View Full Version : What are you doing for entertainment when the SHTF?

02-01-2014, 01:32 AM
I just started finding my inner nerd and am amazed how many card games there are out there. So it got me thinking, we all are prepping for our SHTF scenario but what are you doing for entertainment to keep your sanity during SHTF? Books, card games, whittling, watching paint dry? Let's hear your plans. My plans are books and role playing card games.

02-01-2014, 01:42 AM
Mainly books when I have time to read. I think our sleeping habits will change post shtf as well. No more tv to watch at night or internet to play on. We will go to sleep when it's dark and wake up at daylight. Spending most of our time outside when weather permits our kids entertainment will be playing outside the same entertainment I had growing up lol

02-01-2014, 01:52 AM
Possum, I think you are exactly right about our clocks changing. My grandma on one side went to bed every night no later than 8:00pm barring something important. I expect that will return to a large degree. The big exception I see to that would be for security.

As far as entertainment goes. Time permitting, reading would be high on the list. Backgammon, acey-ducey, plus we have quite a few card games, chess, checker, chinese checkers, board games, monopoly, risk. Whittling and carving would be calming and possibly useful as well.

02-01-2014, 02:33 AM
Just a side on sleep. If we do experience an event that knocks out our power long term there's evidence to suggest we'll actually have two periods of natural sleep through the course of a night, with a couple hours of being awake in between. I'll have to find a source on that I can share here, but it was apparently a productive time for both scholar and stud.

I'd say at least part of that is entertaining.

02-01-2014, 02:48 AM
We used to have a cabin which was off the grid when I was little (that's many, many years ago). We did have some board games but it was cards that were king. We would play them at night for entertainment. Although we all read a lot we did not do much up at the cabin because of the limited light. We played cards by the one oil lamp and you really didn't have much light to read by. During the day we were always doing things outdoors. We did not have any electronics with the exception of a radio that would only pick up channels late at night when the signals came in better since we were in a hole. We would usually eat after dark and go to bed relatively early. Then we would be up at sun up. So I am a firm believer that in a SHTF situation most people will time their sleep cycles with the sun and moon.

Cards are cheap so buy a bunch.

02-01-2014, 03:13 AM
Probably going to make a lot of babies.

And play an unhealthy amount of cards against humanity

02-01-2014, 04:04 AM
Dig, plant, water, harvest, preserve, eat, sleep, repeat. Don't suspect there would be a lot of time for recreation especially with the sheeple about.

02-01-2014, 04:09 AM
Dig, plant, water, harvest, preserve, eat, sleep, repeat. Don't suspect there would be a lot of time for recreation especially with the sheeple about.

Come on. You don't have a bunch of old popular mechanics magazines tucked away or a few good fiction novels tucked away?

02-01-2014, 04:14 AM
Come on. You don't have a bunch of old popular mechanics magazines tucked away or a few good fiction novels tucked away?

Yeah, I've got some stuff laying around. I really hope shtf doesn't happen, this place is about all I can handle pre-shtf, and there aren't even any zombies. Fix this, unclog that, dig here, clean this, build that, etc. lol

02-01-2014, 03:17 PM
Yeah, I've got some stuff laying around. I really hope shtf doesn't happen, this place is about all I can handle pre-shtf, and there aren't even any zombies. Fix this, unclog that, dig here, clean this, build that, etc. lol

LOL, I understand your pain. I've got wrapped blu ray movies I have yet to watch, and a role paying card game I have yet to find time to sit and learn. Sometimes chores outnumber fun time.

02-02-2014, 02:39 AM
If something does kick off, relaxing with family and friends with be enjoyment enough for me.

But....l also have cards and board games. (I've also bought plenty of coloring books, crayons, markers and notepads for the kids)

Caveman Survival
02-02-2014, 05:31 AM
I think WHEN shtf and for a good spell afterwards I'm gonna be too busy for 'entertainment.'

Even when things start to slow down, and the food, shelter and security has been stabilized... Just living and fighting to ensure a seemingly comfortableness will take up a lot of my time... However, in any free time Ian be able to salvage, I think that writing and chronicling our experiences will will provide me with a chance for reflection, which to me will be very soothing and could be considered entertainment. As an artist, creating -whether it be art or craftsmanship- will also be a HUGE boon to the old moral so I guess it could also be considered entertainment.

Further down the road, once the immediacy of needs has been satisfied, and as we adapt to new society cards, chess, and books would also be introduced into my tickle trunk of emotional escapism

02-02-2014, 06:01 AM
Reading, games of any and all kinds, crafts of all kinds, painting, drawing, sewing -ok learning how to sew on my beautiful Singer treadle machine, do some writing.
Funny how things change when there is no tv, internet or modern fun stuff. Not sure how much my sleeping habits will change though, I've been a night owl my entire life. Guess I'll get the night security shift.

02-02-2014, 10:32 PM
going to the graveyards and playing the best game of zombie whack-a-mole EVER!

02-03-2014, 12:13 AM
books, board games, card games... cant think of much more right now. Maybe art...


02-03-2014, 01:27 AM
going to the graveyards and playing the best game of zombie whack-a-mole EVER!

I wanna play!!

02-03-2014, 06:04 PM
One thing I wanted to mention, not sure how many of us here have school-age children, but also make sure you make provisions to help educate your children. I have 3 that I will have to plan for, so figuring basic education materials, all the way up from kindergarten, to high school, a very daunting task on its own. Im thinking math, science, history books, and everything else past that will be "life education"

02-04-2014, 01:05 AM
I still have all my books from school. The wife has quite a few too. Always look for educational stuff, don't matter the topic.

02-05-2014, 06:17 PM
Im a reader, so, if time permits, theres that.

I enjoy chess, hopefully someone in the group can play with me.

Books, educational materials for the kids..... Along with a healthy dose of Hungry Hungry Hippos and candyland, etc.

Archery is in play, since I can re-use arrows; as is good ol wrist rocket fun.

Maybe a throwback to childhood with some rolly polly critters getting slung down the bore of my pellet gun...... :)

Grumpy Old Man
02-06-2014, 05:14 AM
Card games, checkers, chess, tying flies, sharpening sharp and pointies, etc.

02-09-2014, 01:46 AM
Izzy, I'll play chess with you. Also, even if the grid is down, and the internet is a fond memory, I will still have my iPad and kindle going for a while, charged up by my Solio solar powered chargers, and also the solar powered battery chargers for AA & AAA batteries with plenty of extra rechargeable battery's. I believe rechargeable batteries will be high on the batter chart. There are people now in 3rd world Countries making a living (not the best living, but it puts food on the table) selling time on their solar chargers, mostly to charge others cell phones.

02-09-2014, 03:56 AM
I also have a solar charger, so will have some electronics for awhile.
I can play chess, checkers, various card games.

We turned the regular tv off about 5 yrs ago, all we got now is Netflix. Won't miss tv.

I think I will miss music the most.

But first, we'll watch the city folks shoot each other. Be glad we're not involved.
Try to stay not involved.

02-09-2014, 04:03 PM
I totally forgot I play guitar.....

02-09-2014, 05:24 PM
I have made provision to continue on as it were. I might miss the internet, but barring some kind of emp, I can still watch dvds and such. I have a large selection of card games and many decks of regular cards. I have an old laptop insulated away inside an ammo can, inside a metal filing cabinet, along with an inverter, battery charger etc, in case the emp comes, but I suspect it won't, and I suspect if it does, the power grid and transmitters and receivers might be affected, but I think my stored away basic electronics will be fine... but with no internet, power, or broadcasts, I suppose eventually the same movies might get old.

I think people will talk to each other more, maybe have some street dances, baseball at the park, all of this when its not planting or harvest season of course.

02-09-2014, 05:31 PM
I totally forgot I play guitar.....

Awesome. I have always wanted to learn, never have. Can't play any instrument, can't sing, but I do love music.

02-09-2014, 06:02 PM
All I can play is the radio. Guess that wont count for much. :)

02-09-2014, 09:33 PM
Does two sets of drums count ? Haven't touched them in about 10 years.

02-10-2014, 01:59 AM
I picked up a guitar a couple years ago. Its not a skill I had the patience to learn and I applaud anyone that does because I still think its pretty cool.

02-12-2014, 10:42 AM
I think people will talk to each other more, maybe have some street dances, baseball at the park, all of this when its not planting or harvest season of course. I can definitely see this happening.
Also hear lots of instruments getting used. Post SHTF would be a good as time as any to learn and play an instrument.

02-12-2014, 01:35 PM
Does two sets of drums count ? Haven't touched them in about 10 years.

Maybe if you want to simulate mortar rounds going off for the hell of it?

02-13-2014, 04:44 AM
I can make this happen.....

02-13-2014, 09:48 AM
One thong for sure...having the kids without cell phones xboxes and tv....it Would be a great time to rebuild the family like it used to be when we where kids...back at a kitchen table just holding a discussion will be a great change...maybe getting back to family instead of gadgets. ..wont be so bad after all..The thought of family time bring back might be the time to get back to the real world. ..cant hurt them! Only make them stronger. ..

02-14-2014, 12:14 AM
DH and I have been collecting old board games, have lots of cards and a book of card games to learn. IF we can run the DVD/VHS player I have a LOT of movies,TV shows not only on DVDs but on VHS tapes. I also have two sets of encyclopedias,Britannia and World Encyclopedia along with a lot of paper, crayons, markers. We have a keyboard, trumpet and guitars (son 2's) and both son2 and I play(not well in my case, out of practice) We have books, like my mom's Nancy Drew's , storybooks,etc and a few old school books from college and high school. We have non electric toys for the kids to play with, we rotate them in and out of the toy box, so they don't get too bored. I'll play chess with ya Izzy. son2 and I do a lighting round of chess every so often. We just move the pieces,no thinking about any strategies just make your move, then he makes a move,etc. So far I'm still one game ahead of him Game is usually over in about 5 mins but it's fun. We did it one year at a Discovery store when they were showing chess sets for sale with invitation to try them out at Christmas time. We inadvertantly drew a crowd around us watching us move the pieces around the board. When he beat me, they started applauding. Needless to say it was fun and my friend at the store said a couple of people bought sets that night.

02-19-2014, 11:58 PM
Maybe if you want to simulate mortar rounds going off for the hell of it?

I can do that ; I'll even throw in some native American drum solos to which you can either dance the night away or prep for battle. ;) Or both.

02-20-2014, 11:32 AM
I can do that ; I'll even throw in some native American drum solos to which you can either dance the night away or prep for battle. ;) Or both.

War drums. I can dig it.

02-20-2014, 11:35 AM
I'll play chess with ya Izzy. son2 and I do a lighting round of chess every so often. We just move the pieces,no thinking about any strategies just make your move, then he makes a move,etc. So far I'm still one game ahead of him Game is usually over in about 5 mins but it's fun. We did it one year at a Discovery store when they were showing chess sets for sale with invitation to try them out at Christmas time. We inadvertantly drew a crowd around us watching us move the pieces around the board. When he beat me, they started applauding. Needless to say it was fun and my friend at the store said a couple of people bought sets that night.

I think when the time does come everyone will become Bobby Fisher. Chess is the best battery and electric free game.

02-23-2014, 03:57 AM
That and checkers. Think of all the card games our parents and grandparents played. Anybody up for a round of penny ante pinochle or cribbage ?