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View Full Version : My first ever experience with a Straight Razor

01-15-2013, 02:38 PM
This is a two day post. I started it on another forum and on day two I took pictures so here it is...consolidated. (I can only put 5 pictures per post so there will be more with just pictures after this...)

Day 1

Let me start by getting a few things straight…no pun intended. I am not bad ass, this is just something that I’ve wanted to learn how to do for a long time. I am not old school but I am, frankly, learning how to do this for some obvious reasons. Lastly, I’m sick of having to buy disposable razors.

Now, my tips from my experience:

1) Straight razors are SHARP and this is your face we are talking about! This should go without saying but I’m going to say it anyway. I’m using a disposable razor but that didn’t make it any less sharp than a good quality straight razor. It uses the “safety razors” that you can cut in half and those suckers are even sharper than the little razor blades that you can buy in the store for box cutters.

2) You WILL cut yourself, end of story. If you can’t handle that fact you can’t use a straight razor so don’t even try. If the sight of your own blood bothers you then you probably don’t shave at all because you most likely nick yourself even with disposable razors and safety razors.

3) It takes a lot longer to shave with a straight razor than with a disposable. I can be done with a disposable (big 2 brand) in about 3 minutes if I’m in a hurry. It took me almost 20 minutes to shave for the first time with the straight razor. You can NOT hurry with a straight razor and leave the bathroom with all of your face still intact and not look like something from a horror movie, period.

4) In my limited experience, it takes more water to shave with a straight razor. You have to keep the razor clean or you are going to mangle your face. I rinsed the blade after ever stroke or two.

5) Keep the blade parallel and flush to your face wherever possible. If you use just the corner or edge of the blade, you will draw blood.

6) No side to side. Did I mention the blade was sharp? Side to side, even the tiniest little bit and you’ve sliced your face.

7) Keep the skin pulled tight and use short strokes. Don’t try to shave the entire side of your face for the width of the blade like you do with a disposable. Unlike what you are used to, there is only one blade doing all the work and after a very short time, it’s going to get “clogged”. Keep it short, rinse it and go back for another stroke.

8) Keep the beard from drying out. I did my face in stages and used a hot, wet washcloth to relax the beard as I went. This kept me from trying to shave dry whiskers which…doesn’t work real well (trust me). Dry whiskers pull, they don’t cut.

9) If it doesn’t feel right when you put the blade against your face, it probably isn’t. STOP! Take the blade AWAY from your face and reposition and try again. This isn’t a race. If you are in a hurry, stop what you are doing, grab the disposable 5-blade and finish up that way.

10) Different parts of your face have to be shaved differently. The cheeks are pretty straight-forward, the jaw was a little different and took a little longer. The neck, quite frankly, freaked me out and took longer than it should have because I was afraid I was going to do myself in. The chin…man, unless you are Jay Leno or “Steve” from MineCraft, you do NOT have a square chin. The chin took longer than just about anything else. It was a little here, a little there, a tiny bit here and there, pull the skin this way, pull that way…damn, only 1/3 of the way done? It took probably 1/4 of the overall time to shave my chin.

So, suggestions? Read up on how to shave with a straight razor if you think you want to and watch some videos on YouTube. Instead of spending $100-200 on a kit right away I went with a “disposable” system that includes a Spilo Magic Razor (less than $10) and Personna Double Edge Blades that you cut in half and put into the Magic Razor ($2.50 for 10 double edged or 20 single edged blades).

Keep in mind that no matter how many videos you watch or articles you read, you won’t really get a feel for it until you do it yourself. I did fairly well and only cut myself…less than 5 times and nicked myself only twice. I’ve got a couple of places where I have razor burn on my neck as well because I went back and tried to get a little closer and just went too far but I’m feeling pretty good about it.

Will I try again? Yes, tomorrow. Will I keep doing it? Most likely, although it will literally mean getting up almost a half hour earlier every work day just so I can shave and ultimately I will eventually end up investing in a good razor and strop.

Day 2

Ok. Shaved again today and the only blood was tiny little 'not even droplets' that don't even show up in the pictures.

Yes, that's right...PICTURES!

Now, all you females, I apologize in advance. I do not consider myself photogenic by any stretch of the imagination and when I'm shaving...less so. I did put on a T-shirt though so we're covered there. :D

Enough with the preliminaries...here's the pictures.





01-15-2013, 02:43 PM

01-15-2013, 02:48 PM

01-16-2013, 11:08 AM
Bravo! You're a much braver man than I.

01-16-2013, 01:40 PM
Bravo! You're a much braver man than I.

+1 :) i have very sharp things, but never had the thought nor inclination to use them upon myself.

01-16-2013, 11:07 PM
My SIL is a barber and to this date he has never shaved his own face with a straight razor. :confused: He gets 30.00 a shave from his clients and the barbers in the his shop shave each other in the mornings so I guess it's easier to shave someone than shave yourself.

I've always wanted to try self shaving with a SR and your thread has sparked the interest again.

01-16-2013, 11:23 PM
They also can't use non-disposable straight razors and they need to replace the blade after every use (health department law) and he said once that it's easier to shave with a the good ole non-disposable blades that you sharpen with a strop.

01-16-2013, 11:37 PM
You are braver than I am. I'd probably cut off an ear if I tried that.

01-17-2013, 01:02 AM
Ive been hooked on straight razors ever since a hadji/turkish barber gave me a shave with one over in Iraq!

01-17-2013, 06:27 AM
My first ever experience with a Straight Razor was with a hooker when I asked for my money back ....just sayin

01-17-2013, 11:01 AM
Evo and Stormy, i want to be left in the will "if" you have a mishap while using a Straight Razor. :p

RP1, buddy sounds like you need to 'use' a better class of hooker. those dime store one's are tough. :p

01-17-2013, 11:34 PM
I saw your post a few daze ago but didnt have time to reply....

I tried a straight razor in the past, got pretty good at it. My personal advice is: Forget everything that safety razors taught you about shaving! The angle, pressure and speed are nothing like what a Shick et all are alike, and if you have not already learned, a straight razor has a personality all it's own. The trick is going slow and listen to what it is telling you.

So, with that said.... I have abandoned the straight razor for an old school safety razor. The biggest reason is the demand in time... A straight razor cannot be rushed or you will bleed, and it takes a lot of concentration and developed skill to get good at.

What I am currently using:

Lord safety razor, cheap on Ebay

Of all the blades Ive tried the BEST ones are the ones I get at Dollar General
5 blades for a buck

Not only have I saved a TON of money on blades, but the overall *QUALITY* of my have is 1,000% *better* than Ive ever gotten with the high dollar "5 blade heads" for name brands.

Now this brings me to my safety razor tip o' da day: Forget everything you know about shaving with a straight razor. HA HA. An old school safety razor has a personality all it's own. It will take a little while to learn it, but once you do you will NOT cut yourself and you WILL get one of the best shaves of your life and it will take very LITTLE time to do it!

It is so natural to me now, I can shave in record time. But starting out, not so much.

In closing, if you like the baby's butt close shave, but you went a little too long between shaves... I have found that shaving TWICE will accomplish the desired outcome. The first shave is the shortening shave, and you go with the grain. The next shave is the close as glass shave, against the grain.

If you go AGAINST the grain with stubble, your in for a night mare...

Good luck, & hope that helps!

01-18-2013, 02:38 PM
I got into a straight razor kick back in high school. Shaved with it regularly for a couple years. Not really sure why, just cause I could I guess.

Did I cut myself? Hell yeah, especially in the beginning. Later on... not so much.

why'd I quit? too much time. I prefer to dedicate a good solid 4 minutes every other week to buzzing my face with clippers, and then scraping a blade... 15 or 20 minutes a day... not so much!

If you really want to get adventurous... try shaving your head with one!

*stock up on band aids first!

01-19-2013, 12:31 AM
I saw your post a few daze ago but didnt have time to reply....

I tried a straight razor in the past, got pretty good at it. My personal advice is: Forget everything that safety razors taught you about shaving! The angle, pressure and speed are nothing like what a Shick et all are alike, and if you have not already learned, a straight razor has a personality all it's own. The trick is going slow and listen to what it is telling you.

So, with that said.... I have abandoned the straight razor for an old school safety razor. The biggest reason is the demand in time... A straight razor cannot be rushed or you will bleed, and it takes a lot of concentration and developed skill to get good at.

What I am currently using:

Lord safety razor, cheap on Ebay

Of all the blades Ive tried the BEST ones are the ones I get at Dollar General
5 blades for a buck

Not only have I saved a TON of money on blades, but the overall *QUALITY* of my have is 1,000% *better* than Ive ever gotten with the high dollar "5 blade heads" for name brands.

Now this brings me to my safety razor tip o' da day: Forget everything you know about shaving with a straight razor. HA HA. An old school safety razor has a personality all it's own. It will take a little while to learn it, but once you do you will NOT cut yourself and you WILL get one of the best shaves of your life and it will take very LITTLE time to do it!

It is so natural to me now, I can shave in record time. But starting out, not so much.

In closing, if you like the baby's butt close shave, but you went a little too long between shaves... I have found that shaving TWICE will accomplish the desired outcome. The first shave is the shortening shave, and you go with the grain. The next shave is the close as glass shave, against the grain.

If you go AGAINST the grain with stubble, your in for a night mare...

Good luck, & hope that helps!

Do you know a good way to sharpen your safety razor blade's? If so... start a new thread about safety razors so we don't get off the straight razor topic.