View Full Version : The Citadel III in the news, Your Thoughts?

02-06-2013, 05:49 AM
So was browsing the latest and greatest current news and saw this article regarding some folks building a "community" in Idaho called "The Citadel". At first glance, it struck me as another bunch of folks ala Minutemen Milita or the Almost Heaven groups trying to break away from society and typically end up in the gov't sights as a terrorist organization. BUT. . . apparently according to the people starting this up, they plan on being an open society. So. . . I just wanted to pick you good folks here BHG's and tell me what your thoughts on it is. Read thru it, and give me a honest opinion. Its not like im planning on joining up with them, or anything of that nature, im just curious what the membership here thinks about it.

Some news agencies have actually labeled them as a prepper group. With what just happened with the guy down in Alabama, its not a good thing IMHO to have that prepper label thrown out there linking them to folks like us. One thing I did notice, apparently their "spokesperson" is a convicted felon. . . so that starts off with a bad taste in my mouth. Another thing that strikes me funny is one of their quotes. . .The site also warns that not all would be comfortable at the development:

"Marxists, Socialists, Liberals and Establishment Republicans will likely find that life in our community is incompatible with their existing ideology and preferred lifestyles."

They do have a pretty established website, have actually started up a legitimate business, a firearms manufacturing business, and have quite a few people who have actually applied (sent in a application ) to join them. So check them out and let me know your opinions!

Their website. . . http://www.iiicitadel.com/index.html
Their blog . . . http://iiicitadel.blogspot.com/
Their facebook . . . http://www.facebook.com/IIICitadel
Their company . . . http://www.iiiarmscompany.com/index.html
Their company facebook . . . http://www.facebook.com/IiiArmsCompany/info

What some of the press and forums surrounding it are saying. . .







02-06-2013, 01:49 PM
Pass the koolaid!

02-06-2013, 03:01 PM
Read about this a few weeks back and looks like they have good intentions. They don't seem to be anti-government at all. This is no different than any other PUD with a new town, except this would be of like minded people to be self reliant and able to defend themselves from the evil of the world (see Patriot Agreement). For example, Disney has done this in Orlando and it's called "Celebration". The only thing I don't like is that you don't own anything inside the walls, you will be leasing and when you die, it probably goes back to them. Several investors and bankers have done this sort of thing (as far as perpetual lease) for years in central & S. Florida and catered to retirees. If "pride of ownership" is something that is important to you, then buy property outside the walls and build near there.

All that being said, this will take many years to realize.....probably 20 to 50 years. And in this economy, good luck to them.

02-06-2013, 03:09 PM
Sounds pretty neat, but not sure of the mindset. Would hate to find out they are a bunch of crazy idiots.

02-06-2013, 03:15 PM
Sounds pretty neat, but not sure of the mindset. Would hate to find out they are a bunch of crazy idiots.

Agreed! Also, it could turn out to be a scam. You just never know.

02-06-2013, 03:30 PM
What worries me more that a scam thing is the mentality of the people in charge, and the way they seem to be setting themselves up as 'rulers' and everyone else is an underling.

It reminds me of "lights out" and how the camp their bosses invited them to initially sounded Utopian, but once they went and were able to see the intricacies of the hierarchy, it seemed substantially less than ideal.

02-06-2013, 11:35 PM
IIRC, the owner / propietor of the Citadel is a convicted felon... for... wait for it.... EXTORTION!... yeah... no thanks...

(this is only what I have heard... hence the IIRC)

If that is false, well, i dont know... I still like close knit groups to start with...

02-07-2013, 07:09 PM
What worries me more that a scam thing is the mentality of the people in charge, and the way they seem to be setting themselves up as 'rulers' and everyone else is an underling.

It reminds me of "lights out" and how the camp their bosses invited them to initially sounded Utopian, but once they went and were able to see the intricacies of the hierarchy, it seemed substantially less than ideal.

HA! The rich bossman in Lights Out that built the utopian fortress is what I thought of too. He probably got the idea from the book. :rolleyes: That brings up another thought...those guys didn't make it did they. They were some of the first to be taken out because of their awesome resources. Maybe better to blend in and not stand out. :cool:

02-07-2013, 07:16 PM
Yep, the MZB's made short work of them!

02-08-2013, 02:26 PM
As I have stated elsewhere on the Internet, I support and applaud the idea of the Citadel, but as I already reside in Idaho (a different county that the proposed Citadel) and a part of a very good MAG already, I do not anticipate moving to said Citadel.

I wish them the best of luck, and pray for the best for all involved in the project.


02-08-2013, 07:47 PM
IIRC, the owner / propietor of the Citadel is a convicted felon... for... wait for it.... EXTORTION!... yeah... no thanks...

(this is only what I have heard... hence the IIRC)

If that is false, well, i dont know... I still like close knit groups to start with...

The concept, or at least the outlying idea of it is great, but the whole aspect of having convicted felons on the payroll, well, right off the bat, that turns the whole thing south quick. Everyone knows a convicted felon, unless they get a pardon, cant even be near firearms. Being as how this guy was scamming as a anti-terrorist expert, I dont see a pardon anywhere in his future. So the basic idea, sure, is great, the execution, well, leaves a lot to be desired.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
02-09-2013, 04:36 PM
As I have stated elsewhere on the Internet, I support and applaud the idea of the Citadel, but as I already reside in Idaho (a different county that the proposed Citadel) and a part of a very good MAG already, I do not anticipate moving to said Citadel.

I wish them the best of luck, and pray for the best for all involved in the project.


OK Bob,
How is Idaho, really? I read the write ups, sounded interesting. How do "YOU" like it?

Oh, and I did kinda like the "rights of passage" when you turned 13. That was kinda cute don'tcha think? Raise'm right, teach'em young, yep, that's what i always saay.
But they did have one hell of a write up all together, good concept in a few ways, but they haven't done crap, yet. Just don't see it making it off the ground. They did their research on Idaho but the articles linked were from 2003. Sooooo how long has this been going on?

02-09-2013, 11:35 PM
I didn't go in and read every article (just over the shoulder of BWRR13) and the remarks from everyone here and the first thought that came to my mind was "The Governor's" little town in The Walking Dead.
It seems like it would be perfect on the outside but what really would be beneath the surface?

02-10-2013, 02:35 PM
OK Bob,
How is Idaho, really? I read the write ups, sounded interesting. How do "YOU" like it?

Oh, and I did kinda like the "rights of passage" when you turned 13. That was kinda cute don'tcha think? Raise'm right, teach'em young, yep, that's what i always saay.
But they did have one hell of a write up all together, good concept in a few ways, but they haven't done crap, yet. Just don't see it making it off the ground. They did their research on Idaho but the articles linked were from 2003. Sooooo how long has this been going on?

How do I like it here? I love it! I like the weather, people, fishing, etc.

I also enjoy that there are stupid folks that write and say that Idaho is a haven for neo-nazis. That helps the liberals from migrating to the northern part of the state. In reality, there is no truth in that statement. Years ago, up north of Coeur d' Alene, there was an neo-nazi compound, and it received a lot of media coverage. Randy Weaver was supposedly a part of them, but that wasn't exactly the truth. He went there a few times, and he espoused some of their beliefs. but wasn't really affiliated with them. That compound and the folks that were in it are long gone now.

I live outside of a small community, and have good, REAL friends.

Is this a good place for like minded folks? Yep. But it is not for everyone.

Hope that answers you question.


Brownwater Riverrat 13
02-10-2013, 03:29 PM
I have flown into Boise a few times and driven to La Grande, Or. Then did a road trip on bikes coming back from Montana down through to Reno, via La Grande. Beautiful country. Nazis.............good diversion plan, I like that. Now we just need to push them clean out of the state and we be done with'em. Too bad I like it hear too much. You almost had me lookin! But then again. I could win the lotto................

02-10-2013, 09:17 PM
A little too cold for me up there although BRWW and I actually did look at some land online. But, we have started forming such a great group here in TN I don't think we could leave it now.

Taz Baby
02-10-2013, 09:20 PM
You better not move AWAY twin, just move closer.