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View Full Version : Favorite beverage

07-27-2013, 12:37 AM
I did a search, and looked at the first three pages, but didn't find anything about what does everybody drink, if you drink.
This is primarily about any type of alcohol, but is not totally limited to that. If you do not drink any alcohol, that is fine as well. I like a drink now and then, I don't drink every day or anything, and sometimes go for several weeks without any alcohol at all. It's random. I'm not sure how many have thought about it, but I already have thought about the fact that, should society pretty much collapse, there will be more than a few things that I will miss.
I will miss music, rather greatly. I have no musical talent, so will be unable to make my own. I suppose that, as long as the battery in my laptop and Ipod will keep recharging, my solar charger will keep me in music.
I will miss a cold beer now and then. A little over a century ago, beer was drank at room temp. Some beer is still good at room temp, some not so much.
I realize that there may be many times that consuming any alcohol post-shtf will be a bad idea, but really that is true now, even if less of the time, maybe not so much need of a high alert status now as then. However, there will eventually be times when you really can let your guard down, even if only temporarily.
Alcohol storage for the purposes of trading has been brought up, but now, what do those who "imbibe" enjoy now?

So, as I sip scotch (I will miss scotch as well), Balvenie DoubleWood 12yr, what does everyone else like?

I'll go first.
I like a good beer as much as scotch, or a good whiskey.
My favorite is Sierra Nevada Kellerweis, which is a German style Heffeweisen, a wheat beer. Don't drink a lot of it when outdoors in the summer, it's on the heavy side, although not dark. I do like a good dark beer, like Aventinus, a Bavarian wheat beer. When it's hot, usually it'll be a Landshark, a lighter lager, or Modelo.
For whiskey, it'll be either Knob Creek, Wild Turkey 101, or maybe Crown Royal.
For scotch, Glenfiddich is good, or The Glenlivet. Balvenie is also good, or BottlePinch.

There, now that I look like an alcoholic, anybody else?

07-27-2013, 12:42 AM
I quit drinking until i am drunk when my daughter was born. I drink a glass of muscadine wine with my wife before bed every now and then and keep a bottle of whiskey on hand for hot toddies. Strictly medicinal.

07-27-2013, 01:18 AM
GF, I like you drink an occasional beer and after a trip in the 90's to Austria I developed a taste for German beer. It ruined me. I haven't found much that's comparable since. Wheat beers are my favorites, but when it's hot they are just way to much. It's been months since my last beer. We drink very little wine.

I do stock some different liquors, rum, vodka, Everclear, mainly for medicinal and cooking. We have made our on Vanilla for years. For drinking, other than margaritas with a good Mexican meal, about the only liquor I will drink is E&J Brandy. I'm having my first glass in months tonight.

My favorite drink far and away is Sweet tea.

07-27-2013, 01:23 AM
I too drink more sweet tea than anything else. Gave up sodas a year or two ago, when my wife needed to. I only have one rarely now.
Maybe I should stock more sugar, I already have a good glass pitcher for solar tea. Two of them.

A good friend who spent time in Germany when in US Army Scout Recon told me the Sierra Nevada was the closest he found to real Heffeweisen.

ETA: I do have on hand some "apple pie", made with real home brew, but I don;t always have that. In fact, the supplier has greatly risen the price of it, and what I have will have to last for some time, so I am very slow with it.
It is quite good, about 130 proof. You will enjoy a glass, think of how good it is, and get up to get another.
Only to find you can't get up so easily.

07-27-2013, 01:25 AM
My Friday Cheers Drinks are as follows... Tall glass filled to the brim with ice, three fingers of Seagram's VO. topped with Pepsi. I even bought a portable 110 ice maker so I can cheer on Fridays until the gas runs out for the genny :o When I don't have the gift of the 32 below gods all still be cheering on Fridays but it will be with an ambient temperature freshly purified glass of water. :) I love Ice but...

07-27-2013, 01:51 AM
GF, I had the opportunity to have a glass of "Apple Pie" at last years meet up. I must say that was the best home brew I have ever had.

I will have to give the Sierra Nevada sometime. Thanks for the heads up.

Grumpy Old Man
07-27-2013, 05:49 PM
Rye and water. The rye cleans up the water after the unspeakable things fish do in it!

07-27-2013, 10:05 PM
We're not big drinkers here but I am partial to Kahlua and cream,7&7The dh likes his Killian's now and then or a good gin and tonic.
cripes we just finished a bottle of whiskey that we got when we were married (40 yrs) about 5-6 years ago.So we aren't real big drinkers,
Nonalcholic, Unsweet tea, usually Lipton decaf powdered,we have that year 'round and a pitcher in fridge at all timesbut have sugar available for those who want sweet tea. .We don't do soda/pop much but being I'm from Detroit Vernors is what I have once in awhile.We have the hard stuff in the house but don't use it much.

07-28-2013, 02:51 PM
Our tea is decaf also. The caffeine upsets my wife's Crohn's, and my Barretts. Another reason I couldn't drink a lot, even if I wanted, the heartburn would kill me. There's pretty much always a pitcher in our house, and with 4 drinking it, it's almost a job to keep a pitcher in the fridge. It's only barely sweet, as my wife can't have too much sugar. I have to add some for myself.
I like Killians also, but haven't had any in some time.

07-28-2013, 11:23 PM
The local stores around here have quit stocking the Liptons and other plain powdered teas they are only carring the stuff with all the junk in them So dh went to Amazon and ordered some, it was a bit more per jar than the stores but free shipping and we got it fairly quickly from them.Heaven help us if we can't find it in the future. It stores better than the bags. I would buy 6-8 jars at at time and put in LTS, It keeps good if stored properly and the jars are reusable for other things

07-28-2013, 11:59 PM
Sams carries several different tea mixes down here. I have several in LTS and more in the pantry for use as needed. I also keep a baggie with enough in it for 4-5 qts in my GHB or when we go hiking.

I have also started considering keeping a few tea bags instead of the powder. Less mess, and one tea bag works well for a quart of water.

07-29-2013, 12:10 AM
I enjoy a good beer, especially an IPA. I don't have one single favorite, but Lagunitas Little Sumpin' ranks high on my list.

http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb146/megacpc/Lagunitas_zps273f74ce.jpg (http://s210.photobucket.com/user/megacpc/media/Lagunitas_zps273f74ce.jpg.html)

Taz Baby
07-29-2013, 02:24 PM
Tea, sweeten with stevia, we don't use much sugar anymore, But as far as alcohol goes mine is Coors light and gh is Rita's,the new one's that just can out by Bud Lite, he's not a beer drinker. We are not drinkers and a 12 pack will last a couple months. The last 12 pack I got went bad, lol. I know alcohol abuse.

07-31-2013, 02:25 AM
Another favorite: Sierra Nevada Torpedo

http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb146/megacpc/Torpedo_zpsba3b69d3.jpg (http://s210.photobucket.com/user/megacpc/media/Torpedo_zpsba3b69d3.jpg.html)

08-02-2013, 04:50 AM
I drink mostly water actually.

occasionally, I like blue moon and dos Equis.

i concur with Gunfixr on the balvenie, it's goooood.
i like lagavulin as well.

08-03-2013, 12:12 AM
I enjoy a good beer, especially an IPA. I don't have one single favorite, but Lagunitas Little Sumpin' ranks high on my list.

http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb146/megacpc/Lagunitas_zps273f74ce.jpg (http://s210.photobucket.com/user/megacpc/media/Lagunitas_zps273f74ce.jpg.html)

Love this follow up!!! :)

08-07-2013, 01:14 AM
I keep hearing Blue Moon is good, but haven't tried it. Had Dos Equis, wouldn't toss it out.

I keep trying to drink water more than I do, but always fail to keep at it. Before long, I just get tired of the lack of flavor.

I know, I'll have to "suck it up" soon enough.

08-15-2013, 06:02 AM
I am mostly a non alcohol drinker. I guess it's because in high school, I was pretty much a loner, didn't go out (partying), so I never picked up the habit. During an a heated argument with the ex wife , back around mid eighties, (Satins daughter would have been a better choice for marriage), after she left the apartment, I drank a large bottle of cheap wine. I could not get the room to stop spinning for 3 days. When I went back to work, I told my boss, an ex alcoholic, he said he ought to take me behind the wood shed with a willow switch. That was the first and only time I got drunk. For me, it was a true eye opener, I can still remember how the room wouldn't quit spinning, no matter how hard I gripped the mattress.
So, as an occasional drinker, And living in Lynchburg, TN. the home of Jack Daniels, I of course prefer Wild Turkey 101, with Mountain Dew.
But the new Jack with honey, kept in the freezer all the time , is a mighty second. As for beer, I do maybe drink a ice cold beer, 2-3 times a year with my fajitas at the Mexican restaurant.

Fidel MD
08-15-2013, 10:35 PM
In terms of alcohol, not much.....Moose Drool Ale (Big Sky Brewing Company), or a single-malt whisky (no 'e', thanks). Preferably an Islay, and 20 years old or more.

08-16-2013, 07:06 PM
Lagunitas makes some good brews. My favorite right now is Maximus, followed closely by Leffe blonde.

Personally, I feel Blue Moon is a pale imitation of Hoegaarden. Mmmmm....Hoegaarden.

08-16-2013, 07:19 PM
Hoegarrden is gooooood!

08-20-2013, 06:16 AM
Another Lagunitas favorite, Little Sumpin' WILD

http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb146/megacpc/SumpinWild_zps25d47956.jpg (http://s210.photobucket.com/user/megacpc/media/SumpinWild_zps25d47956.jpg.html)

http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb146/megacpc/WILDHops_zps6c49ef26.jpg (http://s210.photobucket.com/user/megacpc/media/WILDHops_zps6c49ef26.jpg.html)

Did I mention I like hoppy beers? :D

08-20-2013, 08:14 PM
Evan Williams, out the bottle, room temp...

It cost a lot less than Jack and is a much better distil than Early Time.. You can drink a 1/4 pint, feel totally relaxed and a nice buzz, sleep like a baby and wake up stone sober. Early Time with the same amount results in a headache and a generally poor feeling.

It is liquid Prozac, administer as needed but keep all things in proper perspective. Also insure you will not need to leave the house during your elixir induced relaxed state... DUI limits are very low!

It good to relax on Fridays or whatever... Moderation is key in ALL things.


08-21-2013, 07:42 AM
Continuing the Lagunitas and hoppy ale trend, I present to you Hop Stoopid:

http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb146/megacpc/HopStoopid_zps129ef1da.jpg (http://s210.photobucket.com/user/megacpc/media/HopStoopid_zps129ef1da.jpg.html)

It's damn good and it comes in a man sized bottle.