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01-11-2013, 09:02 PM
I was getting my haircut the other day and was chatting it up with the person cutting my hair. We were talking about the bottom of the evolutionary pool that tends to visit walmarts and create ruckus. That led to her starting to talk about people that take advantage of 10 for 10 can goods sales. I'm thinking this veered off track fast. She tends to proceed to make fun of people buying cases of canned potatoes and tomatoes. After she said that I was thinking everyone should be stocking up and I'm going to hit that store up! Of course I didn't mention that the very idea of stocking up and saving some money is actually a good idea. Ignorance is bliss I guess.

Just goes to show we get laughed at but down the road we will be the last ones laughing.

Edit: I should add When I say chatting it up I mean I was throwing in 1 to 2 sentences in between her talking. I should have kept my trap shut so she would have shut up. I believe distracting someone with a sharp pointy object to my head is not beneficial for my health.

01-11-2013, 11:32 PM
Please, no offense, but... you can see why I myself do not carry conversations with people. They are idiots and I dont want to endure the stress of having to hear what they think.


01-12-2013, 12:49 AM
People be ackin' cray cray at the Wally World. I talked to the manager once, because after 11pm, ours is full of wackos. He said... "You should see it at about 2:15am after the bars close, we have people trying to fight the cashiers cause we can't sell them alcohol". By the way, this is a nice side of town, and it's not uncommon to see a Ferrari or two in the lot, and there aren't any homes under $500k within 2 miles. I can't imagine what the other side of town Walmart has to deal with.

01-12-2013, 02:01 AM
Please, no offense, but... you can see why I myself do not carry conversations with people. They are idiots and I dont want to endure the stress of having to hear what they think.

EB No offense taken, I'm with you EB. The General says you got to talk more to people and open up, you're a borderline sociopath. I tell her I'm ok with that. They have nothing interesting to say anyway and mainly its because I don't care.

01-12-2013, 02:38 AM
No offense taken, I'm with you EB. The General says you got to talk more to people and open up, you're a borderline sociopath. I tell her I'm ok with that. They have nothing interesting to say anyway and mainly its because I don't care.

i am assuming The General is your better half? : )

then if not talking to people a lot makes you borderline. shit man i am WAY over the edge, looking back up wondering where it all went!!! LOL i very rarely talk to people. but, i am good with that. i can go days with out even making a sound.

01-12-2013, 02:44 AM
i am assuming The General is your better half? : ) Yes she is. ;)

LOL i very rarely talk to people. but, i am good with that. i can go days with out even making a sound.

I'm the same way. Could care less if I'm chatting with majority of the people and rather be silent.

01-12-2013, 11:25 AM
Allow me to follow up.... I, like many people... have a lot of life experience that is IMHO valuable. I love to learn new things, and try to apply everything in effort to prevent making mistakes, but also to enrich my personal life.

I used to offer advice to people with problems, but I have resigned from that because I have concluded they (people in general) do not follow advice and thus it is a waste of time for me to give it.

The other day at work, I over hear one co-worker talking to another.... She was offering him advice on finding a good lotion to help his cracked fingers. Cracked skin is not only rough, but painful.

So I hear this and I have the guarantee solution... I know because Ive tried every lotion on the market and none of them worked. I didnt say a thing, I just kept working... because I knew if I advised him, he still would NOT cover his hands in petroleum jelly, put them in socks and go to bed that way. In the morning almost all has soaked in. Do this for a week straight and you wont have to do it but once in a while.

If I were to offer the above advice, 1) I would sound like an idiot because it is so "far fetched" 2) They woundnt do it anyway because it requires a degree of effort and most people are too lazy to do anything truly productive.

Just my opinion based on personal experience and observations... people are lazy and think THEY know it all.


01-12-2013, 11:13 PM
My sister works at Walmart, and the stories she tells makes me wonder whether I should pee in my pants with laughter or cry for society. It looks like the madness is spreading to our local Meijer, too. Why do people think it is ok to shop in their pj's????

01-12-2013, 11:44 PM
Why do people think it is ok to shop in their pj's????

it's not OK to shop in PJ's? :p

if and when i do business at our local WallyWorld, i try to go early in the morning 6-8 am. less people there.

want a good laugh go to peopleofwalmart.com sometimes you just have to scratch your head and go 'HUH" :D

01-12-2013, 11:58 PM
She laughs now, but will probably be one of the first to demand some kind of support from the .gov when stuff goes south.

Oh well, can't win em all.

01-13-2013, 12:24 AM
If you want to tell the public you're a slob and wear PJs and slippers out in public fine. The thing that chaps my hide is people that leave the house with shoes. If you took the time to sit down and put socks on, put shoes on, and then finally bend to tie your shoes; why not put real pants on?!

01-13-2013, 05:45 AM
She laughs now, but will probably be one of the first to demand some kind of support from the .gov when stuff goes south.

Oh well, can't win em all.

You really need to clarify exactly who you are talking about in this sentence.

- - - Updated - - -

it's not OK to shop in PJ's? :p

if and when i do business at our local WallyWorld, i try to go early in the morning 6-8 am. less people there.

want a good laugh go to peopleofwalmart.com sometimes you just have to scratch your head and go 'HUH" :D

I have given great thought to this, and have determined that is is, in fact, ok to shop in pj's. It is those "stompies" slippers that really chap my ass. I can't concentrate and my cart veers off course. One of these days, I WILL leave the house without them!

01-13-2013, 08:17 AM
You really need to clarify exactly who you are talking about in this sentence.
Allow me to clarify: I am talking about 2die4's hairdresser who was described as making fun of preppers and the prepping mindset in general. I can see where there might have been some confusion.


01-13-2013, 03:18 PM
I personally have an issue with the amount of assault spandex I see at Walmart. Lots of people who shouldn't be wearing spandex wear it to wal mart, and it assaults my eyes. The Target across the street is a different story, lots of good looking ladies there all the time, but they apparently have a ban on high capacity assault spandex which I fully support, and when I'm president, I will push for tighter (pun intended) regulation of high capacity assault spandex, including size regulations. Who needs to be able to shove 40lbs of rear end into a pair of tight shorts or pants? I'm all for responsible spandex ownership for "sporting" purposes, but lets be reasonable!

01-13-2013, 04:57 PM
AK, just thinking about that (for a very short period of time) I think I need some eye bleach!

01-13-2013, 05:08 PM
I personally have an issue with the amount of assault spandex I see at Walmart. Lots of people who shouldn't be wearing spandex wear it to wal mart, and it assaults my eyes. The Target across the street is a different story, lots of good looking ladies there all the time, but they apparently have a ban on high capacity assault spandex which I fully support, and when I'm president, I will push for tighter (pun intended) regulation of high capacity assault spandex, including size regulations. Who needs to be able to shove 40lbs of rear end into a pair of tight shorts or pants? I'm all for responsible spandex ownership for "sporting" purposes, but lets be reasonable!

HERE,HERE. i am for the responsible wearing of Spandex and like fabrics... there is just something wrong with putting 15lbs of taters in a 5lb sack. and to further this 'motion' it is not limited just to WallyWorld.

01-13-2013, 05:32 PM
Meh. If people want to wear spandex or pajamas or slippers or a freakin barney suit, let them. Allows me to better identify them as idiots and I can steer clear.

Plus, how boring would shopping be if there weren't people to poke fun at?

01-13-2013, 05:56 PM
Allow me to clarify: I am talking about 2die4's hairdresser who was described as making fun of preppers and the prepping mindset in general. I can see where there might have been some confusion.


Ahh, yes. Now I understand. Thanks for clearing that up. I was up too late last night.

You talkin' to me?!?!?

01-14-2013, 04:26 PM
Meh. If people want to wear spandex or pajamas or slippers or a freakin barney suit, let them. Allows me to better identify them as idiots and I can steer clear.

Plus, how boring would shopping be if there weren't people to poke fun at?

That's how I feel, but I also realize its a double edged sword due to my own mode of dress. Cargo pants and boots stick out to some people, even without my morale patches on my hat. ;)

Besides, I kinda figure its all about what's on the inside. ;)

01-15-2013, 05:52 PM
I personally have an issue with the amount of assault spandex I see at Walmart. Lots of people who shouldn't be wearing spandex wear it to wal mart, and it assaults my eyes. The Target across the street is a different story, lots of good looking ladies there all the time, but they apparently have a ban on high capacity assault spandex which I fully support, and when I'm president, I will push for tighter (pun intended) regulation of high capacity assault spandex, including size regulations. Who needs to be able to shove 40lbs of rear end into a pair of tight shorts or pants? I'm all for responsible spandex ownership for "sporting" purposes, but lets be reasonable!

Think of the poor spandex. It has feelings too. Or it did before its size 8 was stretched to a size 18.

Grumpy Old Man
01-17-2013, 07:17 PM
I personally have an issue with the amount of assault spandex I see at Walmart. Lots of people who shouldn't be wearing spandex wear it to wal mart, and it assaults my eyes. The Target across the street is a different story, lots of good looking ladies there all the time, but they apparently have a ban on high capacity assault spandex which I fully support, and when I'm president, I will push for tighter (pun intended) regulation of high capacity assault spandex, including size regulations. Who needs to be able to shove 40lbs of rear end into a pair of tight shorts or pants? I'm all for responsible spandex ownership for "sporting" purposes, but lets be reasonable!

I'm all for "common sense" spandex control. After all, it's for the children!

HERE,HERE. i am for the responsible wearing of Spandex and like fabrics... there is just something wrong with putting 15lbs of taters in a 5lb sack. and to further this 'motion' it is not limited just to WallyWorld.

10 lbs of anything in a 5 lb sack was known as a blivet where I grew up. I kept it clean for Evo's delicate sensibilities.

Think of the poor spandex. It has feelings too. Or it did before its size 8 was stretched to a size 18.

I have started a new advocacy group- People for the Ethical Treatment of Spandex, or PETS for short. Our mission will be to promote responsible spandex and already have numerous Playboy Playmates and Penthouse Pets who have volunteered to be our spokesmodels. We also offer a free quart of eye bleach and a nifty tote bag with our motto embroidered on it (If it stretches don't wear it) with your donation of $100. Feel free to pm me for the address to send your donations.

On a lighter note, the town I am moving to is so small that they only have an old fashioned type Wal Mart and everyone there speaks English.

01-25-2013, 01:06 AM
HERE,HERE. i am for the responsible wearing of Spandex and like fabrics... there is just something wrong with putting 15lbs of taters in a 5lb sack. and to further this 'motion' it is not limited just to WallyWorld.

I pack 15 lbs of taters in a 5lb sack every day.. . . . :)

01-25-2013, 02:25 AM
I've always wanted to give back to the community by starting a charity called "reflections" we are gonna be a non profit that donates mirrors to women so they can look at themselves before leaving the house instead of listening to their friends.

Grumpy Old Man
01-25-2013, 03:05 AM
I pack 15 lbs of taters in a 5lb sack every day.. . . . :)

Blivets of the World Unite!!!!!!