View Full Version : Yellowstone

02-04-2014, 12:16 PM
Just read an article from turner radio network so I am not sure of the reliability of this but it is worth looking into. I tried to verify some of it. But I am on my cell phone and didn't get very far. Give this a read. Let's hope it is wrong!


02-04-2014, 11:35 PM
Thanks come the heads up, Possom.

02-05-2014, 12:07 AM
Holy seismic shake, Batman!

Graph looks a little scary!


02-05-2014, 12:34 AM
Possom, I am signed up on the USGS earthquake hazards site and get daily notices about earthquakes, both in the US and around the world. I went back and looked over the last several days I saw zero notices from Yellowstone. However, I had my settings at a level 3.0 to reduce the number of hits I receive. I was able to go in and select down to Wyoming and changed my settings to a level 1.5. I will monitor this for the next week or more.
I do see quakes from that area at times. A year or so back there was a run of quakes in the general area that went on for quite sometime and some days there were 20-30 and at times more per day.
The USGS site has pretty good info on it and anyone can sign up to get notifications and can make settings for continents or down to state levels and setting for both US and world wide. I typically have my US settings at 3.0 and world wide at 5.0. I do this to try and not get swamped with notices, but to catch bigger ones. And to try and see trends. it is easy to go in and adjust these up or down as needed. I will warn this, don't set the world wide setting to low or you can fill your in box quickly. It is surprising to see how many quakes there are around the world in a 24 hr period. I say this because I did it once. Not a good thing. Here is a link to the site.


02-05-2014, 12:58 AM
Thanks bacpacker. I will have to get signed up with them and see what has been happening in my area.

I am not sure how much I trust turner radio network. They may fall right in the with infowars. But it wouldn't surprise me of something like this taking place and the main stream media ignoring it in favor of a justin beaver story.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
02-05-2014, 12:27 PM
Great intell Possum, I just looked at this morning's activity. Looks like some bump and grind going on still.


Will have to post a watch I reckon. But hey the question is "Is this normal activity?" or is this something they are trying to stroke the fur the wrong way?

02-06-2014, 12:50 AM
Here is what I received today.


Geographic coordinates: 44.824N, 110.540W
Magnitude: 1.5
Depth: 3 km
Universal Time (UTC): 5 Feb 2014 07:12:33
Time near the Epicenter: 5 Feb 2014 00:12:34
Local standard time in your area: 5 Feb 2014 02:12:33

Location with respect to nearby cities:
46 km (28 mi) NNE of Old Faithful Geyser, Wyoming
102 km (63 mi) SSE of Bozeman, Montana
149 km (92 mi) NE of Rexburg, Idaho
188 km (116 mi) NE of Ammon, Idaho
228 km (141 mi) SSE of Helena, Montana


Geographic coordinates: 44.883N, 110.665W
Magnitude: 1.5
Depth: 22 km
Universal Time (UTC): 5 Feb 2014 13:02:51
Time near the Epicenter: 5 Feb 2014 06:02:51
Local standard time in your area: 5 Feb 2014 08:02:51

Location with respect to nearby cities:
42 km (26 mi) NE of West Yellowstone, Montana
93 km (57 mi) SSE of Bozeman, Montana
147 km (91 mi) NE of Rexburg, Idaho
188 km (116 mi) NNE of Ammon, Idaho
217 km (134 mi) SSE of Helena, Montana

Grumpy Old Man
02-06-2014, 05:09 AM
Yellowstone has numerous EQs on a nearly daily basis. It is a seismically active zone over a "hotspot" in the mantle. It has a large magma chamber underneath it (Lake Yellowstone). This is not unusual, unless you are unacquainted with the area. A bigger concern is the EQ swarms around the Long Valley Caldera in CA. BTW, I am Registered Professional Geologist PG-2291 in Wyoming.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
02-06-2014, 01:58 PM
Yellowstone has numerous EQs on a nearly daily basis. It is a seismically active zone over a "hotspot" in the mantle. It has a large magma chamber underneath it (Lake Yellowstone). This is not unusual, unless you are unacquainted with the area. A bigger concern is the EQ swarms around the Long Valley Caldera in CA. BTW, I am Registered Professional Geologist PG-2291 in Wyoming.

That would make you our resident "Subject Matter Expert" SME. So that entitles me to a question Obi Wan Kenobi. What can you tell us about the fault line that runs through the central United States, Tennessee in particular?

Grumpy Old Man
02-08-2014, 07:12 PM
That would make you our resident "Subject Matter Expert" SME. So that entitles me to a question Obi Wan Kenobi. What can you tell us about the fault line that runs through the central United States, Tennessee in particular?

I think you are referring to what was called the New Madrid Rift Zone back when I was in graduate school, shortly after the retreat of the last glacier.;) I am not particularly up on the current thinking as that is not my area of specialization (aggregates for concrete), but back then, mid 80s, it was thought to be an allocogen. That is to say the third failed rift of a 3 rift system, similar to the Great Rift valley in Africa.

It certainly has the potential for letting go of a big one, but just when no one can reliably predict.

Here is a link from my undergraduate alma mater on the subject.


I gives a more succinct explanation than I can put together with my limited typing skills. Hope this sheds some light BWRR.

02-08-2014, 10:48 PM
Thanks for the link Grumpy. Good information included.

Here is the couple of reports I got for the area today from the USGS site.


Geographic coordinates: 44.829N, 110.516W
Magnitude: 1.9
Depth: 7 km
Universal Time (UTC): 6 Feb 2014 00:18:54
Time near the Epicenter: 5 Feb 2014 17:18:55
Local standard time in your area: 5 Feb 2014 19:18:54

Location with respect to nearby cities:
47 km (29 mi) NNE of Old Faithful Geyser, Wyoming
103 km (63 mi) SSE of Bozeman, Montana
150 km (93 mi) NE of Rexburg, Idaho
190 km (117 mi) WSW of Billings, Montana
228 km (141 mi) SSE of Helena, Montana

event ID : uu 60054557

This event has been reviewed by a seismologist
For subsequent updates, maps, and technical information, see:

University of Utah Seismograph Stations
University of Utah



Geographic coordinates: 44.741N, 110.784W
Magnitude: 1.5
Depth: 6 km
Universal Time (UTC): 7 Feb 2014 17:59:16
Time near the Epicenter: 7 Feb 2014 10:59:16
Local standard time in your area: 7 Feb 2014 12:59:16

Location with respect to nearby cities:
26 km (16 mi) ENE of West Yellowstone, Montana
106 km (65 mi) S of Bozeman, Montana
129 km (79 mi) NE of Rexburg, Idaho
170 km (105 mi) NNE of Ammon, Idaho
227 km (140 mi) SSE of Helena, Montana

event ID : uu 60054707

This event has been reviewed by a seismologist
For subsequent updates, maps, and technical information, see:

University of Utah Seismograph Stations
University of Utah
