View Full Version : Sorry I haven't been posting much.

03-30-2013, 05:22 PM
.....As much as I hate to be an alarmist....I've been staging for the last few weeks.

One in our group, gave report earlier this month....and to tell the truth...it spooked us a bit.

It was basically a briefing on the events occurring in the EU....events here.....and what this may mean to us as a group...based on professions and families.

We had gotten a bit relaxed on our over all reporting and rotation of supplies. Basically we hadn't had a meeting since before Christmas.

So the short version is, we are in the process of staging more supplies at the BOL....and doing a massive inventory.

We are also staging a lot of stuff at the house to better "grab and go".....if a "bug out" event were to take place.

I didn't realize how spread out things could get in a relatively short span of time.

Just the communication gear inventory and consolidation was a nightmare.....and we still aren't done with some of the larger pieces. I'm taking a large mast for an antenna array sometime this week. Our comms guy is trying to find the crimping tool for the coax cable.

I dropped off the large set of commercial stainless steel measuring cups and pictures....but left the darn spoons and ladles at the shop....:/

Moved some optics....and took inventory of some other scopes and binocs....tripods and cases...etc.

Moved 6 silhouette targets to the practice range.....need to finish the bench and mobile rack.

And this is still just part of what's been going on.

I guess what I'm saying is to stay vigilant.....keep your bearings.....and don't get complacent.

In just over 3 months....we have let a pile of work build up.....and since no one knows when the event will occur.....it could cause an unnecessary over site that could have been avoided. When you are talking survival supplies...this could be disastrous.

So give me a couple more weeks....and I should be caught up on chores/duties....:)

That is all.....Carry on.....Echo2

03-30-2013, 06:11 PM
Lots o work. But steps closer. Great job.

Grumpy Old Man
03-30-2013, 07:32 PM
ROFLMAO Echo. You are leaps and bounds ahead of me! I'm still unpacking and looking for stuff; it's like a three month scavenger hunt. And yes, you are right, we need to maintain situational awareness no matter where we are. I've been working on improving my comms while getting unpacked, inventorying what I have, etc,etc etc.Ol' Grumpy is more than a little cautious right now and with good reason. Keep an eye on the ridges and watch your topknot!

03-30-2013, 09:18 PM
We just had a practice run last night and found out ALL of our medic bags are incorrectly supplied with non matching saline locks to the IV bags. Imagine my horror when we have 8 people on the ground, all with open IV's in them, and no way to connect the saline bags. Blood, sharps, and bandages all over the place, and me counting it off by the numbers, only to have 8 people look at me funny when I say "now attach the saline lock to the open catheter" . . . very disconcerting. Had to end the session early after that. Needless to say, Ive remedied that issue by this morning, with all new saline driplines and catheters coming, all matching. But just goes to show, just when you think you are ok, complacency kicks you in the nuts and tells you "nope. . .not ready for war."

03-30-2013, 11:00 PM
Practice makes perfect.

You just reminded me, I need to go through some med supplies and check dates.


03-31-2013, 01:20 AM
I am ignorant, AND ill-prepared. Im so busy at work, and a few issues at home... Ive not the chance to get up to speed on intel, and not being the brightest crayon in the box... Im not sure if I could connect the dots to form a more perfect picture.

Also, with a massive lack of funds, stocks & stores are pathetic and I cant do a thing about it.

Best I can hope for, the 20 gal of diesel in the truck and the few rounds Ive got, will get me away from the burbs... but then, Ive got no where to go!

At any rate, with what "little" I have, Ive still got a lot... If I think about it, Ive got more than most... and at least I have some bearings and plans. So Im in better shape than most!!


04-01-2013, 02:36 AM
EB, the best part is that you have a unique skill set that goes hand in hand with maintaining a bug out location. If you dont have a place to go and need one, We could always use an extra set of eyes and ears of someone who we dont have to explain what LP/OP, ROE, Fields of Fire, Light/sound/tactical discipline or have to train in basic infantry skills. Plus having experience in door kicking is always a plus too! Just a thought is all, im sure there are plenty of folks in your area who could use someone with real world experience in the KATN Dept.

04-01-2013, 09:05 AM
Thanks SF, generous offer... but I dont think post SHTF Id make it to Wis. Id be lucky to make it to another county, so I think buggin out early is going to be a major key. Wait too long and either the authorities and/or bands might hamper your travel.

For example, once I see the rising tower of fire but before I see the plumb take shape.. I need to be loading the Bug Out Trailer (BOT) full of shit and getting ready to head out...

Id love to find like minded people in my area to effect a MAG, but Im very untrusting of others, even if they have been in the service. I found that even if they did wear a uniform in the past does not make them morally straight and ethically sound. I need someone that wont abuse my family while Im on patrol, but is still willing to use there trigger finger.... plus have some prior 11B type skill sets.

I hate to think Id be flying solo, but seams a better option than getting mixed up with whack'os.


04-01-2013, 07:49 PM
I too have been lax about posting on here. The real world has been climbing up my backside for a variety of reasons, some of them good while others not so much. My group has been stepping up its activity level due to overall events and world situations and so that has been a major time eater upper. Its good that we are stepping things up but as was mentioned above not staying on top of preps and equipment then needing to do so is a major time drain. I've been remedying that situation hard lately and happy to report that overall things are now in much better shape.

In addition I'm organizing and hosting another prep expo in OKC in August and that is a serious amount of work. So not trying to make excuses for my lack of posting. I made a commitment to be a good member and I need to step up.

04-01-2013, 08:17 PM
Wow! Talk about lax posting... I haven't been on the sit in over a year! There is SOOOO much changed in my world since last posting. I have now moved to my BOL with family and we are getting ready for whatever may come our way. EMP, economy collapse, societal unrest, or N. Korea bombing. We are going to do our best to survive it up here in the N. FL woods.:)

04-02-2013, 05:23 PM
Id love to find like minded people in my area to effect a MAG, but Im very untrusting of others, even if they have been in the service. I found that even if they did wear a uniform in the past does not make them morally straight and ethically sound. I need someone that wont abuse my family while Im on patrol, but is still willing to use there trigger finger.... plus have some prior 11B type skill sets.



I' not too far away.............

04-02-2013, 05:24 PM
I've been a little AWOL myself.

Lots of stuff going on around here while I've got decent weather.

I should be back to normal posting schedule soon.

04-02-2013, 07:26 PM

I' not too far away.............

PM me...


04-04-2013, 09:41 PM
EB... See, told ya theres good folk up in your AO. . .Just stay away from that Izzy feller. . . I hear he has bad . . "habits"! :rolleyes:

04-05-2013, 02:31 AM
Wow, it must be in the air, I haven't been on in several weeks either. Been really busy doing about the same as all of you....getting more supplies, re-organizing, and getting better prepared.

04-07-2013, 03:57 AM
Same here. Been busy chasing dollars & keeping one ear to the ground.

04-16-2013, 12:18 AM
I been pretty absent myself. Life has just gone crazy. I'm way backlogged at work, and seem to just be sliding back more.
Got the driveway done, redid the bathroom floor myself (rotted out), spent several days with our daughter at CHKD trying to figure out if she has Tourettes, or epilepsy, or what.
She's ok, has none of it, just a "tick" that may or may not go away by the time she reaches adulthood. Me and my wife having/had some probs, probably nothing can't get through, but another distraction. Only really go on maybe 3-4 forums, haven't much been on any of them. With all that's going on, it's just depressing.
Haven't gotten much done with preps at all, but did get some gear upgrades. Almost doesn't matter. I don't think I can safely stay here in the city, and I really don't have anywhere to go, and I almost have more now than the truck and trailer will carry. I do have a cache, but storing food there greatly complicates rotation, especially as its temp does have variance. Mostly stopped shooting, can't replace what I shoot.

Izzy, I got your call, called back and left a msg. I guess you got it figured out.

04-20-2013, 04:04 AM
spent several days with our daughter at CHKD trying to figure out if she has Tourettes, or epilepsy, or what.
She's ok, has none of it, just a "tick" that may or may not go away by the time she reaches adulthood.

Izzy, I got your call, called back and left a msg. I guess you got it figured out.

one of my girls has the same tick issue.

and i dont remember what i was going to ask you now.....

Grumpy Old Man
04-21-2013, 01:15 AM
Life is what happens when you've made other plans. I am guilty of not posting as much as well, but I'm getting better. It's been a few years since I've been in this side of the business and I'd forgotten how time intensive it is. Oh well! Time to man up and enjoy life!