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View Full Version : went down friday

06-27-2014, 03:01 PM
I t bone a minivan Friday june 20 while riding my motorcycle. accident was my fault from what cops got from witnesses. o well. iwas the only injury atleast. cracked l4 in my back, right elbow dislocation, right for compound fracture, several minor cuts and scratches. right knee reinjured and the muscles in my legs are insanely sore. helmet saved my life.

06-27-2014, 04:51 PM
Hope you heal quickly. Follow docs orders, the L4 could pose problems for you in the future.

06-27-2014, 09:43 PM
Geez man! Get well soon...

06-27-2014, 11:05 PM
Hate to hear it Dropy. Prayin for a fast recovery.

06-28-2014, 01:03 AM
Sorry to hear that. I broke #2 & 3 clean getting thrown from a horse. Back injuries suck. Good luck.

06-28-2014, 01:34 AM
The bike you only got about 6 months ago??

I got off two wheels when my daughter was about to be born, too many crazies out there... it was like having a bull's eye on my back WTF over!


06-28-2014, 02:24 AM
Good luck with your recovery, that absolutely sucks.

06-28-2014, 10:58 PM
Sorry to hear Dropy. Hope all goes well in your recovery brother. Will keep you & family in my thoughts.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
06-29-2014, 01:06 AM
I'm glad you're in good shape considering, get back up and don't let it get you down. Now welcome to the "Crippled Old Biker Bastards" Club. Been wreckin them since 1968. I'll never stop riding. But it's your choice brother. Be safe and keep that head on a swivel! Ride every day like you're going to get in a wreck.

06-29-2014, 04:13 PM
sorry to hear dropy, wishing you a speedy recovery!

06-29-2014, 11:02 PM
I'm glad you're in good shape considering, get back up and don't let it get you down. Now welcome to the "Crippled Old Biker Bastards" Club. Been wreckin them since 1968. I'll never stop riding. But it's your choice brother. Be safe and keep that head on a swivel! Ride every day like you're going to get in a wreck.

I never ride faster than my guardian angel can fly. I will heal, build another bike and keep going.

06-30-2014, 07:25 PM
Wow, glad to hear you are still amongst the living brother, it sucks going down, been there done that, and never fun. I sold the Harley back in Sept because Ive had one too many drops, and decided that I would rather be around to see my kids grow up than the alternative. Wife asked me yesterday if I was planning on getting another bike, and I pretty much came to the conclusion I wasnt. Ive still got a couple trail bikes that I will keep for toys, but I think I am done with street bikes.