View Full Version : Was I missed?

06-19-2013, 08:40 PM
hey guys sorry about going MIA. i have been sorta busy with the garden, yard and a break from the interweb. garden is doing fine. healthwise i am ok. i should be around more often, if not posting more.


06-19-2013, 09:57 PM
Been wondering about you. Glad to see you back in the colony.

06-20-2013, 02:08 AM
missed ya with every shot so far!


06-20-2013, 04:19 AM
Who is this robsdak person? We have an invader here! Awe shucks.....welcome back.

06-20-2013, 01:35 PM
I was wondering the same thing lady, welcome back rob:-)

06-21-2013, 07:38 PM
I thought maybe you guys invited him down to the Tennessee weekend and did a dueling banjos with him. . . at least that was the rumor I heard!

06-21-2013, 10:03 PM
As a matter of fact... Yes! Just the other day I was thinking that you haven't been around and was starting to get concerned about you and your health. Glad to see you and WB. :)

06-21-2013, 10:12 PM
Ever seen Deliverance? :eek:

06-21-2013, 10:47 PM
I was going to post the squeal like a pig clip then thought.... naw! :p so...


06-21-2013, 11:12 PM
Great minds think alike!!! haha

06-23-2013, 06:30 AM
me in Deliverance? it would have turned out completely different. : )

here are a few pictures of the garden. busy,busy,busy. giving away, eating some and putting some up. tomatoes are ready! first mater sandwich of the year is the best. ( 2 pc of light bread, mayo, medium sliced tomatoes, thinly sliced vidalia onion and salt/pepper to taste)

2 new puppies, well 3 1/2mo old now. "Tinker" Parsons Terrier and "Bella" Cur Dog.

http://i366.photobucket.com/albums/oo102/robsdak/garden/000_0022_zpsf454abed.jpg (http://s366.photobucket.com/user/robsdak/media/garden/000_0022_zpsf454abed.jpg.html)

http://i366.photobucket.com/albums/oo102/robsdak/garden/000_0013_zpsd84e3bf9.jpg (http://s366.photobucket.com/user/robsdak/media/garden/000_0013_zpsd84e3bf9.jpg.html)

http://i366.photobucket.com/albums/oo102/robsdak/garden/000_0015_zpsf4e5de9e.jpg (http://s366.photobucket.com/user/robsdak/media/garden/000_0015_zpsf4e5de9e.jpg.html)

http://i366.photobucket.com/albums/oo102/robsdak/garden/000_0007_zpsc5b08249.jpg (http://s366.photobucket.com/user/robsdak/media/garden/000_0007_zpsc5b08249.jpg.html)

06-23-2013, 09:06 PM
Gardens looking good. We got our first two yellow pear tomatos Friday night.

06-24-2013, 05:30 AM
BP, those are older pictures. corn is like 8 1/2 ft tall and started picking tomatoes 2wks ago. : ) i am liking growing my own veggies, but the most rewarding part of it for me. is handing a bag of veggies to someone and telling them to enjoy.

06-27-2013, 02:31 PM
rob, garden looks great, ours not so much.dh has been busy getting me around(knee replacement) and having our master shower redone, all we have is a few straggley tomatoes to show for his efforts. but he got the boxes finished and filled with the dirt. I'm hoping now that I'm getting around a little better,we can get some more veggies in and the weather holds out,been raining almost every day now.Weeds and grass are growing great but it sure doesn't help trying to plant stuff lol. Not complaining as we need the rain just makes it a little bit harder to work the garden.:-)

06-28-2013, 03:20 AM
sorry to hear about your knee. better now?

you don't plant in the ground? mine is really no work. i had it tilled and threw down some 13-13-13 with minerals added. waited for the weeds to die off. tilled it again, planted seeds and some plants, watered every third day for 3-4 hours. BINGO! there were veggies. weeding is easy, i left enough room between rows to run my little tiller.

06-28-2013, 12:46 PM
rob, due to dh's arthritis in his spine, he built raised beds to alleviate so much bending. I, unfortunately have three black thumbs,lol. So I don't do much in the garden. I think last year I started to help weed and accidentally pulled a couple of plants out instead of the weeds.But I'm learning. :-) The most I ever did gardening was taking care of my mom's peony bushes.I'm a city gal,born and bred. dh was out in the country,working neighbor's farm growing up. I can build, tune cars,do plumbing, thanks to my pop. So we got a few basics covered between the two of us. But we've made sure our boys know how to do a lot,including cooking and cleaning. My DIL's are VERY grateful:-)
Knee is coming along,it's so frustrating to be laid up and not mobile.Therapist is pleased with my progress, at least for the time being. I just started going Tue. I actually walked up and down the block this am, dh says I did about a quarter of a mile. Thanks for asking.

06-30-2013, 02:34 AM
understand being in pain and Arthur-Itis and i are longtime buds. : )

raised beds here dry out too fast. well everything here dries out fast. i was raised the same way, would have made some woman a good 'wife'. mom took care of teaching me the household things, uncles about farming and livestock and i learned the the rest.

hope you have a speedy recovery.

06-30-2013, 05:35 AM
I want to know how you keep that thing weed less! No matter what we do the weeds/small trees take over everything. Dh even skimmed off the top several inches of the entire garden and I mulched all my plants. Was a big waste of time. Think we are going to have to just change locations next year or go buy everything at the farmers market and say to heck with it all.

06-30-2013, 01:21 PM
Thanks rob,I'm working as fast as this ole lady can go :-) . Just gotta take it a day at a time.
lady, dh put a tarp over the garden area in 2010,due to us taking care of pop. He had dumped the brush he was clearing out along the edge of our property on the tarp to contain it to make it easier to haul it to towns brush collection. Our town does a brush collection twice a year.They mulch it up for our running/walking trails thru the park we have. Saves the township boocoo dollars. That way it doesn't go to the dump and we all get to get rid of dead branches without paying the dump to take of it Next year we didn't have too much problems with weeds.You may have to do something like that for a season just to get the weeds and seeds to die in the soil.

07-01-2013, 06:21 AM
it's easy. tilling. i have one of those small 2 stroke things. just run up and down the rows like a madman. : ) i just keep on top of them, don't let them get a foothold.

07-01-2013, 11:15 PM
Same as Rob. Till the crap out of it on a regular basis. Lots of time with a hoe in hand. Hand pulling and mulching with cut grass, wheat straw, etc. I also try and use cover crops as much as I can to try and choke the weeds back.