View Full Version : Castle Coop

04-04-2013, 07:03 PM
Pity the poor critters who try to sneak into Izzy's booby trapped chicken compound. He shall lay waste to all who try and breech his A.O.
Many years from now tales of the mighty Chicken Guardian Sir Izzy Scout shall ring thru out the land of his mighty and stealthy deeds done by this deadly warrior to protect his flock. He shall stand as a symbol to all who have flocks to aspire to be as him.
Many shall try ; but only a few brave shall achieve.

Raise a glass in toast to Sir Izzy Scout !!! ; Protector of the flock and Scourge to all who test him.

The Beginning :

And so the legend was born. In the year of our Lord the spring of 2013 came a ghostly figure as if gliding upon the mist that covered the land. Now even the mighty owl could not pick up his movements as he approached the site where he would build his fortress for his flock. Silently in the pre- dawn morning his mind already working thru the mission ahead.
Many a man wondered where he learned the tools of the trade ; but none ever dared to question.Silently he peered at the landscape before him deciding where to build his compound. It came to be such a place where he could see far and wide as if he were on heaven high looking down upon his domain.

And so ; moving forth with the quietness of death itself he laid down his marker and laid claim to the future home of his flocks abode.

And so it was. The forest looked down upon this honest and noble warrior and said unto him ; We shall give forth unto you the material you need for your safe haven and thou shall erect a safe and comfortable realm in which your flock shall thrive. Being the humble servant that he was ; He could not take without giving back to those who had hence gave unto him.
And so the pact was born. As they would provide material for shelter. Sir Izzy would protect and nurture the growth of them who provided for him. For he knew that with- in their realm they could give him the power to become invisible to those of the outside world.
Hence forth ; with the pact sealed Izzy set forth to begin laying the foundation of his chicken nation.

04-04-2013, 07:27 PM
Moving softly in the early dawn Sir Izzy made his way back to his domain capturing all that was before him in his mind's eye.
Finally at his compound he took pen and paper and laid down the 3-D plan that was with-in his mind. All the while retracing his foot steps back to the site taking note of that which should and should not be there. For with any plan ; One must know and understand that which is good and that which is a liability to one's A.O.
After hours of planning he then penned the names of those trustworthy enough to help with the build if needed ; For he knew their help was out of kinship spirit. Now after exhausting hours of working towards his goal he gave in to fatigue and took to his chamber to recharge.