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View Full Version : Today's elections. This is prep related.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
11-06-2012, 04:45 PM
I would just like to say to all, good luck and God Speed. Today's elections are going to have a massive impact on everyone in every location throughout the US. No matter the outcome, there is going to be "restless natives". I am asking everyone to be prepared, be diligent in your travels, to and from the polls. Especially in the big cities there have already been problems with activists. So please be careful out there. The other thing will be the backlash from either, dare I use the word........ "parties". This is the calm before the storm, the have and the have nots will all be out doing their duty as Americans. They will be VOTING!

As for the aftermath, we can only hope it turns out in everyone's favor. I think the country's eyes have been opened once again with "Sandy's" destruction. Now everyone wishes there were like us "CRAZY PREPPERS"................. who's pointing fingers and laughing now? Not me, not the wife, we're still at it(planning and preppin). Keep up the great work people, it ain't over yet! The ants go marching one by one Hoo-Yah! Hoo-Yah! The ants go marching two by two Hoo-Yah! Hoo-Yah!


11-06-2012, 04:56 PM
Amen brother. Ants, keep your wits about you! History will be made this eve.

The Stig
11-06-2012, 05:21 PM
I actually contemplated posting something like this.

Thank you for doing it.

Being prepared, in my mind, includes things as mundane as scrapes & bruises to events as dramatic as societal collapse. Whatever happens tonight there is a *chance* for some societal disruptions. Plan accordingly now.

Avoid areas where unrest might occur.
If you can't avoid them have your CCW (you do have a CCW right?)
Keep your head on a swivel even in "safe" areas

Brownwater Riverrat 13
11-06-2012, 05:33 PM
I actually contemplated posting something like this.

Thank you for doing it.

Being prepared, in my mind, includes things as mundane as scrapes & bruises to events as dramatic as societal collapse. Whatever happens tonight there is a *chance* for some societal disruptions. Plan accordingly now.

Avoid areas where unrest might occur.
If you can't avoid them have your CCW (you do have a CCW right?)
Keep your head on a swivel even in "safe" areas

I let you open that door.............you were thinking out loud for me Stig? Shame on you.......yes, it's going to get ugly no matter how you slice it I'm afraid. It's the highly populated areas that are at risk I believe. Either way, people are going to be pissed off. So let's be prepared for that, go vote, go home, stay off the streets. Don't go out there lookin for trouble, you'll find it. I'm watchin some pissed off New Yorkers right now, "FEMA just drove right on by", Red Cross, etc. It ain't going to be pretty up there buddy, let me tell ya. SHTF..........a real NOREASTER, eh?

11-06-2012, 05:50 PM
Be safe all.....Brace yourself.

Look at whats going on around the country at the voting booths.....if they are putting forth the last minute effort for BO.....and he were to loose.....I would stay out of the cities for a few days.

My brother lives in Richmond.....After the polls begin to close....will determine whether or not he'll come stay for a few days.

It's not like this is a big secret.....We know something will happen....it's just the severity that is in question.

This election has my Spidey sense pinging up there for sure.....hoping for the best....knowing that it may bring out the worse is a messed up feeling for sure....:(

I'll say a prayer for the Colony.

11-06-2012, 06:47 PM
I totally agree with the sentiment being expressed in this thread. I've been worried about tonight and tomorrow for a few weeks now. With the storm screwing up so much in the NE that will add to the problems IMO.

My plan for tonight, vote, fill up the fuel tank, get home and hunker down. I haven't totally decided whether to call in tomorrow or not. But I am leaning in that direction. Stay safe and keep a close eye out as the evening wears on.

11-06-2012, 07:32 PM
As my dear husband walked out the door this morning, on his way to work (we voted several days ago) he mentioned that one of his buddies from another department, a retired pastor no less, is planning to ccw tomorrow, to work. He hadn't told his friend of our discussion and decision that he would be carrying as well, just in case. He works in a "ghetto" area, swarms of Obama supporters, and things could get interesting.

11-06-2012, 08:18 PM
Yes ants, ya'll be safe, antennas up.

11-06-2012, 10:25 PM
Armored Vest loaded with glock and AK ammo, camo and boots, along with corresponding cold weather clothes, locked and loaded glock and ak with aimpoint on, and truck fueled up. Covered here!

11-06-2012, 10:29 PM
Rumors abound, I am locked and loaded.

11-06-2012, 10:59 PM
It's too bad that when we fight for our Independence we also have to fight off the Dependent :mad: We will prevail!!!

11-07-2012, 12:15 AM
Many metro areas have been prepping for riots....many police officers are on standby.

close race....to say the least.

My BIL was told to have his phone on him all eve.

Taz Baby
11-07-2012, 01:28 AM
We are not where we wanted to be at this time and a week ago we found out why. The good Lord delayed us long enough to let us be in a town where the rest of our group that was getting ready could meet. So now we have our colony packed , locked, loaded and ready to roll for home. If The spirits and God delayed us for this, then they will lead us home safe. Our BOL BOUND convoy will be leaving soon. Everyone keep all eyes open at all times and be ready for the worst and hope for the best. Be safe and God keep my ant family safe

11-07-2012, 01:29 AM
maybe a sign of things to come? here everything seems 'normal'. still watching, though.

11-07-2012, 01:47 AM
Obamba WINS!!!! WE LOOSE!!!! I can't believe what I'm seeing in the outcome. FUCK!!!!

11-07-2012, 02:03 AM
It's not looking good at all.

11-07-2012, 02:13 AM
Good, bad, or ugly, discussing poll winnings and losses wasn't the point of this thread. Can we keep it on track, please?

As for me, I'm just kinda doing my thing for now. Not much else to do yet.

11-07-2012, 02:47 AM
Good, bad, or ugly, discussing poll winnings and losses wasn't the point of this thread. Can we keep it on track, please?

As for me, I'm just kinda doing my thing for now. Not much else to do yet.


When you boil it down, being prepared isn't a Republican thing or a Democrat thing.......It's a common sense thing.

Now..........I'm going to find some valium whilst I chew off what remains of my fingernails.............

11-07-2012, 02:49 AM
We got up early and voted before dawn, and still waited in a bit of a line.

I loaded up stuff all weekend. My wife was off today, and is off tomorrow. We are in the city, so there could be problems. I was at work today, tomorrow will be determined on the fly.
If I go, I'll have something serious that I can operate from the front seat of the car.

We'll just see.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
11-07-2012, 03:19 AM
We're fucked.............the son of a bitch won............

11-07-2012, 03:25 AM
Pray for the United States of America. Lord help us!!!!!!!!!

11-07-2012, 03:25 AM
We're fucked.............the son of a bitch won............

You know something we don't?

11-07-2012, 03:25 AM
While some of us may not be happy with the results lets not get political on here. No need for locking the thread or anything.

Lets keep it prep related. I'm not worried about riots by posse off Romney supporters. I am worried about celebration here in Detroit getting crazy. My father is working to support DPD for any possible riots and the old lady is supposed to go down tomorrow. Well see, stay frosty!

Brownwater Riverrat 13
11-07-2012, 03:27 AM
We're fucked.............the son of a bitch won............

Now we really start preppin, pick yourself up by the boot straps people the shit's just startin. Do not let this bring you down, you stand tall, you're an AMERICAN damnit! We shall continue to build the colony, spread the word bring more into the fold, but "screen and ween" be discreet people. It's time to fight back against this administration the same way they have been doing to us. Spread the cancer..............it's time to be "fire ants" let's build the colony. Hope you don't mind Stig............

11-07-2012, 03:31 AM
well the fact that he now has nothing to lose over the 4 years is plenty reason to start prepping in hyperdrive mode...

11-07-2012, 03:40 AM

11-07-2012, 03:44 AM

11-07-2012, 03:47 AM
BWRR and Twitchy, you are both right on!! Now we need to work harder and be more prepared than ever. Just had to have a pep talk with the family. We'll be okay because we prepare the best we can for all situations and that's all we can do!!

11-07-2012, 04:07 AM
Stig will likely be along with a cleaner, nicer version, but here is my take on it as a staff member.


I'd like to say again that bwrr was spot on in posting this originally, but now we owe it to ourselves to not allow it to distract from the mission here. Thank you all for making this a great source of information.

11-07-2012, 07:39 AM
lets keep our heads and focus on the mission.

While I certainly am not happy with the outcome, I am more concerned that regardless of the politics, we have more of a problem with economics, but I am not sure Romney, Obama, or anyone else short of God almighty could do much about it, math beats politics. So while the Obama re-election might cause certain problems, I think economic problems were inevitable regardless of outcome, so keep focus, and be level headed and ready.

What I do see as a big potential problem area because of the massive delegation of regulatory oversight from congress to the EPA, is that we may face an energy crisis sooner rather than later with Obama in charge. The EPA has been given a lot of leeway to regulate, and the republican house might have little ability to stop it. Coal produces 40%+ of our electricity, and it might be well on its way to getting more expensive. I have plans for a 5.5 kw solar system to be installed, and my payback assumptions just got more aggressive.

On the other hand, Obama's policies such as tax increases on the wealthy definitely hurt the economy, but more like 5-10 years down the road. Taxes on the wealthy affect investment and harm the economy but the effects are more long term, taxes on the middle and lower classes affect the economy in the short term, conversely tax cuts for the wealthy help long term, but little in the short term. So I actually believe Obama's re-election might help the economy very short term, and severely harm it long term, sadly, in the long term the economy was doomed anyway. As stated above, the biggest harm to the economy in the near to medium term might be Obama's horrible regulatory policy toward coal.

The Stig
11-07-2012, 09:52 AM
Stig will likely be along with a cleaner, nicer version, but here is my take on it as a staff member.

I'd like to say again that bwrr was spot on in posting this originally, but now we owe it to ourselves to not allow it to distract from the mission here.

Nope..you said it perfectly.

So for those of us distracted in the past week by the election, let's put our heads down and get back to discussing prepping.

11-07-2012, 10:40 AM
So this is how Liberty dies.....With thunderous applause.....:(

Well....I guess this means that my next CCW class will be packed.

Not to be too political....But if you thought the last 4 years were.....um....interesting....plug in the fact that it's now a "lame duck" term....the VP does not have the race card to be elected with.....so they have no "hold back" to push what ever agenda they've been going for over the last 4 years.

Pray for our country my friends....and prep like you have never prepped before.

Taz Baby
11-07-2012, 12:44 PM
Maybe your guy won or maybe he lost... but that shouldn't stop us from still doing what we are doing. Ants still work the way you have been too keep your family safe and Prep Prep Prep. Now go out there with the same mind set you had before the election locked and loaded.

11-07-2012, 05:33 PM
If nothing else, this is a great time for a membership drive!!! I am sending some folks this direction TODAY!

The Stig
11-07-2012, 05:36 PM
If nothing else, this is a great time for a membership drive!!! I am sending some folks this direction TODAY!

This is fantastic. Thank you for taking the time to do this.

Yes, now is a time to approach people who maybe poo-pooed the idea of prepping before and see if they'd be interested in signing up.

11-07-2012, 08:06 PM
Me and mine are working as we did before the election. We assumed the worst case ending ; Which was Obama winning but was hoping to pull out a victory in spite of it. We are going to be behind some due to many medical bills coming in. But we'll just move along as fast as we can.

On a good note : Took Dodge Ram in for tire rotation and wheel alignment and met a young man who went to school with my daughter and we agreed to talk more later about prepping as his dad a Nam vet is also involved and turned him on to this site.
Later talked to a couple and husband let it slip they were prepping ; wife looked shocked at him. I told them not to worry I do the same and moved them deeper into conversation. They're newer at it and I'm the first one they met and want to continue talking. I told him their first priority was OSPEC. They have many good talents and agreed to meet for coffee and see where we go from there and they were happy knowing they're not alone anymore and I would divulge more info on me they could check out as we talk. We both agreed after election our time is shortened considerably. And they said they would check out the site as I told them the colony has far more knowledge than I. Gave them my screen name and how to find my postings so they could get a feel for me before deciding to call and set up a meeting.

11-09-2012, 08:12 PM
Oddly enough, during this whole last few weeks, I've had people approach me, either via facebook or text messages, asking what they should do. And I've never really put it out there that I prep. So to say the least, I've recommended the site to several folks lately.

11-10-2012, 01:36 AM
Good to see you back TET!

Glad to hear that so many folks are having success with folks requesting information on getting ready for whats coming. That may be the one good thing about this election.

11-12-2012, 07:43 PM
Good to see you back TET!

Glad to hear that so many folks are having success with folks requesting information on getting ready for whats coming. That may be the one good thing about this election.

Good to be back. I've had some roller coaster events in recent months but all seems to be working out, not as I planned, but as planned I suppose. And this election has my motor working in overdrive. Too much to do and doesn't seem like enough time to do it, but it's working. I've gone from 1 maybe BOL, to 2-4 solid options. I've had no less than 4 people start conversations with me about what I think about this or that, what should be done, etc. So I take that as a sign I'm in the right place at the right time. Looking forward to contributing more here and to completely absorbing all the information I can from you guys and gals. :)

Brownwater Riverrat 13
11-13-2012, 12:52 PM
Glad to see everyone is in full gear. I have been "detained elsewhere" (putting it mildly) seems I can't get a building permit on the new property. Having shit fits, found out the morning after the elections......also having to have the transmission rebuilt on the dually. Might say it's been one FUBAR week. So I have been pretty much trying to keep sanity by staying off the news, working on gutting and installing new interior on LadyHK's "Short Bus From Hell", also during the evening hours I'm prepping about 1200 rounds of .30-06 military brass, reseaching our recourse on how we are going to overcome the building permit situation. Short of..........illegal activities that is. I need to keep it on the up and up. We have too many people to deal with in that town to piss off. But we are working a few angles that I hope will pan out in our favor. would have been nice if certain people would have said something a year ago when we bought the place. But.........we will overcome.

11-13-2012, 05:20 PM
So, to add a new dimensioin to this thread, and for me the response will likely be the same, but if you've watched on the news, we are at 31 states with an active petition to peacefully leave the Union and form their own government. Now, these are started and signed by citizens, so it amounts to holding a poster on the side of the highway in the grand scheme of things, but suppose the government says "we need to put an end to this" and the POTUS goes full on martial law...at what point do you pull away, bug out, etc? Prepping related. I don't live at a BOL, so for me it would be a get out of dodge scenario. What say you? Or is this even a stupid question?

11-13-2012, 05:31 PM
The only way I would Bug Out is if I lived in the exact area that the protest were happening, and I could see the situation unfolding to the point where Martial Law could be declared.
Though, I feel as if this is highly unlikely. I've heard it said that the only state that could feasibly support it's self it it were to be independent is Texas, and since I don't live in or near Texas I don't feel as if many states would even start the process to do this.
Now, if a group of rambunctious people in my state wanted to leave the Union (which I'm not sure would happen in FL), you can bet I'd be getting far away from there. I wouldn't be "bugging out" in the sense that I'm starting to hide in my BOLs, but I would vacate the area until a sense of order was established. Neither the Federal Government nor the State Governments want this to go down, so I feel as if any Martial Law declared would be short-lived.

It is political suicide in this country for any government official to declare over-arching or permanent martial law due to this sort of protest, and I'm pretty sure every politician who could make this call knows that.

11-13-2012, 11:00 PM
I referred 3 people today to the site

Brownwater Riverrat 13
11-13-2012, 11:38 PM
Gunner I guess this mean I have to put you in for a Navy Achievement Medal. At least that's what the recruiters were getting for every 3 recruits they put in when I was still in the Navy. OUTSTANDING Job though I might add "BZ" brother BZ! Keep them coming, we need more recruits, more ants for the colony. More people to become aware, to learn that there is still hope and that there are methods of survival without total expenditure of their monthly salaries. Time to "Spread the wealth of our knowledge and information" not our earnings to the rest of those not earning a living.