View Full Version : Wide angle on the way, HF10 waiting for new productions

01-14-2013, 10:18 PM
The Canon HF10 is a prosumer camcorder... Ive go a sample video in production now. My Azden wireless mic is working great with it, just ordered my wide angle adapter will be here in 4 daze.

*NOW* Ill be able to make some of the videos Ive been wanting to make for a long time.

History: I used to have an HF10 a while back, but I sold it for funds and regretted it ever since. I just found a good buy on ebay and it arrived last week, a new to me HF10... This camcorder is awesome!

I really need the wide angle lens for proper video, once that gets here Ill be ready to put together some new videos.

I am excited and just wanted to share....

01-15-2013, 05:26 AM
Sweet!!! Wide angle rocks. Congrats can't wait to see more of your productions EB

01-15-2013, 12:31 PM
Looking forward to your videos EB!

01-15-2013, 07:42 PM
Hopefully I can focus on the quality of my productions too...


01-27-2013, 12:21 PM
Well, I got the wide angle lens, I also go CPL filter for the WA lens, they seam to work well together, but as the lends sits a distance from the camera's lens, I get a little bit of "halo" around the 4 corners. This necessitates that I use FFMPEG to perform a cropping and resizing to the MTS file, which is extra hassle and time... but it is what it is. If I had the extra $150 for the Canon brand lens I dont think that problem would exist, but as it is I didnt have $150... but I did have $17 I could shake loose with so I got what I got.

Going to do a production today... look for the final posting in a day or two.


01-28-2013, 12:20 AM
Did some winter hike on McAfees Knob section today, took the high dollar Canon... Video is in production, ready for more, just need more free time!

Anyone want to be my sugar daddy/daddy warbucks so I can quit my job and produce videos full time???

Didnt think so...


01-28-2013, 04:43 PM
Hey EB...

What is your plan for SHTF video??

Sounds like you're a 'bit' of a junkie, and if the grid goes down in a serious way, you'll be jonesin' for a working camcorder...


01-28-2013, 07:30 PM
Post SHTF, I may keep my Samsung W200 and a netbook to store on but honestly, I think most technology will end up being a burden than any help. My only real hopes are that GPS will still function and I can still get comms on 40 & 2 meters. Laptops, DVD players, etc I think all that will get stored for any possible resolution to the situation so I can play with them again. During SHTF, security, food, etc will be priority of course.