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View Full Version : Traveling to Joplin, MO

07-05-2011, 02:05 AM
I was presented with an opportunity to work on a disaster relief team in Joplin. I'll be gone from 31 July to 6 August. I'll post my experience when I get back, much like I do with the mock bugout drills. If there is anything specific anyone wants me to relay re: a post shtf environment let me know, and I'll do my best to observe, document, and recount it. Now I'm gonna add a new element to my pre event posts:

The scenario is that I'll be traveling in a small convoy of cars that don't belong to me, working everything from home repairs, to demolition, to clearing debris... And driving back home. All tools, meals, and lodging are provided while in Joplin, but I will need to take my own: sleeping bag/ mat; work gloves; and N95 masks.

My question is, what else would you take? Limit is one bag of gear equivalent to the average unprepared person's luggage.

07-05-2011, 02:36 AM
Good broke in work boots, safety glasses, multiple bandanas, any meds you use, including ibuproen or similar. I'll continue the thoughts on this and add more later.
I have had to prepare for a similar effort although I was used srictly for communcations. I had a lot of gear, but a small focus with it. I'm sure some stuff will carry over.
Good luck and stay safe.

07-05-2011, 06:25 PM
I'm almost 100% on track with you so far. The exception being that I hadn't considered the need for multiple bandannas. I planned on carrying one, just because they're useful. I figured a ball cap and the N95 masks would cover most situations for me. Is there something I'm overlooking?

Boots are definitely covered. If I have enough space I'll be talking two pair. One pair is fully broken in, the other will be by time I leave. Its this second pair i most want to take, the first pair is a side zip. I've never had an issue with them, but I'd hate to experience a failure under these circumstances.

I need to get a new pair of prescription safety glasses, and preferably goggles.

I just checked my meds, and (assuming I don't do anything stupid this month) I've got enough prescription meds to carry me through the duration of that trip. My OTC meds are not so robust. I'll be restocking and taking Motrin, Benadryl, and Immodium AD. I'll also be be taking an individual trauma/ first aid kit and supplementing it with more alcohol pads, antibiotic ointment, and bandaids in a pocket kit. I'm anticipating more minor injuries among the group than anything else. Speaking of which, I need to go get a tetanus shot. The final items I'm considering to this end is in foot care. Powder and cream. I remember the heat and humidity almost knocking me on my ass before. My FAK has an electrolyte packet and water is supplied, so heat injuries are avoidable, but I already know some members of our group aren't going to be educated in proper foot care - we have a number of teens going with us.

Aside from the first aid supplies, the bulk of my gear is going to be clothing. While we have shower's available I'm not sure what our laundering capabilities will be, so I'll be carrying 5 "grunt rolls" (1 days undergarments per roll), 3x rollable LS cotton shirts, 3x cargo pants, and 5 extra pair of socks. I'll be wearing sandals, a tshirt, and shorts down there, with a fresh shirt packed to wear home. I'll have a hygiene kit, of course, so putting new clothes on isn't pointless.

Otherwise the only additional things I've decided on are my 100 oz. Camelbak, travel food, and some caffeine pills. I'm starting to wish I could offer my vehicle to the group, I could have a much better loadout then.

07-05-2011, 08:55 PM
Not knowing about what kind of meals, spices. This may sound extreme but what about a weapon? (repairs, clean-up etc. all could be advertisment for who knows what) I don't know about the clean-up your doing but maybe a hardhat/helmet.

07-05-2011, 09:07 PM
I keep a bunch of bandana's around. Mostly for wipin sweat, but they are useful for many things in a pinch. Mine get nasty pretty quick when I'm out working. Good thinkin on the 2 pairs of boots and extra clothes. If it is permissable, I would certainly take my own truck. I hate being anywhere without a vehicle. The comfort of having your own wheels and the gear that intails is priceless to me.
I gave this more thought today. Your situation is a lot different than mine was. I had some personal gear, but mostly it was commo gear. The personal gear you've discussed pretty much covered what I had with me. The googles could be very important. Maybe a hard hat as well.
Sounds to me like you have things pretty well underway. Good luck with the trip. I'll be interested in hearing of your expereinces.

07-05-2011, 09:37 PM
I was presented with an opportunity to work on a disaster relief team in Joplin.

I applaud you for what you do.

07-06-2011, 02:01 AM
Extra bandannas it is then! They aren't something I commonly use, but it strikes me they're much better than resorting to a shirt that is likely to be filthy in short order. I think hard hats are provided when required, but I like the idea of having my own better and will see about borrowing one of my dad's. If I'm lucky he may have a spare toolbelt too, and I could carry my Stanley Fubar and put it to the test.

Spices are another excellent idea.

A firearm is out due to travel restrictions through Illinois, and the lodging in Missouri itself. If I had my car this wouldn't be an issue, but my fiancee is already pissed I'm missing a family camping trip for this, and if I take the car (Its ok to) she needs for hauling the camper... Yeah...

Anyway, thanks for the help and kudos guys!

07-06-2011, 02:47 PM
Good luck with your trip. Looking forward to hearing about your experiences.

Grumpy Old Man
07-06-2011, 04:13 PM
Mi if I were you I'd be taking insect repellent! You are in Missouri after all and the skeeters love open flesh right around dusk and in the early morning. A good fixed blade and a folding knife would also be desirable.

07-06-2011, 04:22 PM
I did forget to mention the insect repellent, good spot! I used Deep Woods OFF wipes on my last mock bug out and I'll be stocking right up on them for this trip. As for knives, I EDC both a SOG Powerlock and a small fixed blade. I think the SOG tool is gonna get some grind time under the Dremel though, the tools don't lock as well as I'd like.

07-12-2011, 04:14 AM
My updated and expanded list:

Food/ Water: 3x MH entrees; one MRE; spices/ mini tabasco; 5x clif bars; trail mix; 5x 5 hour energy; Camelbak Ambush; Esbit Stove; 3x fuel tabs; Canteen cup; spork

Shelter/ Clothing: ENO Hammock; Air mattress; Mattress Pump, batteries; Pillow; Poncho liner; USGI Poncho; Ball cap; 5x "Grunt Rolls", to include bandanna in each; 3x LS button down shirt; 3x cargo pants; 5x extra socks; 2x boots

PPE: Hard hat; Prescription Safety Goggles; 10x N95 masks; 2x work gloves

Sanitation/ Hygiene: hand sanitizer; Clorox Bleach Wipes; Travel kleenex; travel pack toilet seat covers; Hygiene kit; Foot powder

Medical: Insurance Card; Trauma kit; Mosquito repellent; Sunscreen; Motrin; AD pills; Antihistamine pills; Athlete's Foot Cream; Prescription medications; Antibiotic Ointment; Alcohol prep pads; Asstd. Bandaids; Gauze pads

Fire & Light: Magnesium Fire Starter; Bic; Surefire E2D, extra batteries; Headlamp, extra batteries

Knives & Tools: Morris File Belter; SOG Power Lock; Stanley Fubar; Knife Sharpener

Miscellaneous: Laundry Bag; duct tape; 550 cord; zip ties; safety pins; sewing kit; digital camera, spare batteries; caffeine pills; notepad; 2x pens; driver's license; ziplock bags; pedometer (for the step challenge)

I'll have my Fox 40 whistle for a signaling device, and my Blackberry for communication/ Navigation. I think that covers everything.

07-12-2011, 05:01 AM
might want to add a emergency tinfoil blanket... extremely small and lightweight and can be used to reflect sun for signaling back up or used to reflect sun to make a temporary shaded area in case of heat exhaustion. never know who you might need to assist besides your self.

07-12-2011, 05:03 AM
Oh! Good call!

07-12-2011, 05:28 AM
from time to time i might have a good one tucked up my sleeve. lol. Whenever i go anywhere i keep at least 1 of those with me has so many uses it is hard to think of them all.

I did not see where you were carrying a water bladder of any kind with you? did i miss it somewhere?

07-12-2011, 06:25 AM
The Camelbak Ambush has a 100 oz. reservoir.

07-12-2011, 07:41 PM
good deal i forgot about the water bladder with it... had a dead brain moment thinking of all the uses for that dang tinfoil blanket

07-28-2011, 09:01 AM
I'm 72 hours out and do indeed have a foil blanket packed now. I dropped the fubar as unnecessary weight, and traded the relative bulk of the 5 hour engery drinks for some caffeine pills. My house looks like a gear bomb went off as I try different pack and pouch configurations for the best possible load. lol. I love it, my bugeisha hates it.

Since its getting close I'll ask again. Is there anything anybody is curious about re: the aftermath and clean up of a shtf event of this extent?

07-28-2011, 09:10 AM
Absolutely, I would like to hear everything that you are willing to share.

07-28-2011, 12:13 PM
Of course we're interested.

07-28-2011, 10:24 PM
Of course! I myself am more interested in my overall impression, but I figured it anybody had anything specific in mind I could keep an eye out toward observing it. One thing I've learned on discussion forums is you never know what someone might come up with. I figured I'd try making my life easier by getting the questions before my trip vs. after! lol

The Stig
07-28-2011, 10:42 PM
I'm 72 hours out and do indeed have a foil blanket packed now. I dropped the fubar as unnecessary weight, and traded the relative bulk of the 5 hour engery drinks for some caffeine pills. My house looks like a gear bomb went off as I try different pack and pouch configurations for the best possible load. lol. I love it, my bugeisha hates it.

Since its getting close I'll ask again. Is there anything anybody is curious about re: the aftermath and clean up of a shtf event of this extent?

Can't think of anything specific, however, I look forward to hearing your general observations and what I'm sure will be a first-class AAR.

Stay safe.

07-29-2011, 12:32 AM
One thing that comes to mind. It's been what, 2 months since the tornado went thru? How far along is the recovery, whats working now? Still down? Services in particular, water, sewer, phones both cell and land line, & electric.
Good luck on your trip, stay safe!

07-29-2011, 12:46 AM
Above all, stay safe.

07-31-2011, 04:52 PM
duct tape, and super glue, also good work gloves, kinda late on this one I know.

08-08-2011, 12:36 AM
I'm home. I'll give a full account as soon as possible. I'm still processing the events of the past week though.

The Stig
08-08-2011, 01:30 AM
I'm home. I'll give a full account as soon as possible. I'm still processing the events of the past week though.

Sounds good brother. Glad to hear you are safe and look forward to reading your AAR.

09-25-2011, 10:32 PM
Did you ever post a followup to this thread, would love to hear how it all turned out.

09-26-2011, 12:14 AM
Yep. I bumped it up the index to make it easier to find.