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View Full Version : Made my first batch of soap.

01-08-2014, 10:01 PM
After a few weeks of collecting the last bit of ingredients, this past Saturday after a few Knob Creeks and Cokes, I decided to try my hand at making soap at 3am. (Yes I was reciting Fightclub quotes the whole time.) I was actually surprised how easy it is to make. Reading the books and researching online, I was under the impression that it would be harder. If you get a chance I do recommend you try making soap. Remember if you do SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY! LYE IS DANGEROUS!

For my first time I decided to go with a basic batch and if it turns out right I'll start getting fancier or manilier with the scents. CLP scented soap anyone? After 72 hours of letting it "dry" I yielded about 2 lbs worth of Lemongrass scented soap. My recipe didn't indicate how much essential oil to use so I used my best judgement. Just by smelling the soap it does not smell overpowering. The true test will be when I finally get to use it in a few weeks.

The basic recipe I used is as follows and comes out of the book "The Everything Soapmaking Book"

4.8 oz Lye
12 oz H2O
21 oz Olive Oil
10.5 oz Coconut oil
2 TBL essential oil

This is only part of it

Looks like melted cheese

Time to Cure

Product after 72 Hours. I decided to cut because I figured this would help speed up the curing. Total time I will wait is 4 weeks.

01-08-2014, 11:15 PM
Sir, please reserve for me one batch of each: diesel exhaust and fired gun power on the range scents. Thank you kindly.

You realize, now we expect a FULL report on the soap, and how well it works, etc..

And remember, its your shower and your soap and what you do is your business. :-)


01-08-2014, 11:18 PM
do you need the coconut oil?

01-08-2014, 11:43 PM
Thanks for the post. I am interested to hear how it turns out.

01-08-2014, 11:56 PM
do you need the coconut oil?

The recipe called for it. I'm thinking it was much but I didn't want to deviate from it on my first try.

Sir, please reserve for me one batch of each: diesel exhaust and fired gun power on the range scents. Thank you kindly.

You realize, now we expect a FULL report on the soap, and how well it works, etc..

And remember, its your shower and your soap and what you do is your business. :-)

EB I will definitely will be looking into creating more masculine scents although diesel exhaust may be hard to replicate.

I will give a full review of the final product when the time comes. I am expecting an overall great result.

Oh and its my body and I will clean it as fast as I want to! :rolleyes:

01-09-2014, 12:50 AM
Thinking, this my be your first venture into soap, once you get it down pat... do a video for us please!


IMHO, personal hygiene is as important as clean water and parameter security!


PS for future reading:

Dont let that deer et al go to waste!!

01-09-2014, 02:45 AM
ya know... as a kid, my grandma used to save the ashes from the woodstove to make soap. I'm not sure how she did that, but I remember always being 'squeeky' clean whilst there...

01-09-2014, 03:21 AM
ya know... as a kid, my grandma used to save the ashes from the woodstove to make soap. I'm not sure how she did that, but I remember always being 'squeeky' clean whilst there... RJ posted a while back on how to make Lye ash soap.

01-09-2014, 01:41 PM
My wife makes our laundry soap, not exactly sure how she does it.

Taz Baby
01-09-2014, 08:49 PM


I make melt n pour goat milk soap. Hobby Lobby has goat milk soap base, essential oils, molds ect. I melted everything in a glass 2 cup measuring cup and used lemongrass. after I pour it in the mold, I put it in the freezer for 1 hr then in the fridge over night. nest day take it out and let it set until room temp. It lathers extremely well. I take a damp wash rsg and lighty rub out the bar of soap 3 times and that does my whole body.

01-09-2014, 08:57 PM


I make melt n pour goat milk soap. Hobby Lobby has goat milk soap base, essential oils, molds ect.
Thanks for the tip. I'll have to check hobby lobby out. Melt and pour soaps, do they use lye?

Taz Baby
01-10-2014, 01:15 AM
Thanks for the tip. I'll have to check hobby lobby out. Melt and pour soaps, do they use lye?

No lye, just melt the soap base and what ever scent you want and if you want to add dry herbs or flowers or what ever you can and if you want to add color use soap dye cheap and easy. I hate using lye it is dangerous. put it all together and just pour it in the mold. I don't buy soap molds. I use cute shaped ice trays spray cooking oil in them so the soap will come out easy. Or I use and plastic container. If you have kids and buy them toys, use the plastic that it came in. Like a toy gun will make a gun soap.

Taz Baby
01-10-2014, 01:22 AM
you can even use muffin pans


just look around your kitchen you will find things that have a nice shape to it and use it. Let your imagination go wild

Caveman Survival
01-10-2014, 01:59 AM
Congrats on the soap 2die4. It is on my list of things to learn... I have the theory down pat, it's just the practical I need to work on

01-10-2014, 02:13 AM
you can even use muffin pan.

just look around your kitchen you will find things that have a nice shape to it and use it. Let your imagination go wild

Never thought to use muffin pans. That would save lots of money compared to buying actual soap molds.

I am actually looking into creating a mold right now. Just need to find the right tools for it. Once I get it fabricated I will debut it. here.

Congrats on the soap 2die4. It is on my list of things to learn... I have the theory down pat, it's just the practical I need to work on

Glad you found us from Instagram! Be sure to introduce yourself in the intro thread if you haven't already.

2014 is my goal to put all the Prepper skill I've read up on and start practicing each one. Just got to get out and do it.

Don't forget to pm me your address my man.

01-11-2014, 10:46 AM
where are you getting the lye?

01-12-2014, 04:29 PM
This is as good as place as any to post this, no intended thread jack. Made my first batch of body wash two days ago. Sme trial and error with the right amount of heat and it resembles body wash. This is essentially, Irish Spring body wash

I estimate this gallon-ish to cost about $1.60 to make

01-12-2014, 05:43 PM
Share the receipe?

01-12-2014, 06:07 PM
Share the receipe?


01-14-2014, 10:56 PM
where are you getting the lye?

Sorry it took so long to respond. Work has me busy. I bought all my soap making goods off a lady from craigslist but the sticker on the lye bucket says www.soapgoods.com. Just went to the site and it's an impressive one stop shop for soap makers.

03-30-2014, 01:39 AM
Well I finally got around to testing the batch. ( I know. I've been busy) It lathered real nicely and left my hands real smooth. The fragrance was still there but not overpowering. I am real happy with the results. If anybody wants a bar, I'll be happy to send them one.

03-30-2014, 01:52 AM
I gotta go back and re read this thread. I had forgot all about it.
Good report.

07-04-2014, 06:06 PM
I will give the body wash a try in the next few weeks, and will give a report on my results. Just made another 5 gal. batch of laundry detergent early in the week. I've been doing that for over 2 yrs, and have saved about $1 billion. The body wash should save me another billion or two.

07-08-2014, 03:36 AM
I will give the body wash a try in the next few weeks, and will give a report on my results. Just made another 5 gal. batch of laundry detergent early in the week. I've been doing that for over 2 yrs, and have saved about $1 billion. The body wash should save me another billion or two.

A billion? How often do you wash your clothes man?!

Laundry soap is next on my agenda.

08-03-2014, 04:59 PM
He showers with all of his cats and they keep running out of the bathroom, down the hall, thru the dining and living room and out the kitty door. Yup! Right into the woods they go and Domeguy follows stark butt naked to get them back and start the process all over again. This can go on three or four times......that's why it's saving him billions.

08-03-2014, 10:33 PM
Now there is a mental pic that's gonna be hard to get outta the head.

08-05-2014, 12:40 PM
nail the kitty door shut!

08-06-2014, 03:52 PM
I like cat.....but I can't eat a whole one

08-06-2014, 04:26 PM
start with kittens, they're more tender anyways

08-06-2014, 06:08 PM
They fry up just like chicken

08-07-2014, 12:37 AM
I like cat.....but I can't eat a whole one

Has Sniper dude been training you??

- - - Updated - - -

start with kittens, they're more tender anyways

But dogs have way more meat!

- - - Updated - - -

They fry up just like chicken

That's just an old wive's tale Sniper dude likes to spread around. Don't believe a word he says.

08-08-2014, 03:16 AM
(Head thunk!) kittens....I never thought of kittens. Sniper you are a genius!

08-12-2014, 12:42 AM
(Head thunk!) kittens....I never thought of kittens. Sniper you are a genius!

Step away from the kittens!

08-12-2014, 10:49 AM
Generally I prefer homemade soup:

http://i605.photobucket.com/albums/tt140/Sniper-T/CATS/kittensoup_zpsa6f3d49c.jpg (http://s605.photobucket.com/user/Sniper-T/media/CATS/kittensoup_zpsa6f3d49c.jpg.html)

But I have always been a sucker for Ramen:

http://i605.photobucket.com/albums/tt140/Sniper-T/CATS/kittennoodlesoup_zpsfaf0d4a3.jpg (http://s605.photobucket.com/user/Sniper-T/media/CATS/kittennoodlesoup_zpsfaf0d4a3.jpg.html)

And worst case scenario, I will heat up a can of campbells:

http://i605.photobucket.com/albums/tt140/Sniper-T/CATS/kittensoup2_zpsbc1f2229.jpg (http://s605.photobucket.com/user/Sniper-T/media/CATS/kittensoup2_zpsbc1f2229.jpg.html)

08-12-2014, 11:32 PM
Booking a flight now sniper dude....ya won't see me coming...will be sneaky like a cat! You are in such big doo doo!

Caveman Survival
08-20-2014, 03:47 PM
I have to say 2die4 the soap is very good. Great lather and holds it's form and doesn't breakdown. Very impressed

08-21-2014, 04:24 AM
I have to say 2die4 the soap is very good. Great lather and holds it's form and doesn't breakdown. Very impressed

did you add a smell to it?

Caveman Survival
08-21-2014, 03:08 PM
@ladyhk13... No, scent isn't a huge factor for me. I do like the fact that it didn't dry out my skin like many commercial soaps do

Grumpy Old Man
08-24-2014, 04:13 PM
Generally I prefer homemade soup:

http://i605.photobucket.com/albums/tt140/Sniper-T/CATS/kittensoup_zpsa6f3d49c.jpg (http://s605.photobucket.com/user/Sniper-T/media/CATS/kittensoup_zpsa6f3d49c.jpg.html)

But I have always been a sucker for Ramen:

http://i605.photobucket.com/albums/tt140/Sniper-T/CATS/kittennoodlesoup_zpsfaf0d4a3.jpg (http://s605.photobucket.com/user/Sniper-T/media/CATS/kittennoodlesoup_zpsfaf0d4a3.jpg.html)

And worst case scenario, I will heat up a can of campbells:

http://i605.photobucket.com/albums/tt140/Sniper-T/CATS/kittensoup2_zpsbc1f2229.jpg (http://s605.photobucket.com/user/Sniper-T/media/CATS/kittensoup2_zpsbc1f2229.jpg.html)

Do I like kitties? Indeed I do! Boiled, Broiled or in a stew!

Grumpy Old Man
08-24-2014, 04:20 PM
I've been making laundry soap for some time now. I mix 1 cup of washing soda, 1 cup of 20 Mule Team Borax and in bar of finely grated Fels Naptha soap for a dry powder. My daughter uses the same formula but uses hot water to make it liquid. For the price of a large jug of laundry detergent you can make a year's worth using this recipe. You can also substitute 1/2 bar of Zote for the Fels Naptha (Zote is twice as big as Fels Naptha).

Just so you don't think I was here to get off topic.

05-20-2015, 01:11 AM
I dug this table out of my old VRWC thumbdrive. It's a saponification table; how much lye (first figure) or potassium hydroxide (second figure) to add to how much of whatever various oil to properly make soap of it.

Apricot Kernel 0.1350 0.1890
Arachis 0.1360 0.1904
Avocado 0.1330 0.1862
Babassu, Brazil nut 0.1750 0.2450
Beef Hoof 0.1410 0.1974
Beeswax, White 0.0690 0.0966
Brazil Nut 0.1750 0.2450
Butterfat, Cow 0.1619 0.2266
Butterfat, Goat 0.1672 0.2340
Canola 0.1240 0.1736
Castor 0.1286 0.1800
Chicken Fat 0.1389 0.1944
Chinese Bean 0.1350 0.1890
Cocoa Butter 0.1370 0.1918
Coconut 0.1900 0.2660
Cod-liver 0.1326 0.1856
Coffee-seed 0.1300 0.1820
Colza 0.1240 0.1736
Corn 0.1360 0.1904
Cottonseed 0.1386 0.1940
Earthnut 0.1360 0.1904
Flaxseed 0.1357 0.1899
Florence, aka Olive 0.1340 0.1876
Gigely Tree 0.1330 0.1862
Goose Fat 0.1369 0.1916
Grapeseed 0.1265 0.1771
Hazelnut 0.1356 0.1898
Hemp Seed 0.1345 0.1883
Java Cotton 0.1370 0.1918
Jojoba 0.0690 0.0966
Kapok 0.1370 0.1918
Karite Butter(Shea) 0.1280 0.1792
Katchung 0.1360 0.1904
Kukui Nut 0.1350 0.1890
Lanolin 0.0741 0.1037
Lard 0.1380 0.1932
Linseed 0.1357 0.1899
Loccu 0.1340 0.1876
Macadamia 0.1390 0.1946
Maize 0.1360 0.1904
Mink 0.1400 0.1960
Mustard 0.1241 0.1737
Neat's foot 0.1359 0.1902
Neem 0.1387 0.1941
Niger-seed 0.1355 0.1897
Nutmeg Butter 0.1160 0.1624
Olium Olivate 0.1340 0.1876
Olive 0.1340 0.1876
Palm Butter 0.1560 0.2184
Palm Kernel 0.1560 0.2184
Palm 0.1410 0.1974
Peanut 0.1360 0.1904
Perilla 0.1369 0.1916
Poppyseed 0.1383 0.1936
Pumpkinseed 0.1331 0.1863
Ramic 0.1240 0.1736
Rape 0.1240 0.1736
Rapeseed 0.1240 0.1736
Rice Bran 0.1280 0.1792
Ricinus 0.1286 0.1800
Safflower 0.1360 0.1904
Sesame Seed 0.1330 0.1862
Shea Butter 0.1280 0.1792
Shortening (veg.) 0.1360 0.1904
Soybean 0.1350 0.1890
Sunflower Seed 0.1340 0.1876
Sweet Oil 0.1340 0.1876
Tallow, bear 0.1390 0.1946
Tallow, beef 0.1405 0.1967
Tallow, deer 0.1379 0.1930
Tallow, goat 0.1383 0.1936
Tallow, sheep 0.1383 0.1936
Teal/Teel/Til 0.1330 0.1862
Theobroma 0.1370 0.1918
Tung 0.1377 0.1927
Walnut 0.1353 0.1894
Wheatgerm 0.1310 0.1834

EX. 1: 50 oz of beef tallow, to be made into a bar soap, will require (50 x 0.1405) 7.205 oz of lye to saponify correctly.

Ex. 2: 100 gm of safflower oil, to be made into a liquid soap, will require (100 x 0.1904) 19.04 gm of potasium hydroxide to saponify correctly.

Wish I had source, but this is an old 128 KILOBYTE thumbdrive I pulled it off of.

Hope it helps... wonder how good ATSHTF soap would be as a barter item....

My two bits...


05-26-2015, 04:30 AM
Thank you for this. I can definitely use this chart.