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View Full Version : How do you mentally recharge yourself?

02-10-2013, 07:40 PM
In my opinion one of the most under discussed aspects of preparedness is the mental component, more specifically the need to keep ourselves mentally recharged. As human beings we can overcome huge obstacles, struggle against and overcome adversity, tyranny, slavery and more. It is our will to see ourselves through those times and events that creates heroes, inspire us and can bring hope. Trying to find that well of mental energy can be daunting even seem impossible at times.

So my question to you is how do you recharge yourself mentally? What are the things that you do to put that "something" back in your mental well? Is it something you do consciously or allow to happen on its own? Have you ever thought about it?

For me, I must think about it consciously because if I don't then I will not allow myself to do those things that do help to refill my well on a consistent basis regularly enough. For example I try to make sure I take one full day off a week from basically everything (whenever possible) and use the day to read, listen to music (a big, big one with me), watch a movie, spend time outdoors recreationaly (take a walk, spend time in the woods, etc) write (also a big, big one with me), cook myself a special meal or spend time with friends.

So the more we have in our mental well so to speak the better in my opinion. Your thoughts please.

02-10-2013, 08:37 PM

Jerry D Young
02-10-2013, 08:45 PM
Good book, good movie, good music, good conversation, good meal, write some, pray some.

Taz Baby
02-10-2013, 08:50 PM
For me it is easy. I was introduced to the spiritual world at birth. My Mother being 100% Cherokee, I learned how to meditate and talk to the Great Spirit above. I have a special place where I go to so I can be alone with nature to talk out my troubles openly and if I can not go there, I do so in my mind. I talk to God every night about my day and what my troubles are and ask for guidance. I empty my mind of all the negative ties and fill it with positive energy. I burn sage, cedar and sweet-grass to cleanse myself when ever I need to or the area I fill bad negative energy in.

02-10-2013, 09:11 PM
I agree 100% you cannot be switched on all the time. We all need time away somehow to relax and as you put it mentally recharge. I boat in the summer, enjoy time out with friends, hunt, fish, and enjoy a good drink every now and again. When I cant go out I listen to my music and zone out. I especially enjoy turning off all the electronics and just getting away from all of that.

02-10-2013, 10:39 PM
A nice sleep with Evan Williams usually finds me fully recharged and fresh thought in the morning... Its a really effective "Stress Be Gone" elixir...


02-10-2013, 11:13 PM
It really depends on what type of stress or which stimuli is causing grief.

A day a the range can be a real stress release.

Going for a walk...in the night...when it's quiet...is for me, a great way to clear my head.

And while it last....kick back and watch a show with my baby girl...Tinkerbell or Sponge Bob is the norm for her.

I'm trying to work in the pool at the gym into my stress relief/ work out program.

02-11-2013, 12:44 AM
Great question PG. With a lot of the crap we all have to deal with every day, being able to take some down time is very important.

I tend to let enjoy getting out in the garden and just looking around at my plants and how they are doing, what bugs are active, and maybe pull a few weeds. There is NOTHING better than a walk in the woods and if that's at night, even better. Going fishing for an hour or a day. I try and get some time everyday just listening to some music. I've found that even a shitty day at work, gets a little better with the MP3 playing some good old tunes for a bit. A real relaxer for me after a long week is to build a fire down in the field on Friday or Saturday night and just sit around and watch it burn for a while.

02-11-2013, 12:53 AM
I am always working either at work or at home. Only time I have ever sat around and relaxed was when I was sick years ago. Even if the weather is bad I don't just sit around and relax. On rainy days I spend the whole day reloading ammo, or fixing things in the house. I can't stand to not be doing something constructive. I hate to read, don't care for watching TV, don't drink, don't smoke.

02-11-2013, 01:19 AM
I have a hard time letting things go... That being said, I'm working on it. I like to shoot by myself at the range, conversation about stuff with other shooters is always nice. Making my holsters is a pretty good release, although, now that its my JOB, I've gotta be careful not to let it burn me out. When my son was born, I really didn't adjust well, I was impatient, and sorta selfish, after a while, realized that until I had him, I was just a guy who was contractually bound to live with the same woman. When my son was born, things got real. Lol. Since then, I've just learned to sit down and watch him learn, or play at the park, or to go on "tiger hunts" with him through the apartment (our poor cat). It's very relaxing to get off the hamster wheel once in a while.

02-11-2013, 03:13 AM
When I need to recharge, I turn off the TV & News channels. I like reading a good book and listening to music. My favorite is going down to the water and taking a drive or stroll on the beach by myself and our 13 year old lab, Ms. Jenni. I also destress by shooting some photography. My absolute favorite is being out on the water fishing, whether salt water or fresh water.

My wife, Songbird, recharges her batteries with her singing. She loves it....and so do I.

02-11-2013, 04:18 AM
A bottle of whiskey and two aspirins, I save the aspirins for the morning, they may be needed...........

That said working on my projects, a nice dinner, a good book whenever I have a chance to partake.

02-11-2013, 05:20 AM
i have a couple. driving in the woods day or night. my knotting stuff. the r/c thing, i have a bad ass drift car and a crawler. gardening ( soon ) splitting wood. my favorite, watching dumb ass people around me. LOL

02-11-2013, 07:09 AM
Spending time with my wife and son is what does it for me the most. But when I am home alone I play my Playstation, talk on the forums, pet my dogs, gardening, and I do my best to complete at least one project a day but that doesn't always pan out so I just try the next day.

02-11-2013, 03:32 PM
I recharge by getting out into nature. Whether it is doing some fishing, going for a hike or just laying in a hammock in the yard there is nothing like being outside.

02-11-2013, 03:43 PM
Definitely my motorcycle. Of anything I do that is the simplest, purest joy I experience.

02-11-2013, 05:54 PM
Definitely my motorcycle. Of anything I do that is the simplest, purest joy I experience.

I'll give you this one.....never see a motorcycle parked outside a shrinks office....:)

02-11-2013, 10:11 PM
I get something done that is on my to-do list. The list has grown enormously since the accident, but I am finally starting to pare it down. Or I spend 3 hours in the bath tub with a pitcher of margaritas. That works just as well.

02-12-2013, 12:02 AM
I like to indulge and read fantasy, romance novels. For me it's like popcorn for the brain. No thinking, just reading and relaxing with one or more cats on my lap OR just sitting with a cat purring away on my lap watching a show on the satellite. Very relaxing

Grumpy Old Man
02-14-2013, 12:35 AM
KJV, The Gospel according to St. Luke; Ch 12, v14-35.