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View Full Version : I just discovered Survival Podcast

12-17-2013, 11:49 PM
Well, I just discovered the Survival Podcast with host Jack.

Wow, Im very pleased. I am of poor education (a product of publik edumakation) so I am not the smartest dude when it comes to history, economics and politics.

Now, Im not stupid but just not well vested in some functional patriot areas.

I discovered Jack a few daze ago, and proceeded to download ALL (Sorry for the bandwidth Jack) podcast, I put several on my Creative Zen and have been listening to them at work for the last two daze.

I am impressed with jack's ability to process history, finances, politics and current events and present his perspectives in such as way that allow me to digest and understand the information.

Ive got a LOT of podcast to listen to yet, Im still on the EARLY years of his venture but have very much enjoyed his eye opening, entertaining and informative presentations.

I just wanted to share,

12-18-2013, 12:23 AM
Good for you. Learn wherever you can, just use common sense and rule out any BS.

12-18-2013, 07:21 PM
Theres tons of good information in there, but remember what piranha said, you have to filter the BS for the truth, if you have any questions, or are unsure, ask us here, im sure that the majority of us here may have an insight or two on things you may be unsure of. Thats what I do, folks here make for a great sounding board if you give them a chance!

12-18-2013, 08:31 PM
So far, the things that Jack has talked about (Im up to episode 60, having skipped a few but Ive listened to about 35 of the first podcast), there is no pegging of the BS meter thus far (with my limited knowledge).

I think you guys would like his podcast, he is ex-Army Airborne, a patriot, believes in the constitution and seams to be level headed... I dont even sense a tin hat so far, which is VERY refreshing.

I like to listen to some Prision Planet stuff to stimulate the thought process but that program makes my BS meter flutter from time to time.

If you get a chance, listen to his earlier post about lies in plain sight...



When I listen to him, he talks to me... Sounds like the kind of guy that you would like to have for a neighbor and over for a cook out a few weekends.


12-18-2013, 09:28 PM
I listen to his podcast a few times a month with the stitcher app. Only the most current podcast are on stitcher though. I just checked and you only have 1209 to go.

12-18-2013, 10:53 PM
So Belew, besides welcome to the forum my friend, what are your thoughts and opinions on Jack's podcast? Honesty is the best policy here, and no one will be mad for your honest replies. Were all here to share & learn, and were self moderated... so speak your mind freely.


12-19-2013, 02:25 AM
I've listened to it since about episode 30, the earlier editions were better for all the commercials got out of hand.

I still listen from time to time, but skip the first 5 minutes and skip complete episodes that just aren't my style.

I notice some incorrect information given out from time to time, but no more so that anywhere else.

12-19-2013, 03:01 AM
I've listened to it since about episode 30, the earlier editions were better for all the commercials got out of hand.

I still listen from time to time, but skip the first 5 minutes and skip complete episodes that just aren't my style.

I notice some incorrect information given out from time to time, but no more so that anywhere else.

Agreed. Way too many commercials. He sometimes goes off on tangents I feel don't relate to prepping or survival.

Side note: He actually agreed to come on the webradio show "Prepperchicks after dark" and play Conflicted with the host, myself, the creator of the game, and author Chris Blake. It will be interesting to hear his SHTF responses.

12-19-2013, 10:51 AM
I like it. It's a lot better than listening to the one sided talk radio during my workday. He gets some interesting guest on the show from time to time. His show is where I first learned about hugelkultur and through looking into hugelkultur, I found out about rocket mass heaters. I also skip past the adds.