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View Full Version : Got Milk?

David Armstrong
01-27-2013, 08:36 PM
I'm looking at moving toward powdered milk, both for regular use as well as long-term storage. But this is one food subject I have absolutely no knowledge of. What I've found on the 'net is often confusing and at times downright contradictory. Any advice/input/preferences??

01-27-2013, 08:37 PM
We always keep some on hand in case we run out of milk. Mainly we use it for cooking. Anything specific you wanting to know?

David Armstrong
01-27-2013, 08:51 PM
I've run across lots of conflicting info regarding things like taste, longevity, ease of use, etc. Previously I've used the irradiated and sealed liquid stuff, which is great stuff but it is only good for about a year in storage.

01-27-2013, 08:57 PM
We use the carnation in a bag. It has a expiration date of a year, but I am sure it is good for a lot longer than that. I have not tried drinking it, but have cooked with it and have not noticed a different taste.

01-27-2013, 09:06 PM
A bit of Jello instant pudding...vanilla...goes a long way to improving the taste and "viscosity" on the tongue.

We use it all the time for cooking also...


A few good brands out there....biggest thing to look for is mixing ratios....some mix ratios are better than others.

01-27-2013, 09:11 PM
My personal fav is Nestle Nido... Its a *wonderful* powdered milk! Taste almost just like moo cow milk, unlike non fat dry milk that taste something between chalk and ass.


Most grocers are storing it in the Mexican section, along with other Mexican food... Dont ask me, I dont have the answer...

Ive fixed it up and drank it straight, was quite pleased... Ive also used it as a 100% milk substitute for COOKING and have also been very pleased!

One thing I do is take a pouch of mix, Bisquick and Nido (in proper proportions), all I need to do is add water and I have pancakes, or biscuits, or whatever... on the trail, that taste JUST like it was in the kitchen!

I need to do a video on it...


David Armstrong
01-27-2013, 09:15 PM
Taste almost just like moo cow milk, unlike non fat dry milk that taste something between chalk and ass.
Now that's the kind of info a guy can use<G>! Stay away from milk that tastes like chalk, ass, or any combination of the two.:D

01-27-2013, 09:18 PM
Now that's the kind of info a guy can use<G>! Stay away from milk that tastes like chalk, ass, or any combination of the two.:D


Yes, you are right... This is teh stuff... chalk or ass or chalk and ass milk.



01-27-2013, 10:27 PM
Great info. I have always hated powdered milk or eggs. NASTY. Guess that's why I don't have either in storage.

01-28-2013, 12:31 AM
You can really dress up the powdered eggs....I've made a big mess of powdered eggs....with mountain house chili....powdered sour cream...and freeze dried cheese.....yum...:)

01-28-2013, 01:39 AM
Speaking of powered eggs... I *love* Ova eggs, taste like the real deal, because they are made from the real deal, and processed to finish off like the real deal...



They kick ass! No kidding!


01-28-2013, 03:59 AM
You can really dress up the powdered eggs....I've made a big mess of powdered eggs....with mountain house chili....powdered sour cream...and freeze dried cheese.....yum...:)

Uhhh...that doesn't even sound good. Must be a guy thing.

- - - Updated - - -

I'm going to try doing eggs in my dehydrator...much cheaper.

01-28-2013, 04:32 AM
I'm with Lady on this one. We do have some powdered milk, and I think it's nasty, but it works for cooking. Powdered eggs.....egads, I would rather go without. My hens have continued to lay so far this winter, that works for me.

01-28-2013, 05:09 AM
I honestly don't cook with milk enough to even miss it. I don't remember the last time I used it so I guess I wouldn't miss it in shtf life. Now eggs, I could eat every day so I gotta figure out a way to have them until I can have chickens.

01-28-2013, 10:45 AM
I'm with Lady on this one. We do have some powdered milk, and I think it's nasty, but it works for cooking. Powdered eggs.....egads, I would rather go without. My hens have continued to lay so far this winter, that works for me.

Well....if the fresh eggs are still around....by all means....fresh is better.

We keep powdered eggs on hand for the "Oh Crap" factor.

We do test and rotate stores....so we do incorporate it into different meals.

BTW....I don't make a "mush" out of that.....it is separate until served....:)

01-29-2013, 12:49 AM
LOL YUP! I posted this awhile back and note the title. :) Got Milk? lol


I did a quick search on this site and I didn't see anything on this topic so...

What powdered milk have you found that you like or dislike?

I'll go first. Justa and I are both milk drinkers and enjoy a glass a couple times a day so when we first started gathering our preps we were on a mission to find a powered milk that both of us liked. We were planning on buying allot of all at once to take advantage of the saving that you get when you buy in bulk and wanted to be 100% sure of our decision.

We ended up testing six different brands and the one we ended up getting is Grandmas Country, Country Cream® Instant 100% REAL Non-Fat Milk. http://www.grandmascountryfoods.com/catalog/index.html?CategoryId=8&ProductId=1062

While getting the link to they're site I noticed that don't have the 6gal pails anymore and only offer it in #10 cans and sample packets.

We are fat free milk drinkers so we mix as per label, if your a 2% drinker just bump up the amount of powder.

It does taste like milk not like some others.

*We are not tied in with Grandmas Country in any way, shape or form just shearing what we have found.

Unopened has a 20yr shelf life.

01-29-2013, 02:16 AM
Evolver I couldn't find anything on the site where I could just order a sample. I'm really weird about my milk too. I would rather go without than drink even certain brands of milk sold in stores (can't stand Kroger's milk) and it must be ice cold...plus no one better drink out of my glass - not even my kids when they were little. Yeah, I know weird huh?

David Armstrong
01-29-2013, 06:25 PM
I love powdered eggs! Not as good as the fresh, of course, but I've never understood the aversion many have for them. Of course, I also liked the Ham and Eggs C-ration and one of my favorite MRE's was the Vegetable Omelet, both of which were roundly cursed by my contemporaries<G>!

Back to the milk, someone on another site suggested Morning Moo from Wal-Mart. Anybody??

Alas Babylon
01-30-2013, 12:24 PM
I second Evlovers info on Grandma's Milk. I followed his and Justa's advice on this some time ago and ordered the sample (or single serving) packs. My wife, the milkaholic, said it was the best powedered she ever had, and was as good as regular fresh. She's picky, so it must be ok;I dont drink milk so I have no dog in this fight.

01-30-2013, 10:19 PM
Evolver I couldn't find anything on the site where I could just order a sample. I'm really weird about my milk too. I would rather go without than drink even certain brands of milk sold in stores (can't stand Kroger's milk) and it must be ice cold...plus no one better drink out of my glass - not even my kids when they were little. Yeah, I know weird huh?

Your right... Looks like they don't offer sample packs anymore. It really is 100% milk that tastes like milk should. :) Just like raw milk straight from the udder... It's best if you chill it overnight before drinking. :)

- - - Updated - - -

I love powdered eggs! Not as good as the fresh, of course, but I've never understood the aversion many have for them. Of course, I also liked the Ham and Eggs C-ration and one of my favorite MRE's was the Vegetable Omelet, both of which were roundly cursed by my contemporaries<G>!

Back to the milk, someone on another site suggested Morning Moo from Wal-Mart. Anybody??

We tried Moos Milk and it tastes like Carnation instant.

01-31-2013, 12:48 AM
Evolver, have you and Justa tried any other things from GrandmaCountryFoods ? If so, what and how was it?

01-31-2013, 01:36 AM
LOL We have tried;

Nitro-Paks. Next best

Moos Milk. 3rd

Carnations. Dead last

As a kid my mom always tried to slip us Carnations Instant so that "Instant" flavor got embedded into my memory. We/I could taste it even when she tried to use it up by mixing it 1/2 and 1/2 with milk. :o I have six other siblings and I can speak for all of us on this matter. Justa and I were on a quest to find a powdered milk that tasted like milk and after reading many of reviews we only taste tested Nitro, Moos Milk and the taste of Carnation was embedded so I didn't even want to go there ever again.

We also found that the longer term shelf stable milk put out by Parmalat is good but the self life is only 6 month.

01-31-2013, 01:48 AM
Evolver, have you and Justa tried any other things from GrandmaCountryFoods ? If so, what and how was it?

We bought some Red Feather Butter and Cheese but haven't tried it yet but from what we've read it's good.

01-31-2013, 04:56 AM
I have the butter. I've found it's a bit creamier than something store bought (and I think it tastes better than store bought). Have cheese too, reminds me somewhat of a white cheddar. Melts ok for cheese sandwiches, haven't used it for much of anything else yet, We use it with crackers for snacks Hope this helps

01-31-2013, 09:27 PM
We bought some Red Feather Butter and Cheese but haven't tried it yet but from what we've read it's good.

Thanks, just wondering. The website looked good and the prices seem to be competitive. We too bought some Red Feather canned butter and heard it was great, but it stored and haven't tried it yet.