View Full Version : Are we bugging out tonight?

09-21-2013, 06:26 PM
Back in June, I posted a question as to see what the average prepper had in mind about bugging in our out. I was expecting about 50/50. Of the 17 of us who responded, 0 bug out, 100% stay put. Does anyone plan to bug out, and why?" Some extra back ground info might help.

That Auntie
09-21-2013, 07:44 PM
I would have to say no, even though this is not the ideal setting. We simply have no where to go. If we had our place in the country, we'd be staying there already. Everything we have is here, it would be impossible to pack it all up and get to another location in one or even two quick trips. We do have a decent network of neighbors and friends - I wouldn't say they're completely like minded, but several are coming around. We never present it as "prepping", it's more of a desire to be self sufficient. One neighbor and friend has 3 small children, ages 6-10 years old. This year, they decided they wanted to go foraging with me - so we did. We made Dandelion jelly, fritters, and sautéed greens with squash and onions. We made wood sorrel soup and a dessert sauce as well with wood sorrel. There is more, but I kept it to the most common and easily identifiable plants. Oh, and the oldest can spot plantain from 100 ft. away - he's the one who kept "finding" the stinging nettles, lol. I told him next Spring I'm sending him out in shorts and flip flops and we'll just follow him when we go looking for it ;) Since we've been gardening, several of our neighbors have started as well. So, we're here for better or worse - and while it could be better, it could also be worse.

09-21-2013, 07:53 PM
DG, After some of the discussions about different things on here, I'm not surprised lots of folks plan on bugging in. I am surprised it was 100%.

09-21-2013, 07:53 PM
Plan A: Stay put/shelter in place. Should be good for a few months before supplies begin to dwindle.

Plans B through Y involve bug out to various destinations based upon specific nature of impending threat.

Plan Z: The Zombie Apocalypse has begun. Full on crapshoot. Grab your rifle and hold onto your butt.

09-21-2013, 09:15 PM
Bugging out without a bug out location is not a good plan. Even with a bug out location getting there will be almost impossible. Anyone that has evacuated for a hurricane knows that you don't go anywhere in a hurry, and that is an isolated disaster. A nationwide disaster would have all roads blocked. Gas can be impossible to get. My issue would be getting home from work. I have to go through houston to do it. If I had to walk home it would take me at least a few days.

The Stig
09-21-2013, 09:37 PM
It would really take a lot to force us to leave Firebase Stig.

"Bugging out" is mostly a bunch of internet bravado by people who haven't the faintest clue what a complicated process that would be.

Without intensive preperation and planning "bugging out" = death on the side of the road somewhere IMO

09-22-2013, 12:58 AM
Bugging out is a crap shoot to say the least. Even with a good plan it is almost impossible to pull off. Unless you have plenty of advanced warning, chances of getting to where you plan on is almost nil IMHO.

09-22-2013, 02:58 AM
Plan A: Stay put/shelter in place. Should be good for a few months before supplies begin to dwindle.

Plans B through Y involve bug out to various destinations based upon specific nature of impending threat.

Plan Z: The Zombie Apocalypse has begun. Full on crapshoot. Grab your rifle and hold onto your butt.
Pretty much this.

In until forced out, repeat.

09-22-2013, 01:12 PM
We won't be going anywhere. I live close to a small town (3000) people but not close enough to get the druggies from town over here. If a national shtf situation occurs my brother and his wife and daughter will make their way to us because he lives on the edge of a major city. My family (me my wife and our 4 kids) will band together with my parents and my sister and her 2 kids. We will not try to defend part of our property constantly. Just where our livestock is. The other is just for growing hay for winter anyway. Not to say we won't keep an eye on it and get rid of any squatters that might take up residence but not a constant patrolling of it. We will block down to about 10 acres to defend constantly. With the livestock and residences on it.

Bugging out is a death trap waiting to happen. Everyone will be trying to go somewhere. Things will fall really quickly when it starts. If you have a cabin in the woods somewhere you can bet that other people know it is there as well. You better hope you get there first.

09-23-2013, 08:06 PM
Like everyone here, My inital plan is of course to bug in, that being said, I have a multi-prong attack plan in place if I have to bug out, . Tier 1 is to bug out to local MAG and work it from there, if that fails, then I move to tier 2, which is a full loadout and full bugout to the Dicks Graveyard. Barring this. . . well, looks like I start my own commune and shave all of our heads and worship the Holy Kumquat.

09-24-2013, 01:12 AM
Oooooommmmmmmmm. Ooooooooommmmmmmmmmm. Oooooooooooommmmmmmmm. Oooooooommmmmmmmmmmm


On all the "prepper shows" on tv, even a small portion will say they are going to bug out. I agree with everyone on the forum, that bugging out is a last resort. That being said, living in the secluded area I am in, if I had to bug out from a large city, this area is where I would want to come. If I lived in a large city, be it in the suburbs, or a high rise apartment building, I would probably want to bug out as soon as possible. I think in a BAD situation, anarchy will rule, and my days would be numbered. I am looking to find someone who plans to bug out in a SHTF situation so I can understand the other side. It's like in a bomb defussion, either cut the red wire or the blue wire. I am curious as to why you cut the blue one? Was it an educated guess, lucky guess, years of training, etc. I guess I am just to damn nosy.

09-24-2013, 03:19 AM
I think I've hit this before, but it really depends on the situation, and I'm working on options from sheltering in place to walking 600 miles (if need be.) I consider both to be the extreme of either end of a spectrum and work to keep options open at various points along it. Some options are definitely better developed than others though.

09-25-2013, 04:41 PM
Of course it is situational, but odds are 2 to 1 that I'd be bugging out as my primary hazards are flooding & forest fires. On the plus side, my first destination is my workplace, only a 20 minute walk away and on the side of a mountain. If the situation is so dire that a real bug-out is required, it means the town is under mandatory evacuation order..!

While the apartment I'm in is on a flood plain, I'm on the 3rd floor; unless the building is washed away odds are I can reclaim my property later on. Last time we got flooded we loaded up my wife's car with property and parked it up at the workplace in sheltered/patrolled parkade. A nice option to have when you have the luck to see it coming!

09-25-2013, 08:01 PM
I think I've hit this before, but it really depends on the situation, and I'm working on options from sheltering in place to walking 600 miles (if need be.) I consider both to be the extreme of either end of a spectrum and work to keep options open at various points along it. Some options are definitely better developed than others though.

If you need to, feel free to count our place in as a way-point or secondary if you decide to go west. Always welcome to have another prepper onboard!

09-26-2013, 05:35 PM
Well since I have moved to Oklahoma I have no place to bug out too. Sure I can go down the road an try and make something wok, but have nothing solid already identified. And I live in town in a 2 bedroom duplex for now. Now I hav identified a few food sources nearby, but I don't wanna get shot using these, so they are last resort. Fortunately for me the town I live in is very small and away from any major highways. So we will have to bug in unless it gets dire for us. And with the wife just having had a hip replaced walking far is not gonna happen right now.

Plans in the works to get her a game cart and more exercise for both of us. Also gonna get the dog her own pack to carry her own food.

09-26-2013, 10:46 PM
As I've said before,we're here. We no longer have a BOL to go to and unless we win the lottery there's no plan to acquire one (yet). Most of the family still in MI will be heading here. Will welcome any ants that need to come,just bring an air mattress with ya.;)

Grumpy Old Man
09-26-2013, 11:19 PM
I'll stay here. I have no better place to go. I bugged out from Kommiefornicastan to the Pecan Bayou and have never looked back. If the balloon goes up, there is no safe place!