View Full Version : Monster Tornado Hits Oklahoma

05-20-2013, 09:34 PM
These folks need our prayers. Hope Prepguide is okay. Devastation is so bad, Rescue can not even get to people. I just heard on FOX that the wind speed was the highest ever recorded on earth.

05-20-2013, 10:01 PM
Terrible destruction. At least two children dead at the last report I heard.

05-20-2013, 10:03 PM
My heart breaks. Two elementary schools destroyed. It looks really bad.

05-20-2013, 10:31 PM
Of course we prep for the ultimate... the long term SHTF scenario. But this should keep us grounded that there are many more things that are much more likely for us to encounter in OUR life time.

Thinking out loud, Im thinking of these points of interest:

Food: No grocery store, the stash is now king.
Water: Im sure there is not clean running water, the stash is now king.
Shelter: If you lost your roof, the tent is now king.
Communications: Knowing what is going on gives direction and eases tension. The radio is now king. (AM/FM and Ham)
Comfort: A sleeping pad and bag, Deep Woods Off, chap stick and a bucket to chit in... is king.
Security: Where are the police? Stretched way too thin to insure protection for everyone. The AR & XD/Glock are king.
Medical: Allergies? Cut finger? No ER will be able to see you for hours and hours... the bucket with your first aid & OTC meds, is now king.
Power: So you need more juice to charge your radio, or batteries, etc.. The solar panel and the 1.5kw genset that everyone laughed at.. is now king.
Cook & Light: Remember those Coleman lanterns and camp stoves you got at the yard sales? And the couple of cans of camp gas? Yeah, its now king.

But remember... the wife is still queen and still should feel as one so treat her as such. Be calm, relaxed, funny... dont allow your inner concerns to be your family's burden. The kids should think of this as a "cool twist to camping out".... where ever that may be, not thinking "Oh my god, daddy is freaking out and thats my clue that were in danger".

I think ALL of the things I mentioned above, would cost less than $1,000 and is worth more than bars of gold at such a time.

Just thinking out loud...

05-20-2013, 10:50 PM
Checking in, am absolutely fine. I'm about 65 miles west of the storm. It is REALLY bad over there.

05-20-2013, 10:55 PM
Good observations, EB. Preps are king.

I heard a report from one of the schools that civilians with 4x4s are aiding in the rescue effort. Their vehicles are the only ones that can get in over some of the rubble and debris.


Checking in, am absolutely fine. I'm about 65 miles west of the storm. It is REALLY bad over there.

That's good to hear, glad you're safe.

05-20-2013, 11:23 PM
It is bad. Our new shop is on 82nd st SE in OKC. My partner is down there and watched the tornados go by the shop and miss it by just a couple miles.

Prayers to all down there.

05-21-2013, 12:41 AM
PG and Dropy, glad to here you folks are ok. I've been wondering about you all.

EB, your post is spot on, I totally agree. The only issue with all that, if your house is gone preps are scattered about the area most likely

05-21-2013, 02:38 AM
We're already looking at a shelter and we haven't closed on the house yet. Looking at a 8x6x6'6" inside height concrete model. Thinking the $3495 installed doesn't sound bad. We seem to have tornadoes dance around us every year and haven't been hit yet. My brother is in Edmond OK, and the one yesterday went to ground several blocks from them and started its descent over their home. 3 times in the shelter in 2 days for them, and their 8 person shelter will apparently hold 15 people, or at least it did today.

05-21-2013, 02:54 AM
We're already looking at a shelter and we haven't closed on the house yet. Looking at a 8x6x6'6" inside height concrete model. Thinking the $3495 installed doesn't sound bad. We seem to have tornadoes dance around us every year and haven't been hit yet. My brother is in Edmond OK, and the one yesterday went to ground several blocks from them and started its descent over their home. 3 times in the shelter in 2 days for them, and their 8 person shelter will apparently hold 15 people, or at least it did today.

That seems pretty expensive for a shelter. You can build a below ground cinderblock, rebar, & concrete shelter that size easily for $2000 if not less depending on the size. Just have to factor in the manual labor to build it.

05-21-2013, 03:06 AM
Checking in, am absolutely fine. I'm about 65 miles west of the storm. It is REALLY bad over there.

Glad to hear you are safe and sound buddy.

05-21-2013, 03:44 AM
That seems pretty expensive for a shelter. You can build a below ground cinderblock, rebar, & concrete shelter that size easily for $2000 if not less depending on the size. Just have to factor in the manual labor to build it.

I could build one, but I don't see me having the time, and when I have to build my own door, mess with permits, etc. I just don't think I will ever get it done. Also, there is a pretty good state credit toward installing a shelter. I'd love to take on the project, if it were the ONLY project I had to worry about.

Grumpy Old Man
05-21-2013, 11:56 AM
We had 2 touch down within 12 miles of here yesterday evening.

05-21-2013, 12:59 PM
Glad you guys are safe. Grumpy you left earthquake country.............I think I would rather have the quakes......

They are talking about rescuing over 100 survivors last night. One thing the new said is people are forgoing medical treatment for minor dings and dents because they know others need it more...........those are people we want in our community.

I'm going to Red Cross today so see what I can do from here. Prayers to all in the area.

05-21-2013, 02:30 PM
We had 2 touch down within 12 miles of here yesterday evening.

Good to hear they missed you Grumpy. Keep eyes open and ear to the ground because more storms are brewing over the next couple of days from what the Weather Channel is saying.

The Stig
05-22-2013, 01:21 PM
Excellent points....

Well said 11b.

SHTF events come in all sizes, big and small.

The Stig
05-22-2013, 01:23 PM
3 times in the shelter in 2 days for them, and their 8 person shelter will apparently hold 15 people.

I don't know why but this made me giggle out loud.

05-22-2013, 01:54 PM
On the subject of shelters, I ran across this picture on another site:

Can you find the prepper?

http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb146/megacpc/findtheprepper_zpsbb15d120.jpg (http://s210.photobucket.com/user/megacpc/media/findtheprepper_zpsbb15d120.jpg.html)


http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb146/megacpc/prepperfound_zpsde63ca0e.jpg (http://s210.photobucket.com/user/megacpc/media/prepperfound_zpsde63ca0e.jpg.html)

David Armstrong
05-22-2013, 02:13 PM
from realist:
They are talking about rescuing over 100 survivors last night. One thing the new said is people are forgoing medical treatment for minor dings and dents because they know others need it more...........those are people we want in our community.
I'm form OK, and most all of the family is still there. The area where we grew up was the target for the first storms, the Wellston and Carney country. And I'll second the motion...folks like those Okies are good people. I laughed a bit when one fo the newscasters mentioned there was some looting going on because I know that any looting going on will be cut short real fast by the first person who notices there is looting going on. Really helps to know how your area will repsond to adversity, just look at the difference between the folks hit by Katrina in New Orleans and the folks on the other side of the state hit by Rita a month later.

05-22-2013, 04:41 PM
I'm form OK, and most all of the family is still there. The area where we grew up was the target for the first storms, the Wellston and Carney country. And I'll second the motion...folks like those Okies are good people. I laughed a bit when one fo the newscasters mentioned there was some looting going on because I know that any looting going on will be cut short real fast by the first person who notices there is looting going on. Really helps to know how your area will repsond to adversity, just look at the difference between the folks hit by Katrina in New Orleans and the folks on the other side of the state hit by Rita a month later.

Yup, the guy who emerges from his shelter, and immediately runs down the street to help dig kids out of a school, without regard to the fact that he has lost everything he owns, is the type of person we should surround ourselves with.

These people live in the REAL America, flyover redneck country to our leaders with their taxpayer funded palaces. No place I'd rather be.

- - - Updated - - -

I don't know why but this made me giggle out loud.

My brother said he wanted to run out in yard, throw his hands in the air and yell "take me away tornado!"

05-23-2013, 01:25 AM
Just heard reported that everyone has been officially accounted for. It is truly a miracle that more weren't killed. 24 dead and 300 injured is heartbreaking enough especially with the kids. But many more deaths were expected initially.