View Full Version : Appartment Living Consideration

The Stig
09-28-2013, 01:26 PM
Original story here (http://fox13now.com/2013/09/28/more-than-50-people-displaced-after-early-morning-apartment-fire/) at Fox Salt Lake City

More than 50 people displaced after early morning apartment fire

Posted on: 6:53 am, September 28, 2013, by Tiffany DeMasters, updated on: 07:03am, September 28, 2013

SALT LAKE CITY — No injuries were reported after several apartments were evacuated due to a Salt Lake City fire early Saturday morning.

Fire crews responded to Hillcrest Apartments, located at 155 E. First Ave. A blaze tore through the west wing of the building forcing several residents to evacuate at about 4 a.m., according to tweets from the Salt Lake Fire Department.

Two wings of the building were evacuated and more than 50 have been displaced, said Jason Asay, spokesman for Salt Lake Fire. Most of those people will be able to return to their apartments later today.

The residents are being sheltered at a nearby LDS church and Red Cross has responded to help those displaced by the fire.

The fire was knocked down and crews have begun cleanup. The blaze was in a two-three foot area between the ceiling and roof. Three apartments were affected by the fire and several by water and smoke, according to a tweet by the fire department.

It is currently unknown how the fire started and is under investigation, Asay said.

Sooooo......for those ants living in an apartment, duplex or townhouse.....what are your plans if the idiot in 3F burns the place down?

Do you have somewhere else you can stay?

Are all your preps now smouldering ashes?

Do you have an escape plan if you are on the 3rd story?

(Of course all of these questions apply to homeowners too).

09-28-2013, 02:28 PM
I lost years of sleep living in apartments worrying about just that. I always had a bag ready to go and so did my wife. Renters insurance with lots of extra gun coverage was a must. I had, (and still do) several guns at a family member's home in a safe that belongs to me, along with duplicate paperwork, and PMs. I always took a long gun and several pistols when traveling out of town, both for shtf while on the road, and in case I came home to an empty or leveled apartment, I keep a cd rom with photos and documents scanned onto it in a safe in my truck to prove what I had for insurance purposes. I was always vigilant about smells around the apartment when I was there, and prepared to call the FD to save my stuff and the neighbors. Wife and I made a plan for "what if?" and "what do we grab if the building is on fire?" I was always concerned that if we had to run out the door, the FD would just set up a defensive position, and not attack the fire if they heard 15k rounds of ammo cooking off, so part of my plan if I had time, was to grab the ammo cans and heave them over the railing of the balcony into the courtyard between the parking garage and the apartment, and grab what we could as far as clothes, pictures, etc. and hope for the best. Of course if you work every day, the likelihood of being there for the fire is low.

10-01-2013, 09:14 PM
I live in the woods, in a wood house, on a hill. . . what are the chances of a fire around here? :rolleyes:

Yes, plan in place, preps in place, all I really have to do, is worry about getting the family out safe. Anything past that, I can handle.