View Full Version : Whew! That was close!

12-15-2012, 02:39 AM
I just came way too close to retching and gagging all the way home tonight... 'Round about an hour ago I recalled I had heard my 5 gallon bucket full of rebar stakes, steel traps, and steel tools (to include a 4 pound sledge hammer) tip over when I went full retard on my throttle - while rounding a curve at work - because its really gonna look better if I reach the time clock 2 minutes prior to my shift starting instead of just one minute, right?

Better yet, none of this is really a big deal with my job, as I have a 5 minute grace period before I'm considered late.

However, I had two extenuating circumstances today. First, I came in 8 hours early, and second, I was still a little sleep addled since I'm rarely in bed much before that time of morning on a normal day.

So, when that bucket tipped, it registered, but only enough that I remembered the rebar does make the bucket top heavy, so I dismissed it and got on with racing myself for nothing.

And went almost 15 hours before it hit me:

I'd been given two GLASS jars of some very putrid concoctions to use as a lure and bait for the wild canines hell bent on terrorizing me at night, and my little dog too!

Now, I'm no genius, but I figure I'm smart enough to know a glass jar won't do too well if a 4 pound chuck of steel falls on it. I also don't figure a substance capable of gagging me in open air is going to smell too great in my car - especially after its been soaking into my fabric interior for 15 hours...

Realizing this prompted an immediate and vocal reaction that terminated with flinging a car door open, ready to stop breathing upon any hint of trouble - only to find nothing wrong!

Whew, I dodged a bullet there. One jar had rolled out and away from everything, and the other fortuitously stayed on top of that mass of metal.

I still think its time to revamp my transportation methods. I don't want to plan on getting lucky again.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
12-15-2012, 04:02 AM
Sooooooo? DO you have stink bait in your carpet or what? I think I miss it in all your elaborate Engrish there. Did you...........ah.....er....is your powder still dry? He he. How goes it? By the way you have plenty of water to douche it out.

12-15-2012, 04:20 AM
My brother one time in August....borrowed my moms car to go to his girlfriends house....pick her up...then go to the lake.

Nothing weird right.....my mom had went to the grocery store....gotten 2 gallons of milk.....yet only grabbed one out of the car.

they drove to the lake....about 1hr....and had to jam the brakes while going around to his camp site.....the milk spilled.

They parked the car....and camped with her sis and BIL for 2 days....and used their SUV to get around.

Guess what the car smelled like when they opened it up after 2 days of the carpet being saturated with milk....in August.

Funny part....they left after 2 days....because of the thunderstorms....I mean down pours....had to have the windows up.

He still get a bit gagged up talking about it.

- - - Updated - - -

glad you lucked out BTW......that is a close call.

12-15-2012, 05:47 AM
When I sold mobile homes, a guy I worked with had worked for the lot next door, and had a master key to the model homes... We put catfish bait in the floor vents of the models which were UN-air conditioned, everyone that came by our lot complained that the lot next door had stinky houses. Lol

12-15-2012, 02:48 PM
No breaks, Riverrat. And I'm not chancing that again!

Sour milk and catfish stink baits are some foul odors too. I'd hate to enter a car or home reeking of either.

12-15-2012, 08:14 PM
You must be living right MTR. :)

12-15-2012, 11:18 PM
MTR is always living right! Congrats on the good luck. That could have been a car seller there. :)

12-15-2012, 11:35 PM
LOL! I don't know that right living had anything to do with it, but I'd definitely have given serious thought to selling it after something like that!

I need a truck...

12-17-2012, 12:37 PM
That is so awesome!

I think you should try putting your stink in water balloons next. see how far you can push it!


12-17-2012, 07:25 PM
LOL! Um, no. No, I don't think so.
Well, I could see myself doing that under very limited circumstances, but I'd have to be pretty pissed at someone to justify it