View Full Version : Deja Vu?

02-23-2013, 12:34 AM
Anyone believe in this sort of thing? To be frank, I never have before this week. I feel like I might possibly be going crazy, lol, because I just realized that I had two very specific (and significantly negative) things happen two years in a row, on the EXACT same date (earlier this week). And not a good thing either, like say for instance, a car rear-ended yours, or you were mugged, or whatever, but it was the SAME THING HAPPENED on the exact same date last year, and this year. At first I thought "odd, that same thing happened last year about this time", then I looked into my records, and it was the exact same day. Freaky. I need to set an alarm on my phone for next year, and take proper precautions!

Would that weird you out, or am I being superstitious? Cause the voices are telling me they are getting nervous ;)

02-23-2013, 03:15 AM
Nope, never had the same thing happen two years in a row, but I used to get a sense of deja vu all the time. Not so much anymore.
I would say yeah, mark it on your phone calendar!

02-23-2013, 03:28 AM
this should freak ya...


02-23-2013, 03:46 AM
Well thanks, Sniper, I feel loads better, lol.

Does this mean I get to be president? Tell ya what, I'm staying the heck AWAY from theaters!

02-23-2013, 03:59 AM

if that didn't do it for ya... here's a personal one.

My mom had a brain aneurysm, major, but survived.

10 years to the day she had a heart attack, major, but survived.

5 years to the day, she was diagnosed with cancer, major, but survived

5 years to the day, she was again diagnosed with cancer, major, but she survived

2 years to the day, she died from complications from the cancer treatment.


02-23-2013, 04:42 AM
i am not going to discount feelings, deja vu or whatever this is. i am an educated man and things happen that i can't explain. i have friends that are into 'spiritual guides' and their take on deja vu is 'their' way way of guiding you. not saying i am a believer or not, i have just had/seen things before they happen. sometimes it's rattles me.

i was sitting at an intersection and watched 3 cars involved in pile up. now, i didn't know anyone of them, but when EMS.PD.FD got there i told them i knew who was who and to what extent the injuries were. i told a buddy of mine on the FD that i had seen the accident before i happened. he asked me to keep that info to myself until we could talk about it. still don't know how i feel about it.

sorry, can't resist this one. i have 1 every year... March 17. same date, different day. MY Birthday...:p

02-23-2013, 06:05 AM
This kind of thing runs in families. My mother was born in East Germany. She knew when the bombers were coming even if she was sound asleep. She would warn her mother (she was just a couple of years old at the time) that they were coming and my Oma would turn on the radio (illegal of course) and sure enough within a few mins there would be telling people about the planes coming and to take cover.
My aunt has it and I have it and my son has it. Some really creapy things have happened but my aunt also saved my life because of one of her "feelings" if you want to call it that. I've dreamed things before they've happened. I heard my grandmother call my name the moment she died, I could go on and on. So no, I don't discount anything like that. They say we only use 10% of our brain so what is the other 90% being used for?
Maybe some things are just meant to happen no matter what you do.

Grumpy Old Man
02-23-2013, 01:10 PM

or as Yogi Berra said "It's deja vu all over again".

Taz Baby
02-23-2013, 01:57 PM
This kind of thing runs in families. My mother was born in East Germany. She knew when the bombers were coming even if she was sound asleep. She would warn her mother (she was just a couple of years old at the time) that they were coming and my Oma would turn on the radio (illegal of course) and sure enough within a few mins there would be telling people about the planes coming and to take cover.
My aunt has it and I have it and my son has it. Some really creapy things have happened but my aunt also saved my life because of one of her "feelings" if you want to call it that. I've dreamed things before they've happened. I heard my grandmother call my name the moment she died, I could go on and on. So no, I don't discount anything like that. They say we only use 10% of our brain so what is the other 90% being used for?
Maybe some things are just meant to happen no matter what you do.

Twin I am with ya on that one all the females in my family have it and it seems that it is hereditary, females more than males. I too can tell you stories and some are pretty and some not so pretty. I have warned family members to be careful here and watch out for this, ect. And since they are family members they listen. But to tell a complete stranger that you have this ability they say you are nuts and steer clear of ya. Here is something on the subject.

02-23-2013, 02:19 PM
I'm sorry about your Mom, Sniper. That sounds upsetting.

I guess it would be nice to have precognition or whatever, to be able to see the future, but I only seem to notice how the dots connect in the past. But hindsight is 20/20, as they say. So I will be ready for next year!

02-24-2013, 12:37 AM
Don't discount it. My grandmother would say I could see furthest through a stone wall than most. I inherited this gift from her. I see things, mostly in my dreams, only once I "flashed" something while awake as I tend to keep this part of me buttoned down during the day. The closer an event comes the stronger the dreams are. Both my sons have it in varying degrees and I suspect one or more of the grand kids have it. I know my brother has it but he calls it his "gut" feeling.

02-25-2013, 11:53 PM
I sometimes wonder if Deja Vu's are second chances (gifts) of an important missed lesson that sparks our attention so we'll be more apt to understand the situation and what the outcome might be.

02-26-2013, 01:09 AM
"gut instinct". . . we all have it, its just a case of how much we embrace it or ignore it.

03-02-2013, 06:02 AM
Have any of you noticed that most of the preppers seem to have this same "gift" or "sense" if you want to call it that? Maybe it's something that we all share that is in us that has made us preppers to begin with?

Taz Baby
03-02-2013, 02:16 PM
Never really notice but then again I don't know any preppers personally.

03-03-2013, 02:20 AM
Never really notice but then again I don't know any preppers personally.

Yes you do...look at all of us here on this site.

03-04-2013, 04:30 AM
Never had anything happen later on the same day, but for several years November had bad things happen to me in it. I still have a real distrust of November.

My wife has such visions, some come true, some don't. I've gotten that feeling of it already happened, been there before, etc. Me and my wife used to communicate mentally, but haven't done it in quite awhile. Furthest we've sent messages to each other was about 120 miles. We were able to complete each others' sentences after dating only a few months, seemed to know what the other wanted/needed, etc.
My wife always said we were "soulmates", and as such, had (or could have, if tuned in to each other), abilities that might seem "extra-normal".

You know, we only use about 10% of our brain these days. I've always thought that we all possessed "psychic" or "paranormal" abilities, and they reside in the parts of our brains that we no longer use. The ones we now call "psychic" have simply re-opened some of those doors. There is a lot in the world around us we don't understand or realize, but I think that at one time we did realize, even if we didn't understand it. There is a saying that for everything that is gained, something is lost. I think we traded our natural "extra abilities" for modern technologies. We simply quit using them, and they went into hiding.

Personally, I think we made the wrong decision. Given the choice, I think I'd kept the natural abilities.

Taz Baby
03-04-2013, 11:55 AM
Lady that is true. So the next time I have a weird dream (which is every night) I'll call you up and we can talk about it. :D So times I think that I was chosen to have the dreams that were meant for other people. Maybe because they can't handle them, anyway I have one everynight and I remember them too. But over the years I have been taught what to do and how to handle them.

03-07-2013, 01:53 AM
I have weird dreams every night too. I'm sure bwwr13 is getting tire of hearing them when I get up. I almost always remember them and can actually control much of my actions in them. When I was in college my psych prof told me that it was super rare for people to be able to do that but it does happen. I usually notice it more in the ones where I am in danger.

Taz Baby
03-07-2013, 02:15 AM
Yep Me too. I stopped myself from being crushed by a semi truck tire in one of my dreams. As I was falling between the tire and the fender (in my dream) I thought of the tire really being a pillow. I grabbed it as it was rolling over me and then I fell out of bed(for real), :D. Crazy I know, but I can change things in my dreams sometimes, but Most of the time I can not change the bad parts.

Taz Baby
03-07-2013, 02:28 AM

03-16-2013, 03:21 AM
I trust mine.
I learned long ago that the little voice knew what it was doing, and just accepted it.
Of course, I learned that the hard way, fighting it, trying to figure it out, and being wrong.

If people ask, I just tell them I knew. I don't know how I knew, but I did, and don't question it.
It doesn't answer everything, but when it answers, it's right.

David Armstrong
03-16-2013, 03:02 PM
Nothing really that mysterious about deja vu, it has been fairly well explained by research and we have reached the point where we can actually stimulate the process in the lab through use of drugs. While some attribute somewhat paranormal properties to it, scientific consensus is that it is a memory anomaly, where there is a false impression of recall. Precognition, on the other hand, is a sheer numbers game. We tend to remember and focus on the things we think of that come true while ignoring the vastly greater number of times we think of something and it doesn't come true. That is a little different from precog that is based on subconscious indicators, like the young girl "predicting" when the bombers were coming was probably the result of her being particularly sensitive to vibrations of the aircraft flying. Somebody asked about that in relationship to preppers. Probably not unique to preppers, but there is some evidence that those who do pay attention to the more subtle influences and who take the time to examine their feelings may be more alert to potential problems, thus having a heightened sense of both awareness and potential problems. Really an interesting field for research.

03-20-2013, 12:55 AM
My mom was about 3 when her town was being bombed...she was usually asleep and woke up to come and tell her mother that they were coming. It was minutes later when it would come over the radio that the planes were coming in. She would dream about the planes and warn her mother. It hadn't even gone over the airwaves yet so not sure how she would have felt them when she was sleeping and lookouts in another town hadn't even spotted them yet.
Her sister saved my life while I was living with her in high school. I was to go out with a friend to the movies on his motorcycle and she told me no, something bad was going to happen. We had a knock down fight over it and I finally gave in and stayed home. He took another friend instead and when they got near the movie theater a bus pulled out in front of them at he got hit. He lost his arm and the person on the back of the bike lost both of his legs. It was supposed to be me on the back of that bike. She did stuff like that all the time.
I have had dreams of things that I didn't know would happen to me until years later. At the time I had no idea what they meant and when it happened they were things that I had no control over but afterwards I knew that I had dreamt the exact thing already and I was seeing it all over again. They are personal so I won't go into it here. My son has told me he experiences the same kinds of things.