View Full Version : Just lost my best friend

The Stig
10-15-2012, 08:02 PM





We had her for the last 8.5 years and we guess her age to between 14 to 16.

Had to make that long final drive to the vet, where she had been hospitalized since she first got sick. I just got back about 30 minutes ago.

Best damn friend I've ever had. Loyal, protective, smart and good disposition. Slept in bed with me nearly every night except for the past year of so. She had gotten so fragile we were afraid of rolling over and hurting her.

She used to run and play and when we moved into our second Ohio house she went bananas because she had such a large yard to play in. I'd look out the window and watch her gallop across the yard almost like a horse. She put up with LiL Stig and the 3 cats and was always open to making new friends when we had visitors. Sometimes I'd just run around like a loon and she'd chase me.

She's been going downhill since spring and got very sick last Wednesday. Pancreatitis. She's always had a sensitive stomach but this was far worse than normal. After 6 days and continuing to refuse food we made the decision. Needless to say it was a long weekend. We finally realized that hanging on for another few days, weeks or even months just because we didn't want to let go, and exposing her to the suffering, was too selfish. While this hurts, I'd rather take the heartbreak than watch my girl suffer.

Her hips/spine were already giving out, she had a lot of skin growths and an infection in a tooth. But in the end I suspect there was cancer or something lurking. At that age I couldn't subject her to surgeries to find out or the agony of watching her deteriorate over the next few days, weeks or maybe months. She had started sleeping all the time and had been eating less and less the past two months. It was time and we couldn't stand to see her suffer on the off chance we'd get another few day of happiness with her.

But to the end she gave out lots of kisses and was just a good sweet girl. Just an all around fantastic dog.

We're having her cremated so she can always be at home with us.

Needless to say, I'm not in a real talkative mood right now but thought you'd want to know.

If you have pets....give em a big hug and extra treat for Coco.

10-15-2012, 08:07 PM
Will do, and I'm very sorry for your loss.

10-15-2012, 08:19 PM
So sorry dude..

10-15-2012, 08:26 PM
Nothing harder than loosing a friend like the one you had... Praying for you!

10-15-2012, 08:31 PM
I know your pain, and I'm very sorry for your loss.

10-15-2012, 08:56 PM
So very sorry for your loss. No one loves you like your dog!

Taz Baby
10-15-2012, 09:30 PM


10-15-2012, 09:41 PM
Really sorry for your loss Stig. Dogs are the perfection of unconditional love and forgivness ; no other critter comes close.
We have all our past dogs ashes here also.

Grumpy Old Man
10-15-2012, 09:54 PM
I am so very sorry for your loss! I lost my 2 dobermans last year after 13 years of companionship. It was very hard for me to deal with losing my 2 best friends within 8 months of each other. They were both cremated and reside on the bookshelf in my bedroom where their spirits can watch over me. I miss them every day!

I did get a new guy, Max, a blue heeler, the first dog other than a doberman that I've had in 39 years. I just hope I can be half the man he thinks,and my 2 dobies thought, I am.

Prayers sent heavenward on sage and sweetgrass for you and yours!

10-15-2012, 10:09 PM
I bet you that Coco is saying think you right now for the eight and a half year that you gave her. Sorry to here about the lost of family.

10-15-2012, 10:14 PM
Sorry for your loss.

10-16-2012, 12:41 AM
Man, I am so very sorry. I love my girl very much that I've had for almost 13 years (since she was 8 weeks) and was thinking of this situation just today. She has some issues similar to the ones your mentioned above. Your loss is heartbreaking to me just thinking about the future. Prayers sent your way brother.

10-16-2012, 12:57 AM
Stig, sorry to hear about your friend and family member.

The Stig
10-16-2012, 12:59 AM
Man, I am so very sorry. I love my girl very much that I've had for almost 13 years (since she was 8 weeks) and was thinking of this situation just today. She has some issues similar to the ones your mentioned above. Your loss is heartbreaking to me just thinking about the future. Prayers sent your way brother.

Don't know if this will help but the one guiding thought we kept having was keeping Coco from suffering and not allowing our sentimentality and selfishness to cloud our judgement.

Keep focused on that. It won't make it any easier but you stand a far better chance of deciding on the correct time to act.

Even as I petted my girl and stroked her fur while she slipped away I had to keep reminding myself that 1 second of pain for her wasn't worth another day for me. That was the only thing that kept me from ripping the syringe out of the vets hands.

But until that time, enjoy your dog! Don't dwell on the inevitable. Focus on all the joy she gives you.

ETA: Thanks to all for the kind words. It truly means a lot.

ETA2: I just watched a couple videos from when we first got Coco. She was so powerful and vibrant then. Honestly I had forgotten how much she loved to play and run around. She had a thing we called "thrashing" where she'd pick up a toy and swing it side to side with great vigor. Sometimes the item would fly out of her mouth. Anyway, seeing her as a younger dog, in her prime, really encouraged me. We made the right choice, as much as my heart is broken. While the pain won't go away I need to get up tomorrow and go be the man Coco seemed to think I was (thanks to Grumpy for those motivational words).

10-16-2012, 01:09 AM
Sorry to hear this brother. Reminds me of 5 years ago when we had to put down our almost 16yo Golden. It still bugs me today, even though we a now have a 4yo. It's a hard thing to deal with, but I agree you did it right by not putting your friend through more than it needed to. Prayers sent.

10-16-2012, 01:13 AM
I agree with you Stig and I know that it was and is tough on you. I just witnessed one of my best friends keep their 14 year old Akita alive for several months when he could not walk, or see, or hear, or hardly eat. He was all bones and it was tough to see. Hopefully, I have some time with Jenni and I love on her and hug her everyday, because you never know. When the time comes, I will make the right decision and thank you for sharing your feelings.

10-16-2012, 03:54 AM
My heart goes out to you and your family Stig. I have lost 4 cats in the past 5 years and I adored them and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of each and every one of them. All but one are buried on our property.
Talked to my step mom today and she just put down her dog Zoe as well and will be waiting for her ashes. People who aren't animal lovers don't understand the loss that is felt when their "child" has to be let go. It hurts just as much as losing a human family member and honestly I don't know if the pain ever leaves. I still tear up thinking about my very first dog my parents got me when I was 3 who I named Monster of all things. I will never stop loving that dog. I just wish I had more pictures of him. Hug Lil Stig and know that you are not the only one in pain...children hurt for a lifetime and need reassurances too.

10-16-2012, 06:33 AM
sorry to hear about your Coco. hard to lose a family member. good thoughts sent your way.

10-16-2012, 01:41 PM
Sorry to hear that Stig. If any thing happened to Jericho (my husky/German shepard) I don't know what I would do. He is just like a son to my wife and I.

rice paddy daddy
10-16-2012, 08:02 PM
I am so sorry, Stig. I know it is hard.
My wife and I have always had dogs, and it's always sad when they pass.
Right now 2 of our four are on borrowed time - we always let them tell us when they're ready.
Like Eagle we have all our dogs ashes in urns, with their last collar around the top.

I believe in the Rainbow Bridge. I will see them all again.

The Stig
10-18-2012, 08:05 PM
I agree with you Stig and I know that it was and is tough on you. I just witnessed one of my best friends keep their 14 year old Akita alive for several months when he could not walk, or see, or hear, or hardly eat. He was all bones and it was tough to see. Hopefully, I have some time with Jenni and I love on her and hug her everyday, because you never know. When the time comes, I will make the right decision and thank you for sharing your feelings.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still pretty torn up but when I cling to it was best for my pet, whether the outcome was what I wanted or not, the whole thing is a little easier.

I wanted another 30 years with her. I'm hoping she felt the same about us. Reality is a cruel bitch, however. Sure wish it played out differently but I couldn't stand for her to suffer in agony just for my selfish desires.

Someone else said it well....dogs are great examples of unconditional love. They are great beasts.

It will take a while to get over this pain but I know I've got more love to give to a dog somewhere down the road.

In the meantime I hope Coco is "out there" and can see how much we miss her.

10-18-2012, 11:22 PM
You'll remember Coco for many years. As time goes on you begin thinking of happier times spent with them. It still sucks though.

10-19-2012, 04:19 PM
Don't get me wrong, I'm still pretty torn up but when I cling to it was best for my pet, whether the outcome was what I wanted or not, the whole thing is a little easier.

I wanted another 30 years with her. I'm hoping she felt the same about us. Reality is a cruel bitch, however. Sure wish it played out differently but I couldn't stand for her to suffer in agony just for my selfish desires.

Someone else said it well....dogs are great examples of unconditional love. They are great beasts.

It will take a while to get over this pain but I know I've got more love to give to a dog somewhere down the road.

In the meantime I hope Coco is "out there" and can see how much we miss her.

I love that country song by Billy Currington, "Like My Dog Does".


10-19-2012, 05:17 PM
So what would you have done if she had been perfectly healthy, but some inattentive asshole ran her over in your driveway? Is that grounds for divorce?

The Stig
10-19-2012, 10:21 PM
So what would you have done if she had been perfectly healthy, but some inattentive asshole ran her over in your driveway? Is that grounds for divorce?


10-19-2012, 10:40 PM
Sorry to hear this Stig, my heart goes out to ya bro, been there before and its heartbreaking to lose a loyal member of the family.

- - - Updated - - -

So what would you have done if she had been perfectly healthy, but some inattentive asshole ran her over in your driveway? Is that grounds for divorce?

Not sure I get your meaning here. Please clarify?

10-20-2012, 03:19 AM
I'm sorry. My comment was inappropriate. Please feel free to remove it.

10-25-2012, 07:15 PM
I have been sick and haven't logged on in a while. Sorry for being late with the condolences. I lost my favorite dog suddenly. It will be two years this coming March. I was so upset that I couldn't think straight and decided against keeping her ashes because I didn't want to have to look at her all the time. I really regret not doing it. But I stupidly put her picture on my Capital one card and everyone has to comment about it whenever I use it, and then things get awkward and sad.

Also sorry to hear about your dog, 4such. That is truly terrible.

I hope everyone is coping as well as can be.

10-25-2012, 07:38 PM
So what would you have done if she had been perfectly healthy, but some inattentive asshole ran her over in your driveway? Is that grounds for divorce?

Nope, I'm sure the dog would have forgiven him (unconditionally). and would want you to take a page from his book too...

10-27-2012, 05:04 AM
Stig , just saw this post I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers to you and the family