nice 1 gallon idle on non ethanol premium which is what I run in all my small engines, hard to find but if you hunt around you can find companies like almond oil company in Gainesville offers non ethanol premium to the public. I was begging for access to the regular diesel not that low sulfur crap but they only do that for fleet vehicles.

Bass are not good right now but the panfishing is darned awesome!

Y'all ever try chicken fried bacon and deep fried hotdogs? Mmmmmmm its good!

12-01-2012, 05:19 AM
BC i am no stranger to 'hopped up boat motors' (LOL), i am sure i could do it. my last real boat was a 14' Kennedy Craft w/a hot 25hp Evenruder. LOL i re did the floor to suit me, added a casting deck/storage in the front, 2 trolling motors, rod storage, 2 fishfinders, wired for everything. she would run like the wind and floated in 4 1/2" of water. great little boat for chasing Reds,Specs and the occasional trip in the Gulf. there are several wrecks right off the coast. she was great at pond-hopping too, i could get it lake up here on the reservation, that others were afraid of. loved that boat. many hours were spent with her. but,alas, i was at the bait-n-tackle and a guy was looking for a boat for his son and asked if she was for sale. note- everything can be had for the right price!!! he paid the asking price, which was $1250 more than i had in it.

talked to him and his son a month ago, and both love it. still going strong.

yeah, chicken fried bacon is the BOMB! deep fried dogs are good if they are all Beef.

12-01-2012, 06:48 AM
The only hotdogs I like are Hebrew national 100% kosher beef

12-02-2012, 12:42 AM
Dang... Sorry to hear this but we might be able to hook up at a later time.

just make sure you guys discuss a " part 2 " coming soon :cool:

12-09-2012, 11:01 PM
BUMP for the new people...

12-10-2012, 10:25 PM
It's just around the corner now (20 days away).

12-14-2012, 03:36 PM

No People
Coming from

Day Trip
Fort Lauderdale

day trip
Local yokel

Day trip
Brevard County

2 possible 4
Crystal River

Day trip


1-3 days


Rice Paddy Daddy

Willy51 & Songbird
Day trip

1 (+1?)
Ste Augustine



Running ToTAL:

Anyone else???

12-14-2012, 10:36 PM
Who else can bring a grill without to much problem? I'll be bringing mine but it would be good to have at least two.

12-14-2012, 11:50 PM
Who else can bring a grill without to much problem? I'll be bringing mine but it would be good to have at least two.

I'll be bringing a small propane grill.

12-15-2012, 12:13 AM
:cool: We be a grilln!!!

12-15-2012, 12:37 AM
BTW if the Mayan are right... Plan C will be in effect. Plan C is... Just after you are greeted by Peter and pass the purely gates you will see a sign that has a arrow pointing to the right that reads "Like Minded" so head that way and you'll find us but be quiet so you don't offend those that think that they're the only one's up there. (wink)

12-15-2012, 11:08 PM
seems on the last upate, Igrabbed the wrong one...

No People
Coming from

Day Trip
Fort Lauderdale

day trip
Local yokel

Day trip
Brevard County

2 possible 4
Crystal River

Day trip


1-3 days


Rice Paddy Daddy

Willy51 & Songbird
Day trip

1 (+1?)
Ste Augustine
Grilling meat



Running ToTAL:

12-16-2012, 05:27 PM

I was officially OUT a few pages back , but you guys still have me as 2 maybe 4 , I'll be traveling past the spot about 2 days in advance and then back past it 2 days later, just cant do a third trip , sorry.....still hope you guys talk about doing another M & G up a little further north and west in the spring, maybe do a little shooting - camping ??? I know a good place in Western Hernando County

12-17-2012, 11:27 AM
No People
Coming from

Day Trip
Fort Lauderdale

day trip
Local yokel

Day trip
Brevard County


Day trip


1-3 days


Rice Paddy Daddy

Willy51 & Songbird
Day trip

1 (+1?)
Ste Augustine
Grilling meat



Running ToTAL:

12-19-2012, 11:00 PM
11 days and counting. :) We still need people to chime in if your grilling or eating in/takeout so we can figure out pot-luck or not. At this point we only have 5 confirmed that are grilling.

Robsdak... Are you willing to bring some para-cord along with the items for sale and do a demo of your skills for us. :)

12-19-2012, 11:12 PM
Not sure if I've said but if we want to do a potluck, I don't mind bringing a dish to pass.

12-22-2012, 12:30 AM
Hey Everyone! Justa here! :)

Leave it to me to throw a monkey wrench in to the plans but I ran this by Evolver when he got home tonight and told him I'd plead my own case...

I have completely stayed away from this whole entire process. Evolver was so excited about it I just wanted to let him run with it and make all the plans. Problem is, I'm dealing with a health issue. For a variety of reasons, I would be MUCH more comfortable if we could have the M&G here at the house.

We are roughly 30-40 minutes, max, south and east from Lone Cabbage but we are super easy on and off the interstate. This will be better for any one coming from the south but will add a little more travel time to those coming from the west and/or north. That said, having it here will mean we will have all the creature comforts of "home" if the weather turns bad and toting extra grills and coolers won't be necessary. And as a bonus we'll throw in a personal tour of the Almost World Famous Doom Room. :cool:

To make up for the added inconvenience we agreed to provide the meats...IF you all agree to come here. I make an awesome (Bobby Flay) Turkey Burger and plan on making those if I can find ripe Avocado's and Poblano's next week. If not, we'll do beef burgers but a little more special courtesy of a Spike Mendelsohn recipe that Evolver and I love. We also have two slabs of Spare Ribs in the deep freeze. It's not enough to make a full meal of for all of us but enough for each of us to have a few to munch on. I will also provide homemade potato and macaroni salads AS WELL AS a few munchies AND dessert.

If you would prefer something other than burgers and ribs feel free to bring your own meats, there will be plenty of room on the grill. Additional sides to share would also be welcome but certainly not required.

Everybody sound off...would you still be in if we moved it here or are you set on Lone Cabbage?

12-22-2012, 03:39 PM
works for me. I really don't care where it is, or what it is, I just want to meet you all!

I hope everything is ok Justa!

12-22-2012, 04:57 PM
yeah, guys i am up for it. sure i can bring some stuff and give a how-to. i can do whatever people want to eat, just let me know.

sorry for my absence my computer went south and the FedEx guy just dropped it off this morning, thank goodness it was covered under warranty!!!

12-23-2012, 07:24 PM
Sorry for the delay, I've been in the woods for the last four days.

I'm up for whatever.

12-24-2012, 03:45 AM
I'm standing by on a ride situation...

12-24-2012, 06:40 PM
I'm standing by on a ride situation...

I'm good on the ride however the jeep is down at the moment. Looks like I'll be pimping the grocery getter... :(

12-24-2012, 07:47 PM
Looks like the only two who haven't chimed in is Willie and Onestep. I'll rattle their cages and see what kind of feedback I get.

12-26-2012, 11:42 AM
Still planning on coming and your place is fine Justa.

12-26-2012, 09:45 PM
OK, looks like the venue change is official. I still haven't heard from Willie and I also sent a PM to Alas Babylon. He's real close to us and we've met him before at other meet and greets so hopefully he'll show (he responded very early in this thread that he was interested in coming).

Menu is planned but please bring your own beverages. We'll supply the ice, cups and coolers for beer and soda. Sniper...what's your pleasure? You're on our tab this time around so pick your poison. :cool:

Evolver tells me the original time was scheduled for 12:00 noon but our doors are always open so if anyone shows early its no problem. :D

PM's in-bound to the following with contact information and directions:


**Twitchy...are you coming? I'm guessing from your last post that you are looking for a ride from the west coast???

Onestep knows his way.

There's still plenty of room and time if anyone else wants to show. Just post and we'll send out the info. We're looking forward to meeting everyone!!

12-26-2012, 10:43 PM
Justa just sent out our info and also... the last three turning points on the trail will be blazed with a small ant. :)


Looking forward to Sunday!!!

12-27-2012, 12:48 AM
guys, i really hate to do this, but i am out. sick and doctor says not to travel. some know my medical situation.

12-27-2012, 01:15 AM
Hello everyone! My last post a few weeks back, I mentioned that we were moving back to the panhandle of Florida..."home". We tried southern Florida for a bit and I guess I just got homesick. Anyways, we had a great Christmas at our home here in paradise with most of our kids and grandkids with us including my Mom. I will still have some family here and my brother is coming in this weekend since he could not make it for Christmas due to bronchitis. Therefore, we probably won't make the M&G. I am bummed as we were really looking forward to meeting everyone. There is a 10% chance we may make it, but it will be last minute if everyone decides to leave and go back to Georgia. I will let Justa and Evolver know it we can make it. Sorry.

12-27-2012, 04:11 AM
Let me try to figure it out... At this point, it's a no go... And that bums me out. Was looking forward to meeting everyone!

12-27-2012, 03:55 PM

No People
Coming from

Day Trip
Fort Lauderdale

day trip
Local yokel

Day trip
Brevard County


Day trip


Willy51 & Songbird

1 (+1?)
Ste Augustine
Grilling meat


Running ToTAL:

Although Twitchy is still an 'maybe'

12-27-2012, 04:00 PM
Sniper...what's your pleasure? You're on our tab this time around so pick your poison. :cool:

Pretty much anything is good. I am allergic to coconut, so no Pina Coladas, but anything else containing rum is good. as is beer, and of course water.

We'll have a couple hour drive to get home again, So don't plan on much, I really don't need an impaired in a foreign country.

12-27-2012, 04:28 PM
Just keepin y'all fine folks abreast of the situation here. This past weekends 4 day primitive camping trip resulted in a sick SO & I'm feeling a bit under the weather as well. The current plan is to attend however if I get sicker rather than better, I will not bring my illness with & will sit this one out.

12-27-2012, 04:42 PM
I'd be willing to chip in... can you rent one of these:



12-27-2012, 04:54 PM

Alas Babylon
12-27-2012, 06:41 PM
Sorry, but I just can't escape the holiday family requirements, so I won't be able to get out there. I had hoped they would be over by now, but...
I sure wanted to renew old friendships, and make new ones as well.
and a chance to see Justa's Garden!!! I'm bummed!
All my best, and I hope to meet you all at the next M&G.

12-27-2012, 07:38 PM
Pretty much anything is good. I am allergic to coconut, so no Pina Coladas, but anything else containing rum is good. as is beer, and of course water.

We'll have a couple hour drive to get home again, So don't plan on much, I really don't need an impaired in a foreign country.

you are the only one Ive ever met that is also allergic to coconut!

12-28-2012, 01:31 AM
you are the only one Ive ever met that is also allergic to coconut!

I know one.

I found out the hard way trying to get a girl drunk at a beach bar on pina colata's one night, took forever to get that puke out of my truck

12-28-2012, 02:21 AM
I know one.

I found out the hard way trying to get a girl drunk at a beach bar on pina colata's one night, took forever to get that puke out of my truck

thats the hard way to find it out... lmao....

12-28-2012, 01:42 PM
Robsdak and Jeeper, Hope you two get feeling better soon and make sure that you guys rest up and take in extra liquids.

Alas and Rentprop, We understand with the holiday season upon us.

Willie, Congrats on the move!!! I bet it nice to be around family again and hopefully in the near future we'll be doing the same thing. I'm sure that where you're located now is a better than before in South Fl.

Twitchy, You need to work on some wheels man! :p I know your focused on your education which is the most important thing that you can ever do so... We understand. :)

Onestep, Hope it works out that you can make it.

Sniper, Our place will be Coconut Free and make sure you pack some long sleeved shirts, Sundays forecast is mid 60's for the high and 40's for the low but... for you this just might be tee's and shorts weather for you two.:p Looking forward to meet you two, we'll see you Sunday and have a safe flight.

If we're still here in the spring I'll put another M&G together. Maybe a Ocala campout with a day river trip or something.

12-28-2012, 02:04 PM
If we're still here in the spring I'll put another M&G together. Maybe a Ocala campout with a day river trip or something.

Thanks man, I'm just starting to really feel it so it's looking less & less likely that we'll be able to make it... not sure yet if it's a common cold or something worse but I'm a huge advocate of isolation when it comes to illness. I hate it when I pick up someone else's funk in a preventable situation.

A spring camping trip sounds great. I am definitely down with that.

12-28-2012, 02:47 PM
you are the only one Ive ever met that is also allergic to coconut!

I am not allergic to it, as in being ill, but I cannot stand the smell and taste of it.

12-28-2012, 10:57 PM
Dang Jeeper!

Not you too!!

Listen, I'm planting hand on hip and finger wagging you. If you wake up Sunday morning and you are feeling fine then you firmly plant your butt cheeks in your "Grocery Getter" and you (and Mrs. Jeeper??) head this way. Now if you are looking and feeling like Typhoid Mary, well, that's another story. :p

Robsdak...we know you're sick as well but if you have turned the corner by Sunday the invite is still open.

Sniper, I'm a beer-baby so I don't know much about hard liquor but I did get you a bottle of Rum and some Coke today. I skipped all things coconut. :p Have a safe flight and we'll see you Sunday! :cool:

12-29-2012, 01:33 AM
Dang Jeeper!

Not you too!!

I know right? If I'm feeling froggy I will definitely be there.

12-29-2012, 01:42 AM
you can skip the coke, if you can find some Dr Pepper kicking around. Yeah, I'm weird that way! rofl

If you have an aversion to an isolation bubble, you can always wear a

we can even draw an ant face on there for ya...


12-29-2012, 03:13 AM
i really do miss not being there. but, i have a heart condition. (not really a big deal, in it's self. too me anyways... there are some of you that are going to have thoughts about my last statement, but this is ho i see it. been there,done that and have the t-shirts to prove it. LOL it's been a good life.) anywho coupled with Pulmonary Edema is not good. it was either stay home in bed, off my feet ( LOL ) or the Hospital ( Cute nurses are MEAN! ) so i opted for home. no worries, i will be fine in a week or so, just need to stay flat so the fluid drains. i asked the Doc for a valve that i could open and close as needed, he laughed and said no.

my sister bought me an Android Tablet, so i could keep up with things, easier than a Laptop.

i am looking forward to the next one.

12-29-2012, 04:50 AM
Mmmmmm cute nurses...

Mmmmmm mean....

damn, you just got me going!


12-29-2012, 12:31 PM
i really do miss not being there. but, i have a heart condition. (not really a big deal, in it's self. too me anyways... there are some of you that are going to have thoughts about my last statement, but this is ho i see it. been there,done that and have the t-shirts to prove it. LOL it's been a good life.) anywho coupled with Pulmonary Edema is not good. it was either stay home in bed, off my feet ( LOL ) or the Hospital ( Cute nurses are MEAN! ) so i opted for home. no worries, i will be fine in a week or so, just need to stay flat so the fluid drains. i asked the Doc for a valve that i could open and close as needed, he laughed and said no.

my sister bought me an Android Tablet, so i could keep up with things, easier than a Laptop.

i am looking forward to the next one.

Does the sack that your hearts in fill with the fluid? If so I've had that happen twice and it aint fun, I couldn't even lay down the pain was so bad. Mine was caused by a viral infection and was called Pericarditis that thank god went away after a week.

Rest up and in the next couple of days I'll be placing a para-cord monkey ball (type) order. :)

12-29-2012, 11:25 PM
SITREP: Head feels firmly stuffed with cotton & there's an occasional cough. Chest congestion is minor, throat is nominally swollen. The GF is markedly better with minor cough and the congestion is on the way out. We're sucking back Airbornes, dayquil & OJ.. we'll see what tomorrow brings.

12-30-2012, 05:07 AM
I am in Florida!!

We are currently checking in.

18 hours of travel, Blah!

see y'all in a few hours!


12-30-2012, 12:03 PM
Ahhhhh! dinking morning coffee in shorts under palm trees...


12-30-2012, 12:09 PM
Welcome to Florida and I'm glad you made it!!!:D Thats a long long day, If you guys want to sleep in and relax some thats fine. Just let us know when you're on your way.

12-30-2012, 12:17 PM
Ahhhhh! dinking morning coffee in shorts under palm trees...


Good Mourning!, While I was typing you posted. :) How many people do you see with coats on and complaining about the cold this cold snap while your in your shorts. :p

12-30-2012, 12:39 PM
almost everyone is in jackets and/or hoodies. lol

It's going to be tough making the trip up North for the M&G... there are about 30 girls playing beach volleyball right outside the resort.


We'll be leaving in about 10.

12-30-2012, 12:49 PM
Alrighty then! We'll be see you around 12:00.

Yeah coats jackets and hoodies are common attire at 70F and below here. :)

12-30-2012, 01:29 PM
Welcome back Sniper! At 40 degrees it's a wee bit nippy for shorts in St Auggy... fawk I hate the cold! *sniffle*

We're out this time folks. Sorry but the GF is no better, I'm about where I was yesterday & my sputum has developed a greenish cast. This time last year I contracted Strep twice, back to back, over an 8 week period & even if it's just a bad cold, I won't intentionally spread it. I'm staying home, off my feet & resting up. Y'all have one or three for me & let me know what we missed.

12-30-2012, 01:37 PM
Welcome back Sniper! At 40 degrees it's a wee bit nippy for shorts in St Auggy... fawk I hate the cold! *sniffle*

We're out this time folks. Sorry but the GF is no better, I'm about where I was yesterday & my sputum has developed a greenish cast. This time last year I contracted Strep twice, back to back, over an 8 week period & even if it's just a bad cold, I won't intentionally spread it. I'm staying home, off my feet & resting up. Y'all have one or three for me & let me know what we missed.

Thanks for the update and you two take care of each other. We'll try to do another one before we leave the state so rest up... we'll see you next time!

12-30-2012, 01:54 PM
Y'all have a great time and I know you will!! Wish we could be there.

Grumpy Old Man
12-30-2012, 05:49 PM
I'm thinking of you guys. Have a good time! I'm there in spirit.

12-30-2012, 11:59 PM
What a GREAT day! :D

Mr. and Mrs. Sniper, you guys ROCK! We had a great time with you guys today. And Mrs. Sniper is every bit as fun and funny as you are! You guys are definitely two peas in a pod. :p

Everybody...you guys really missed a good day with some good down to earth folks. You were all missed today.

Good food. New friends. Nice weather. Life is good. :cool:

Safe travels Mr. and Mrs. Sniper and I hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation!

Something just occurred to me...I checked my oven before you left but I didn't check my cabinets. I wonder where all my dishes are going to be??!!

12-30-2012, 11:59 PM
Sniper and his wife just left and I must say... Beware... Snipers are very sneaky! If you ever have him over make sure that you check you oven for the unwashed dishes that he "said" he washed, dried and put way but he hid in the oven (thats just what snipers do is HIDE), If you have any missing unique rocks (no matter the size... really) you'll find then at his place.;) OH and I just can't wait until Justa sees what he did in her pantry! Mums the word (wink).

All joking aside they are two people that I would want I our corner and it was a pleasure to meet them face to face, Hell our dogs even like them and they don't like anyone!

Pic's... My batteries were dead in my camera but T took some to post.

12-31-2012, 12:15 AM
I'm thinking of you guys. Have a good time! I'm there in spirit.

I felt you here and thats what counts. :)

12-31-2012, 01:22 AM
good thing you didn't have me over, I'm famous for jacking your TV remote and then mailing it back several days later :cool:, you know how pissed you would be to have to get up the change the channel ....lol

12-31-2012, 01:41 AM
sorry I was unable to make it, will DEFINITELY make the next one!

12-31-2012, 02:57 AM
Made it back to our Condo, safe and sound; after an awesome day hanging with some old friends. At least that's how it felt after meeting Evo and Justa F2F for the first time.

We were treated to a regular feast in true Justa fashion. I swear she prepped for 14 even though it was just the four of us. And they even sent us home with a care package for bed-lunch! :)

A few teasers for those who didn't make it...
Ribs to die for!
The best damn turkey burgers we have ever had (she even let me help with them!) with an avacado dip and a sweet relish that perfectly complemented them.
An amazing dilly chip dip,
and amongst a plethora of other yummy things...

If they are ever up in my neck of the woods, they will be welcomed into our home with open arms!

Thanks again for the hospitality folks! It was truly a pleasure meeting and hanging out with you!

Oh, and I don't know what Evo is talking about... I am the epitome of innocence!



12-31-2012, 12:57 PM
Sorry we missed it!

12-31-2012, 02:15 PM
The best damn turkey burgers we have ever had (she even let me help with them!) with an avacado dip and a sweet relish that perfectly complemented them.

We had a great time, normally when Justa's in the kitchen cooking no one is aloud to be in there... T offered a helping hand and to my surprise Justa put him to work after saying "I'll let you help only because you like to play in the kitchen also". Well... Pick me up off the floor she even let him use her food processors:eek: . LOL

During conversation the topic of being a tad nervous prior to meeting came up and I think I can speak for all of us that we clicked right off the bat and the nervousness was gone after the first five minutes of the meeting.

Your very welcome T and it was fun having your two over. Your wife is cute as a button and you two are birds of a feather. It's one thing to have an on-line friendship but having a in person friendship is the tops.

To all that couldn't make it... We understand and you all here in spirit. I think Izzy even made it... We didn't see him but... He's damn good with the camo.:p

01-01-2013, 12:13 AM
hey guys, just checking in. sorry to have missed the M&G. being in bed kinda blows!

01-04-2013, 08:44 AM
I am glad that all went well. So who finally made it and do we have any pictures stashed somewhere? (does not have to be posted here if OPSEC reasons)

01-04-2013, 11:56 AM
I am glad that all went well. So who finally made it and do we have any pictures stashed somewhere? (does not have to be posted here if OPSEC reasons)

Sniper and wife are the only two that we could see but I think a few showed up sporting their camo that we never did see.:) The guy's are good!!!
My batteries were dead in my camera but Sniper took some so if he wants to post any thats fine with me but he might want to get Justas approval on which pics he can post. (you know how girls are):rolleyes: