View Full Version : Another School Shooting In Denver

12-13-2013, 08:09 PM

Looks like its still going down, but theres another school shooting going on in denver Colorado.

More to follow as it breaks down

12-13-2013, 09:23 PM
Damn, there goes ammo prices again...


12-13-2013, 10:03 PM
Something is amiss with all these shootings. They are coming more and more frequently or at least a shooting a month is being drug to the top of the headlines and portrayed as a mass shooting.

My spidey senses keep telling me something's just not right about them.

12-13-2013, 10:13 PM
Shooter used a shotgun and was after a certain teacher. Couldnt find them and shot a student then himself. Also saw the sheriff talking about a device maybe molotov cacktail.

I would lay money that 9 out of 10 of these shooters are on some of heavy pyscotic drugs. Just makes me wonder about the Drs that are working with them.

12-13-2013, 11:00 PM
I've always thought something sinister was up, this seems on its face to be a kid with an axe to grind. We'll see what happens now. In Denver, one of the epicenters of the national debate on guns nonetheless.

12-14-2013, 12:49 AM
I recently saw an article that was alluding to psychotropic drug use and shootings. Seemed nearly every one of the kids or young adults in the last decade or two has been on some sort of mood altering meds.
Don't know whether it proves anything or not, but there definitely seems to be a link, if nothing else.

12-14-2013, 12:57 AM
That was my point exactly! I have read and heard reports along those same lines. There has to be something related with it happening so many times over. Of course that doesn't fit the desired outcome with guns.

12-14-2013, 01:02 AM
Rahm Emmanuel once said, "never let a crisis go to waste" or something similar.

I think they see the connection, prepare for one, and wait for it, since they are sure one is on the way.

There are other more conspiratorial theories, but they are just that so far, from what I've seen. But that doesn't preclude them from being real.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
12-14-2013, 02:27 PM
And let's add this to the mix............

FDA Approves First Generic Versions of Cymbalta
WASHINGTON December 12, 2013 (AP)
Associated Press

The Food and Drug Administration has approved the first generic versions of the blockbuster antidepressant Cymbalta, offering lower-cost access to one of the most widely prescribed treatments for depression, anxiety and other disorders.

Cymbalta is Eli Lilly & Co. Inc.'s best-selling drug and posted 2012 sales of $4.7 billion, making it the fifth-highest selling medication in the world. The drug's patent expired Wednesday, clearing the way for the launch of cheaper versions of the drug from generic drugmakers. Generic drugs often sell for a fraction of the price of the original branded product.

Besides depression, Cymbalta is also prescribed to treat generalized anxiety disorder, diabetic nerve pain, fibromyalgia and forms of chronic pain.

The FDA said it approved six generic versions of the pill from drugmakers including Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd., Sun Pharma Global and Teva Pharmaceuticals.

The loss of Cymbalta is the latest in a series of patent expirations that have battered Indianapolis-based Lilly's balance sheet in recent years. Revenue has been under pressure since 2011, when the company's all-time best selling drug, the antipsychotic Zyprexa, lost U.S. patent protection. That drug, approved to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, once had global sales of over $5 billion per year.

Earlier this year the company also lost U.S. patent protection for its best-selling insulin injection for diabetics, Humalog, which had 2012 sales of $2.4 billion.

Lilly has said it will counter the revenue loss from the patent expirations by developing new drugs, cutting costs and depending on sales in foreign markets and developing countries.


So we make it cheaper so we can put "everybody" on anitdepressants, might as well be because it's the "5th biggest selling drug" and you wonder why we have so many nut jobs? How many KIDS/people really need to be prescribed these drugs? And yes, I agree the media pushes these incidents right to the top of the list.

Recommendations: Put your guns in "lay-up" maintenance, ready for long term storage, because you might have to put them away for awhile. Time to go to wal-mart, buy a receipt book and start writing some "sold to" receipts. Just a thought, better to have "sold them" now then to make an excuse later. "UH.......due to rising gun prices I figured I could make some money" That's my story and I'm stickin to it.......just a thought.

12-14-2013, 09:03 PM
On a side note, if you know a condition or situation exist and is building to "critical mass", allowing it to klick off may further your (enter name here) cause.


Brownwater Riverrat 13
12-15-2013, 12:54 AM
So let me read between the lines for you........don't forget to go through the obituaries first. After all, the purchasers might not be around when they come looking for them.

12-17-2013, 03:25 PM
Some days when I hear the news, the term "Manchurian Candidate" comes to mind more and more? In the case of Chris Kyle I wonder, what if? In the case of the school shootings, maybe a jr Manchurian Candidate? Like I've said before, I'm not in black choppers and tin foil hats, but damm, sometimes coincidence don't make sense.

12-17-2013, 04:49 PM
When the same thing happens over and over and over in particular. It isn't that hard to put two and two together ( unless you are doing common core math).