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05-26-2013, 12:58 PM
Post up your Salsa here. :)

Yesterday I harvested the main ingredients for our 2013 batch of Salsa.

http://i572.photobucket.com/albums/ss162/xplore2c/DSC06345.jpg (http://s572.photobucket.com/user/xplore2c/media/DSC06345.jpg.html)

Top left to bottom right,
Money Maker tomatoes, Sweet Onions, Beefsteak, Celebrity Tomatoes.
Serrano, Cayenne, Pasilla (brown) Peppers, Sun Sugar Cherry tomatoes.

I had to buy Poblano peppers, Garlic and Cilantro. Next year I hope not to have to buy.

http://i572.photobucket.com/albums/ss162/xplore2c/DSC06358.jpg (http://s572.photobucket.com/user/xplore2c/media/DSC06358.jpg.html)

Processed amounts

18 c Tomatoes
12 c Onions
6 c Serrano and Cayenne Peppers
5 c Poblano
1/4 c Cilantro
6 Garlic cloves
1 tbs Salt
1 1/2 Red wine vinegar

Bring to boil then simmer uncovered until you have reduced it to your liking. I reduced ours down 1/3rd.

Water bath at a rolling boil for 20 min.

http://i572.photobucket.com/albums/ss162/xplore2c/DSC06359.jpg (http://s572.photobucket.com/user/xplore2c/media/DSC06359.jpg.html)

13 pints of goodness.

05-26-2013, 01:00 PM
Post up your Salsa here. :)

Yesterday I harvested the main ingredients for our 2013 batch of Salsa.

http://i572.photobucket.com/albums/ss162/xplore2c/DSC06345.jpg (http://s572.photobucket.com/user/xplore2c/media/DSC06345.jpg.html)

Top left to bottom right,
Money Maker tomatoes, Sweet Onions, Beefsteak, Celebrity Tomatoes.
Serrano, Cayenne, Pasilla (brown) Peppers, Sun Sugar Cherry tomatoes.

I had to buy Poblano peppers, Garlic and Cilantro. Next year I hope not to have to buy.

http://i572.photobucket.com/albums/ss162/xplore2c/DSC06358.jpg (http://s572.photobucket.com/user/xplore2c/media/DSC06358.jpg.html)

Processed amounts

18 c Tomatoes
12 c Onions
6 c Serrano and Cayenne Peppers
5 c Poblano
1/4 c Cilantro
6 Garlic cloves
1 tbs Salt
1 1/2 Red wine vinegar

Bring to boil then simmer uncovered until you have reduced it to your liking. I reduced ours down 1/3rd.

Water bath at a rolling boil for 20 min.

http://i572.photobucket.com/albums/ss162/xplore2c/DSC06359.jpg (http://s572.photobucket.com/user/xplore2c/media/DSC06359.jpg.html)

12 pints of goodness.

05-26-2013, 02:42 PM
Sounds tasty. I roast my maters and onions on the grill when I have time, but this one sounds pretty good.

05-26-2013, 04:39 PM
Looks good E. Nothing like a good salsa.

05-26-2013, 05:43 PM
You suck man! You're just posting this to tease me! Just 'cause I liked yours so much, and it will be about a week before I get my tomatoes in the ground. lol

I, and Mrs Sniper can both attest to the quality of E's salsa.

Great thread idea. I can't wait to see new tried and tested recipes.

05-26-2013, 06:13 PM
Thanks you guys and a special thanks to Sniper.

Yeah lets keep a going. :)

05-27-2013, 04:32 AM
Does the variety of tomato matter that much or is it more that you just want a few different kinds in the mix?

05-29-2013, 12:04 AM
Does the variety of tomato matter that much or is it more that you just want a few different kinds in the mix?

Mainly I use what's ripe but like anything food related a blend of flavors are always good.

The Sun Sugar cherry tomatoes are just like there name... Yellow and sweet so I didn't add any sugar to the batch, the Money Makers are like a Roma... Meaty and less seeds so it's better for the "sauce", the Beefsteak is a good "filler" and the Celebrity has the most home grown flavor. :)

05-29-2013, 07:34 PM
This is going to be fun to try. I have 3 or 4 varieties of tomatoes planted but I also went crazy this year with hot peppers! I have tabasco, garden salsa, thai, chili, pepperocine , ghost, cayenne, hot banana, sweet yellow and big bertha. Can't wait to see how all of those mix into salsa and chili's and who knows what else I can throw them into? They would be a great base for sausage too!! Might have to get BRWW and Izzy to bag a deer this year for me since I believe I have solved my problem with the gaminess and have figured out how to make it taste like beef. Just might turn into a venison eater after all (maybe).
Now I have to keep the plants alive and the kritters out of them since something got into them overnight and about ripped them out of the pots so we moved them up to the patio and can now barely walk.

05-30-2013, 03:22 PM
I still have a jar of Evo's salsa I've been saving for a special occasion.

I plan on bringing it to the get together.

05-30-2013, 05:34 PM
Evo, if you need my address for the salsa delivery, let me know. Lol

05-31-2013, 10:47 PM
This is going to be fun to try. I have 3 or 4 varieties of tomatoes planted but I also went crazy this year with hot peppers! I have tabasco, garden salsa, thai, chili, pepperocine , ghost, cayenne, hot banana, sweet yellow and big bertha. Can't wait to see how all of those mix into salsa and chili's and who knows what else I can throw them into? They would be a great base for sausage too!! Might have to get BRWW and Izzy to bag a deer this year for me since I believe I have solved my problem with the gaminess and have figured out how to make it taste like beef. Just might turn into a venison eater after all (maybe).
Now I have to keep the plants alive and the kritters out of them since something got into them overnight and about ripped them out of the pots so we moved them up to the patio and can now barely walk.

You are going to have fun girl :) I dry all my surplus peppers out in the dehydrator or the hang dry method then make blended, non- blended, crushed, powered pepper (that I run threw a coffee grinder... short bursts for crushed and long for powdered) that we can shake ontop of or add into anything that needs that extra little pepper taste. One of Evo's favo is a good dusting of powered/blended/hot peppers into his tunafish sandwich mix

06-01-2013, 02:54 AM
^I can't wait. I told my sister the other day that I'm growing Ghost peppers and she asked me who I planned on killing. I had to laugh!!!

09-01-2013, 08:47 PM
Just made my first batch of the season, with the assistance of Lady sniper.
Celebrity, beefsteak, and roma tomatoes
red, green, yellow, and orange bell peppers
Jalapino, anaheim, chili, and serano peppers.
fresh basil and margeram
cilantro, s&p, greek, sugar, pickling salt.

pics to follow...

http://i605.photobucket.com/albums/tt140/Sniper-T/0901131430b_zps0490975a.jpg (http://s605.photobucket.com/user/Sniper-T/media/0901131430b_zps0490975a.jpg.html)

http://i605.photobucket.com/albums/tt140/Sniper-T/0901131636a_zpsde91066b.jpg (http://s605.photobucket.com/user/Sniper-T/media/0901131636a_zpsde91066b.jpg.html)

09-02-2013, 02:31 AM
Those look awesome. Lots of good ingredeants in there. It's gotta taste good.

09-02-2013, 02:43 PM
We do not cook ours down before water bath canning. Warming it up just enough to get it hot.

I like my salsa chunky!


09-14-2013, 10:26 PM
second batch on the go... same basic ingredients, but doubling the 'hot' peppers, as the last batch was a little mild.

I typically boil the tomatoes, to break them down, then add everything else, and simmer sill still crisp, I'll add tomato paste at that point to stiffen it up, and then can it for 10 minutes. most store bought chips break trying to scoop!

09-15-2013, 10:08 PM
I do a good roasted salsa.

Super easy.

Grill jalapeƱos (burn them) I usually halve them lengthwise to keep them from falling thru, and de-seed some to control the heat
Grill quartered tomatoes until they get mushy and have burned skin
Grill onions, sometimes I don't burn them just to keep the salsa from tasting like grill
Apple cider vinegar
Add some non-grilled maters

Blend up and you're good.

I've added hatch chiles or roasted poblano before as well.

09-15-2013, 11:49 PM
I like to simmer the tomatoes down a little first:

http://i605.photobucket.com/albums/tt140/Sniper-T/0914131728a_zps09d08ce6.jpg (http://s605.photobucket.com/user/Sniper-T/media/0914131728a_zps09d08ce6.jpg.html)

Dice up my other ingredients:

http://i605.photobucket.com/albums/tt140/Sniper-T/0914131728b_zps38a8e941.jpg (http://s605.photobucket.com/user/Sniper-T/media/0914131728b_zps38a8e941.jpg.html)

http://i605.photobucket.com/albums/tt140/Sniper-T/0914131728c_zpsbf0619e8.jpg (http://s605.photobucket.com/user/Sniper-T/media/0914131728c_zpsbf0619e8.jpg.html)

This time I also grilled some corn on the cob, and added that and some black olives...

http://i605.photobucket.com/albums/tt140/Sniper-T/0914132134a_zps4a9952b1.jpg (http://s605.photobucket.com/user/Sniper-T/media/0914132134a_zps4a9952b1.jpg.html)

09-16-2013, 02:37 AM
Black olives! What are ya Canadian? Oh, you are. Lol

10-03-2016, 12:00 PM
Been way too long since I made salsa...

Bump to an old thread.

See some pics have gone the way of a dinosaur. :(

Made the first batch of the season yesterday...
1/2 pot peeled tomatoes
4 green peppers
2 yellow peppers
2 red peppers
2 orange peppers
1-1/2 large white onion
1 cup kernal corn (frozen)
4 portuguese chili peppers
4 match chili peppers
4 Jalapeno peppers
1 Scorpion pepper
1/2 cup fresh cilantro
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 cans tomato paste

Made 5-1/2 quarts.

Turned out quite mild actually, going to double the hot peppers in the next batch.

10-04-2016, 11:31 AM
Second batch is on the counter...

1/2 pot peeled tomatoes
5 green peppers
5 yellow peppers
5 red peppers
5 orange peppers
2 large white onion
2 cans sliced black olives
12 portuguese chili peppers (including seeds/pulp)
1/4 cup lemon juice
3 cans tomato paste
salsa seasoning spices.

Made 7-3/4 quarts.

I was too lazy to go out to pick more match chili's and Jalapeno's so once I realized it was still too mild I grabbed my bottle of Mad Dog 357 (5 million scovilles) and added a tooth pick dip to the pot. This brought it up to a nice respectable level that I enjoy and sent the wife scurrying for the sour cream. lol


10-04-2016, 02:33 PM
This past season I planted a bunch of chili and peppers. The tomatoes are in full swing so we will be making salsa hopefully this coming week. I got to be careful with making it too hot or I will incur the wrath of mom.....remember when mom is happy then everyone is happy.

I noticed you did not use Jalapenos in the second batch. Are the Portuguese peppers hot?

10-04-2016, 05:13 PM
no, they are not. I even left the seeds and pulp in, and they still weren't hot enough. That's why I had to add some of that extract.

Next batch I won't be lazy and I'll have my Jalapeno's as well as a few scorpions to throw in.

10-24-2016, 12:00 PM
made a fresh mango type of salsa, with this recipe as a guideline:


My adaptation:

2 Scorpion peppers (red)
8 Jalapinos (green)
8 Portuguese Chili (1/2 red, 1/2 green)
20 Match chili (3/4 red, 1/4 green)
1 large onion
3 cloves garlic
1 large mango
2 tbsp Lemon juice
1/4 cup vinegar
1 tsp mustard seed
1 tsp corriander seed
1 tbsp cilantro
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cracked black pepper

Roughly chopped everything and then ran through the food processor until it was like relish.

tastes a little vinegar-y, but I'm hoping that will mellow a bit. Really tasty, and not nearly as hot as I thought it would be, although it will knock my wife on her ass. Awesome flavour!

Kept a couple jars for the fridge, and waterbath canned a few more, am interested to see if/how they turn out.