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Grumpy Old Man
02-13-2013, 12:48 AM
As many here know, I recently moved to a free state. I thought I would enumerate on the things that happened and the things I learned moving halfway across the nation. These are just from my perspective, YMMV.

1) Things I cherished for yers really weren't valuable for my long term good.

2) Some preps couldn't be taken so I shared with friends,

3) I divided things into 3 groups: 1, Need to have; 2, Good to have; 3, Nice to have. Guess how far I got. Need to have with a little bit of nice to have. An eye-opener for sure.

4) I'm not as young as I used to be! I really pushed myself and I am paying for it. A man's got to know his limitations.

5) Books, tools and equipment are more important than furnishings and decorations.

6) If you haven't used it or looked at it in 1 year, it is not important.

And finally: It's only stuff, and it's all God's stuff! I'm just taking care of it for him!

02-13-2013, 01:01 AM
Glad you made it safe Grumpy. Good words of wisdom as well.

I'd hate to think about moving, that's one thing I detest doing. Of course sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

Taz Baby
02-13-2013, 01:16 AM
3 yrs ago I told my grown kids Mom was done with taking care of everyone but me. I told them they are grown now, have their own family to raise and I was headed to the mountains. I left with only my clothes, Gym, 1 set of pots and pans, my computer, play station and a few small antiques to sell on ebay. Everything fit into the back of My Daughters truck. She drove me to my new home, 600 miles away from My kids and grand kids. I sold my furniture, truck, everything that would not fit into the back of a pickup truck. I never looked back and I have never regretted that move. I felt so free and like all the weight of the world came off my shoulders that day.

02-13-2013, 01:41 AM
wow! great job Grump!

the whole Need/Want thing... is a killer.

careful now... things will start adding up on you again! hopefully you are done moving, and can start accumulating wants again!

02-13-2013, 01:50 AM
As many here know, I recently moved to a free state. I thought I would enumerate on the things that happened and the things I learned moving halfway across the nation. These are just from my perspective, YMMV.

1) Things I cherished for yers really weren't valuable for my long term good.

2) Some preps couldn't be taken so I shared with friends,

3) I divided things into 3 groups: 1, Need to have; 2, Good to have; 3, Nice to have. Guess how far I got. Need to have with a little bit of nice to have. An eye-opener for sure.

4) I'm not as young as I used to be! I really pushed myself and I am paying for it. A man's got to know his limitations.

5) Books, tools and equipment are more important than furnishings and decorations.

6) If you haven't used it or looked at it in 1 year, it is not important.

And finally: It's only stuff, and it's all God's stuff! I'm just taking care of it for him!

I can relate Grumpy, we just went through a big move and are doing the same thing. Still at it and still giving stuff to the kids. We are now regrouping . :)

02-13-2013, 12:37 PM
Thanks for sharing this, good real world information and a terrific reminder to us all.

Grumpy Old Man
02-14-2013, 12:30 AM
This weekend when K have more time I will continue to elucidate on my lessons. Right now I'm concentrating on adapting to my new job.

02-14-2013, 04:59 AM
Good Luck, glad you made it and take two aspirin for the aches and pains ;)

02-14-2013, 01:23 PM
So what is the new job?

Grumpy Old Man
02-19-2013, 11:13 AM
QA/QC Manager for a Ready Mix concrete company.

02-21-2013, 11:33 AM
lol. you got lime in your veins?

02-23-2013, 08:55 AM
QA/QC Manager for a Ready Mix concrete company.

remember to always put the water in the mixer first...lol

I somewhat agree to your OP....for a while the wife and I were working a couple hours away from our home on a contract basis for a few years and ended up getting a local apartment, I did enjoy the minimalist life style, but hated needing something and it was back at the house

the whole 1 year thing doesn't work, you just end up buying stuff you already owned ...perfect example i used to do some minor renovating on houses and had all the stuff needed to tile a bathroom...tile saw, and cutters, tub wrenches, trowels, spacers...I got rid of it about 4 years after we finished our house during one of those if you haven't used it in a year freak outs while cleaning in the garage, last year the showed developed a leak and I had to buy everything all over again, I know you prioritized tools, but if I kept a lot of one use tools I would need a 40 x 40 building

Grumpy Old Man
02-23-2013, 02:18 PM
lol. you got lime in your veins?

Yeah, pretty much. I got into specializing in concrete based on lunch. At the time I decided to leave engineering geology behind, I sat on the asphalt producers association technical committee and on the ready mix concrete association technical committee. Both served lunch at the committee meetings; the asphly guys always had cold cuts, whereas the concrete guys always had a hot lunch with salad and desert. My reasoning for choosing concrete over asphalt was the concrete industry treated you better and I've been right so far.

remember to always put the water in the mixer first...lol

I somewhat agree to your OP....for a while the wife and I were working a couple hours away from our home on a contract basis for a few years and ended up getting a local apartment, I did enjoy the minimalist life style, but hated needing something and it was back at the house

the whole 1 year thing doesn't work, you just end up buying stuff you already owned ...perfect example i used to do some minor renovating on houses and had all the stuff needed to tile a bathroom...tile saw, and cutters, tub wrenches, trowels, spacers...I got rid of it about 4 years after we finished our house during one of those if you haven't used it in a year freak outs while cleaning in the garage, last year the showed developed a leak and I had to buy everything all over again, I know you prioritized tools, but if I kept a lot of one use tools I would need a 40 x 40 building

Gotta have the headwater because that's where the air entraining admix goes,lol.

As with anything, a person has to decide what works for them. I couldn't take it all as I had a long way to go and a finite budget to accomplish the move with. (Never end a sentence with a preposition so I'm not going to) So I used the 1 year timeline on the items that didn't make the need to have list. I have a breechplug wrench for my muzzleloaders that I've used twice in 10 years but it was in the need to have category.

I also had about 35 pieces of cast ironware, including 4 dutch ovens. Most of it didn't make the cut, just my favorite 10 pieces. The rest went to folks I know that either didn't have any, or in one case to a friend who lost his in a divorce. What I was trying to convey was my decision making process when confronted with this task. I liken it to the pioneers' choices they had to make when taking the Oregon or California trails.


02-24-2013, 10:51 AM
I liken it to the pioneers' choices they had to make when taking the Oregon or California trails.


In hindsight I think a lot of them had wished they took a lot more of their friends for protection

I worked the rock and sand delivery industry for years, some of the big companies in FL here were our daily bread and butter, did everything from supervise the haul in the rock and sand at the plant level, some tires, gyp, bauxite and ash to the powder production side and then hauled rock back out of the quarries and then washout back to a crushing facility

Grumpy Old Man
02-24-2013, 04:05 PM
^^^^^Yep! We supply the raw materials of civilization.

02-25-2013, 10:46 PM
Kudos to you you Curmudgeon you! Your now in a free state and what it took to get there was just sacrificial, now your living lean so the rebuilding will be like an Artist starting with a blank canvas so... Paint away my friend!

Grumpy Old Man
03-23-2013, 04:27 PM
Update: 46 days here and I'm still unpacking. But finding something I thought I'd had to leave is like Christmas, only better. I'm still on a scavenger hunt for my solar/crank radio, but I I've found several knives that I thought I lost some time back.

Also, after moving, when you work every day it's hard to get a head of steam up to unpack at night.

I also miss the time I get to spend here. I'll be back later today to post some more. I've got to go do some more work now.

03-23-2013, 08:52 PM
Glad to hear your making headway. It takes time, but you get to put stuff where you want it now to make it easy on you later.

Glad to see you back, we been missin you.