View Full Version : Local Hero DFW Area Takes Tattered Flag Down

10-16-2012, 04:00 AM
A local Marine reservist asked his apartments to take down and replace a mangled American Flag, they didn't, so he did. This happened really close to my house, if I'd seen it, I woulda done it. Glad to see it still means something.

Check out the pics, it's pretty horrible that they let the flag get this bad. If you click the title, it'll redirect to the article and video.


10-16-2012, 12:43 PM
Hoo-Rah, and all of that... but is that still not akin to theft?

If he was so moved by the state of the flag, he shoulda spent $20.00 bought a new one and replaced it.


10-16-2012, 12:59 PM
Well there are laws on displaying the flag. And it seems the apartment violated that law.


10-16-2012, 05:37 PM
Hoo-Rah, and all of that... but is that still not akin to theft?

If he was so moved by the state of the flag, he shoulda spent $20.00 bought a new one and replaced it.


Sure, it technically is "taking" something that doesn't belong to you, but US Flag Code dictates everything from condition, to acceptable methods of display, and nighttime lighting requirements, so... Since they violated the law, he was just "helping them out". And that's what I woulda told the reporters too! Lol. I turned in a liquor store for flying the Mexican flag T the same height as a the US flag once, city hall didn't do anything, so I called the local VFW, problem solved.