View Full Version : In or Out?

06-08-2013, 03:48 PM
I'll keep it short and simple, when SHTF happens, are your plans to dig in or bug out to another location?

As for me, I'm staying right here!

06-08-2013, 04:13 PM
They will have to drag my lifeless body out of my place. I will have so many booby traps in place nothing will be able to walk within miles of my place. There will also be no way to drive within at least 2 miles of my place.

06-08-2013, 05:49 PM
Buggin in for most all scenarios. There are a few that will get me to leave, but they are few and specific.

I've actually done some serious planning for bugging out as the primary and found it would take me a minimum of three trips while towing trailers to get most of everything I want moved in the INCH scenario. And that wouldn't be everything. Not sure how I would accomplish that.

06-08-2013, 06:45 PM
I think BP is a much deeper thinker than most, well grounded and has insight to actual logistics.

Time after time, I see people referring to there BOB and INCH bag... WTF can you stuff in a bag that will keep you alive for the rest of your life? I even saw one talking about one of those shoulder bags (I forget the name) for a BOB.

Anyway, I have a BOT project under way, for if I do BO... I need tires and safety chains for PA, for normal driving around town, I need to get a VIN attached with State Police paperwork filled out before I can get tags, then it will be street legal (Home made trailer).

The trailer is fairly sizable, but even with that, I dont think Ill be able to fit everything I want on it... The BOV is an '82 K5 Blazer 6.2l diesel (which is also my daily driver BTW), so I have some extra cargo room in the back... but am also wanting to build a custom roof rack for it too. I think *maybe* Ill be able to get the bare minimum essentials out in 1 trip.

My bucket collection will intentionally not exceed what 4/5th of the trailer can carry... Ill still need some room for many other things.

Id like to have extra DF2 in 5 gal jerry cans, at least 4... for moving fuel, a few cans of gas for a tiny genny, for what little power I might want or need, a large tent to stay in until I can build a shelter (I have the cabin, shanty and shelter book off Amazon), of course it would be nice to have a small quality chain saw to build it with and 2c oil to feed it... some coleman stoves and fuel w/ propane backup for when I cant build a fire to cook off of, several gallons of drinking water until I can establish a creek etc.., the list goes on and on and on...

So in deep thinking, most everyone IMHO are severely underestimating what they NEED to bug out with.

Back to the OP: The answer would depend on the scenario... if it were a true nationwide and/or global SHTF moment, no way in HELL am I staying here a gnats ass second longer than I have to... Sling buckets on the trailer and put the K5 into the wind (before govt or evil roadblocks can be set up).

Reading the PAW stories by the various well known authors does not in any way give a blueprint, but what it does do is give a great deal of food for thought.

If I cant bug out locally, chances are Im screwed because bugging out with a long trek ahead of you is likely suicide! Id love to hook up with the TN group, but... Id much more love for the TN group to be right here in my subdivision!!! (They are too far away for me to risk the trip, PA)


06-09-2013, 02:20 AM
Its scenario based for me as well, and one of those options is an extreme long distance bug out, if needed - and even if it requires abandoning 99.99% of my stuff. I'm no criminal, but I like how they said it in the movie "Heat"... the gist being you don't own anything you aren't prepared to walk away from in one minute. No, I won't make it forever on foot, but I'll have specific destination in mind as a goal, an idea of how many miles I can move in a day on foot, and that gives me a timeframe. You can plan around a timeframe. In my case that includes future plans to eliminate most of it by relocating

Locally, I've been slacking and I'm rather ashamed of myself. There's a few others here in MI that I should have made a higher priority of meeting before now.

Home is, well, home. Its no castle, its no bunker. I haven't talked my dad into digging any tunnels (yet), but, its home. The creature comforts are here, and a sustainable infrastructure is being emplaced. I'll be sad to leave, but "situation dicates".

06-09-2013, 11:47 AM
Having two small kids and really no bug out location to go to, guess ill be holding down the fort. EB and BP hit the nail on the head, the logistics of packing up and moving is not realistic for me, unless its a localized disaster and we need to move out of harms way. Ultimately the situation will dictate and we'll play the hand that we're dealt.

06-09-2013, 03:06 PM
Agree with the previous posts. I absolutely plan on bugging in here with the understand that there are situations that might require us to leave. We have 320 acres, five head of cattle, nearly 50 chickens, fuel, medical supplies, tools, equipment, spare parts and and and here...

Ideally whatever comes will something that we can weather here, this is also a go-to location for three other families which will help a great deal. All three families have goods pre-positioned here as well.

Grumpy Old Man
06-09-2013, 07:22 PM
As you all may have gathered, I'm no spring chicken. If I have to BO it will be overland with the ponies, but that is still a limited amount of goods. I plan on staying here in the community (hood) where I know everyone and pull together.IMHO, BO to somewhere else, if you aren't already established, is a pipe dream. Small communities aren't real receptive to taking in outsiders and it is real hard tolive off the land for any length of time. Besides, this is where all my stuff to survive is and like BP, it would take a while to move it!

Nice banner btw, prepguide!

06-10-2013, 04:08 AM
why anyone would want to leave 4 sold walls and a good roof over their heads to go sleep in the woods under a tarp is beyond me....then again only reason I would leave is forest fire , and I'm sure I can sleep in a hotel somewhere 50 miles away

and thats after I soak my grass and as far as the hose will reach around my home and then put the sprinklers up on the roof on full blast

06-10-2013, 04:26 AM
Plan is definitely to bug in. On the off chance I do need to bug out because of nature or danger of the two legged kind there are several fallback points on my radar. Once I get to a comfortable point in my preps the next plan is caches in my AO and on the routes to my Secondary points.

06-10-2013, 02:38 PM
I find it very interesting so far, no one has said a balls to the wall bug out. As for me, like I said, I am staying put!
Everything I need is here, with the exception of food for the long haul. But I am working on that now. There is a spring coming out of the rocks that didn't dry up even with our two yr. drought.
Within the next year or two, I will have between 5-8 kw solar system, and a solar hot water system..the dome is set up in the woods, can't be seen from the road. My driveway looks like it is leading to a haunted mansion. If the worst happens, the few in the area I feel would either leave or die. Most neighbors are elderly, and have not prepared for anything.
But the main reason I feel I am relatively safe is....if BRWR and Ldyhalk got lost and couldn't find me, I must be pretty well hid. LOL!

06-10-2013, 10:58 PM
Balls to the wall bug out!

Happy Domeguy? I said it!

It aint worth a pinch of coon shit mind you, because I've spent the better part of the last five years busting my ass to make my home my BOL, if that makes any sense. I do have a true BOL, but it would take something akin to Battlefield Los Angeles, to get me to leave here.

Every single day, I am one step closer to having my property be able to sustain me and mine, and the longer the SHTF waits, the closer I'll be to achieving it, AND comfort whilst doing it.

The Stig
06-11-2013, 12:27 AM
We've already bugged out to our area and home.

Localized events might force us to leave very temporarily, but the vast majority of plans are oriented around staying put.

David Armstrong
06-11-2013, 04:12 PM
from ElevenBravo:
Time after time, I see people referring to there BOB and INCH bag... WTF can you stuff in a bag that will keep you alive for the rest of your life? I even saw one talking about one of those shoulder bags (I forget the name) for a BOB.
100 pounds of gold??;) Seriously, I think the idea is not so much carry everything that will keep you alive, it is more carry the stuff that will let you get the stuff to keep you alive. People have been doing it for thousands of years and are still doing it today, basically staying alive with whatever they can carry with them.

David Armstrong
06-11-2013, 04:19 PM
I'll keep it short and simple, when SHTF happens, are your plans to dig in or bug out to another location?

As for me, I'm staying right here!

My basic idea is to stay here. Semi-rural, well supplied, easy access to nature's bounty, no water worries. My daughter's place is the first fall-back, then there is a second fall-back another 10 miles away. Then after that it is head for Oklahoma. But the only thing I can see requiring a move from here would be something that made the area totally unliveable for an extended period of time. Other than that it is hard to envision finding someplace better than what is here.

06-12-2013, 02:32 PM
In until driven out. Then to one of the BOLs, repeat.

Alas Babylon
06-14-2013, 06:10 PM
Same as everyone else, my home is my castle. I'm staying put.
I guess a giant sinkhole or nuke bomb next door woudl get me to leave, but the plan is to hold out along with the neighbors.

If being overrun by superior numbers of bad guys, I do have a hide out location picked out less than 5 miles from the house. get there and hide, then hopefully return to whats left after the threat passes.
I see being on the move as being nothing but a target.

06-14-2013, 09:05 PM
Everything is here, and I have no BOL. I cannot take everything with me with all vehicles leaving.
However, we're urban.
So, it depends.
More than likely, since it would be difficult to know in advance, and therefore get out before the collapse, we'd be pretty much stuck here. Therefore, it would be a bug-in until the worst was over, and then sneak out. Supplies would be at least partly used up, so there'd be less to take.
Our location in the city only leaves one real way out, through what would be the worst of it. But, we're snugged up near a military base, with not much of value between us and the base, so there won't be much of a reason to come down here except going door to door looting.

With that said, we are looking at moving, either rural or at least very small town in the country. It's a buyers market, and our place was purchased before the bubble. We can still sell at twice the purchase price, still be below current value, and have a nice down payment, should end up with a smaller mortgage payment than we have now.
The only problem is selling the house.

06-18-2013, 07:15 PM
My plan is to stay, unless I have no choice. Then I have a secondary location near by to bug out to.

06-18-2013, 09:56 PM
From previous posts,we're the bol for the family :-) So I've been trying to get things done around here. My bro and SIL are doing the same where they are but if push came to shove,they'll be heading north not sure what he meant by that but I told him we will make room for them if they can get here.