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02-09-2013, 05:57 AM
I got one of the electronic med alert bracelet that has a thumb drive. DH went to load it on pc to upload the medical info on me and the antivirus started hollering Trojan, Trojan. He checked and double checked but it looks like the thumb drive has a virus on it , right from the manufacturer. Has anyone else heard of this or experienced it? DH called the company but we probably won't hear anything till next week .I thought I was getting into the 21st century, guess I'll stick to the Spiedel one I'm wearing. Has a compartment for list of meds,it's a children's bracelet 'cause I'm so delicate LOL.

02-09-2013, 06:11 AM
Let me guess, you also melt if you get rained on? :) I didn't even know they had those out. I really should get a bracelet. I can't have MRI's and I have an allergy to something they give ya after anesthesia that will kill me....might be a good idea to have on me if I'm ever in an accident and can't speak since both of those things would probably be used.

02-09-2013, 07:10 AM
Yes sugar and spice and all things nice.;)
Definitely get something. Mine looks like an watch, id bracelet but long and as wide as the stretch band with a compartment that opens. It's on a Speidel twist o flex watch style band, Geez it's about 20 years old, not sure anyone makes this style anymore, they may have newer styles now. The top is fairly tight and you can have it engraved front and back. My name is on the front and on the back is etched allergy to penicillin/sulpha bees and wasps. The little paper that came with it is about 1"x3" just enough room to put name addy, drs name, phone, meds and contact person name and phone if you write really, really small.
If you get the movie Super Sucker with Jeff Daniels, I'm in the crowd when he stands on top of a van rousing the crowd. All you see of me is my hand and arm with medic alert bracelet on it. When we went to the preview, we, dh son 1 and his friend could see it very clearly.


02-18-2013, 04:50 AM
Yes sugar and spice and all things nice.;)

HEY! wait a minute. your talking about me...:p

i don't have a bracelet, but i do keep a thumb drive with all my info on it, in my maxped, on me or around me.

07-04-2013, 01:43 AM
Just a couple things to consider: I've worked as a paramedic for a little over ten years now. When considering medical alert bracelets, I would not use any electronic version, at least not by itself. I honestly don't know what a defibrillator would do to the electronic versions, and we don't necessarily have the ability to access the information in the field, which could be fatal if the ID is for a medication allergy. Also, you may not want the alert to look too much like jewelry. It would be better if it sticks out like a sore thumb. If it looks too much like regular jewelry it can be very easy to overlook. Also, I would stay away from placing any alert tag around the ankle. In a critical emergency, the feet are about the last place that gets assessed (one of the least critical parts of the body from a survival/life over limb circumstance).

Again, I'm not criticizing anyone's choices, and an electronic version in addition is a great idea, since you can fit far more information on it. Just wanted to share the perspective from the other side of the stretcher.

07-04-2013, 03:27 AM

07-04-2013, 12:00 PM
mine looks similar to rp only in where his is solid piece of metal mine has hinged top to put paper in it. Thumb drive is black rubber/heavy duty plastic with big med symbol on it. I tend to wear the metal one more as it has a spiedel watch band. It as I said was a children's bracelet. the adults were what rp has in his pix.

07-06-2013, 12:51 AM
I agree with m4gery. Keep it very visible, and keep it on the upper body. If possible a necklace is best. Nose to knees is the most rapid assessment to do. All the vital organs and stuff that keeps you alive is in there. Plus there is less of a chance of it being lost with an extremity god forbid you have any major trauma and loose a limb. The thumb drives are cool, however a hard copy is best imho. Engraving and a thumb drive would be cool. The engraving could contain the most important vital info and the thumb drive could supplement that with as much info as you can store on it. Just my two pennies.

07-07-2013, 06:24 AM
Also, you may not want the alert to look too much like jewelry. It would be better if it sticks out like a sore thumb. If it looks too much like regular jewelry it can be very easy to overlook. [/QUOTE]

Strange timing for me, as I just changed my med ID bracelet yesterday. I felt it did look too much like jewelry, but since my stepmother had gotten it for me, I felt I should wear it as is for a while. I told her it was too hard to put on with only my left hand, which it was. http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/2434/v9zs.jpg