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08-20-2013, 09:37 PM
last week I put up a dozen jars.

6 of sliced dill and garlic (sandwich pickles)
6 of whole dill and garlic.

This recipe:

will pop a jar or two in a couple/few weeks.

made another dozen jars yesterday, two different kinds. First up is my buddy's recipe, and I've eaten his and enjoyed them, mainly due to lake of vinegar. This truly is a fucked up process, and if I didn't see it for myself, I would say he was fucked.

Gerry's Pickles.
Pickling spice
salt (rounded TBSP)
horseradish leaf

Pack jars with cucumbers, and seasonings, top with cold water (normal headspace), and crank the lid on TIGHT. Leave them undisturbed on the counter for 5-6 days, and they are ready to eat. store them in the fridge.

They will tent the metal top up like you've never seen, and you have to open them over the sink. But the salt cures them, and the rest flavours them.
In my batch I did 2 jars of sliced pickles (sandwich style) one with horseradish, one without. 2 jars baby dills, one with horseradish, one without. and one jar 1/2 cucumbers and 1/2 zucchini, with horseradish.

I omitted the pickling spice on everything, cause that's just the way I roll
My MIL's recipe.
1 Qt Vinegar
3 Qt water
1 cup course salt
bring to boil

pack jars with cucumbers, dill and garlic, top off with boiling brine, and tighten lids tight. store for 6 weeks before trying them.

I did 5 jars baby cukes, one jar 1/2 cukes 1/2 zucchini (spears), and one jar straight zuchini. I cut an appropriate sized one to length, and then cut into 8 pieces like one would slice a pizza.

I can't say I have ever tried, or heard of doing zuchini like this, but I figured what the hell.

08-20-2013, 09:44 PM
We buy our pickles from a lady at the farmer's market, she has THE BEST I've ever had. She also has pickled cherry tomatoes, and sliced red peppers, I absolutely failed on pickling cherry tomatoes, they turned to mush.

08-20-2013, 10:02 PM
did she leave the skins on? I have a couple bags of them I want to try (cherry tomatoes)

ask her for her recipe... the worst she can do is say no!

08-21-2013, 12:10 AM
did she leave the skins on? I have a couple bags of them I want to try (cherry tomatoes)

ask her for her recipe... the worst she can do is say no!

She leaves the skin on. She'd never give away the recipe, however. My brother is a chef, and has several hot sauces, and steak/BBQ sauces he has developed so he's like a food chemist. He said he's impressed with how low the acid level is in the maters. I'd think that a person with experience making pickles would get some clues from that.

08-21-2013, 12:29 AM
got my jars packed... brine simmering, and canner heating


- - - Updated - - -

roughly, from here