View Full Version : Training Scenario/Thought Process

10-11-2012, 02:30 PM
If ya'll are interested, I like to come up with scenarios/situations and treat them as training, so to speak. Not sure you enjoy or care for this sort of thing, but thought I would post one and see how you respond.

Feel free to start another thread with a different scenario.

Here we go...

You have just gotten off your flight and are in a cab/rental car headed to whatever brings you to this destination. Suddenly there is bright flash in the distance. The vechicle you are riding in stops. You notice that more cars around you have stalled too. Then all of the sudden you see a large airliner nose into the ground in a tremendous explosion.

What could have just happen and what will you do at this point? No lots of time now to postulate an answer. It's happening NOW! What ya gonna do?

Have fun!


10-11-2012, 05:14 PM
Turn to my wife and say "I told you so!"

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-11-2012, 06:06 PM
OUTSTANDING JIMMY! But you should roll this over to the "Warrior Round Table" as I have had to due to my types of scenarios. I'm game, LET'S DO IT! I'll catch up this afternoon or early this evening.

Brownwater Riverrat OUT..............

10-12-2012, 01:09 AM
OUTSTANDING JIMMY! But you should roll this over to the "Warrior Round Table" as I have had to due to my types of scenarios. I'm game, LET'S DO IT! I'll catch up this afternoon or early this evening.

Brownwater Riverrat OUT..............

Where is that? Is it a sticky in another part of the forum? Wasn't sure where to post this sorry.


10-12-2012, 01:12 AM
Where is that? Is it a sticky in another part of the forum? Wasn't sure where to post this sorry.



Warrior Round Table is a subforum of weapons forum. It is for a very select type of conversation. Reach 250 posts, and it will be accessible to you.


10-12-2012, 01:12 AM
I found it, but it's private. Guess I need a premium membership. I'll have to see about that. Thanks

edit: thanks Izzy, guess I got to get busy....;)


Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-12-2012, 03:20 AM

Warrior Round Table is a subforum of weapons forum. It is for a very select type of conversation. Reach 250 posts, and it will be accessible to you.


UUUUUUhhhhhhhh, wow Izzy I guess I left the safety off "moderator wannabee" you guys and your rules. Hey Jimmy24 all I can say is oops! I'll jump in your scenario though. Careful what you wish for.................:cool:

- - - Updated - - -

Turn to my wife and say "I told you so!"

Canadians............good 'ol Sniper, they hit another Goose!

10-12-2012, 03:47 AM
Wasn't so much izzy BW, you can blame the 'rat bastard from MI.

In this scenario I'm thinking EMP and... MOVE! Get as much distance directly down that straight, level road as I can before people move from confused to aggressive. I'll be trying to acquire a bicycle asap too.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-12-2012, 04:20 AM
If ya'll are interested, I like to come up with scenarios/situations and treat them as training, so to speak. Not sure you enjoy or care for this sort of thing, but thought I would post one and see how you respond.

Feel free to start another thread with a different scenario.

Here we go...

You have just gotten off your flight and are in a cab/rental car headed to whatever brings you to this destination. Suddenly there is bright flash in the distance. The vechicle you are riding in stops. You notice that more cars around you have stalled too. Then all of the sudden you see a large airliner nose into the ground in a tremendous explosion.

What could have just happen and what will you do at this point? No lots of time now to postulate an answer. It's happening NOW! What ya gonna do?

Have fun!


"Bright Flash" First assessment, I'm not blind. So this is not a nuke, i.e..... "Flash burns"(you did not say how bright so I'll have to call you out on that one, also did not say if it was on the horizon or if it was an air burst) Airliner falls out of the sky?
1. I look for smoke trail first (habit) tells me one of a couple of things, engine failure, explosion, additional wreckage falling as well, a few others but I won't go into that because they are extensive, takes tooo much time and I'm in a hurry! If there aren't any I'm thinking..............poooosssssible EMP. So I look for other falling other aircraft as well. (none described in scenario) so I carry on with current situation, and "Guestimate" distance to fallen aircraft?
2. Ask the driver if the car will start, is there any power? What's the answer? Check other vehicles in vicinity, same questions, "Did you stop because of the plane and the explosion?", "Will your car start?" If the cars won't start, then it could be we were close enough to a nuke detonation. Now there is the Possibility of the EMP from a nuclear detonation! React! React Fast!
3. Start yelling for everyone to seek cover! Find HARD shelter! Concrete buildings............ blast wave will be eminent! NO TIME TO HELP OTHERS.....TBSS
4. Prepare for the worst.....................right now there is nothing I can do for those in the aircraft. I am unarmed having just come from the airport.........but wait! You never gave me a "where I came from, why I am here"
5. Sooooooooooooo, having checked my personal carry weapons through baggage, which is legal. I have with me..........I GRABBED OUT OF THE TRUNK POST HASTE!
[B]Inventory: [B] 1 Sig Sauer P228 Crimson Trace laser sight w/ 3 mags
50 rds 9mm jhps
tactical folding blade knife
Now................I find the closest solid heavy concrete building, deep access good clear opening that faces in an oblique direction away from the blast. AND HOLLER LIKE HELL FOR OTHERS TO FOLLOW! Pray like hell we'll be able to digg out of the rubble..................

How's that for starters, I think fast on my feet............ask my wife, I typed it out pretty quick except for the typos I had to correct.

Brownwater Riverrat Out..............

10-12-2012, 05:56 AM
Grab my bag(s) and start heading the other way and start searching for shelter and supplies.

10-12-2012, 02:12 PM
Understand there are not any necessarily correct answers. This is a seat of your pants, gut feeling and what are ya gonna do…

As far as a flash, most airburst if they are intended for the EMP effect won’t have the same vision effect. A ground burst also does not produce as much EMP.

Good reading if you want, Google K-3 event in the Soviet Union in the early 60s. I won’t link anymore until I have some more posts. I’m new to the rules. No problems, I came here to make a new home, I hope. I will and do follow the rules…:cool:

Have fun!


Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-12-2012, 03:29 PM
Well in the 60's the bombs were of different "quality" Now days they are designed for maximum damage, in all areas. EMP, physical destruction, etc. Question: How close have you been to an actual explosion and of what explosive weight? It has a "shock/blast wave" concusion that will knock you on your ass. Now multiply that my a Megaton nueclear weapon of kiloton proportions. This information was not provided.

So Jimmy, hey brother. I'm not busting your balls OK? I'm no expert, I've spent a few years in the NAV (22) and been through numerous advanced Nuc Bio training "way too much math! I go with my instincts in your scenario. I didn't know who did it, what they dropped, how far, or WTFO? So I go with my gut. I'll wait it out approx. 30 mikes. and reassess.

By the way "BZ" Bravo Zulu (meeting attaa Boy, great job, kick ass, outstanding!)


The Stig
10-12-2012, 03:56 PM
Gotta catch a flight for real.....if planes drop out of the sky once I land I'm gonna be pissed.

Take a few seconds to listen and get an idea if the other cars are truly dead or just stopped to watch the destruction.

Grab bags out of car since my travel luggage has a small sustainment kit, my pocket knife, flashlight, etc. If traveling for pleasur I've already put my CCW back on so I don't have to mess with that. If on business I'm hosed.

Seek shelter pronto in the sturdiest building in sight.

Access situation from there.

Ok...time to board my flight.

10-12-2012, 06:19 PM
Gotta catch a flight for real.....if planes drop out of the sky once I land I'm gonna be pissed.

Take a few seconds to listen and get an idea if the other cars are truly dead or just stopped to watch the destruction.

Grab bags out of car since my travel luggage has a small sustainment kit, my pocket knife, flashlight, etc. If traveling for pleasur I've already put my CCW back on so I don't have to mess with that. If on business I'm hosed.

Seek shelter pronto in the sturdiest building in sight.

Access situation from there.

Ok...time to board my flight.

Flying on Halloween myself and then return day after election.....


- - - Updated - - -

10-12-2012, 06:20 PM
Just wanted to say, after doing some reading on the site, I may have jumped the gun a bit with this thread. Please believe me when I say it was just an exercise and neither do I claim to be any sort of expert. Just a "seat of your pants" type thread.

Sorry if I stepped out of bounds.

Next year will be 40 years since I started this process. I tend to lean to much on my own thought processes...

Great place.


10-12-2012, 06:53 PM
Not sure what would cause most aircraft to fall from the sky. They are designed to operate with a complete electrical failure. The engines don't need electronics to run (once started). Only true fly by wire aircraft would have issues, that could result in falling from the sky. Even the computer controlled engines (most of our engines are computer controlled) have a back in case of complete failure. There is a actual cable that goes to the engine and the pilot becomes the engine computer. He has to control engine power manually.

Just a little info.

I would head to my home, and prepare to lay low. My plan for most all situations is the same head to my property.

The Stig
10-13-2012, 01:29 AM
Just wanted to say, after doing some reading on the site, I may have jumped the gun a bit with this thread. Please believe me when I say it was just an exercise and neither do I claim to be any sort of expert. Just a "seat of your pants" type thread.

Sorry if I stepped out of bounds.

Next year will be 40 years since I started this process. I tend to lean to much on my own thought processes...

Great place.


No reason to apologize. Its a good scenario and one worth discussing. Please keep posting and contributing.

10-15-2012, 08:14 PM
I moved it. i had an uncalculated brain fart...
fear not, the real moderators have come to the rescue.lol

10-15-2012, 09:11 PM
we have real moderators?!


10-17-2012, 11:36 AM

Someone is looking to get their tag-line updated in a more humourous way...