View Full Version : Math, could your survival depend on it?

10-15-2013, 01:23 AM
I have saw different threads on various forums discussing the usefulness of math, from the basics thru high level math. I can well see the use for this from construction, to engineering, even to food production. I found this site tonight that has several worksheets for different level math, from 1st grade to advanced math. Other things such as figuring the square root with out a calculator.


I am certainly not a math whiz by any stretch. I think learning how to do more advanced math manual style could sure payoff big in a grid down long term situation.

10-15-2013, 01:31 AM
I had to do a double take...I thought the post said "meth, your survival may depend on it" lol

10-15-2013, 01:53 AM
Backpacker, I see both sides of your statement. I know at some time after TSHTF, someone will have to come forward and lead us all out from the Stone Age, and carry us back to the Enlightenment of the civil society we will all be so eager to return to, and if it involves math, I hope that leader will be Mrs. M, my 87 yr. old algebra teacher I had in jr. high. Not much to look at, but she was the Farrah Faucet of the academic world.
I say math be damned, look how math has led us to 17 trillion in debt. No math = no debt. Problem solved

10-15-2013, 04:34 AM
I am so screwed. Thank God BWRR can do all math pertaining to building so I know we will at least always have a roof over our heads. My dad was a math genius. Could do any calculation in his head. I was always a science person. I never understood his world and he never understood mine.

10-15-2013, 05:43 AM
Ah, Math... not my strong suit... I'll leave the engineering and what not up to those who enjoy it... I personally have had a hard time learning advanced math past algebra 1/2... I might have to try to rectify that issue now though...

10-15-2013, 01:08 PM
BP, I think some of those worksheets could come in very handily. Although, after looking them over, I don't think I am smarter than a 5th grader.

10-16-2013, 01:05 AM
About 2 yrs ago, when I was going to night school at the comm. college, we had to pass a math test to find out where you were in your academic knowledge. It was difficult on purpose. I think only a handful had passed it on the first try since the school opened. So we all had to attend math class, all of us at different levels. I was stuck at about algebra 2 level, and was whining about how difficult this was for a man of my age, at that time 50. I was in the top 10 of old geezers who had started school again at such an "advanced state of decrepitude" who had ever signed up for the industrial maintenance class. I told a group of the young whipper snappers I haven't had to use algebra since before they were born. They took that bet and they picked the oldest, who was born in 1982, and then proved I had taken Algeria 2 in 1979, 32 years earlier. But luckily, I had to have my neck surgery, which caused me to have to drop out of school, be put on disability retirement, and now, almost 3 years later, here I am. Taking three discs out of my neck, and a spinal fusion with screws, rods, and plates,and constant pain versus no more algebra...priceless.

10-25-2013, 05:03 PM
BP, I think some of those worksheets could come in very handily. Although, after looking them over, I don't think I am smarter than a 5th grader.

My daughter's 3rd grade math has me stumped. Why on Earth do they teach beginning algebra in 3rd grade???

Although I think most of my problems stem from their over the top P.C. wording and not my skills. I don't know what the hell they are talking about anymore, and a lot of the questions are not even questions; just politically correct statements about things. I don't know what they want!!!

But what can you expect from a school that calls report cards "Rubrics for Outcomes" and uses M, MP, NMP, DNM, checks, minuses, pluses, letters, and written statements instead of A,B,C, D, F. I need a map, legend, chart, and a graph to figure out if she passed or not.

I'm lucky my husband is good at math and I am good at everything else.

10-25-2013, 06:55 PM
Heres how to make math fun!

5.56 X 30 X 7 = A
7.62 X 30 X 7 = B
---- -----

If bad guy Johnny wants to kill Prepper Andy. . . How much WIN does Prepper Andy need to defend against Bad Guy Johnny? If Bad Guy Johnny has 1 ak-47 with 30 rds of 7.62x39 in each of his 5 magazines, So. . . If "A" + "B" = WIN. . .How many rounds will he need to overcome Prepper Andy?

To See Answer To This Math Problem. . . Highlight Below This Post.

Answer: 0

Prepper Andy is friends with Izzy, And Izzy Sniped Bad Guy Johnny While Watching Him From A OP/LP.
And that Ladies and Gentleman, is FUN MATH!

10-25-2013, 08:45 PM
I will look this over after work. Might help my kids. Thanks!

10-26-2013, 02:11 AM
Storm that is a great exercise for the kiddies. You could teach exponents using a zombie plague algorithm for how fast it spreads. :D

Grumpy Old Man
10-26-2013, 06:33 PM
I believe I still have my old slide rule tucked away somewhere. As I use math everyday, I feel pretty prepared. Also I practice doing problems in my head.

10-26-2013, 11:23 PM
Nice one Grumpy. I have my step dads old slide rule somewhere. Need to find and practice with that. I also think my my Ham Radio Elmer gave me a nice one he had. ( retired engineer) They would be noce to have on hand when the calculator dies.
I use math for my job a fair amount, but not a lot at a high level to really challenge my thinking. I blow my wifes mind figuring stuff in my head sometimes. :)

10-27-2013, 09:03 AM
If SHTF then math would be pretty handy. Calculate areas and volumes, watts-volts-amp conversions, ballistics, precious metal and coin conversions, weights and conversions, dimensions and scaling, just at the simple level.

A lot if the more complex mathematics simply into easier equations or handy tables for common boundary conditions such as room temp, velocity much less than speed of light, etc. Might be useful to have some professional Handbooks with much of the common calculations tabulated for typical values like an Engineers, Machinist, etc.

10-28-2013, 10:40 PM
I'm a math geek. I can do most day to day stuff in my head, and know most common an useful equations off by heart. I also have a couple of useful books I can fall back on to calculate things. I too have a slide ruler, although it has been 20+ years since I've used it, I'm sure it'll come back.

I will print off a bunch of those sheets, I can't see anything but good having a binder full of something like that kicking around!

10-29-2013, 04:57 AM
Storm that is a great exercise for the kiddies. You could teach exponents using a zombie plague algorithm for how fast it spreads. :D

uh. . .huh? Braaaaiiiiinnnnnssss!

Im wondering if anybody figured out my math problem. . .

David Armstrong
10-29-2013, 06:29 PM
I believe I still have my old slide rule tucked away somewhere. As I use math everyday, I feel pretty prepared. Also I practice doing problems in my head.
This. Most of us use math every day, including things like algebra, without thinking about it or often without even realizing it.

10-31-2013, 03:36 PM
Ah Crap. I'm doomed. Luckily, my wife is the math wiz.

10-31-2013, 03:55 PM
I believe I still have my old slide rule tucked away somewhere. As I use math everyday, I feel pretty prepared. Also I practice doing problems in my head.

When I do ASVAB testing, I get a lot of sighs when i tell my testers that calculators arent allowed. Then I crack a joke saying that slide rules, cribsheets, and abacus's arent allowed either. Nobody ever has a clue as to what im talking about.

10-31-2013, 03:59 PM
When I do ASVAB testing, I get a lot of sighs when i tell my testers that calculators arent allowed. Then I crack a joke saying that slide rules, cribsheets, and abacus's arent allowed either. Nobody ever has a clue as to what im talking about.
Damn kids and their smart phones. abacus is the retro calculator! Give it time and a hipster that is always wearing a knit cap will bring it back.