View Full Version : Lost my best prep today. R.I.P TAST

01-05-2013, 06:02 PM
Sad day here.
Had to have the TAST (Tactical Assault Shih-Tzu) put to sleep last night.
She was in the early stages of Cushings Disease. Very treatable.
Got home from work Fri at 1830 and she was in her bed whining in a great deal of pain.
Immediate trip to the Doggie ER. They put her on morphine right away, so no more pain
Discovered that a tumor on one of her adrenal glands ruptured.
Vet said very little chance of survival from surgery and even if so maybe 2 or 3 months to live.
Painfully decided to end her suffering. I held her as she slipped away
Best dog I ever had. A very big dog for her small size
She was 12. Her name was Neeko Imabigdog. Named by a 3 yr old niece.
She was named after one of Wifeys cousins (Nicole Garza who is one of the Doublemint Twins).
Anyway I miss her deeply
Sorry for the bummer post.

01-05-2013, 06:04 PM
Sorry to hear that.

01-05-2013, 06:56 PM
So sorry for your loss. We lost our "best dog ever" this last October. Ugh. I know how that feels.

01-05-2013, 07:26 PM
Sorry for your loss bud.

01-05-2013, 07:27 PM
RIP Neeko.

01-05-2013, 10:15 PM
Sorry for your loss, I know how it feels and it sucks. Id rather stand in the front yard and watch my house burn to the ground than loose a good pet!


01-05-2013, 11:20 PM
Sorry to hear this Alpha. Good dogs are part of the family. We had to put down our 16yo Golden Retriever a few years back. I still think about her often.

01-05-2013, 11:46 PM
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I still miss our Samdog.

01-06-2013, 02:10 AM
So sorry for your loss. My girl Jenny was 13 last week.

01-06-2013, 03:21 AM
I am sorry to hear of your loss, and if little Neeko would not mind the condolences from four fellow prepper cats, we wish her to Rest In Peace.

Grumpy Old Man
01-06-2013, 01:51 PM
I am so sorry to hear that Alpha. My deepest condolences. I take comfort that my dobies, the great souled Sam and Sadie Bug, who crossed over Jordan in 2011, now have a new friend to be with. I still tear up when I think of them.

01-06-2013, 03:18 PM
So sorry to hear of your loss. Hard to lose a close friend like your dog.


01-06-2013, 06:42 PM
Yesterday was pretty hard. Especially when I got home from work. She usually met me at the door...
This morning was hard after the alarm went off. I got up and started walking towards the back door to let her out.
She wasn't there when I got out of the shower to lick my feet.
She wasn't there to mooch bacon at breakfast. THAT was really hard.
Wifey is not taking this well at all. Of all the little friends we have had and lost in our 35 years together, losing this one is the worst.
Please give your little friends an extra treat, let them hang their heads out the car window a little longer, help them do dog things like dig a hole or tree a squirrel.
Let them lick your face a few more times. Dont get too mad when they have an accident in the house because you were gone too long.Hug them one more time. You will miss them when they are gone.

01-07-2013, 12:43 AM
Condolences. I know it is so hard to get over a good pet. It will be two years in March for our Shelby, and I still can't look at pictures of her.

01-07-2013, 02:22 AM
I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I have an 11 y/o yellow lab that I've had since he was 10 weeks. He's my absolute best friend and more. He's family and I know it's will break my heart when that day comes. My best to you. Hold on to the good memories and find a substitute. It'll help.

The Stig
01-07-2013, 12:48 PM
Sorry to hear that man. I lost mine several months ago and I was also crushed.

Dogs are a special kind of love.

01-09-2013, 10:14 PM
you have my deepest condolences. i lost my several years ago and haven't looked for a replacement yet. Beau was a Malamute/Wolf Hybrid. more wolf than malamute. great companion.

01-10-2013, 12:09 AM
Wifey has been taking this really hard. Cries at anything. We hate to come home because we know Neeko wont be there to greet us. We have actually started making a bigger deal about welcoming each other home. It seems to help. Our lives were really wrapped up in this dog. My truck belonged to her, I was just the driver.
Today was a little better. She joked about what a little shit the dog could be sometimes. She actually kept the cats in check.
Our cats have suddenly become extremely affectionate.
We realized that the TAST had been hogging all of the attention and keeping the cats at bay.
I discovered that my oldest cat still remembers how to fetch. Now she doesnt have to race the dog to retrieve.
I think Im going to have a problem next week when I go to pick up her ashes.
One day at a time.

01-10-2013, 02:23 AM
This breaks my heart when I read these post. My Jennypoo is a chocolate lab and was 13 years old two weeks ago. I got pick of the litter due to a good friend breeder and picked her out (or she picked us out) at about 6 weeks old and we picked her up at 9 weeks old. She is the best pooch I have ever owned. She snores loader than I do when she gets in he Temperpedic bed beside our bed. She loves everyone and everyone loves her.

I believe God had a smile on his face when he created dogs.

01-10-2013, 10:14 AM
This breaks my heart when I read these post. My Jennypoo is a chocolate lab and was 13 years old two weeks ago. I got pick of the litter due to a good friend breeder and picked her out (or she picked us out) at about 6 weeks old and we picked her up at 9 weeks old. She is the best pooch I have ever owned. She snores loader than I do when she gets in he Temperpedic bed beside our bed. She loves everyone and everyone loves her. Love her while you can.
...I believe God had a smile on his face when he created dogs.
AMEN brother!
That there is prime sig line material.

01-11-2013, 07:20 PM
Wow, just got the call from the ER vet.
The TASTs ashes are ready for pickup. We were told about 2 weeks. Tonight makes one week.
Now I have to decide when to tell Wifey. When we get home, or wait till Monday so she can have an OK weekend.
Then again, should I let my friend sit at the vets office all weekend?

01-11-2013, 07:32 PM
Ouch. Not a fun decision. I'm so sorry :(

01-11-2013, 07:40 PM
First, I'm sorry. I wouldn't let myself get close enough to a dog for a long time to avoid feeling that way again.

In hindsight that was foolish - I deprived myself of a lot that way,, and I learned how from a sister whose experience relates here... I

I'd say bring her home, and use the weekend to find or make a memorial box for her. My sister did this, fronted it with her favorite pic of her best friend, and placed it near his favorite spot in the house.

It helped her a lot, and allowed her to later fill the void she felt with a new friend because she still had Guinness there with her.

01-13-2013, 01:05 AM
Well this went better than I expected.
We we laying in bed this morning watching some DVR stuff and planning on an early BBQ lunch. Wifey says "I wonder when they are going to call and say we can pick her up?"
Right away I told her that they called yesterday.
She wanted to know why I did not say some thing earlier. Said I didn't want her weekend messed up. Thanked me but said she was OK with it. We picked up the ashes later in the day. Kind of traumatic. Did not like going back in there.
Ashes came in a very nice carved wooden box. They also gave us a fantastic clay paw print they made from her right front.

The Stig
01-13-2013, 12:46 PM
I'm not sure why it is, but I also like having the ashes of my friend sitting near me in the office. Like yours, our Coco is in a nice wooden box with her last collar sitting on top of it about three feet away from where I'm typing this.

We are two, almost three months removed from it and still talk to Coco as if she were here. It still hurts but trust me Alpha the raw pain goes away and you start to focus in on all the fond memories.

01-14-2013, 01:40 AM
You have my sympathy

White Tiger
01-14-2013, 02:37 PM
Lost our "Best Dog, Ever" a few years ago - and swore off the loveable fireballs completely...as the sorrow and grief was so great...

...then last year I bought two more of the little dickens(es), raised 'em from pups...

...about 6 months into the puppy training process - of TWO puppies - I agreed with my wife that it was officially the dumbest thing I'd ever done....

...but a year later I'm SO glad I have BOTH of them!

01-14-2013, 05:12 PM
Wifey and I have discussed the possibility of another pup.
Not for a bit yet if we ever do. We will see how a vacation goes this summer without a dog in tow. The TAST went everywhere with us. EVERYWHERE.
I dont expect any dog to take the place of another. They each have their own personality.
We had a dog in the house continuously since early '87 and it really is hard to walk in the door without a big welcome home ceremony, other than Wifey of course.

05-29-2013, 07:39 PM
Wifey and I have discussed the possibility of another pup.
Not for a bit yet if we ever do. We will see how a vacation goes this summer without a dog in tow.

I guess I'm gonna have to eat those words...
I really had not planned on coming back to this thread, but times change. We took the loss of our friend pretty hard and she is still on our minds a lot.
The further we got from that big day, the more certain we were that we did not want to go thru that again. We still have all of the TASTs things.
We took ownership of another dog today.
Wifey has a client who is on the board at the local animal shelter, and this person fosters sick pets and the like until they can find homes. She took in a small Poodle-Jack Russel mix that was on deaths door. Poor thing weighed 4.5 lbs, had no hair, and could barely stand. This dog needed 24/7 care but woman had to leave suddenly on business so she asked Wifey if she would mind taking care of dog. She calls me bawling and sobbing (yes really) about this pitiful creature.
Asks if I would mind if we fostered him for a week or so. She ASSURED me this was only temporary.
OK we took him in.
This was a 4.5 lb sack of bones. Severely emaciated and bald. Not a hair. We were told he had a 50/50 chance the first night.
Jump ahead 2 weeks. He's up to 9 lbs. Very skinny, but MUCH better. I think he will top out at 12-15 lbs.
Wifey pretty much decided (me too) that he was not going back to the pound, he found his new home.
He hasn't filled the hole from the TAST, but he as found another place in our lives.
There is so much more to this story that I have left out. This is one lucky pooch. we consider ourselves lucky to have him.
I will post pics when he gets a little more meat on him and some more hair.
Stay tuned for more adventures of Jack.

05-29-2013, 08:02 PM
I guess I'm gonna have to eat those words...
I really had not planned on coming back to this thread, but times change. We took the loss of our friend pretty hard and she is still on our minds a lot.
The further we got from that big day, the more certain we were that we did not want to go thru that again. We still have all of the TASTs things.
We took ownership of another dog today.
Wifey has a client who is on the board at the local animal shelter, and this person fosters sick pets and the like until they can find homes. She took in a small Poodle-Jack Russel mix that was on deaths door. Poor thing weighed 4.5 lbs, had no hair, and could barely stand. This dog needed 24/7 care but woman had to leave suddenly on business so she asked Wifey if she would mind taking care of dog. She calls me bawling and sobbing (yes really) about this pitiful creature.
Asks if I would mind if we fostered him for a week or so. She ASSURED me this was only temporary.
OK we took him in.
This was a 4.5 lb sack of bones. Severely emaciated and bald. Not a hair. We were told he had a 50/50 chance the first night.
Jump ahead 2 weeks. He's up to 9 lbs. Very skinny, but MUCH better. I think he will top out at 12-15 lbs.
Wifey pretty much decided (me too) that he was not going back to the pound, he found his new home.
He hasn't filled the hole from the TAST, but he as found another place in our lives.
There is so much more to this story that I have left out. This is one lucky pooch. we consider ourselves lucky to have him.
I will post pics when he gets a little more meat on him and some more hair.
Stay tuned for more adventures of Jack.

Thank God for you and your wife. How many times an animal such as this would have been given up on and left to die. It's the love that has brought health to this pup, not the food or the shelter...it was your hearts. I'm tearing up just thinking of how happy the dog must be knowing it has a home and people to love him and now your family will have another "child" to help heal your hearts. I'm with your wife, I couldn't send it back either..............that's kind of how we ended up with our 2 "kids" too. Uhmmmm but the male is 85 lbs later and his sister 65 lbs...I hadn't expected them to get so big. Lucky yours will stay small. Enjoy and just love him to pieces!!!!!

The Stig
05-30-2013, 11:18 PM
Alpha - well done Sir. Well done.

Enjoy your new little friend and keep us updated on his progress.

06-01-2013, 03:32 AM
Alpha, I'm glad she was there for him. Most of our animals have found their way to our door by themselves. Must be that neon "sucker" sign on the roof. When we lost Bubba George (our cat) our Ms Chloe (and us) took it real hard. We went to the animal control a couple of months ago to donate food and his toys and wound up with Ms Zephyr, another cat, she needed lots of dental work and other health issues and because she'd been there almost a year, her time was running out. She isn't our Bubba but we are all very happy with this new addition AND she is a very healthy 12 lbs now.

06-03-2013, 08:10 PM
Jack went for his first vet visit on Saturday. It looked like he thought it was Doggie Disneyworld. He really enjoyed all the attention. Had a good time except for the nail clipping. Vet said health was good over all. His weight was up to 9 1/2 lbs and best guess is he will top out at 12-13 lbs. He is still kind of weak but getting better every day. Just got an email from the vet saying all his tests came back good except for some liver enzymes. Not great, but expected. Looks like he will make a full recovery.

06-03-2013, 11:19 PM
Good news Alpha. He looks happy to have found you.

06-04-2013, 03:48 AM
He looks so cute!

Adopting another dog has been heavy on my mind lately. I have been bringing it up to my husband for the past month, and then a few days ago a dog got hit on a major road, and long story short, it died in the back of my van while getting it to the vet's office. It reminded me so much of our dog that died last March, and now I'm constantly thinking about it. And every time I turn on the radio, I hear the same commercial for a shelter.

Would it be really inappropriate of me to call the vet's office and ask them to contact the owner because I found some of the dog's hair in my car? I wanted to keep strands of my pets' hair for a mourning locket but all the pets that have died had really short hair. There is more than enough for a mourning locket or keepsake and it is clean, but I don't want to sound like a weirdo or reopen fresh wounds. If it was me, I think I would want it. But I don't know.

06-04-2013, 05:07 AM
You have got to be shitting me...
Wifey calls me up at about 2100 last night crying hysterically. She was at the Emergency Vet with Jack.
Of course I am working and cannot get off.
She had taken him back to the woman who we got him from for a visit. When she got ready to leave, she had Jack on a leash. Another rescue dog that the woman had adopted (Pit Bull) got out and attacked Jack. Wifey could not get the dog off of Jack until she body slammed and layed on the Pit Bull. She got a few minor bites in the process.
Jack was not so lucky. Many broken ribs and massive internal injuries. Vet highly suggested letting him go.
I'm really going to miss him, he had a lot of personality.
I am really glad I gave him the best 2 weeks of his life.
Tomorrow will be six months to the day that we had to let the last one go.
Wifey and I are devistated.
FML. I'm still not over losing the TAST and now this.
Sorry for the sad posts

06-04-2013, 06:33 AM
Damn Alpha... I don't know what to say...

Grumpy Old Man
06-09-2013, 10:04 PM
Damn! I don't know what to say other than I would put the pit down! I grieve for your loss of a hew friend!

06-10-2013, 12:10 AM
Damn, that is terrible luck. Sorry to hear that. I know this is hard on you guys. Prayers sent.

This has been a shitty weekend for dogs. Our blew her knee out Friday right after I got in from work.

06-11-2013, 01:14 PM
Hope your dog is doing better now,

06-11-2013, 01:51 PM
Torn ACL and surgery coming up. Buts she is way too young to put down.

I really hated hearing about your new one. I know how hard that is.

The Stig
06-11-2013, 02:31 PM
Holy shit. Dude. I am so sorry to hear this. That is heartbreaking. Try to focus on the fact you did show the dog love and kindness and that's all they want. You did give him two great weeks.

Now the moron lady with the pitbul. Yea....I don't think I can post what I'd like to do to her.

Taz Baby
06-11-2013, 02:35 PM
First off let me say that I am so sorry for all the problems you guys are having with your pets. Alpha it breaks my heart that that happened. BP I hope your puppy will be ok after surgery. With that being said Please remember that this is the time of year that irresponsible pet owners let their animals run free and have unwanted babies. The animal rescues will be over loaded with those babies that all deserve good hearted people to give them a chance. I know that losing a 4 legged child is gut wrenching and you need time to heal but giving another unwanted animal a chance at life is healing in its self. You will not forget your loved one but you will heal by giving a life to another that might not have one if not for you. So just think about the animal shelters , that all.

06-11-2013, 03:40 PM
I'm so sorry :(

06-11-2013, 04:43 PM
BP, I hope your friend pulls thru OK. I read that a lot of younger dogs dont really need the surgery unless its a really bad tear.

06-11-2013, 08:27 PM
She is 5 and weights about 75lbs and still pretty hyper. It's a complete tear and won't hardly put any weight on it. We are afraid if we don't do it she'll tear the other one and we'll have to put her down. Our other Golden ended up having both of hers go out about two years apart. never had any more problems after they were fixed.

06-14-2013, 05:23 AM
I am so so sorry to hear about the little guy. bp, hope your little one recovers quickly