View Full Version : Prepared on vacation?

The Stig
09-21-2013, 09:13 PM
THIS (http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Americas/Latin-America-Monitor/2013/0919/Mexico-storms-strand-thousands-of-tourists-with-no-reprieve-in-sight-video) story at the christian science monitor got me to thinking....

We don't all spend our lives huddled in the war room. We sometimes venture out.

When you venture out for fun and relaxation.....are you prepapred? If a SHTF event hits while you are snoozing on the beach can you deal with it? Do you have the tools in your hotel to survive?


Mexico storms strand thousands of tourists, with no reprieve in sight (+video)

Hurricane Ingrid on the Gulf coast and Hurricane Manuel on the Pacific have slammed Mexico, causing flooding and mudslides that have killed at least 80 people. More rain is expected.

By Whitney Eulich, Staff writer / September 19, 2013

Parts of Mexico have been inundated by some of the worst rain in decades, stranding thousands of people and affecting more than a million nationwide – and the country can’t seem to catch a break.

Mexico was sandwiched between two storms earlier this week – Ingrid on the Gulf coast and Manuel on the Pacific – and on Wednesday Manuel regained strength and became a hurricane, expected to further pound Mexico with 15 inches of rain moving north up the coast. Flooding and mudslides have claimed at least 80 lives across the country, Mexico’s interior ministry said on Wednesday.

However, CNN notes that state-by-state tallies signal the death toll could be much higher: At least 72 people died in southern Guerrero state alone.

"The aid is flowing," Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto said this week. "A large deployment [of resources] is being made specifically to the most affected areas."

But weather conditions have impeded those aid deliveries to some of the areas hardest hit by rain, flooding, and mudslides. Relief efforts were able to resume on Wednesday, the president told reporters.

A landslide in storm-battered Guerrero state left 58 people unaccounted for Wednesday night in a small coffee-growing community, La Pintada, reports The Associated Press. Renewed rain has made getting to the isolated, mountainous area even more precarious for rescuers.

"It's very likely that these 58 missing people lost their lives," said Angel Aguirre, governor of Guerrero state, the Associated Press reports.

Rescuers are still trying to evacuate remaining residents in La Pintada, where “tons of dirt and rocks smashed through the center of town Monday night, burying a church and an untold number of two-story homes,” reports the AP.

“It was like an explosion that blew through the hills, and within seconds the earth collapsed and houses came falling down and others were buried,” Amelia Saldaña Gregorio told Mexican daily El Universal. She lost her four children and her mother in the disaster.
Tourist destination hit hard

Flooding has stranded an estimated 40,000 people in the Pacific coast tourist destination Acapulco, Reuters reports. Many traveled there for the long weekend celebrating Mexico’s Independence Day on Sept. 16. Main roads in and out of the city have been blocked by landslides and parts of the airport have been flooded. Looters stormed abandoned retail stores, “stealing everything from televisions to Christmas decorations.”

A separate AP report noted that armed state police watched over a partially flooded – and looted – Costco store:

Hundreds of people waded through waist-high brown water in the store's parking lot on Wednesday, fishing out anything — cans of food or soda — that looters might have dropped. Others shouted for the now-shuttered store to be re-opened.

"If we can't work, we have to come and get something to eat," said fisherman Anastasio Barrera, as he stood with his wife outside the store. "The city government isn't doing anything for us, and neither is the state government."

Beaches are covered in debris and people have been rescued via kayaks, ziplines, and other means, NBC reports. City officials estimate 23,000 homes in Acapulco – largely on the outskirts – are without water or electricity.

Acapulco Mayor Luis Walton told CNN that the city has been “practically incommunicado.”

Some passenger terminals in the airport are flooded and ticketing has been moved to a nearby convention center. The AP reports that two flights an hour started running out of Acapulco, giving “priority [to] those with tickets, the elderly, and families with young children.” Officials predict roads between the capital Mexico City and Acapulco won't be reopened for days.

09-21-2013, 09:58 PM
I will address this as an on the road response, instead of strictly vacation. it's the same for us either way. We don't fly anywhere other than the wife going to visit her family. Even then we usually drive. This makes it easier to be prepared when on the road.

I keep two or three large plastic tool boxes in the bed of the truck anytime we are out of town. In them I keep in one loaded with boots, 2 GHB's, rain gear, and weapons/ammo. Second box is loaded with food, water, extra clothing, tools, etc. Depending on what we are doing I may have a third box with more supplies. If we are on vacation and pulling the camper we have more of everything with us, enough for at least a month, other than water. But we do have purification capabilities that are stored in it.

09-24-2013, 03:08 AM
Its varied on how far I'm traveling from home, who I'm traveling with, and who I'm meeting, but I've carried enough supplies to piss off my family, few enough supplies to be nervous until after I'd gotten to know LB and Kodiak, and a wide mix in between.

09-26-2013, 02:52 PM
I'm planning on driving from IL to Yellowstone next summer and I'm already thinking about what to bring. I have a feeling that space will be limited once family finds out and tries to climb in the van with us.

09-26-2013, 05:29 PM
hook a trailer to the van for added storage maybe? Bring it all!

10-02-2013, 05:53 PM
hook a trailer to the van for added storage maybe? Bring it all!

I don't trust the van after getting rear-ended in August, and we don't have a hitch. I planned on getting an after-market hitch, but now we are probably just going to get a different car next summer. Toying with the idea of renting a 15 passenger van for the extra room during the trip, but more seats means more people and we don't all get along. I call it a cuss bus for a reason!