View Full Version : If prices were to increase 10x in 5 years how prepared are you?

02-10-2013, 09:39 PM
If the price of everything we buy (food, gas, real estate, heating fuel, auto's, clothing...) but your income remained the same how prepared are you or what would you do now in order to prepare yourself?

Do you have land right now that you can grow your own food and if so, is there enough that you could share that land with your neighbor to build a co op to feed the families in your neighborhood? Do you have the skills to not only grow the food but harvest seed in order to replant the following years?

Are you able to keep a small herd of cattle not only for meat but to make your own cheese and milk? Have you thought about buying the equipment needed now and putting them in storage for the time you will need them? Have you learned how to butcher your own animals (to include wildlife) for when you can't take them to a processor? How will you feed them with costs 10x the amount it is now?

Having chickens are going to be easy since they don't take a lot of room but remember that the food is going to 10x more expensive too. Do you know what to grow to feed them? Do you know what seed you need to buy now and how to grow it and harvest it?

If your income isn't increased, would you plan on keeping your job that you now have to pay $30 a gallon to drive to or would you quit and learn new skills at home that you can sell your wares without driving?

How can you see our society changing if this were to occur? Do you think more people would become preppers and band together into small communities and work together. Would it be the end of large cities? Would the car become obsolete and horses, motorcycles and bicycles be the norm for transportation?

Would we see a reuniting of family units where several generations once again live together in order to save money and grandparents watch the children while the parents go out and work the farm? Would it reinvent the small family farms?

02-10-2013, 11:31 PM
I would see the urban areas going into chaos....food stamps only buying 1/10th of what they do now.....I don't see that going over well.

Seeing as how that would be a insane inflation rate....no one could be ready for that rate of increase.

It would essentially be a SHTF event.

02-11-2013, 12:13 AM
I think I would do pretty good. I only drive to work twice a month 340 miles round trip and my car gets 40 mpg. I could swap my schedule so I only have to drive it once a month if I wanted to. We would not have as much luxury things as we do now, but we could easily make do. It would take some changes though. I would not do cattle, goats would be my choice. Rabbits make more meat than cattle does and we already have rabbits. We already don't buy any meat, and we process all of it ourselves now so no change there. My aquaponics system will be up and running before 5 years and that will supply all our garden needs and also our fish.

I don't have any neighbors, so no issues there. The chickens and ducks free range for most of their feed and would have to free range for all of it if necessary.

02-11-2013, 12:21 AM
You do realize that equates to 200% increase the first year....the markets would crash.

Most jobs would go away...

02-11-2013, 12:25 AM
You do realize that equates to 200% increase the first year....the markets would crash.

Most jobs would go away...

As long as we need oil my job will be okay. And if it isn't I will just do without most things.

02-11-2013, 12:54 AM
The first year of that will be a SHTF event. By year five 75% of the population will be gone.

Some of the stuff you mentioned, I already am working toward. Others like butchering is a task i plan on learning. I plan on growing a lot of, if not all my chicken feed this year and since the bulk of it is an open pollinated type, the future should take care of itself. Also plan to start raising our own chicks this spring as well. At some point we do plan on starting with some goats. Some folks who live around here raise cattle and I feel pretty confident bartering some produce for beef would be acceptable as would labor barters for various things.

I don't see any way things wouldn't go back to the old ways of families working together, even if it's neighbors working together.

02-11-2013, 02:46 PM
I dont want to see it happen.
I am not prepared for all possibilities.
I am more prepared than 99% (pun intended)
I am more prepared than anybody would ever guess
No one would ever know it either.:)
meh...bring it
see my sig line

02-11-2013, 03:04 PM
I'm definately working towards self sufficiency, with or without the threat of hyper inflation. It would be much easier to achieve without the burdon of a full time job an hour+ away from home, albeit more difficult without the steady income stream from said job.

I already have a few neighbours that I work with for different things, and that would increase. 'Family' per se, not mine, but I would be inundated with inlaws, most of whom are skilled enough to be welcome

02-13-2013, 03:23 AM
If the price of everything we buy (food, gas, real estate, heating fuel, auto's, clothing...) but your income remained the same how prepared are you or what would you do now in order to prepare yourself? My bring home income has gone down with inflation 6.87% since I retired in 2010. Along with health insurance increases, my bring home lost another 9.97%. So at this point I staring at close to a 16% loss on income in going on 3 years.

Do you have land right now that you can grow your own food and if so, is there enough that you could share that land with your neighbor to build a co op to feed the families in your neighborhood? Do you have the skills to not only grow the food but harvest seed in order to replant the following years? Yes I live on my BOL. I have about 2/3 of an acre garden every year. My neighbors have more land than I have. Everyone around here grows a good portion of their food. And I grow a particular patch of nothing but heirloom seeds every year to keep fresh seeds. I use hybrids close to 100% in my regular garden. They produce more, less diease, less problems. But I have to grow my heirlooms quite a ways away to keep them heirlooms, as I have an apiarist less than 2 miles away

Are you able to keep a small herd of cattle not only for meat but to make your own cheese and milk? Have you thought about buying the equipment needed now and putting them in storage for the time you will need them? Have you learned how to butcher your own animals (to include wildlife) for when you can't take them to a processor? How will you feed them with costs 10x the amount it is now? I have Nubean goats. Milk, cheese and butter no problem. My 2 does produce way more than I can use. I have 2 neighbors with bucks I borrow to keep my girls in babies and milk. I have butchered my own animals for close to 50 years. Goats are as easy and cheap to feed as anything out there.

Having chickens are going to be easy since they don't take a lot of room but remember that the food is going to 10x more expensive too. Do you know what to grow to feed them? Do you know what seed you need to buy now and how to grow it and harvest it? Yep, got hens too, along with one bad-ass Rhode Island Red rooster. They get leftovers from the table, they get a light feeding of corn along with a free range in the summer.

If your income isn't increased, would you plan on keeping your job that you now have to pay $30 a gallon to drive to or would you quit and learn new skills at home that you can sell your wares without driving? I have a small part time job, about 28 hours a week. I'll keep it for the forseeable future. I do woodworking on the side too. I repair furniture and built furniture.

How can you see our society changing if this were to occur? Do you think more people would become preppers and band together into small communities and work together. Would it be the end of large cities? Would the car become obsolete and horses, motorcycles and bicycles be the norm for transportation?

Would we see a reuniting of family units where several generations once again live together in order to save money and grandparents watch the children while the parents go out and work the farm? Would it reinvent the small family farms? Not mine. They are speard all over the USA.

It's gonna get worst before it gets better...good things to think about for sure....


Taz Baby
02-13-2013, 08:27 PM
I will be just fine. I have bartering items ready and waiting. Won't need money as it most likely won't be around for long at that cost rate. I would save what money I have for emergency items that I have to have and can't trade for it.