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View Full Version : New HF radio on the market

08-17-2013, 12:10 AM
I just saw this radio a few minutes ago. I wasn't aware Wuxon was getting in to the HF market. Their 2M and dual band radios are probably the best of the cheap Chinese HT's. This is a different rig and I haven't had a chance to read any reviews yet, nor do I know anyone who owns one, so I can't give any reports on it.


I will see what I can find out about it and report back.

08-17-2013, 04:41 PM
*THANK YOU*!! Damn fine price and EXACTLY what I wanted too! Was going to save up for an MFJ but this is way better and multiband. I can add a baby amp too get 20w out, which is a good target for backpacking... but typically 5w is "true QRP", and I can do phone *and* CW.

Ive already got a dual band Woux radio and "its exceptional*!


Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-21-2013, 04:09 AM
INteresting unit, great price compared to the Yaesu FT-857D I just got. But mine has more Christmas tree lights on it.............more to follow on that once I figure out how to work all the bells and whistles.

08-21-2013, 11:36 AM
The Yeasu you got has a lot more capabilities than the Wuxon does. It only puts out 5 watts so is pretty limited. It also has a confusing statement in the specs. One place it talks about have 5 bands. In another seems to describe its wide open and can transmit every where.

For my money I would have picked the Yeasu you just picked up. Matter of fact that one is on my list of things to get.

The Wuxon is more comparable to the Yeasu FT 817. They are low power rigs made for mountian topping. Take your low power HF radio, roll up antenna, some coax, and a 5-15 amp battery throw them in a backpack and hike up on a mountian and see who you can contact. Lots of fun, but would not be my first pick for a SHTF radio.