View Full Version : Simpsons picking on preppers now

01-07-2013, 12:18 AM

01-07-2013, 08:06 AM
Who is Simpson?

01-07-2013, 10:27 AM
Homer, Bart, Marge, Lisa, Maggie

Alas Babylon
01-07-2013, 02:10 PM
I thought the writers at least made an effort to look into it. They had the basics down, and explained all the acronyms - WROL, SHTF, TEOTWAWKI . Of course, in the end they made the preppers look like the crazy ones, but that's hollywood.
It just goes to show how mainstream prepping is now. A few years ago and this episode would have made no sense the the masses (or sheeple, as they said on the Simpsons). So for better or worse, prepping is no longer a little secret for just a few.

01-07-2013, 03:06 PM
I didn't see the episode, but I still don't think I'd call prepping mainstream because it was on The Simpson's. I'd say the terms are just part of the public vernacular now, much as "Survivalism" and "Survivalist" have been. I won't consider it mainstream until, or more likely unless, some sports figure or pop culture "role model" speaks out in favor of it, and shifts public opinions and perceptions.

What you described of this episode of The Simpson's may indicate people know more about it, but that doesn't mean there's any real understanding, and that reminds me of a quote I read some years ago:

"What people don't understand, they fear; what they fear, they destroy."

I don't know who to attribute that to, but it fits. References that make fun of prepping in mainstream culture do not build us up, they destroy us, and imo pave the way for the proverbial witch hunt that could occur in the midst of an emergency. Without support we are simply acceptable targets.

01-07-2013, 07:57 PM
Aw hell, in that case I could care less. Thats on the same level as Honey Boo Boo. A waste of bandwith IMHO.