View Full Version : My parents :(

07-27-2014, 03:57 AM
I am trying to prep but my parents don't want me to. They say that I'm crazy and stuff. What should I do to convince them to let me?

07-27-2014, 04:03 AM
I assume you live at home....how old are you?

Depending on those answers ^^^ you might have to limit yourself to "rolling gear only" pack, survival items, weeks worth of food/water, weapons, etc.

07-27-2014, 05:22 PM
where do you live? roughly, don't comprimize opsec.

try to start prepping for realistic scenarios, tornados, blizzards, etc.

07-27-2014, 07:39 PM
It's tough if you're under-age. With all the nutty teens hurting others these days, parents have a right to be concerned about "out of the ordinary" behavior, or sudden new interests in knives, guns, weapons. Here's where I'd start if I were a teenager again.

1. Self defense - martial arts classes. Pick a martial art that utilizes sticks, improvised weapons, etc. also good workout, and helps with physical preparedness.

2. Learn some gardening skills - even a few tomato plants, herbs, etc. helps you learn to grow and take care of plants.

3. Maybe find out if there's a primitive camping club or organization if you're not already a scout, and not too old for the Boy Scouts. (There are explorer programs in the BSA that allow older people, and some are law enforcement, or even medical like EMT)

4. Get into hiking - find a friend or 2, buy some gear, and start hiking at nearby state parks or wilderness areas. This allows you to get gear under the guise of camping, hiking/general outdoors stuff. I got away with collecting all the camping and survival crap I wanted when I was under age because I was active in camping, archery, shooting, hiking, etc.

Hope this helps, you're the next generation of the preparedness movement. Try not to freak out your parents, but definitely, try to make them understand that you're not planning anything violent, and you're not on drugs, or joining the trenchcoat mafia weirdos. Also, enjoy being young, there's lots of time to worry about the future and what a mess it will be.

07-27-2014, 11:01 PM
I'm 13

- - - Updated - - -

Also, I live in Western Australia

07-28-2014, 09:43 PM
I guess when your of age, an SKS or Mosin will be your best (only?) options. SKS is a fine weapon, I have one for a hand out.

Survivalisim is more of a mindset and frame of mind, than what you have. Bearing in mind, your mindset will guide you to your purchases too! :-)

I think the idea of primitive camping is a grand idea! You dont have to go camping naked and skeered! Take the tools you need to be self sufficient and get skilled in navigation and an awareness of your surroundings.

I would urge you to go in a small group of at least 2 or 3, and dont pet the dingos.

As you get older, young grasshopper, you will be on your own and the freedom to do what you please (within a G0V's permission) will be upon you before you know it.


07-29-2014, 05:38 AM
You might get involved in Boy Scout. You can learn the outdoor skills, some leadership and your parents will like that you are hanging out with the right type of people. Not nut cases. It will also get them to supply outdoor gear that you need no matter the scenario. BTW I and my son are both Eagle Scouts. We both have learned skill that will be used our whole lives. There is more to prepping than firearms. Yea I have those too, but skills are just as important as ironmongery.

07-31-2014, 03:06 AM
Im just wondering, is Boy Scouts international now or now? If not, then the idea of Scouts really wont help him any.

Mrscott68, start small, and work you way up from there. A good way to do that is to get involved in camping, and spending as much time outdoors in the woods as possible. This not only allows you to take ideas from the forum here, and put them into practical use. My reccomendations for you are to settle in, and start reading! Theres tons and tons of GREAT information here, and lots of experience that you can draw from, use that to your advantage and you will find yourself pretty knowledgeable in no time flat!

07-31-2014, 07:52 AM
Scouting is an international organization And Australia has a branch. Just like any volunteer organization each unit is different so you have to shop around to find a fit. Also if you are in a rural area opportunities may be limited. As you said Stormfeather. Any opportunity to practice field craft is the way to go. Scouting was the best route for me so I am a Hugh advocate.

Fidel MD
07-31-2014, 10:59 AM
You might get involved in Boy Scout. You can learn the outdoor skills, some leadership and your parents will like that you are hanging out with the right type of people. Not nut cases. It will also get them to supply outdoor gear that you need no matter the scenario. BTW I and my son are both Eagle Scouts. We both have learned skill that will be used our whole lives. There is more to prepping than firearms. Yea I have those too, but skills are just as important as ironmongery.

This, or something similar.