View Full Version : We now know Age Groups, How about Religion?

04-03-2014, 04:34 AM
I noticed we have quite the broad spectrum of age groups, here, and noticed also the beginings of a religious converation, so I thought, what the heck, I wouldnt mind knowing what the different religions are represented here.

Myself, I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic school, was an alter boy, and was very active growing up in the church. It wasnt until I experienced racism within the church, and was blatantly told I was going to hell unless I followed the strict doctrine of the church I attended, that I started to lose faith in organized religion. Since then, well, Im not so much a man of faith, as I am a man of spirituality.

04-03-2014, 12:37 PM
Like you said Stormy I was raised Christian when young. But through the years and bickering of who's right or wrong by the same people who professed to be brothers of faith I came to a more spiritual state for myself.
I get along well with those who don't judge others for their beliefs and understand that we are not all a like but well intended. I'm probably more native american in the sense of spiritual.

04-03-2014, 02:49 PM
Its interesting you say that, because that was the very nexus of the racism I experienced because I am Native. I actually had Nuns within the church berating me because of my Nationality and the beliefs that I grew up with as a Native.

04-03-2014, 04:28 PM
I grew up baptist and I guess still am to some degree. However as I have gotten older and tried to learn more about history. I find myslef at odds with some teachings. I have started to understand a lot of the current teachings are not really biblical. They are a ombination of christian beliefs and pagan mixed together. A lot that came from cebturies ago in Euroupe and have been passed on and changed as time has moved forward. These days I choose to worship as I understand the bible not so much what some group has decidd it should be. I think everything we need to know on the subject is layed out in the bible. We just have to study learn and understand it.

04-03-2014, 06:10 PM
Not raised religiously and not practicing any religion. None of them suit me. I actually believe that all religions are evil because run by man and its greed (let's not start a religious war here). As a Mason, I believe into one deity, but whom I deal with on my own.

04-03-2014, 11:36 PM
Forced into the jahovahs witness cult as a kid, but never took root.... Just never had Xmas or birthdays.

Later I met my wife who was Baptist, which made me Baptist. We were married in the Brethren church (kinda like baptist but not so condescending) .

After a few decades of organized Christianity, I felt there was something BIG missing... and maybe, just maybe... I was being fed a story that was mutilated by man over thousands of years of passing down and interpreting. a *LOT* of stuff started to make less and less sense.

About a decade ago, my boss passively (because I asked him) introduced me to Buddhism. I started to embrace the concepts and precepts of the "religion" (its more of a belief system) and my life started to turn around immediately.

Im a long way from being a monk, but I strive to live by the eight fold path and it does make a difference.

Its non judgemental, which aint easy... but I do try, and when I truly embrace it and apply it, its an awakening thing..

Let me present a "story" that reflects in the system:

There was 6 Buddhist monks that swore an oath the never ever touch a woman. On there way back from town buying supplies, they happened upon an old lady by the creek who wanted to cross but could not, she was old and the water was high and swift.

One monk offered to carry the old lady across the creek so she could finish her journey home.

On the other side of the creek, they had several more miles to go before they reached there monastery. As they travelled, the last monk in line kept offering his opinion about the violation of touching a woman. This went on and on and on.. "I cant believe you touched her" "You should be ashamed" "At least the rest of us kept our promise"

This went on and on for what seamed forever, until the kind monk turned to him and spoke "Friend, I carried her across the creek, you have been carrying her for the last five miles!"

That is all..

Grumpy Old Man
04-04-2014, 12:50 AM
I'd have to write a word document to chronicle my spiritual journey. I am an Anglican of the Traditional Anglican Church (not Episcopalian), an orthodox church adhering to canon law, because that's where god showed up in the service.

I will make this statement: In my opinion, religion is about how good you can be for Him; spirituality is about how good He is for you.

04-04-2014, 02:15 AM
Wesleyan. I didn't even know what that was until we'd gone there for a year. We just liked the message, and the people so we went.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
04-04-2014, 05:21 PM
Like Stormy, raised Catholic, Sunday school, CCD, alter boy (unmolested), then it hit me. I'm not getting it anymore, what are they doing? Where's the spiritual uplift? When I was old enough to drive I went to every different church/religion that would let me in the door to observe the sermon. It all came down to the same thing, they want my money, they build huge useless buildings, they were political, they were not about "The Book" they were not about God anymore. They were not about helping people out and how could you have so many interpretations of the same "book"? Because they changed it to suit "their" needs so I no longer believe in "organized religion" OH I believe in God and he and I have made our peace and I have given him thanks many a time. For some reason he's got a purpose for keeping here on this rock for now. Until then I will do my best to help my fellow man and do the right things. I still may fuck up, cuss and do a few other things I'm not supposed to in his eyes, but I always try to do something nice for someone every time I'm out no matter how slight. Cussing other drivers all the way............but at least my head is still inside the window.

04-04-2014, 08:06 PM
Its interesting you say that, because that was the very nexus of the racism I experienced because I am Native. I actually had Nuns within the church berating me because of my Nationality and the beliefs that I grew up with as a Native.

As far back as I can remember all the old folks on my mom's side said I was 1/8th. or 1/16th. Cherokee but it's been so long I'd have to check again. Wife has tried tracing back but has trouble locating some ancestors due to records. From the time I was young till today people ask if I'm Native and if so what tribe.

Always felt a pull to the great spirit in the sense that I needed to get closer to the earth and not man. For it's here that I feel connected in the sense of complete being. All that I need to know is beneath my feet ; the air ; stars and all living creatures and plants. Great spirit put all this here for us to learn from and live in harmony with.
Hope this makes sense ; most people don't.

04-04-2014, 09:03 PM
I've felt a similar pull, and still do. My favorite bit of woods brings me more peace than anywhere else I go.

My first interest in religion/ spirituality was actually pagan for this very reason. That, and the Wiccan who piqued my curiosity was also smoking hot.

That was in high school. I went a lot of years aftef that with no clear path or belief. Generally disgusted with the hypocrisy and attitude I'd see professed Christians displaying, knowing my own moral code was superior to what they displayed. Then I met some genuinely good people and, over time, took a closer look.

These days I call myself a cannibal. Its a bit of an inside joke a buddy and I share regarding the one word prayer and one of the arguments I would make against Christianity. I'd call communion ritualistic cannibalism, which I've since taken myself.

Cannibal? Cannibal.

Ive struggled lately though, sharing many of the same conflicts Ive seen written here, and also knowing I helped destroy the best relationship Ive ever had because I took a sermon more to heart than her love...

I'll still claim a Judeo-Christian ethic, but I'm definitely non-practicing right now.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
04-04-2014, 09:36 PM
Agreed Eagle, for the only place I ever found my place at peace was on the sea, be it in it, under it, surfing it, or fighting it from pulling me under. The ocean is mighty, beautiful and filled with wonder and yet she never gives up her secrets. The Ocean is where I will lay my ashes. As for the rest of this Earth there is no better place to be than in the wilderness. Everything you need to survive is out there you just have to know where to look and how to use it. Out there is my church, you can't get any closer to "The Great Spirit", God, or whom ever superior being that you might believe is the one creator of all living things. But being out "there" is where it's at, that is my conclusion. You can't get that in a building with a bunch of people preaching what they think they know. Just my roll a quarters. Take care of this Earth people...........take care of this country.

04-10-2014, 06:33 AM
I was raised LDS and since I've never been excommunicated I guess technically I still am but just not practicing. Around high school I started becoming disillusioned with the church when we went from a very small ward where people followed all the rules to a huge one where as soon as they got to the parking lot I saw people light up cigarettes. It didn't fit. Then I started questioning the gospel itself. Was Joseph Smith really a profit? Was the angel Moroni real? Never found Moroni in the bible, was Smith self proclaimed? Once I questioned the basic foundation of the church I felt I couldn't believe in the rest of it even though there are so manny other good teachings in the church.

I still struggle with this today because I have always felt closer to the Jewish teachings and felt that is really where I was supposed to be. I knew I could not convert due to my belief in Jesus but my heart has always been there. Recently I found there is a Messianic Jewish church with Jews who do believe in Jesus but I'm too old now to convert.

So as of now I am more spiritual, I say my prayers, try to follow the path The Lord wants me to live, be kind to people except for those I consider are an enemy to my faith, country and family. I ask Him for guidance and know that He may not always answer my prayers but there is a plan greater than I. I still try to remember the good things I learned from the church and incorporate them into my life.

04-13-2014, 03:48 PM
I believe in God, though for a long time I questioned. Mostly, as I get older I realize through life experiences that even more than I believe in Him, He believes in me. And it's changed my perspective on life/existence, etc. I was raised fundaMENTAL Baptist.....it was a bit of a trip, really. Like, "Westboro Baptist Church" Baptist. Nuts. I rebelled against that and was a "problem child" for my parents because I wouldn't quietly go along with what I felt was totally and completely wrong. I have this opinionated, stubborn streak......I believe in the God of the Bible, but I also know that most people, especially religious bullies, approach that book with agenda in mind, twist it and use it to control and manipulate people with. Which is basically how I was brought up. Dad "converted", sobered up, and stopped hitting people with his fists, swapped out for beating with the Bible instead. He hasn't stopped yet. Its left a bitter taste, to say the least. Any faith I have is in spite of my religious upbringing, not because of it.

04-16-2014, 05:27 AM
I'm a Believer. I believe in Christ and His teachings. I've been around long enough to witness His hand in my life. I was raised in the Church of Christ, and as such have a simplistic view of church organization and worship. I am not a fan of mega churches or any kind of denominational heirarchy, as I feel these detract from the focus of Christ's teachings. likewise, I'm not a fan of assigning "rank" or "position" within the church structure. I attend worship to do just that, worship. Im just as comfortable alone in the woods with my creator.

That said, I don't look down on other denominations or religions. It simply is not my place to judge. I am not the gatekeeper, and have no say over who get in or doesnt.
Unlike many people within the umbrella of "Christianity", I do make an effort to welcome anyone into the fold, regardless of their background, experiences, circumstances, or position in life. I get very angry at those who try to exclude others based on any of these or their perceived "sin"...... Those are the very folks Christ associated with. Again, I am not the judge.

I get angry at the Bible thumpers that throw their religion and condemnation in other's faces. Those people need to go back and read the book.

I have many things I know that one day I'll answer for. I struggle on a daily basis, as do we all. Grace is my crutch, and I lean heavily on it.

And now, may the Great Scoutmaster, friend of all scouts....... :)

04-17-2014, 06:06 PM
I was raised Catholic and my husband was raised Lutheran, but we had such a bad experience with his church after getting married that neither one of us has been to a church since. I'm kind of shocked that my husband isn't motivated to find a new church since he was very involved with his, and I have been on his back about getting our daughter baptized for years now. I don't care to go back to a Catholic church, but the Lutheran churches I have been to make me uncomfortable. Time to find a new religion, I guess.

04-26-2014, 04:31 PM
Also raised Catholic but had a Jewish great grandmother, we celebrated Chanukah every other year while she was alive (made it a bit confusing at Christmastime). My Grand mamma was Church of England , she converted to Catholic to marry grandfather but didn't "believe all the propaganda" the church was espousing. Her words not mine. I believe that organized religion was created by an elite few to control the masses to the detriment of everyone. I believe that God is God is God, etc How one honors him is their preference.I try to do right by my fellow man, I honor the Earth and all her creatures (yes including those evil, yucky spiders) AND I REALLY try to do "unto others as I would have they do unto me". Not always successful as I am a fallible human but I keep trying.

04-27-2014, 03:25 PM
Also raised Catholic but had a Jewish great grandmother, we celebrated Chanukah every other year while she was alive (made it a bit confusing at Christmastime). My Grand mamma was Church of England , she converted to Catholic to marry grandfather but didn't "believe all the propaganda" the church was espousing. Her words not mine. I believe that organized religion was created by an elite few to control the masses to the detriment of everyone. I believe that God is God is God, etc How one honors him is their preference.I try to do right by my fellow man, I honor the Earth and all her creatures (yes including those evil, yucky spiders) AND I REALLY try to do "unto others as I would have they do unto me". Not always successful as I am a fallible human but I keep trying.

Agreed except the yukky spiders. I always knew if I went to hell I would be tormented with them.

04-28-2014, 10:19 AM
Raised n the Methodist Church, my wife is Catholic, I've been ask by my wife and in-laws to convert, my answer is I can worship God in my own way, God doesn't really care what Church it's in. I have attended Church at the hood of a gun truck many times. Church and God isn't the problem, it's the people in the Churchs. I do know combat and death will bring people to Church that didn't normally go.

05-29-2015, 09:40 PM
I've thought long and hard before replying to this thread, especially in light of opinions I have voiced in other threads.

First off: the poll has an "other"... when I have confirmation that 'other' includes "none of your business", I'll participate.

I'm pleased to see that spirituality is being addressed in a prepper website.

That said, if any of you folks are going to use a faith as the final concern for being a member of whatever group, say so and have done.

One must be a particularly primitive form of Baptist to be a member of the Westboro Baptist Church. One must be Muslim to be in ISIS. One must be Christian (I think) to be a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

I recall, with very tightened throat and much face raining, pictures of military field 'huddle' services, bunches of men huddled in prayer, always with one man left out. His part was to protect.

I'll shut up now.

05-29-2015, 10:06 PM
Kesephist, I don't think this was meant to determine the religion bias of the group. I think this was along the lines of my thread asking everyone what disaster they are specifically preparing for. It gives a much better way to determine how to respond to a person's circumstances and why they might be doing things a certain way.

For example, I was raised in a Mennonite community and they are all pacifists. So I doubt that if they prepped, it would include guns. I am no longer a believer of that discipline thankfully. My personal beliefs are complicated, and I am still rather bitter about it.

05-29-2015, 11:33 PM
It was just a curiosity thing. I dont believe anybody here would be kicked off the forum because of their religious beliefs, unless perhaps they tried to force it down everyone elses throats, or you believed in boiling and eating babies for breakfast or something like that.
Which, is something people have thought those who believe as i do act.
I know not everyone here is either christian, catholic, or lds, because i am here, and i am none of those.
As to the "none of your business" part, you can choose not to reply, or say its none of anybodys business, so you arent going to say. Long as you arent an ass about it, no one will mind. We are pretty easy going here, realizing that we are all different, even though in ways we are all the same.

05-30-2015, 12:29 AM
interesting... stupid... but interesting! no offence, but stupid none the less

05-30-2015, 12:57 AM
Which part was stupid?

05-30-2015, 01:27 AM
The idea that anyone here would be booted for expressing their opinion. Chastised... maybe! teased, questioned, probably... booted??? not likely! IMO

05-30-2015, 01:34 AM
That I can agree with

05-30-2015, 02:02 AM
It might depend on the subject, the opinion and how it was presented... as to being banned.

As long as the topic is within the realm of a legal subject (NOT b0mb m@king, etc..), it wasnt meant to inflame a person because of race or belief, etc.. we seam to regulate ourselves pretty well.

I resigned one forum because someone made the comment they hoped that more cops would be killed (discussion on the recent ambush of LEOs). I was pretty upset by it and insisted on that (new) member being banned. They rather embraced the "free speech" instead of banning, so I left. THAT type of discussion is not appropriate IMHO.

I hope I made some sense, but I think we can have campfire discussions as adults here. Odd mix of people, but we seam to be "more mature" than other forums.


05-30-2015, 02:33 AM
Being willing to listen to most any point of view and weight it on it's merits is a big factor in favor of this site. But we don't fool around with crap like that. Why would you ask for attention like that, for yourself or anyone else?

05-30-2015, 02:56 AM
EB... I know that we get our douches,,, but few and far between! seriously...

05-30-2015, 08:09 AM
My reference was not to groups here in cyberspace. I was referring to ATSHTF, out there.

05-30-2015, 12:05 PM
My reference was not to groups here in cyberspace. I was referring to ATSHTF, out there.

So, you were saying banning someone from a physical actual group/MAG after SHTF, I gotcha... Thats a good topic for discussion!

05-30-2015, 01:03 PM
I've thought long and hard before replying to this thread, especially in light of opinions I have voiced in other threads.

First off: the poll has an "other"... when I have confirmation that 'other' includes "none of your business", I'll participate.

I'm pleased to see that spirituality is being addressed in a prepper website.

That said, if any of you folks are going to use a faith as the final concern for being a member of whatever group, say so and have done.

One must be a particularly primitive form of Baptist to be a member of the Westboro Baptist Church. One must be Muslim to be in ISIS. One must be Christian (I think) to be a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

I recall, with very tightened throat and much face raining, pictures of military field 'huddle' services, bunches of men huddled in prayer, always with one man left out. His part was to protect.

I'll shut up now.

I agree with all of your post, except for 5 words, "say so and be done". I would think that would fall under the "none of your business"
part you were looking for. I did not answer the pole for the same reason as I felt it was no ones business but my own. If people here on this group are looking to only have others of a certain ...................( fill in the blank) in their group if things go bad, I feel that's their choice. But as far as I know, no one here has ever said they would need me to ..................... to be a part. In fact others have told me I would be welcome, even if a bear might eat me latter. And if that time ever comes, and they tell me I'm going to have to shove a pineapple somewhere while praying to Lord Sponge Bob Square Pants, that's when I will need to figure if I really feel Sponge Bob is my personal prophet. I'm already ok with the pineapple part.
Until I'm invited, it's none on my business!

05-31-2015, 10:14 PM
I have read on other forums where in a discussion about groups, it was said that people with certain religious, or non-religious beliefs could not be allowed into those persons groups. It was believed that people of certain beliefs had no moral compass, and therefore could not be trusted when the chips were down. At least that was what was said. I debated the point with them, but it didn't matter much.
Some people who believe a certain way feel that without religion, a person cannot have morals, or any feelings of right and wrong.
The simple laws of nature prove that to be incorrect.
So, while your beliefs are not going to get you thrown out of here, I cannot say that your beliefs might not pose a problem for some in a MAG type group, especially one where everybody follows similar or the same beliefs, and where it is a basis of their being in the group together.
It would definitely be something to figure out before tshtf.

06-03-2015, 03:53 PM
If one has to take the time to figure out if they are compatible you dont want them. Because when it is on the line might they be pondering if you are worth the effort? This is for a MAG group situation. (what is a MAG group?)

06-03-2015, 05:19 PM
Mutual assistance group

06-03-2015, 05:49 PM
What is a MAG group? Is that a serious question, or a rhetoric?

Mutual Assistance Group

06-03-2015, 09:54 PM
Sniper-T, it was a serious question or I would not have asked it. Tons of Acronyms and many different versions. That and the fact if it aint important I dont remember it.

06-03-2015, 10:32 PM
Eh, the prepper community is pretty tame with acronyms.

I was a GM2 working at SFLC, servincing both LANTAREA and PACAREA AOR's with people outside my MOS and AOE.

Military survives on that crap so this stuff just became second nature.

- - - Updated - - -

Then again....
You could always take your BOB to the BOL to meet your MAG and COF to your LTLA......

06-04-2015, 01:35 AM
COF and LTLA are ones I dont know...

06-04-2015, 02:47 AM
Continue on foot and long term living arrangement

06-04-2015, 08:41 PM
Heck I thought I answered this post a long time ago. I was raised roman catholic, but never believed in it. I guess my title would be atheist even though I hate that title. No where else is a lack of belief a title.

06-06-2015, 03:22 AM
I, for one, would never have an issue with a persons personal religious beliefs, as I have said many times to my Marines and Soldiers, I dont care who you worship, just as long as you can put rounds on target and ask that person for forgiveness if you feel so inclined. In the house of survival, who you call on in your time of reflection is your own damn business, none of mine. And im sure many here have read my signature line, thats my personal feelings on it.

Um Domeguy... Pineapples.... seriously bro?

06-06-2015, 12:09 PM
I, for one, would never have an issue with a persons personal religious beliefs, as I have said many times to my Marines and Soldiers, I dont care who you worship, just as long as you can put rounds on target and ask that person for forgiveness if you feel so inclined. In the house of survival, who you call on in your time of reflection is your own damn business, none of mine. And im sure many here have read my signature line, thats my personal feelings on it.

Um Domeguy... Pineapples.... seriously bro?

If a person is worried about religion as to how it pertains to SHTF and survival then they have the cart before the horse. You must do what's needed to keep you group safe and secure. I don't care if one prays or not. If they do they can pray to a rock ; John Deere tractor ; trees ; their weapon. Makes no difference. Just put rounds down range on target as best you can.

I have nothing against peoples beliefs as long as it dose not interfere with the stability of the group.
Just my 2-cents

06-07-2015, 04:49 AM
Well, being a rather non-religious person, i actually referred to myself as an atheist for a long time, but really, i am not sure that is exactly the right description.
Anyway, you would probably not believe how many people have heard how i believe, and told me how full of crap i was, or that i did not have any morals, or know right from wrong, simply because in their mind, all sense of morals and right and wrong came from god. Therefore, without that belief, one was totally unguided.
After talking for awhile, and clearly seeing that i had a sense for right and wrong, they simply told me that no matter what i may say, i believed, because only through belief could i have that sense of right and wrong.
This is one reason i usually avoid discussions on religion.
I actually like stormfeathers signature line. But, as i dont like to steal, you dont see it below my posts.
I guess all this is to point out that many religious people are quite close minded. It would not, therefore, be a surprise that they would carry this close mindedness into their mag group.

06-07-2015, 12:01 PM
I, for one, would never have an issue with a persons personal religious beliefs, as I have said many times to my Marines and Soldiers, I dont care who you worship, just as long as you can put rounds on target and ask that person for forgiveness if you feel so inclined. In the house of survival, who you call on in your time of reflection is your own damn business, none of mine. And im sure many here have read my signature line, thats my personal feelings on it.

Um Domeguy... Pineapples.... seriously bro?

Just trying to get you to think...apparently it worked.

06-09-2015, 02:57 AM
Just trying to get you to think...apparently it worked.

Thats a seriously bad visual brother... never gonna look at pineapples on my ham the same ever again...

GunFixr, by all means, feel free to use that signature brother, I didnt make it up, I saw it as a pearl of wisdom in a crazy world that reflects my point of view.

06-10-2015, 10:31 PM
Never mind pineapples on your ham... whenever I see the whole ones at the grocery store I think " fuck me, that explains Domeguy's Avatar!
Holy Hoppin' Heyzeus... Ouch!

06-11-2015, 12:28 AM
Stormy, i appreciate the offer, might take you up on it. Actually, i like all of your sig lines.