View Full Version : Contrary to popular belief, stress tests are not fun

The Stig
01-04-2013, 07:02 PM
As usual this post contains vulgar language and will likely be offensive to nearly everybody....

You have been warned.

Old Stigy has been having some odd pains in the upper left chest. At first I thought this was caused by pulling a muscle or the like but after 2 or 3 months with no relief I decided to go see the doctor.

After an exam, 100 questions and an EKG she felt the odds of it being a cardiovascular issue were very low. But to be sure, and rule it out completely, she ordered a stress test. I figured what the hell...it's my civic duty to support the health care industry of the Federal Government.

So this morning I awoke and ate a light bowl of cereal at 5:30am and arrived for my 9:00am appointment all excited and full of wild eyed wonder. I did use the restroom right before the test to recycle some of the mornings water, but as I walked into the room my stomach had that first pang of "I may have to take a dump later". Y'all know exactly what I'm talking about.

Needless to say I was somewhat disappointed when the 50+ year old DUDE nurse called me back. He was very very nice and helpful but he suffered from one big problem: he wasn't a hot chick. But I digress. He took my vitals, hooked me up to the electrodes and explained what would happen.

I was further disappointed when the DUDE nurse practitioner came in to administer the test. Same situation, cool dude, no chick.

But I'm a sexist pig like that.

For the uninitiated a stress test is when they hook you up to an EKG and have you walk/jog/run on a treadmill. As your exertion rises any irregularities will show up as your heart beats faster/harder to supply blood. Pretty simple.

So I hop on and they start up the treadmill. It's moving at a speed to make me walk fast but nothing hard. I was talking to them, cracking jokes and being funny guy. After two minutes of that he ramped up the speed. Again, no big deal. Towards the end of that two minutes I started to feel it a tiny bit....but overall no issues. The talking and jokes slowed down but not by much.

As we go into the third, two minute block the speed increases so that I'm power walking to keep up. I tend to walk fast anyway so it wasn't alarming. Think of it as walking as fast as you can without running. I made a joke about it being like when I have to dash through airports to catch planes but as the block of time worn on my witty banter evaporated. I could feel a little bit of sweat building and as I approached the end of the 6th minute my breathing started to accelerate. I won't lie, my clutch on the handlebars tightened precipitously.

So now Mr. Fancy-White-Lab-Coat-Murse-Practitioner, doing his best imitation of a Nazi death-camp guard, decides to launch the tread mil into hyperdrive.

This is probably a good time to mention that, despite what you all believe, Mr Stig is not a chiseled God of athleticism. Shocking I know. It's kinda like finding out Santa isn't real. I went through a phase of working out about two years ago but generally speaking I've never been one for sports, working out or jazzersize. I could lose a good 20-25lbs and don't maintain the best diet. I could blame it on heavy traveling for work, stress of moon spot activity. Bottom line, I'm not disciplined and lazy in this area. I can go out in the yard and work all day at my own pace but if I really go at something I get winded and worn out very easily.


Holy fucking moose tits. Not only am I rapidly starting to huff & puff like the wolf fixing to blow down some pig's houses, I'm clutching onto the handlebars like Joan Rivers clutches onto living. I'm pretty sure I left marks in the aluminum.

Remember the part where my tummy started to rumble as I walked into the test. Yea. This is happening.

So now I'm (1) running on a treadmill (2) huffing like an 90 year old asthmatic with a five pack a day habit (3) clutching onto the handlebars to avoid being thrown off the machine in a heap of shame and failure AND (4) I'm having visions of shitting my pants in the process.

I'm praying for a massive heart attack, stroke and spontaneous combustion all at the same time to spare me from the humiliation.

After what seemed like an eternity, as I could feel my tenuous grasp on the handlebars slipping away, do you know what Mr. Murse Man says to me? The ass-hat says, "ok....just give me another minute."


Seriously, I was this close to letting go and letting the sweet release of death save me.

Instead, like a total blithering idiot, I focus on a spot on the wall and bear down. Fuck this test. Fuck this treadmill. Fuck this clinic. Most of all fuck whoever invented stress-tests. No I mean it. Find the guy, bury him alive in concrete and launch him to Saturn. Then burn down his house, sell his comic book collection for $15 and give his wife herpes. Tell his kids the dog didn't "go to live on a farm" and was smashed by a truck. Take a piss in his goldfish bowl. What an asshole. I'm going to ranger the fuck up and grunt this out just to prove....well....I don't know. But I'm going to prove it dammit.

Then Mr. "I Went to School and Have a Clipboard" blurts out "45 seconds".

WHAT? Fuck off you dickhead. That was at least 36 seconds not 15.

Now I'm gasping for air. Really. I'm making this sound like a whooping cough victim as my lugs decide "we're done with this stupidity". I'm pretty sure everybody in the waiting area heard me going "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaooooppp ppppppppppp" as I tried to get some form of useable oxygen to my lungs. For good measure I mixed in a couple grunts. You know...to sound cool.

This has gone on really too long already so I won't drag it out. I made it the full two minutes at (for me) a flat out run. Yippie Fucking Yahoo.

Now the real fun starts.

Short version: it took me nearly 45 minutes to recover. Between the cold chills, the incredible pressure that had built in my colon, the nausea and light-headedness I'm pretty sure jamming a dremmel on high-speed up my dick-hole would be more fun. I stood up once and the entire world collapsed on my head, I had to reach out for support and I nearly launched the contents of my stomach through the wall into the next room. I've never passed out but I'm pretty sure I almost did this time.

Basically I had to lay still on the cold title floor until everything settled down long enough for me to regain my composure and search fruitlessly for my dignity.

Thank whatever deity you chose to pray to that it wasn't a couple of big-titted co-ed nurses in low cut outfits doing this test. It was bad enough being reduced to a pile of poo in front of a couple guys. Yea, I'm a sexist pig like that.

So the good news is, after eight minutes of stress test there are no irregularities in Ole Stigys ticker. The two guys administering the test really were very nice.

The bad news is, I'm going to become a hobo and travel the rails to contemplate my complete failure as a man.

Bottom line: if your doctor orders a stress test, just die. It's simpler, less humiliating and involves no co-pays.

01-04-2013, 07:15 PM

I wasn't able to make it to the end without waking up the neighbors from the laughter!

Glad your okay though stiggy!

01-04-2013, 07:18 PM
I'm pretty sure I peed a little while reading this. Stress tests are evil, I had to do one at 23 years old so it wasn't so bad for me. It was required for my job...of course I also found out I needed a prostate exam for this fucking checkup so yeah, well leave it at that. I feel your pain sir as I am not a runner at all.

Grumpy Old Man
01-04-2013, 07:51 PM
I've had 2, both when i was in my late 30's/early40's. One was conventional and one was a thallium (IIRC) test. I couldn't wear my dosimeter for a few days after that per the doctor's advice. I believe the most important part of the thallium test was the $3000 it cost my insurance, with 20% participation on my part. I try to be my own diagnostician for the most part and only go to the doctor in extreme need.

But I feel your pain Stig, literally. BTDTGTTS.

But still, your description was funny as hell!

01-04-2013, 09:03 PM
Sorry Stig, but that was funny as hell. I to have had the thallium test. Imagine what you went thru after getting a radioactive injection and getting that nice warm fuzzy feeling. Like you the first 6 minutes was no problem, the last two was torture. They wasn't getting my heart rate up to the target they were trying to so they kept speeding it up. I'm 6-4 and couldn't keep up, felt like I was fixing to blow my heart out my mouth. The last 45 seconds they got me to my target and was encouraging me to carry on. Unlike you though, I didn't have a sypmathetic old dude. Mine was Hitlers sister. Hell I wanted to backhand her, but I was afraid the treadmill would spit me out and up against the wall behind me.
Glad to hear all turned out well and you didn't shit yourself.

01-05-2013, 05:07 AM
Glad you're still with us Stig. My ankle gave out 1/3 of the way thru mine.(joints are falling apart due to the tap and ballet I did) So I never finished mine BUT I feel your pain!!

01-05-2013, 05:35 AM
Bottom line: if your doctor orders a stress test, just die. It's simpler, less humiliating and involves no co-pays.
You sir owe me a keyboard. There's beer all over this one now.


01-05-2013, 01:13 PM

Are you sure you didn't shit yourself and are just not telling us to maintain your dignity?

Just think, had it been a couple of 18 yo hotties, you would've manned up even more, pushed even harder, and then been able to lie peacefully on the floor while they wiped shit from your genitals and giggled about what a man you are!

Maybe next time, you should ask for a stress test with a happy ending. lol!

01-05-2013, 02:02 PM
Well that sounded a like a lot of fun, the only thing that you needed to add is that they gave you a Colonoscopy at the same time. Due to my job I have to take the stress test every other year, not fun. Now for those of you people who are in shape and poo poo the above description you just get to go longer. This is what I found out went we got a new guy that was all into fitness. Just like me he got turned into a piece of sweating shit after it was done. It really is a humbling test. The one positive is that if the test does not kill you it means you will live a little longer, at least until the next one.

01-05-2013, 03:35 PM
Have to say I feel bad for you Stig. Though it was funny as hell.
I'm 62 and the V. A. doctor sent me to Wade Park V.A. hospital on Nov. 13th. because I mentioned a pain in my left chest side a couple times a year to do the same test.

Now the powers that be up above gave me 3 women as my testers. Now while this is sweet in one way ; you know your manhood will be watched and tested by these smiling she devils. #1 was sweet as sugar during the interview. Chatted me up about wife ; kids ; G- children ; great G- children. My activities everyday ; Do you work out ; how much physical activity each day. She next took me to the test chamber. Last test in my 30's so I'm thinking they'll be easy on an older man. WRONG!!

As they hooked me up ; on the thread mill they chatted me up about my daughter who's on this site about her being a radiation safety specialist while they slowly started me off on my adventure. Told to focus on wall and give them a number off chart as to my level of stress. I thought I was doing okay as they smiled and kept telling how good I was doing. Was thinking about puffing out my chest when I remembered I don't really have that kind of chest.

Slowly as they raised elevation and speed they keep saying how well I was doing and since the number wasn't really bad that I called out to them ; Was it okay to keep going a little further? Well being a man and not too bright at times I said sure. Don't ever do that ; They turn everything up on you. After I made it to where they thought I should be my heart rate wasn't quite where I guess they thought it should be for the test so they asked to go for something like 3 minutes more.

Well they got me to where they thought I should be and sloooooowly wound me down to cool off. After having me sit down they preceded to unhook me and asked me how I felt. Told them that I'm not as young as I used to be and they gave me a hell of a work out. The nurses said I did well for a man my age and many don't make it that far. I think they take bets on who that day testing is going to do the best in some kind of office pool. Winner take all sort of thing.
I jokingly said my kids always said I didn't have a heart so the on tester gave me a glossy print out of my heart like the one the doctor looks at as proof to my kids. I personally don't want another one again as I'm just too damn old to impress the ladies anymore like that.

And Stig before I go to take a test like that I've learned over the years to eat and drink very ; very little the day before so as not to worry about shitting or pissing myself. Because if you ask me that what they're really there for ; to make you embarass yourself in public.

01-05-2013, 03:50 PM
I had a supervisor who had a heart problems while on vacation. When they stabilized him they let him recuperate a couple of days and then had him do a stress EKG. The problem with this one was it was next to the OR with a surgery team waiting for him to go into cardiac arrest. He said it was kinda like being in the desert and having the vultures sitting in a tree looking at their next dinner. Not the kind of test you want to take or fail.........

01-05-2013, 05:18 PM
Stig, you owe me....I blowed a mouthfull of coffee all over my keyboard....I only got one lung and damn if ya didn't run me out of air....I ain't laughed that hard in I don't know when!!!

Had a stress test about 15 years ago. Just basic one. It was mainly just a PITA.

Thanks for the laugh. Sorry you had that hassle.


01-05-2013, 05:49 PM
Thanks for the warning at the beginning but you should have warned about some might get to the point of death if they continue reading from not been able to breath due to laughing. :eek: Ohhhh my face hurts.lol

01-05-2013, 05:53 PM
Darn you, Stig! I laughed so hard I woke the baby up. Crap! She has been a monster today....

Seriously though, holy buddha on a bicycle, I've not laughed that hard in ages. Thanks!

01-06-2013, 01:32 PM
Santa does not exist???