View Full Version : Age group.

03-29-2014, 12:25 PM
This may seem like a strange question but how old are you.

Of course you dont have to answer but l am just trying to see if the mentality we share comes with age or is it influenced from
something/someone else.

I have talked/met a few of you and it seems we are older. The younger people I've talked with just dont seem to have a clue.

03-29-2014, 01:16 PM
Great idea here, LB. I took the liberty of attaching a poll to consolidate answers as well.

But my answer is 35, and I've been at this - to varying levels of effort and effectiveness - for about 9 years.

03-29-2014, 03:03 PM
40 here, but I put 41-50 because I am closer to 41.

03-29-2014, 04:11 PM
MIT you missed one catagory. 3 days older than dirt!

Im 53. Been at it off and on since I was a kid. Parents and all grandparents always fed themselves. More or less homesteaders to some degree thru the grandparents generation.

03-29-2014, 04:59 PM
Same as the folks above, my age group is the 40-50's, but Ive been at this for about 15 years, so maybe its something in the generational side? Raised by my grandparents, and they went thru the great depression, so the mindset was already in place by the time I was born. Could it have something to do with the scare in regards to Y2K?

03-29-2014, 05:01 PM
61 here and still surviving. One day at a time.

03-29-2014, 05:26 PM
Welcome Spider. Head over to the introduction thread and let us know whats up.

The Stig
03-29-2014, 07:14 PM
Soon to be 42.

Have been "preparing" since the mid 1980's when I had a "go bag" ready for when the 1st Russian Shock Army came thundering down my street.

Heady times, my friends, heady times.

03-29-2014, 07:37 PM
63 trips around the sun ; 64 comes in October.
My mom's parents lived on a farm that Rubber Maid bought years ago from what I understand. As stated by others they grew and raised their food. I've prepped lightly over the years in case I have to leave quickly and where I live I don't see that changing until we get the HELL out of Ohio. Have lots of things ; all in a mobile set up.

03-29-2014, 08:03 PM
Age has a bit to do with it but not necessarily across the board. I'm looking at 43 this year and the so has a couple years on me. She's definitely down for the cause.

Now on the other hand, my mother thinks I'm nuts for putting back more than a few days of emergency supplies and as much as I try to wake her up, she just doesn't get it.

I'm not sure how the youngin's poll. The vast majority of my friends are 30+.

03-30-2014, 01:30 AM
I'm 33 but the General says I act like I'm 17. She's probably right.

03-30-2014, 02:16 AM
Nothing against anyone who is in this poll or on this site regardless of age. I was really just wondering since it seemed more individuals in the 40+ range. I can understand the self relying folk from a time forgotten trying to pass on the know how. It just got to me that so few paid attention.

03-30-2014, 03:58 AM
Nothing against anyone who is in this poll or on this site regardless of age. I was really just wondering since it seemed more individuals in the 40+ range. I can understand the self relying folk from a time forgotten trying to pass on the know how. It just got to me that so few paid attention.

While its not indicated on this poll, there is a growing number of the 18-25 crowd out there too... Personally, I stumbled across the idea of prepping a few years back... That was the point where I realized how the world was / is looking and decided it wouldn't be too bad of an idea to at least prepare for something. Being in hurricane country, and after the 2004-2006 hurricane seasons it made a good bit of sense!

03-30-2014, 04:24 AM
38 here, been prepping hardcore since 9/11, but was brought up with my mom and dad who were the first generation born off the farm, so their parents trained them to prepare. My parents' first home where I grew up was on 2 large corner lots, and we had a 40x70 garden, fruit trees, chickens, rabbits etc when I was growing up. My grandmother used #10 cans of pre-64 silver as door stops, and always told me she kept them "in case something happened, she could buy food for her dog turfy the chihuahua" of course I was a little kid, and she probably didn't want to make me panic about a depression. When I was 7 I got a "survival knife" for Christmas. Yes, the old cheesy ones that had a craptastic wire saw, fishing weights, and a compass. It was THE COOLEST thing ever. I learned about possibles bags in the cub scouts, and the rest is history.

03-30-2014, 09:20 AM
My odometer just klicked 47... Been in the mindset since I was a kid actually, me and my buddy would get copies of ASG at the local Army Navy surplus store back in high school.

As far as SERIOUSLY prepping, only about 6 years. I was asleep, but finally woke up. The last 2 years has been a real eye opener for me, Ive learned a lot about gov, money & economy, how the system works, food supply chain, 2A infringement, etc.. etc.. Really got me to think!

Storing the typical prepper stuff but I lean more on the survivalist side. I have a tin foil hat, but only wear it periodically and just long enough to entertain all the possibilities.


03-30-2014, 11:42 AM
36, started seriously prepping several years ago when Katrina knocked out power in our town for a few weeks. Its a scary thought when you realize that the only food you have or are gonna have for awhile is what little bit is in the pantry.

03-30-2014, 07:34 PM
I'm 29, but my wife says I'm the "world's most dangerous 12 year old".

03-30-2014, 09:27 PM
Lol, that's funny Izzy.
I tell my wife more than a few things that happen here, she enjoys, but has declined to sign up for herself. She says she could say something similar about me when I told her what your wife says about you.

Just turned 47 a little over two weeks ago. Got started in high school, after doing a big paper on energy efficiency. I ran across several articles about self-reliance, and it just went from there. Was in a MAG when I was only 18. Funny thing is, neither my parents or grandparents were any type of preppers. We probably had more food in the house than most, but only because my sister and I were trying to eat all the food in the world. They kept flashlights and candles for when the lights went out, but we weren't going to be cooking.
My wife thought I was crazy for a long time, but I finally got her turned around. Hell, she didn't even like guns around, fancy that. Some ex-asshole used to threaten her with his guns. I explained that I was not him, and real men didn't do such things. I also explained that I came with guns, and I had them before I knew her, and if she left I would have them after. So maybe she should decide whether to take it or leave it before she got too attached. That was in 1990, and though we've certainly had our ups and downs, she's still here. Got her own guns now.

03-30-2014, 11:00 PM
Going to be 55 in July.

My main prep mindset came from work. I could go on a mission at any time and I had a backpack ready at all times. Nowadays, When I am in the right setting, I still the ready to go bag, but my main prepping is 2 weeks. I must have at all times enough supplies to hold 2 weeks without having to go out and search for food.

I am more of a weather prepper at this time.

Caveman Survival
03-31-2014, 02:14 AM
I'm hitting 40 this year and while I've always dreamed of a 'little house on the prairie' lifestyle, the homesteading/prepping/survivalist mentality did not really manifest itself in me until about 7 years ago. I went through a real bad stretch of unemployment and realized that the only one I could really count on was myself... Not the job market, justice system, friends, or the government. Ever since then it has been a continual search for skills and knowledge on all things self reliant and sustainable.

What do I prep against? Not being able to take care of myself, my family or my pets.

04-01-2014, 10:23 PM
Pushing 53...boy do I feel old. I was raised LDS so I guess prepping was always instilled in me even though I didn't know that's what it was called. I never really 'got it' though until just a few years ago. My mom is totally on board since she was born in east Germany and went through hitler's reign. She finally escaped at 18. She says Americans have no idea what we are in for...she sees the writing on the wall and all the signs of our country no longer being the free nation we have taken for granted. I tend to listen to her more now than when I was young.

Grumpy Old Man
04-02-2014, 01:46 AM
Well I'll be 61 this yaer and was also raised Mormon. To me it is the way I was raised. BTW, I am what is known as a "Jack Mormon" now.

04-02-2014, 02:01 AM
Well I'll be 61 this yaer and was also raised Mormon. To me it is the way I was raised. BTW, I am what is known as a "Jack Mormon" now.

I've never heard that term......?

04-02-2014, 04:09 AM
I've never heard that term......?

What?! You never heard the term? I've been call it numerous times. Jack mormon is a Mormon that doesn't follow the rules. Swearing, drinking,etc

04-02-2014, 04:19 AM
Then call me Jill. My mom is so disappointed that I stopped going to church and believing most of the scripture in high school. She is a Temple Member so I guess she had hoped one of her kids would stay the course. There are many good things about the church but some that I just can't reconcile I guess.

- - - Updated - - -

What?! You never heard the term? I've been call it numerous times. Jack mormon is a Mormon that doesn't follow the rules. Swearing, drinking,etc
I take it you are also LDS?

04-02-2014, 04:23 AM
I didn't see any polls in the thread but 32.

04-02-2014, 05:00 AM
Then call me Jill. My mom is so disappointed that I stopped going to church and believing most of the scripture in high school. She is a Temple Member so I guess she had hoped one of her kids would stay the course. There are many good things about the church but some that I just can't reconcile I guess.

- - - Updated - - -

I take it you are also LDS?

Indeed I am sister.

I didn't see any polls in the thread but 32.

Sounds like you're on tapatalk. You'll see the poll if you are on your PC.

04-02-2014, 05:40 PM
Well I'll be 61 this yaer and was also raised Mormon. To me it is the way I was raised. BTW, I am what is known as a "Jack Mormon" now.

That reminds me of what Larry the Cable Guy said... "I used to be Mormon, till the deacon saw my bicycle outside the strip club"

04-02-2014, 06:27 PM
I didn't see any polls in the thread but 32.
It is on the top of every page. Tell me if you have a problem seeing them.

04-02-2014, 06:33 PM
I've always dreamed of a 'little house on the prairie' lifestyle
Same here. Hard lifestyle but so much simpler in many ways.

Caveman Survival
04-02-2014, 07:17 PM
Same here. Hard lifestyle but so much simpler in many ways.

I agree.... But if you think about it is today's lifestyle and easier? No work, low pay, cramped cities, high crime, rude bastards all around us with over inflated egos thinking that their needs trump everyone else's...

In fact, in some ways, with the advancements in technology and science, moving backwards may be a hell of a lot easier than how we live today.

Just a little food for thought!

Grumpy Old Man
04-03-2014, 12:37 AM
I actually coverted to the Anglican Communion Lady HK. And it's a well known fact that wherever you find 4 Anglicans, you'll find a fifth!

04-03-2014, 12:51 AM
I actually coverted to the Anglican Communion Lady HK. And it's a well known fact that wherever you find 4 Anglicans, you'll find a fifth!

Is his name Evans Williams ? Or maybe one of his relatives. ;)

04-03-2014, 05:56 PM
Another Grumpy old man here, I'll be 61 this year too.

04-03-2014, 11:42 PM
Evan Williams
Hmmm... Im sippin' his distilled spirits as I type this... :-)

Onestep, quit hiding and get (more) active bro! Its boring with the same 6 active members here!


04-04-2014, 12:05 AM
Hmmm... Im sippin' his distilled spirits as I type this... :-)

Onestep, quit hiding and get (more) active bro! Its boring with the same 6 active members here!


May his spirit move you. :cool:

Grumpy Old Man
04-04-2014, 12:43 AM
May his spirit move you. :cool:

It always does;)

04-04-2014, 06:13 AM
And you wonder why you had that "flinch", EB... :D

04-04-2014, 01:13 PM
I know I've been slacking EB, been dealing with probable work change issues.
Hopefully when things settle down I can get back in the game.

04-04-2014, 02:33 PM
I know I've been slacking EB, been dealing with probable work change issues.
Hopefully when things settle down I can get back in the game.

It doesn't matter if you're moving fast or slow towards your goal of prepping. As long as you're moving towards it you're still in the game Onestep.
That's what makes prepping good. Overcoming obstacles before S.H.T.F. so you're up to the challenge when the big turd hits the fan while everyone else runs around screaming ( The sky is falling ) It won't be easy even then but as least we'll be a step or two ahead in the game hopefully. Besides you have all your fellow ants to help you where needed when the time comes. That's how a colony works.

We may be a small group compared to some of the bigger sites ; but we are a band of brothers in a sense that we leave no ant behind or wanting if we have our way. So keep on keeping on and know we got your six. That's why I love this site ; There's no such word a quit in their vocabulary only words I ever hear are ( how can we help )

Lastly remember the tortise and the hare ; That turtle may have been slower but he still beat that rascally rabbit.;)

Brownwater Riverrat 13
04-04-2014, 05:03 PM
51 I think, as for the mind set. I guess I've always had the head for this due to being raised in FL (hurricanes) then the military. Grandpas were always hunting, fishing, fixing their own stuff and passed it along to me. I think my dad gave me the shot of common sense because my two brothers are severely lacking. (Thanks pop) I'm more closely geared into it now since i retired and due to the fact that I don't have a crew to worry about now, just the Lady and a few close family members. So I'm no longer "institutionalized"........

04-04-2014, 07:46 PM
OH you're institutionalized River Rat. :p You're MARRIED to Lady 13. Doesn't get anymore institutionalized than that brother. :eek:

04-06-2014, 11:58 AM
Turn 32 end of this month. Have been "consciously" preparing for about 4 years. Had my blinders on pretty tight in my early to mid 20's unfortunately.

04-13-2014, 03:57 PM
I turn 33 this summer. Dang.....that hurts. When the hell did I get so old? I contemplated starting to lie about my age, and a girlfriend suggested I claim to be 10 yrs OLDER! She says if she tells people she is 45 (when actually 35) they tell her she looks AMAZING, lol. It's twisted, but I can see the logic.

I was raised on a farm, we produced most of our own food; gardens, livestock, orchards, etc. Heck, even made maple syrup. And we were dirt poor. I grew up in a tiny log cabin with a cement floor and no indoor plumbing. In northern Wisconsin, btw. I'm not sure it was "prepping" per say, but I was brought up to be self-reliant. That lends itself to the whole prepper mindset.

04-14-2014, 12:13 AM
Nearly two years since I was last on here, so g'day everyone! Nice to see y'all are still around.

Anyway I'm one of the youngin's at the ripe ol age of 23.

04-14-2014, 02:08 AM
Welcome back Baker.

04-14-2014, 01:44 PM
Welcome back Baker, nice to see ya havent forgotten about us!

04-19-2014, 09:49 PM
Early twenties here.

04-26-2014, 04:02 PM
Turning 60 next month. Been unknowingly "prepping" since I was a kid when parents and grandparents taught us all to have extra's on hand for emergencies When pop's father passed, we went to clear out the house as grandmother had Alzheimer's and Dad's sis was taking her down to Florida to live with her. We didn't realize how much food was in the basement pantry. Sorry to say but most of the canned goods had to be tossed due to cans bulging, it was that old. We did manage to salvage a few things Grandpa bought just before he passed.Don't know how he came across them but we had lots of the 2lb canned hams and my favorite Spam.