View Full Version : Elections over, now what are you going to do?

11-07-2012, 05:53 PM
Now that the elections are over, we have what we have.

So how are you going to let this affect your prepping?

Funding is tight now, and I imagine it will become more so, so with that, I set off to figure out just what I CAN do for the time being.

1.) Organize and clean

My house looks like a disaster area and my prep room is the worst. Time to start the ever daunting task of organizing, labeling, and sorting. I want to get everythign to where I can look at it, grab it and load it.........in the event that I might leave here.

2.) Get in shape

My doctors have prohibited me from doing any PT over the last couple years. IN addition, they tell me that due to the nature of my injuries and the chemical imbalances I have going on, that I will probably never lose the weight I gained after my injury.
Time to give a big "F.U." to these guys.

It looks more and more like I'm going to see some crap soon, and I don't want to enter into it in an unfit and unshapely status.

Time to get back into fighting shape more than ever.

11-07-2012, 06:10 PM
I hear ya Izzy. The only comfort as I diet and work my ass off is that when (not if) shtf, I will be in better shape than "them". Whoever they are. Also, from the reactions of some of my friends on FB, I think there are some outraged closet preppers out there, and I am sending them links to this site, in private messages. Lets hope they get on board!

11-07-2012, 06:39 PM
Now that I know we're taking the high-speed bus to rock bottom, I'm doubling my efforts.

11-07-2012, 06:40 PM
Well, ive already had 2 people text me asking if i would help them in getting an AR-15... looks like obama is sticking up to his title of best gun salesman in history...

The Stig
11-07-2012, 07:01 PM
I hear ya Izzy. The only comfort as I diet and work my ass off is that when (not if) shtf, I will be in better shape than "them". Whoever they are. Also, from the reactions of some of my friends on FB, I think there are some outraged closet preppers out there, and I am sending them links to this site, in private messages. Lets hope they get on board!

Absolutely. I encourage everybody to do this.

Yes, it is from my self-interest of seeing the website grow.

But now that the die is cast for the future this is a great opportunity to try to help those near and dear to you by exposing them to the knowledge in the colony. And bringing in more members increases the strength of our happy little home.

11-07-2012, 07:05 PM
this coming sunday is the monthly meeting for the local prep group I am a member of and I have every intention of telling them that NOW is the time to put aside half measures, doubt and dig in. The vast majority of the others in the group are new to prepping (less than two years for the most part) but oh well. Now is the time to prep like mad. Will also be stepping up my physical conditioning a notch, been running and such but will be adding more. Don't want to get caught fat and stupid. Stay safe all

11-07-2012, 09:04 PM
Essentially what I have been doing, with a few twists.

I've been working to get ongoing pay, tax, and pension issues corrected/ changed. The screws just tightened another turn today. Fixing these three areas will put money back in my pocket or make it more readily available. That needs to happen. I may have to hire an attorney to see results, but I'm loathe to do that with some other changes I see coming down the pipe, I may shoot myself in the foot if I hire one now, and miss out on a promotion opportunity that would propel me further forward than a pay rate adjustment can.

Also due to these structural changes I'm adding the MCOLES (Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards) physical standards to my exercise regimen. I have a sneaking suspicion they may be used to cull some of our employment numbers, which needs to be done to save our department. Our chief says the LE standards won't apply to all work sites, but I'm still going to make sure I can meet or exceed everything possible.

I still need to emphasize building skills and acquiring training in various areas, and reconcile physical preps (supplies and materials) with my current location, so I'll be working on schedules and ideas for that again this afternoon. So basically, I'm not changing much, just driving on and adjusting priorities as I go.

11-07-2012, 09:45 PM
Pretty much the same here. Finish organizing my preps from food to medical to weapons. I've made a good start on it, but have a ways to go with it. Need to reorganize all our other stuff as well, most likely will run across some more stuff I've misplaced and forgotten, so this is a high priority item.

Next on the list is to work much harder on my physical condition. I have lost some weight over the past year, but still have a long way to go. I sure don't want to get caught short handed in this area. I'm doomed if I do.

I will continue to work on improving our food production capabilities. I have already gotten going on preparing our land for planting in the spring. A greenhouse is in our future as well which will extend our growing season on both ends. I'm hoping to give a couple of grains a try this coming year, oats and barley. I had good luck with the wheat last year and want to expand on that to some other stuff.

Some classes are in the future hopefully. I'm hoping to go thru beginner and intermediate blacksmithing classes. I'm also going to be looking into some weapons classes to increase my skills in this area.

Lastly, I will be diligent in praying for our country, my family, and my family in this colony. We all have major challenges facing us in the up coming months and years. Without the guidance we need from our Lord, this country has no chance to turn around and get back to what we once were.

Update: I forgot to add hammering what debt we have. I have let up on that the past 2 years trying to get stocks of supplies built up. While i am no where near where i want to be the debt is holding us back from some things we need to be getting done as well.

Grumpy Old Man
11-07-2012, 10:08 PM
I am going to go Galt!

11-07-2012, 10:48 PM
Well money is tight to say the least. I will be putting way more of my money to getting out of debt and not into material preps. Financial freedom is something I need.

As for other prepping related areas physical shape is always a big one, and should be for everyone. Ive been blessed enough for a diet to help me shed 35lbs in a year. Now its time to build cardio and some muscle.

I will still buy preps such as ammo, food and what not. However my large plans will be on hold for a while. I want to focus on building the expendable items (food, ammo, ect) as I can get by with the larger items I have (packs, weapons, kit, ect). The key to all of this is continuing to grow my skillset, to devour information, to educate. With the right knowledge and skills you can build a future with a knife.

MTR we will be training together soon, I will be putting some avaliable dates together to meet. If you need help with the MCOLES let me know, I just took it.

11-07-2012, 10:53 PM
Meet ups are great, and I'll let you know on the MCOLES. I think their recommended training regimen will work out pretty well, especially if I tweak it some - i.e. using my weighted vest in training for the vertical jump or shuttle run

11-07-2012, 11:18 PM
The shuttle run sucks because its not like running a half mile. I did it in 4 min flat though.

11-07-2012, 11:22 PM
I figured that would be the case. I've got some major work to do there. Nice time!

11-08-2012, 03:39 AM
Not a whole lot will change, but I will keep more of an ear to the ground, as I expect something will happen soon enough.
Our house is a shambles as well, and I've been tired of it. It's just so much that I'm not sure where to start.
I need to get in better shape as well.
While we can always use more preps, I need to take stock, and so work on what's lacking, as there is a good amount of many things already. Money is tight, and I've been pushing hard, really too hard for what we could afford. Now, I need to back off a bit, see where we're at, and adjust.

11-08-2012, 04:05 AM
It is really nice here on the left coast. Because of our liberal climate that wants to help everyone except those who work I will now be paying a bunch more taxes. So I guess my new job that I had been looking forward to will just go to paying more taxes. But it is alright since my Governor says that we can save the children now............. and we can all go skipping off into the sunset.

Time to underground.........

11-08-2012, 02:58 PM
I gotta say that nothing will change as far as prepping. Been doing this thing for heck of a long time and have seen a bunch of crap go by through the years. But what we are facing in terms of economic bad times, scares me a whole lot more than BO getting back in. (though I sure was hoping he would get kicked)

My preps are pretty well organized and mainly I just am trying to upgrade some of them.

I've lost 44 lbs since January. (finally lost the chemo weight) My overall health has gotten better. I'm afraid it will need to be....

I'm ready as I can be. Hope it's enough.


11-08-2012, 03:15 PM
Elections and who's in charge changes nothing to my daily routine. I don't think any of them would have change anything for the better. It may just go down a little faster with this one, but it will go down anyway.

We'll all going to be dead in a month and a half anyway ;)

11-08-2012, 03:28 PM
I am with Red John, I don't think Romney would have done anything good for the country. My preps will continue as they are, luckily I am in good shape. 6 foot and 185lbs. I am not good at running long distance and I will not do anything to improve that I hate running. I will focus very hard on getting debt free, but that will not happen over night. It is going to take many years.

11-08-2012, 03:29 PM
Elections and who's in charge changes nothing to my daily routine. I don't think any of them would have change anything for the better. It may just go down a little faster with this one, but it will go down anyway.

We'll all going to be dead in a month and a half anyway ;)

Well now at least we have a time line. :cool:

11-08-2012, 03:59 PM
Well now at least we have a time line. :cool:

If the Mayans were right of course. Personally, I just think that if they had a bigger stone, the end of the world would be a lot later than that.;)

Grumpy Old Man
11-08-2012, 04:00 PM
It is really nice here on the left coast. Because of our liberal climate that wants to help everyone except those who work I will now be paying a bunch more taxes. So I guess my new job that I had been looking forward to will just go to paying more taxes. But it is alright since my Governor says that we can save the children now............. and we can all go skipping off into the sunset.

Time to underground.........

I have been plotting my escape for several months. Go Galt!

11-08-2012, 04:19 PM
If the Mayans were right of course. Personally, I just think that if they had a bigger stone, the end of the world would be a lot later than that.;)

Dick Clark is dead Red John ; No way to ring in the New Year. Them Mayans are crafty. ;)

11-08-2012, 04:25 PM
I agree with RJ. I think the calendar maker said f this, Ive done a few thousand years worth of calendar so its time to sit back and have drink. Someone else can do it....then they all died.

11-08-2012, 05:42 PM
I think I'll take 18 months out to 36.....or more.

11-08-2012, 06:33 PM
^^^ It would be nice to think so. When I look at the Greece situation I can't logically tell you why they haven't collapsed yet, all I can do is hope that we have that kind of "hang time". Ya know, the amount of time that the cartoon character just "hangs" in the air, after he has already run off the edge of the cliff, and before he starts to drop. When I think of all the things we could have squared away in even just one more year......

11-08-2012, 10:06 PM
^^^ It would be nice to think so. When I look at the Greece situation I can't logically tell you why they haven't collapsed yet, all I can do is hope that we have that kind of "hang time". Ya know, the amount of time that the cartoon character just "hangs" in the air, after he has already run off the edge of the cliff, and before he starts to drop. When I think of all the things we could have squared away in even just one more year......

The Greek situation is something special altogether.

1/ They had no business coming into the European Union to begin with. Actually, I have always thought that the EEC was a big mistake and that nobody should have gone into that.
2/ Greece is a country, and one of the worse in Europe, where the national pass time is to fuck their own government of all resources possible. They won't pay taxes on anything, have black markets, employees that are paid in cash under the table, etc. and they expect the gov to give them everything. So the gov borrowed so much money that they could not afford it any more and went bankrupt. EEC gave them a lot of cash as to maintain the Euro, and they kept on doing the same thing.

11-09-2012, 03:01 AM
We'll all going to be dead in a month and a half anyway ;)

I sure hope you are wrong.....:rolleyes:.....I'm counting on getting some really good deals on the 22nd....you'll be able to buy at pennies on the dollar. I'm geared up to buy, buy, buy!!!! :cool:


11-09-2012, 03:34 AM
I'm gonna listen to my new favorite song every day... Check out this song, makes ya think we're not the only ones.


Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uASQgLwaIs


When the oil stops, everything stops, nothing left in the fountain
Nobody wants paper money son, so you just well stop countin'
Can you break the horse, can you light the fire, what's that I beg your pardon
You best start thinking where food comes from and I hope you tend a good garden

Getting down on the mountain, getting down on the moutain
Don’t wanna be around when the shit goes down
I'll be gettin on down the mountain

When the truck don’t run, the bread don’t come , have a hard time finding petrol
Water aint runnin in the city no more do hold any precious metal
Can you gut the fish, can you read the sky, whats that about over crowdin'
You ever seen a man who's kids aint ate for 17 days and countin'

Getting down on the mountain, getting down on the moutain
Don’t wanna be around when the shit goes down
I'll be gettin' on down the mountain
[ From: http://www.metrolyrics.com/gettin-down-on-the-mountain-lyrics-corb-lund.html ]
There aint no heat and the powers gone out, It's kerosene lamps and candles
The roads are blocked its all grid locked, you got a short wave handle
Can you track the dear , can you dig the well, couldn’t quiet hear your answer
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, brother can you spare some ammo

Getting down on the mountain, getting down on the moutain
Don’t wanna be around when the shit goes down
Gettin on down the mountain
When the oil stops, everything stops, nothing left in the fountain
Nobody wants paper money son, so you just well stop countin'
Can you break the horse, can you light the fire, what’s that I beg your pardon
I think I see a rip in the social fabric; brother can you passthe ammo

Getting down on the mountain, getting down on the mountain
Don’t wanna be around when the shit goes down
Gettin on down the mountain x2

11-09-2012, 09:45 AM
I'm gonna listen to my new favorite song every day... Check out this song, makes ya think we're not the only ones.


Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uASQgLwaIs


When the oil stops, everything stops, nothing left in the fountain
Nobody wants paper money son, so you just well stop countin'
Can you break the horse, can you light the fire, what's that I beg your pardon
You best start thinking where food comes from and I hope you tend a good garden

Getting down on the mountain, getting down on the moutain
Don’t wanna be around when the shit goes down
I'll be gettin on down the mountain

When the truck don’t run, the bread don’t come , have a hard time finding petrol
Water aint runnin in the city no more do hold any precious metal
Can you gut the fish, can you read the sky, whats that about over crowdin'
You ever seen a man who's kids aint ate for 17 days and countin'

Getting down on the mountain, getting down on the moutain
Don’t wanna be around when the shit goes down
I'll be gettin' on down the mountain
[ From: http://www.metrolyrics.com/gettin-down-on-the-mountain-lyrics-corb-lund.html ]
There aint no heat and the powers gone out, It's kerosene lamps and candles
The roads are blocked its all grid locked, you got a short wave handle
Can you track the dear , can you dig the well, couldn’t quiet hear your answer
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, brother can you spare some ammo

Getting down on the mountain, getting down on the moutain
Don’t wanna be around when the shit goes down
Gettin on down the mountain
When the oil stops, everything stops, nothing left in the fountain
Nobody wants paper money son, so you just well stop countin'
Can you break the horse, can you light the fire, what’s that I beg your pardon
I think I see a rip in the social fabric; brother can you passthe ammo

Getting down on the mountain, getting down on the mountain
Don’t wanna be around when the shit goes down
Gettin on down the mountain x2

Yup, got all that covered. Just need a mountain to get down to.

11-09-2012, 07:56 PM
I plan on losing some lb's. About 60 of them. In a cardiovascular fashion. I went out Tuesday night when the electoral count was nearly dead even half way through and purchased more ammo. I will continue to do so until they quit sellling it. I will add to my food stores. And I am now in collaboration with a few folks of like mind who are making plans. I don't have BOL's of my own, but I have multiple options now. :) Life is good.

11-09-2012, 11:17 PM
Helping a friend move into our primary nearby as in less than 300 miles away BOL this weekend, plenty of room for all of us, 2 50x70 barns, 82 acres, 4 loafing barns, good ground for garden(s) backs up to. Corps land. Lots of potential for a self sustaining BOL with a little work, and when I asked "where are you gonna put the bunker?" Our friend said, "I was gonna ask you that".

11-09-2012, 11:45 PM
Move out of the dieing Florida and head back to Utah by next spring.

11-10-2012, 02:40 AM
just keeping up with the times. buying a little as i go, rat holing a few more things. nothing really different than was done before. not in debt for anything, other than monthly bills. more of a cash-n-carry person. AH! might do a little more in precious metals.

as far as it going down the drain in December, it can't, we have a M&G at the end of the month.... ; )

11-10-2012, 10:26 PM
Move out of the dieing Florida and head back to Utah by next spring.

I have to admit that I no longer want to come back to Florida.

11-11-2012, 06:21 PM
I have to admit that I no longer want to come back to Florida.

Yeah it's a beautiful place to live but it's getting harder and harder to make a living. Our house is worth a 1/3 of what it was five years ago so if we can't sell it for what we owe we'll be seeing the bank.

11-11-2012, 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Evolver
Move out of the dieing Florida and head back to Utah by next spring.

I have to admit that I no longer want to come back to Florida.

come on guys, the Panhandle is a great place to live. just remember, once you get below Lake City it turns into a different place altogether.

11-11-2012, 06:33 PM
come on guys, the Panhandle is a great place to live. just remember, once you get below Lake City it turns into a different place altogether.

I have been thinking about Jacksonville for a while. it is not ruled out because there are great incentives in being in Florida, but there are a lot of very appealing states like Montana, Wyoming etc.

11-11-2012, 08:55 PM
i agree, Jacksonville is a nice place, worked there off/on for several years. where i am, there's lots of room to roam around. the states you mentioned are nice for sure. only draw back for me is the amount of snow. 1 bad winter and your done. here it gets coldish, but not so bad you can't leave the house for days at a time.

11-11-2012, 11:23 PM
i agree, Jacksonville is a nice place, worked there off/on for several years. where i am, there's lots of room to roam around. the states you mentioned are nice for sure. only draw back for me is the amount of snow. 1 bad winter and your done. here it gets coldish, but not so bad you can't leave the house for days at a time.

I love cold and snow and can stay home weeks at a time. Does not look like a problem to me. :D

11-11-2012, 11:44 PM
I love cold and snow and can stay home weeks at a time. Does not look like a problem to me. :D

I agree with this...

11-12-2012, 12:20 AM
I love cold and snow and can stay home weeks at a time. Does not look like a problem to me. :D

Hear here....

11-12-2012, 06:49 AM
cold is fine, snow is fine and cold with snow is ok too. mix 5ft of snow and -10 degrees and not being able to leave the house, not for me. having to shovel my way to the truck and then hoping the roads are passable,again not for me. i always thought Alaska would be a cool place to live, then i had a buddy in the Air Force come home from 3yrs there and it changed my mind. i grew up in the North so the cold is fine, but i just can't be cooped up for long periods. i have been stuck inside here (health reasons) for 3-6wks at a time and thought i was going nucking futs.

The Stig
11-12-2012, 11:57 AM
I love cold and snow and can stay home weeks at a time. Does not look like a problem to me. :D

What is this cold and snow of which you speak?

11-12-2012, 12:16 PM
What is this cold and snow of which you speak?

The cold and snow found in the Northwestern states

11-12-2012, 04:30 PM
What is this cold and snow of which you speak?

Says the southern transplant from the great, white north! I'm sure some of us could send care packages to jog your memory. Maybe even some yellow snow, since it isn't safe to eat.

Grumpy Old Man
11-12-2012, 05:07 PM
The snow, cold and wind keep the riff raff out of Wyoming! Also Keeps the elk, speed goats, and bears in. Great fishing great hunting and not too many people. What's not to love?

The Stig
11-12-2012, 10:11 PM
Says the southern transplant from the great, white north! I'm sure some of us could send care packages to jog your memory. Maybe even some yellow snow, since it isn't safe to eat.

And maybe I should drive to Michigan and curbstomp you :)

But I do appropriate the *kind* offer. :cool:

No...this southerner is done with snow for good.

11-12-2012, 10:47 PM
And maybe I should drive to Michigan and curbstomp you :)

At least I know I have some time before you do. Its supposed to snow here tomorrow!

But yeah, Wow! You win. Ever since I saw that done on "American History X" I've considered it one of the most heinous acts one human could inflict upon another.

I now promise you shall not receive any snow, yellow or otherwise, from me or at my instigation.

11-12-2012, 11:27 PM
Stig, Stig, Stig, just wait till you get the freak snow storm (hopefully no ice mixed in). I have some cousins that live a little north of you and they do get an occasional snow. The big difference, it don't stick around long.

The Stig
11-12-2012, 11:39 PM
Stig, Stig, Stig, just wait till you get the freak snow storm (hopefully no ice mixed in). I have some cousins that live a little north of you and they do get an occasional snow. The big difference, it don't stick around long.

Bite your tongue you!

Actually, the year before we moved it snowed here three times or so. As you said, it was a light dusting and was gone by lunch but was the evil white snow!

The day I drove down the first time I got caught in Meridian for around 3 hours because of a little ice/slush on the highway (February). It's was a mess and those people had no idea how to drive. There were pickup trucks off the road....by about 457 yards. Not just off the side, or a few feet off the side, but entire rifle ranges off the side of the road.

11-12-2012, 11:40 PM
Heck even in east Texas we get snow. Had a ice storm a couple years ago that kept everything frozen for over a week. All my water pipes busted, and we lost electricity for the whole time also.

11-13-2012, 12:19 AM
Bite your tongue you!

Actually, the year before we moved it snowed here three times or so. As you said, it was a light dusting and was gone by lunch but was the evil white snow!

The day I drove down the first time I got caught in Meridian for around 3 hours because of a little ice/slush on the highway (February). It's was a mess and those people had no idea how to drive. There were pickup trucks off the road....by about 457 yards. Not just off the side, or a few feet off the side, but entire rifle ranges off the side of the road.

Thats the area my cousins live in. It snows so rarely down there, no one gets any practice. And like South Carolina where my sis lives, they tend to get a higher percentage of ice than snow. It really don't matter how well you drive in the snow, ice changes everything.

Just had to give you a little crap. :)

11-13-2012, 12:47 AM
Stay out of jacksonville. It is too big, crappy, and no future to be had. Unemploymeny is high, and the ghetto is right next to downtown. I lived 22 years within 30 minutes of there, to include 3.5 years stationed there. One good hurricane and you are screwed (that you won't know is coming after SHTF,) the ground is too flat and somewhat productive. No nautral barriers, and constrained by rivers (depending on bridges is a HAHA). You also depend on supply lines too much there, as nothing is grown,, unlike here in VA. But the area is growing fast, spreading out. Pm me for more info.

11-13-2012, 04:28 AM
that's why he needs to move to the Panhandle. only reason not to have a job, is not wanting too or depending on the field of work. not many "office type jobs". the ground is fertile, good hunting, very little SNOW, lots of room to run free and a hurricane isn't going to kill you. the last 3 we had, was just rain. now if you care for heat and humidity, this isn't for you either. but it averages out.