View Full Version : What is your weakest prep area?

10-30-2012, 09:03 AM
A few days I posted asking what was your strongest area and got some terrific responses. So thought it would be good to be comprehensive and ask the reverse question:What is your weakest prep area?

For me its long range commo, it is being worked on but definitely not there yet.

What about on your end? What is that one area that just never seems to get "there"?

10-30-2012, 09:53 AM
A group! The 3 closest people That I would want with me are 1100 miles, 1400 miles, and 1500 miles away. If SHTF, they aint making it here! :(

The Stig
10-30-2012, 11:10 AM
Comms for sure. I have some short range solutions but nothing long.

A group. We have a very large extended family in our town so there's that. However, no real prep oriented group.

A distant one would be maps of the area. That said, we know our way around pretty well and have no intentions leaving this area short of a direct nuclear hit (in which case I probably won't be to bothered with a paper map).

10-30-2012, 12:06 PM
Number 1 is medical training. First aid I'm good with, but beyond that all bets are off.

Second is just having the time to get all the things I know I need to do finished up. I have a load of projects to do but never seem to get around to some of them.

Third is probably having a group close by (less than an hour). We do have some good neighbors but that may not be enough.

10-30-2012, 12:51 PM
I'm looking into fishing gear at present....

Always plugging hole where I find them.

10-30-2012, 02:00 PM
Long range coms here. Got my Tech ticket awhile back and now studying for General. Because I will be moving back to NW FL soon, I do not have system and antenna set up for long range communications.

More defense training, especially for Songbird.

Refresher course on First Aid.

10-30-2012, 03:42 PM
My weakest prep area has to be my health. I have some issues that are not covered by my health insurance. They are life threatening in the sense that I am lucky to have 5-10 yrs in me, if we don't deal with this. Actually, the treatment option we are looking at is considered "experimental", isn't covered by any insurance plan, anywhere, so we are saving to pay out of pocket. The closest Surgeon that even does the surgery is in Lexington, Ky. I guess the good news is that with this being "experimental", the whole thing will cost less than other surgeries, say, like any one of my kids births. And, they are seeing awesome results, so far, they have only been using this treatment about two years, but at this point it looks like it will become a main standard care option. At least that's what I am told. I am tentatively hopeful.

If we can get past this issue.....then the weakest prep area would be....water, until we get that well pump put in. After that....I really need to spend more time at the range. I probably couldn't hit the broadside of a barn, it's been so long!

10-30-2012, 05:03 PM
Im glad you posted this. I actually was thinking of my weakest area of prepping when I read you original thread. I thought about doing a weakest thread but didnt have mine figured out yet.

I gave this alot of though and originally I was thinking of material items. Then I realised my main problem is money related and has caused my other defficiencies.. I got myself into way too much debt, after high school. Unfortunatley a bunch of it is credit card debt, and having toys. I am paying for it now with shitty credit and living paycheck to pay check. I am one of those with less than $500 in savings.

I am paying it down and working out of it very slowly. Its hard making what I make, while paying those bills, owning a house, boat, and putting the fiancee through med school. The end is on the horizion shell be done in a year and then she will be working and contributing. Were holding fast, but I know I will feel like a new man when I am out from under my debt.

10-30-2012, 05:10 PM
My weakest prep area has to be my health. I have some issues that are not covered by my health insurance. They are life threatening in the sense that I am lucky to have 5-10 yrs in me, if we don't deal with this. Actually, the treatment option we are looking at is considered "experimental", isn't covered by any insurance plan, anywhere, so we are saving to pay out of pocket. The closest Surgeon that even does the surgery is in Lexington, Ky. I guess the good news is that with this being "experimental", the whole thing will cost less than other surgeries, say, like any one of my kids births. And, they are seeing awesome results, so far, they have only been using this treatment about two years, but at this point it looks like it will become a main standard care option. At least that's what I am told. I am tentatively hopeful...

Have you looked into going out of country for the surgery? I know several people who have gone to Panama for major surgery and made out like Bandits. I personally have seen the hospital down there and it is top notch

10-30-2012, 06:49 PM
^^^I will look into it, my initial reaction is "hells no", but it's worth at least investigating. The biggest concern would be "after care", but, on the plus side, my PCP is FANTASTIC, and is supporting me and willing to jump in and do whatever she can to facilitate me in all of this. She has become a friend, we are close in age, have a lot in common, I have the utmost respect and admiration for her.

10-31-2012, 04:58 AM
as stated in the other post, my health and reliance on meds.

i got to thinking about it more and came up with no family close. i have sister and mom, but in a pinch it's gonna be on me. they have a strong tie to their church, so there is some support there. but there area we are in is a small rural area, mostly farms. and as Stig put it, in a Nuclear event, i am toast anyway, there is an AFB 30mi south of us.

10-31-2012, 09:02 AM
Comms...its always comms. Short range is covered but have no way of communication with ants long range.

11-01-2012, 10:48 PM
Comms and more of a community for sure

11-01-2012, 10:59 PM
Comms and medical training. I study online and have a books or two but but I would like to take some first responder courses.

11-01-2012, 11:29 PM
my main problem is money related and has caused my other defficiencies..

Same here.

11-02-2012, 03:43 AM
health again here, I'm a big guy 6'04 ...350 ish, bad knees and back, but that being said as long as I don't plan of having to walk it out & carrying all my crap, I'm fine...who really needs to bug out anyways ??
secondly would be fishing, I suck at it in real life, so I would hate to depend on it for survival and last would be planting things, my thumbs are the farthest from being green.

on the plus side, excellent comms General HAM with nice HF rig, plenty of noise makers and the little shinny brass things that go inside them, and I'm a natural marksman

11-02-2012, 07:28 PM
Medical I have: Paramedic for years.

Comm I'm weak in but do have things in place.

So my weakest is food stores. Then shelter. I mean we will bug in but if we have to leave my BOL needs work.