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View Full Version : Differance in canning jar lids

Taz Baby
02-20-2013, 11:04 PM
I was just sent this articular about canning jar lids and thought I would pass it along.
When it comes to canning I use Ball products. Why? because they have been around for ever and it has been passed down from everyone in my family never to use anything else or you will regret it. So I have never used anything else. But this was very interesting and I have never heard of such a thing happening either. What kind of canning jars, lids and rings do you use and why? What kind of mishaps has happened to you while canning. I am deathly afraid of pressure cookers because my Mother had one blow up and burn her really bad so I stay away from those. Have you ever used this brand of China made jars?


02-20-2013, 11:21 PM
Yikes! Thanks for the article.

I do know that I can tell a major difference in the thickness of the lids and rings, and the red seal bought today, vs. the ones my mom used when I was scrubbing jars and cucumbers like a kitchen slave, 15 yrs ago. The red seal is much thinner now, and the rings and lids feel lighter. I have read they have a higher "fail" percentage now days as well. It's been a few years since I looked into it though.

02-21-2013, 12:25 AM
We mainly use the Ball brand. But we have used the Golden Harvest Brand the last couple years on some stuff and haven't had any failures yet. They do seem thinner, but not by much. We've also got some Tattler lids that we plan on trying out this year.

Taz Baby
02-21-2013, 12:40 AM
Do your research on those tattler lids BP. I have heard good and bad about them. If you are not going to use them for long storage they were fine. I know of one person that I haave met that used them for chicken. They were 3 yrs old when they opened it up and it was rotten.

02-21-2013, 02:03 AM
We have not had the best results with the tattlers....we bought a LARGE amount of them as a group buy....and they seem a bit over priced for what they are....and maybe it's a learning curve....but the failure rate was 9%.

We'll be doing another run this summer....we'll see.

Taz Baby
02-21-2013, 01:28 PM
the ball lids and seals are not like they use to be in the old days but after all the reviews I have read they seem to still be the best with less mishaps.

02-21-2013, 01:49 PM
I am deathly afraid of pressure cookers because my Mother had one blow up and burn her really bad so I stay away from those.

The old pressure cookers where dangerous, but the new ones are extremely safe. There is no reason for you to not use them, you are missing out on canning lots of things, and also cooking food fast with less power used.

02-21-2013, 01:49 PM
Around here, the common brand for lids and rings is BERNARDIN. I honestly cannot remember ever having a failure with them

02-21-2013, 03:53 PM
I seem to remember my mom telling me that Ball, Kerr and Mason were made by the same company...hhmm....I will have to look that up. Anyway, I have the Ball book (its like a canning Bible) and Ball and Mason are all I use, for no particular reason, other than that's just what I've always bought.

Jars (http://www.foodinjars.com/2011/05/theres-a-new-brand-of-mason-jars-in-town-giveaway/) -
In 1993, the Ball Corporation (which by that time was the only domestic canning jar manufacturer) spun off their canning jar sector into the company that is now known at Jarden Home Brands. They make all the Ball, Kerr and Golden Harvest jars currently available in stores. But then the article goes on to talk about a new type of jar, sold at Walmart.

And, I like the pretty blue ones. :)

02-21-2013, 07:10 PM
I use Ball and Mason jars but mostly Ball. I use Ball lids only. I have very few fail...so few that it's barely worth a mention. I don't buy anything from China. Even in everyday life I look for American made stuff even if I have to pay a little more.