View Full Version : New Preppers

01-21-2013, 02:59 AM
well guys, i have been out recruiting and found an old/new friend that is looking to get into the lifestyle. might even make a small local group, if it goes well. i am trying to get her online to look at the site. she works nights and i have her laptop, it is having connection issues. going to see if we can't get that fixed for her.

but the recent talks i have had with her are promising.

01-21-2013, 03:58 AM
Great news! Its hard to find others. Keep encouraging her.

01-21-2013, 05:31 PM
Excellent, go slow, the worst thing we can do is plunge people in and load up their mastercard.

The second worst thing is to encourage them to cheap out on $10 multitools, jensen pistols, and out of date MREs.

Quality preps, one at a time, and keep adding. Not just gear, but quality training, books, etc

01-21-2013, 08:45 PM
Excellent, go slow, the worst thing we can do is plunge people in and load up their mastercard.

The second worst thing is to encourage them to cheap out on $10 multitools, jensen pistols, and out of date MREs.

Quality preps, one at a time, and keep adding. Not just gear, but quality training, books, etc

we have talked a little bit... friends don't let other friends buy JUNK. LOL

01-22-2013, 12:46 AM
i have her laptop, it is having connection issues. going to see if we can't get that fixed for her.

but the recent talks i have had with her are promising.

just bookmark a bunch of cool prep sites for her .....lol

01-22-2013, 02:02 AM
Good job Robsdak! I'm working on my second couple now also. He and his wife are close friends who live about 1/2 hour away. He came over again this morning and looked at some things and we then talked over coffee and then went shopping. I will be forwarding some links to him to look at including this site. What was funny is he said that we should put a group together or something. :)

01-22-2013, 04:10 AM
just bookmark a bunch of cool prep sites for her .....lol

you know not a bad idea. and i had the same thought. : )

01-22-2013, 11:04 PM
:) Hope it works out well! All you can do is plant some seeds (ideas) and see what grows. :)

01-23-2013, 02:41 AM
well here i am on her laptop. needed a little tweaking and some updates BAD!!! in a little bit i will make her a new bookmarks folder labeled ' prepping' and add her a few good sites. also plan to help her setup an account here.

she got a pretty good lesson in deer processing. 11 pm Sunday night she hit a doe on her way to work. called the SO and then me. i found it, SO shot it and i took it back to the store for her to see how gutting is done. cool thing about having a dumpster close, no mess. then the deer went to my house, hung and waited for her to get off work. she did really good for her first one. a couple of stray cuts, it all cooks the same. :) cool part about it was she offered 1/2 of it for helping her, i kept 1 backstrap and a rear leg. she has more to feed than me and besides, i know how to shoot them. LOL easier on the truck. very little damage to the car.

01-25-2013, 04:48 AM
Good job. Found out recently my Bro and his wife started prepping about year and half ago ('bout the same time I started to get serious about it too). Too bad they're in NV but I did invite my SIL to come check us out.