View Full Version : Why the post-antibiotic world is the real-life version of the zombie apocalypse

The Stig
11-26-2013, 08:17 PM
Original story HERE (http://theweek.com/article/index/253397/why-the-post-antibiotic-world-is-the-real-life-version-of-the-zombie-apocalypse)at theweek.com

Why the post-antibiotic world is the real-life version of the zombie apocalypse
The perverse economics of the antibiotics industry means the human race could be in trouble
By John Aziz | 1:20pm ET

Right now, humanity is engaged in an epic battle against fast-adapting and merciless predators. No, zombies are not beating down doors to tear chunks of flesh out of the living. Rather, humanity is being hunted by deadly pathogenic bacteria that have gained resistance to antibiotics.

And thanks to the peculiar incentives that drive the pharmaceutical industry, it looks like the cavalry may be a long time in coming.

To understand the current state of the antibiotics market, we have to go back millennia. Humans have co-existed with bacteria throughout our history. They live in our bodies from birth to death. It’s estimated that up to three percent of a typical human's body mass is made up of symbiotic bacteria, which assist us with bodily functions like digesting food.

Most bacteria in the human body are kept in check by the body’s immune system. But bacteria are constantly evolving to survive and reproduce. Either the immune system successfully adapts to new threats, or the body risks being overrun. Sometimes the immune system will fail to respond to a novel bacterial threat, allowing the bacteria to kill the host.

Before antibiotics were widely available, any accident, injury, or medical procedure that allowed pathogenic bacteria into the body was potentially deadly. One in nine skin infections was fatal. One in three cases of pneumonia led to death. Invasive surgeries including caesarean sections left the patient open to killer infections. Insect bites, burns, and blood transfusions frequently became a source of infection.

So the discovery of the first antibiotic, penicillin, by Alexander Fleming in 1928 remains one of the high points in medical history. Antibiotics kill bacteria, which meant wounds were no longer death sentences. Yet when Fleming won the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1945, he warned of the dangers of antibiotic resistance:

It is not difficult to make microbes resistant to penicillin in the laboratory by exposing them to concentrations not sufficient to kill them… There is the danger that the ignorant man may easily underdose himself and by exposing his microbes to non-lethal quantities of the drug make them resistant. [NobelPrize.org]

Fleming’s prediction was right. Penicillin-resistant bacteria arrived while the drug was still being given to only a few patients. Each new class of antibiotics since then has soon been greeted by resistant bacteria.

One breeding ground for antibiotic-resistant bacteria is in farm animals. Low doses of antibiotics have been used since the 1950s to enhance growth. In the U.S., over 80 percent of all antibiotics are now used on farm animals. But low doses encourage resistance, just as Fleming warned. Recent studies show that antibiotic-resistant bacteria have been found widely in farm animals raised for meat, as well as wild animals, including crows, foxes, and sharks.

Scientists are fighting a running evolutionary battle with the bugs. A patient in New Zealand died this year after contracting an infection resistant to all known antibiotics. Doctors declared him the first patient of the "post-antibiotic era." The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently warned that drug-resistant bacteria kill at least 23,000 people annually in the U.S, and cost the health care system $20 billion per year.

Unfortunately for the human race, research into antibiotics remains costly. One estimate suggests that the cost of bringing a new antibiotic to market is over $1 billion, and that new antibiotics lose $50 million on average. There are far more profitable drugs for pharmaceutical companies to throw money at, since antibiotics are usually single-serve drugs for humans, not long-term treatments.

Drugs for chronic conditions tend to be more profitable. And with drug resistance quickly evolving, rendering older antibiotics ineffective, pharmaceutical companies have even less incentive to invest in the drugs.

The economics are perverse. Taking preventative action today would not be very profitable because there are fewer potential customers. The incentives to produce more and better antibiotics only kick in under the worst circumstances, when millions of people are dying from antibiotic-resistant infections.

With investment, there would be plenty of reasons to be optimistic about the future. New antibiotics today are typically discovered by culturing bacteria in a laboratory, and scientists so far have cultured less than one percent of the bacterial species on the planet, meaning there is still a huge pool of possibilities out there that remains untested.

There are also a large variety of organic compounds — for example, from insects — that may hold promise as antibacterials. Some scientists are even looking into the possibility of using nanotechnology to fight bacteria — tiny machines that can hunt down pathogenic bacteria and destroy them. Sooner or later, one of these approaches may yield an innovation that pathogenic bacteria cannot develop resistance to.

In July 2012, President Obama signed the GAIN (Generating Antibiotic Incentives Now) Act, a bipartisan bill to fast-track the creation of new antibiotics. Twelve new antibiotics in development have so far received fast-track status, which should speed up the approval of new drugs for difficult-to-treat conditions.

But whether the law will be sufficient to create enough new antibiotics to win the evolutionary arms race remains to be seen. Developing antibiotics is still expensive, and the antibiotics that we do have are still being over-prescribed for humans and doled out in sub-clinical doses to farm animals — both of which gives bacteria opportunities to develop resistance.

If the problem continues to grow, the U.S. and other countries will have to invest a whole lot more in antimicrobial technologies, or create incentives for Big Pharma to do so. Like the zombie apocalypse, the post-antibiotic world would not be a pretty place to live in.

First I've ever heard of "the week" website. Haven't looked around on it much so it could be a wacky Alex Jones nonsense place. Read at your own risk.

11-27-2013, 01:27 AM
I think the best way to deal with this is to only eat meat that has not been treated with antibiotics, eat organic and eat fermented foods. Antibiotics kill the beneficial bacteria in our bodies and make us weaker in the long run. Try to be healthy by eating nutritious foods and you will have a better chance of fighting off infections when antibiotics are long gone.

11-27-2013, 01:52 AM
I think this is an awesome article and we should remember how important it is too keep up on what is going into the foods we are being sold. I think that has even more of an impact on these resistant bugs than over prescribing of meds. We eat the dosed food every single day where we may get sick and go to the doc once or twice a year for most average people? Many not even that.

I honestly believe if we could get the beef/poultry/food suppliers to stop putting antibiotics and growth hormones in our stuff altogether we would be healthier and wouldn't have anywhere near the health issues that we do. But that will never happen so all we can do is try as individuals to buy the best that we can or grow what we are able.

11-27-2013, 03:01 AM
Belew is right on track with this. IMO most rampant diseases, such as heart disease, diabeties, high colesterol, stomach and bowel issues, and most cancers, can be tracked back to food and/or nutrition. Most foods today, even supposed organics, have much lower nutrition levels than 30-50 years ago. Then add in the GMO, anti-biotic, and hormones. We are inputting lots of shit into our bodies they just aren't made to cope with. Add to that our medical/phamcutical/government policies and it appears that "they" don't want humanity to survive, let alone thrive.

11-27-2013, 03:14 AM
We rarely ever take antibiotics, I think I have taken them once in the last 10 years. But I do have a fairly large supply of pet antibiotics on hand in case of emergencies. We got 4 different types, can't spell all of them without getting the bottles. Also have a good supply of pain killers and such, since we never take them. We also eat very little store bought meat, 99% of the meat we eat is either raised by us, or wild game killed by us.

Grumpy Old Man
12-04-2013, 12:30 AM
I highly recommend colloidal silver and buberine herbs for anti biotic properties.

12-04-2013, 02:19 AM
The problem lies in that people have assumed that antibiotics are the cure all for everything. So they are used for everything. Meanwhile, you end up with deadly bacteria that can survive and thrive in an antibiotic filled host.

There is no simple fix for this but there are ways to minimize the impact. Wash your hands often with an anti microbial soap or alcohol. If you cut yourself clean it immediately with alcohol or iodine. Don't waste your time with peroxide, it doesn't work as advertised. Take a good multivitamin to give your body the vitamins needed to keep a healthy immune system.

I always keep betadine (iodine) on hand to clean cuts and scrapes on us as well as the animals. Another must have is a can of alushield liquid bandage. Cat gut and stitching needles are also on hand. Never know when you will need to do stitches.

Pain relievers would throw this conversation in a whole new direction so I will just leave that alone in this thread.

12-04-2013, 02:57 AM
I have read reports that using antibacterial soaps are actually not good for you because they kill the good bacteria on your hands that is needed. We forget that overuse of these antibacterial stuff kills everything, not just the bad. Our own bodies are built to kill bad stuff but if we kill them we don't allow them to do their jobs and open ourselves up to more infections. Regular soap in warm water will do the job but of course there's lots of money in promotion of the other stuff.

12-06-2013, 04:09 PM
I have read reports that using antibacterial soaps are actually not good for you because they kill the good bacteria on your hands that is needed. We forget that overuse of these antibacterial stuff kills everything, not just the bad. Our own bodies are built to kill bad stuff but if we kill them we don't allow them to do their jobs and open ourselves up to more infections. Regular soap in warm water will do the job but of course there's lots of money in promotion of the other stuff.

I read this, too. The problem is trying to find liquid soap that is not antibacterial! I buy the "natural" liquid soaps, but they are pretty expensive for what they are.

12-07-2013, 12:47 AM
My wife learned that also in nursing school. Normal soap and water is all that is needed. Not only do the antibacterial soaps kill the good bacteria, if they don't kill all the bad bacteria, it makes them more resistant, stronger.

Just straight up soap and water will be fine.

12-16-2013, 01:04 AM
Fortunately, the FDA is taking steps to remove antibiotics in meat, according to various news sources:

(one example) http://www.dallasnews.com/news/local-news/20131211-fda-moves-toward-phasing-out-use-of-antibiotics-in-meat-animals.ece

Let's hope this can at least delay, if not roll back, the impending health crisis.

12-16-2013, 08:04 PM
I think they are just talking about phasing out the antibiotics used to promote fast growth.
As long as they keep over crowding livestock, the livestock will remain sick. They will need to use antibiotics for illness until they thin the herd. Sadly, I don't think that's going to happen on the factory farms.

12-16-2013, 09:40 PM
if we could get the beef/poultry/food suppliers to stop putting antibiotics and growth hormones in our stuff altogether we would be healthier and wouldn't have anywhere near the health issues that we do.

I totally agree.


12-16-2013, 10:44 PM
I haven't bought meat from the store in better then 2 years now for that very reason.

12-17-2013, 01:00 AM
I don't get flu shots. Putting medications into my body isn't high on my list either. I visit many different sites in my workday. So I am exposed to the majority of crap out there. Granted when I do come down with something it will wipe me for a day or two. It would seem if you artificially support your immune system it will grow weak since it doesn't have to do anything.

There are Genetically Modified products every where. It may not be a large population count but even the wildlife is prone to fall into consuming GMO's from the fields on farms that us them. This may explain the 'Brain Rot' in deer (it has been compared to Mad Cow Disease)

I would assume there are issues with fresh water as well. (Fresh meaning from Americas water faucet) Some of the issues in the water would be from all of the medications that people flush down the toilet. Or the recent issue of the soon to be incoming Radiation from Fukishima.

So really there is no escaping what is coming down the pipe. A possible resolution that I can see would be to 'weather' the sicknesses so your body can build an immunity. As I read the article I came to the understanding that the medications are becoming pointless. I have also read that when a virus changes to allow it to bypass the drugs in ones system they can become weaker. Meaning the majority wont pack as great of a punch.

In reality we of this century are dabbling in genetics and think we know what is going on. I know there will be some major changes in our lifetime. What will those changes be? They will most likely be the restructuring of this planets genetic structure that wont be easily visible till the next generation.

By attempting to eat right, drink right and using other protective measures you could conceivably reduce the effect.