View Full Version : Stay or go?

03-15-2013, 04:53 AM
Ok boys and girls. Me and another member (Kodiak) are here at work discussing when to go or stay. This is an open scenario question because some of them would be obvious that its time to go. This is a work based scenario.

Lets say you are at work and you have to decide when to leave. (remember, this will probably cost you your job) What or when would you think its to the point you need to go? (try to come up with the less obvious triggers besides...EMP, NUKE, etc)

03-15-2013, 01:21 PM
Well for me to leave means I have to steal a helicopter. So it is going to have to be a real event, not just a gut feeling.

03-15-2013, 01:31 PM
Well considering I only work a part time job and it ain't much, it wouldn't take much for me to go...but considering also where I live and where I work, it would just about have to be one of those bad boys to mentioned.

Now I might refuse to go to work if a hurricane issue, as my place stays open to the last second and I don't want to be driving home in a 'cane...


03-15-2013, 02:01 PM
I am totally screwed.
I work for a "utility" company.
Depends on the SHTF category
The SHTF could be here at the plant, If I quit and walked off the job a shit load (500k+) of people could be harmed or killed.
SHTF like civil unrest, Red Dawn, Obama 3rd term etc, my relief might not show up due to problems of their own. I work 12hr shifts.
I will be perfectly safe inside the fence. We have an excellent security force. The NYS Troopers, Sheriffs Dept and National Guard will be here in short order.
Wifey can hold down the home fort for a short time.
After me being here for 24hrs, if they dont grant her access inside the fence, they will have to shoot me to make me stay here.

David Armstrong
03-15-2013, 06:26 PM
Fortunately that is not something I need to worry about any more. Working at a university we can pretty much come and go as we wish, and the university is pretty good about closing down any time they think there might be a problem with weather or such.

03-15-2013, 07:12 PM
Am I the only one with
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIXLHtg2Btk stuck in their head now? Ugh, thanks Lunchbox! ;)

I am lucky, for now I live at my BOL, and work from home. But I am planning to be working full time outside the home by the end of the year. In Nashville. That will be fun. My BO plan for that.....uhm, I know a lady who does some of the carriage rides downtown. I guess if SHTF and I couldn't drive home, we would be unharnessing the horses and riding the heck outta dodge!

As far as when to go....well, when it's worth losing your job, it's time to get outta there! That in and of itself is a pretty good gauge of when it's time to go, don't you think?

Short of that, I would expect to be allowed to go home early in the case of bad weather, etc.

03-15-2013, 08:08 PM
Other than a localized chemical release I'm not sure, since most other scenarios are why I took this job to begin with. If its not a teotwawki level event, and my family/ friends don't need me, I want to be here.

03-15-2013, 10:16 PM
My work is similar in nature to Alpha tea's. We could be the problem and have pretty good security in place. But my position isn't critical to operations and we have a pretty flexible vacation policy. I have banked over three weeks so I can go fairly quickly if need be and be out for a while. I don't think it would be a huge deal for me.

If something like this came up, I need to be on the road quickly. If the two bridges I would have to cross to get home, I have on medium size and one large river crossing to make. I don't look forward to that scenario, not even a little bit.

03-16-2013, 03:02 AM
I gotta cross a 4 mile bridge to get home, or go way out of my way to take a ferry.
Therefore, I won't be waiting too late. Since I pretty much work for myself, I can just leave. The people I "sort of" work for are of the same mindset, so that's a non-issue.
The only problem is information to know what's happening outside our little box, so we know that we need to go.

03-16-2013, 04:30 AM
I don't worry about us needing to go since we are retired. I am more concerned with knowing when some of you guys will but coming so we can be ready and make arraignments needed

03-16-2013, 03:06 PM
I am totally screwed.
I work for a "utility" company.
Depends on the SHTF category
The SHTF could be here at the plant, If I quit and walked off the job a shit load (500k+) of people could be harmed or killed.
SHTF like civil unrest, Red Dawn, Obama 3rd term etc, my relief might not show up due to problems of their own. I work 12hr shifts.
I will be perfectly safe inside the fence. We have an excellent security force. The NYS Troopers, Sheriffs Dept and National Guard will be here in short order.
Wifey can hold down the home fort for a short time.
After me being here for 24hrs, if they dont grant her access inside the fence, they will have to shoot me to make me stay here.

Been there done that for 30 years....I know what your saying.


03-16-2013, 03:35 PM
Been there done that for 30 years....I know what your saying.


I too work at a Nuke plant and of critical operations and EOF/EP staff. however I'm mature enough to admit that no '1' man leaving,will cause a melt down,regardless of how important they believe they are.
I would leave ASAP if I knew there will be a Spent Fuel Pool compromise. and not stop for a while. The home has clearly defined instructions that lay out what totes go where for wha b-o scenario. things will be hectic and suck quite a bit,but the survival mindset will still be working and doing my best to get the job done.
Again,depnding on the scenario,staying in the plant has it's merits of protection and survivability. the major chink in this armor is the fact that this power company has a "lock-down/no one leaves" policy for incidents. The good thing about this,is that the guard farce are wackenschmucks,and are as effective as the people running thier company. so leaving the plant is very easy and I see no problem having plenty of thier weapons to take with me,as there will be plennnnty o' them laying around discarded!

03-16-2013, 07:15 PM
When/if the time comes, I dont see it as an issue when it comes to the choice of my familys safety/survival or keeping a job. Jobs can be replaced at any time, my family cant be replaced.

03-16-2013, 07:31 PM
Don't you just love Wackenhut?

03-16-2013, 07:35 PM
Well for me it is slightly different than most situations. I am 80 miles offshore right now, and I am every other week. My only way in is my companies helicopter, me and my pilot have discussed this many times. He lives just about 8 miles north of me, and we have figured out if we take enough non essential equipment off the helicopter it will make it to our house on one tank of fuel. It is just almost 300 miles one way. If we can not take the helicopter for some reason we will only last a few weeks out here.

03-17-2013, 01:10 AM
I don't worry about us needing to go since we are retired. I am more concerned with knowing when some of you guys will but coming so we can be ready and make arraignments needed

I actually got some good news to this end yesterday. My pay rate was finally corrected, and my payroll clerk is working on calculating my back pay! She has to go back four years, so it'll take some time, but the hard part is over!

I don't have any firm numbers yet, but this is going to be a substantial boost to my plans. Someone's gonna be calling me a "damn yankee" much sooner than I last projected!

03-17-2013, 07:42 PM
I actually got some good news to this end yesterday. My pay rate was finally corrected, and my payroll clerk is working on calculating my back pay! She has to go back four years, so it'll take some time, but the hard part is over!

I don't have any firm numbers yet, but this is going to be a substantial boost to my plans. Someone's gonna be calling me a "damn yankee" much sooner than I last projected!

WhooooHooo! I see lots of hookers and blow in your future!


03-19-2013, 05:34 AM
I was always the last person to leave when I worked but now that I am old, wiser, and have a daughter, it would take very little for me to leave. Probably just the school nurse calling to say that my daughter was sick and wanted to come home, and my parents were not able to pick her up. My daughter loves school and never wants to come home, so I know it would be pretty serious if she wanted to come home. I would still feel bad and I know it is a luxury for me to not have to work to pay bills right now.

My husband, on the other hand, straddles the line between having a good work ethic and being stupid. I have to call and give him updates because he works in a windowless room and can't be bothered to walk over to a window or check on the news unless I call and tell him to. Even then, he always says that he will wait and see. He is salaried and has the ability to work from home, so he really has no excuse.

03-20-2013, 12:39 AM
I actually got some good news to this end yesterday. My pay rate was finally corrected, and my payroll clerk is working on calculating my back pay! She has to go back four years, so it'll take some time, but the hard part is over!

I don't have any firm numbers yet, but this is going to be a substantial boost to my plans. Someone's gonna be calling me a "damn yankee" much sooner than I last projected!

So does that mean we are going to have to teach you how to talk "TN" in the near future? Yahoo! I know you are excited! Glad things are looking up for you finally.

03-20-2013, 03:49 AM
So does that mean we are going to have to teach you how to talk "TN" in the near future? .

First you gotta get him liquored up so he WILL talk in the first place..........;)

03-20-2013, 04:00 AM
He (MTR) talked some on the drive down to the meet & greet (when he wasn't looking for landmarks and listening for bangos...LOL)

03-20-2013, 04:07 AM
First you gotta get him liquored up so he WILL talk in the first place..........;)

Well that didn't take much arm twisting. He was pretty easy!

- - - Updated - - -

First word...even though it's spelled Hollow, it's pronounced "Holler" so go look in the mirror and practice. Take a drink if you need one to get ya started.

03-20-2013, 05:03 AM
I know holler all too well! Lol. Its easy to remember because that's exactly what I'd have been doing in one if Kodiak and LB tried dumping me in one like they mentioned at the start of our trip!

And I won't mind getting liquored up if its as smooth as grape juice or apple pie.

ETA: and ya'll think I'm quiet? Lol.. Wonder if our neighbors thought so.

03-20-2013, 05:43 AM
I bet your mom was glad to see you walk back through the door after warning you about going on a trip with total strangers. Yeah, those neighbors sure did think you were quiet after you went over and yelled at them to turn off the damn light that was blinding us all night. You probably scared the crap out of those little kids. But better you go over than me, they would have packed up and left.

03-20-2013, 06:18 AM
Lol. Yep. That went for most of my family, but the real battle will come when I tell them I'm ready to move. I don't think they really believe me yet.

And that light sucked. Somebody had to say something! Lol

03-20-2013, 06:42 AM
Especially since I whined about it so much :/

03-20-2013, 10:43 AM
Whining? I heard talk of hostile takeovers and covert raids, so I thought I'd try some diplomacy first! ;)


03-20-2013, 01:26 PM
Whining? I heard talk of hostile takeovers and covert raids, so I thought I'd try some diplomacy first! ;)


I mentioned no such raid.....;)

03-20-2013, 10:51 PM
You think I mentioned hostile raids??? I think that must have been Kodiak and Lunchbox. They were the strong silent ones sitting around the campfire. I believe they were doing the planning and BWRR was giving them backup.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
03-21-2013, 12:22 AM
I meerly gave constructive crticism and interjected various options for flanking the illuminated targets given our geographic position. That's it............

03-21-2013, 03:10 AM
I've been out of touch a bunch. So what time did you say it was time to leave. I'm ready to go RTF now. Things have changed a bunch and I am truly looking forward. In two months my time runs out at my job so I will have about two months off. That being said I will be out in the middle of nowhere for about two months working on my cabin. My Nephew and his wife feel the same way as I do so the would be good to go too. So if we leave now it will mean it will get done sooner......

03-22-2013, 07:47 PM
I meerly gave constructive crticism and interjected various options for flanking the illuminated targets given our geographic position. That's it............

And I'm the one that gets called the intellectual? Wouldn't it have been easier to say you were the brain directing the braun, or "bruin" as it were?

Grumpy Old Man
03-23-2013, 08:08 PM
I've done left all ya'll. Now it's a matter of finding the right property. But I'm on the edge of town, and I have a good garden area. And work is just over the hill from me so when isn't an issue, primarily because I work for/with a like-minded group of folks.

03-24-2013, 02:43 AM
I've done left all ya'll. Now it's a matter of finding the right property. But I'm on the edge of town, and I have a good garden area. And work is just over the hill from me so when isn't an issue, primarily because I work for/with a like-minded group of folks.

I saw your "Grumpy" cat yesterday. Very cute. Been missing you. So John finally has "Galt's Gulch" huh? I'm glad you are with like minded people Grumps. ;)

Grumpy Old Man
03-24-2013, 11:56 AM
I realized after reading Lady's post above that I left out a comma. It should have read "I've done left, all ya'll". I've not left here just been very busy. But, to clarify, I've moved to a very small town (<20,000) compared to where I was. Population density is low, but we do have an Army base nearby. By and large, getting away from major population centers is the best choice in staying IMO. And working with a group of like-minded individuals also helps because if someone has to go then they have to go. Employers that believe family comes first are invaluable.

But if you're in an essential services position, then this decision would be a tough one, and would require being able to predict if this situation was the game changer for your kin. Just my thoughts.

03-25-2013, 10:55 AM
I wouldve told them to turn the light off, but I didnt want to get mistaken for a bigfoot and shot. I didnt see many 6'5 300 pound guys running around the campsite that weekend. :p

03-27-2013, 04:14 AM
They didn't strike me as the shooting type, and besides, didn't you see the med gear we had on hand? You'd have been ok ;)

03-27-2013, 04:20 AM
Med gear...I'm still thinking about the BACON!!!!

03-27-2013, 04:32 PM
Med gear? I always thought bacon was the med gear. Does this mean I have to empty out my Med. packs and put something else in?
Man ; now I'm really confused. :confused:

Brownwater Riverrat 13
03-28-2013, 12:43 AM
Aaaaah the Bacon, meat, what's a weekend with out meat. We had meat, bacon, sausage, yup, twas a good weekend. Still should surrounded their little happy camper asses and beat....uh.....scared the crap out of em. Woulda been fun. Just snuck out of the bushes from all sides surrounded them and then asked them to kindly turn off the light were trying to enjoy ourselves by the fire, WE CAN'T SEE! But then again we shoulda went with plan "A" and shot it out in the first place. Diplomacy..............

03-30-2013, 10:16 PM
No matter how ya cut it (the bacon) it would have been practice for shtf...flanking them would have given us some sneaky skills, shooting out the light would have been target practice, if anyone got shot then suturing skills would have been used and talking them into turning off the light was negotiation skill. See? It was a win win situation.
Didn't SOMEONE burn the bacon or start a fire or something???

04-02-2013, 05:18 AM
I don't remember any being burned (somehow) but it was a very good weekend.

You guys need to look in Town Hall for the next get together....

04-02-2013, 09:42 AM
And as I recall, only one piece of bacon even got dropped! And I think some wild pirate ate that one, so nothing was wasted!

I'm excited and can't wait for the next meet up!

04-11-2013, 08:34 PM
I am totally screwed.
I work for a "utility" company.
Depends on the SHTF category
The SHTF could be here at the plant, If I quit and walked off the job a shit load (500k+) of people could be harmed or killed.
SHTF like civil unrest, Red Dawn, Obama 3rd term etc, my relief might not show up due to problems of their own. I work 12hr shifts.
I will be perfectly safe inside the fence. We have an excellent security force. The NYS Troopers, Sheriffs Dept and National Guard will be here in short order.
Wifey can hold down the home fort for a short time.
After me being here for 24hrs, if they dont grant her access inside the fence, they will have to shoot me to make me stay here.

I too work at a Nuke plant and of critical operations and EOF/EP staff. however I'm mature enough to admit that no '1' man leaving,will cause a melt down,regardless of how important they believe they are.
I would leave ASAP if I knew there will be a Spent Fuel Pool compromise. and not stop for a while. The home has clearly defined instructions that lay out what totes go where for wha b-o scenario. things will be hectic and suck quite a bit,but the survival mindset will still be working and doing my best to get the job done.
Again,depnding on the scenario,staying in the plant has it's merits of protection and survivability. the major chink in this armor is the fact that this power company has a "lock-down/no one leaves" policy for incidents. The good thing about this,is that the guard farce are wackenschmucks,and are as effective as the people running thier company. so leaving the plant is very easy and I see no problem having plenty of thier weapons to take with me,as there will be plennnnty o' them laying around discarded!

I never said my leaving would cause a LOCA/DBA/MCA. However, leaving during or right after an event could indeed make things a lot worse.
I dont know about Turkey Point, but where I work, its all hands on deck when SHTF. Our staff is cut to the bare bones except for the Whackaweenie guys.
So if a few folks "leave ASAP if I knew there will be a Spent Fuel Pool compromise" we (and the public) would be a lot worse off.

Now I do have to agree with you for the most part on your post.
Everyone has a point where self preservation kicks in and its time to GTFOOD.
Probably not going to be too many weapons laying around though. If they have enough sense to bag ass when SHTF, they would probably take the weapon with them.