View Full Version : Prepping Dynamics

01-27-2015, 12:09 AM
I read a post on a non-prepping website a bit back, and it got me thinking, so I have a question. Where would you all say you fall within the dynamic and spectrum of prepping? The member elsewhere referenced the difference between doomers and homesteaders, and how the latter seem more stable than the former. Or something to that effect anyway. Its been a bit and we all know how my memory is.

I know I myself have wandered a path from fearful doomer to content homesteader, with a stop somewhere in the middle that placed prepping as an all-consuming definition of who I am and what I do. These days? Not so much. I still plan. I still prioritize, but I'm also not going to forgo a sale on the biggest damn tv I can afford (for instance) if I decide I want a new one because I don't have "x" amount of beans, bullets, or band aids. My choices today all largely consider and integrate prepping for tomorrow as much as possible, but I have decided not to forgo living well now because something "might" happen then.

Sufficient for the day is its own trouble, and all of that.

Anyway, I don't think we have anybody at the "no luxuries allowed" end of the spectrum, they're pretty easy to spot. I have a pretty good idea on some of you, and at least one has already self-identified as a survivalist in the past, but some of you aren't quite as clear.

There is also more than simple curiosity spurring my question, but I'll get into that more after I get my thoughts better organized and have given time for some responses here.


01-27-2015, 12:33 AM
For my self it has become a way of life. I am comfortable with my position. More is always needed and more will be gained but I understand you can not plan for everything.

Doom was the outcome if one didn't prepare. Now that one is better prepared doom is no longer to be feared. Rather it will be dealt with via the mental and physical attributes one has collected / acquired over a period of time.

The unknown creates the need to prepare. Knowing you may not have what is needed causes the fear. Having skills allow you to create resolutions. It may not be the perfect result but it will allow you to take the next step.

Since we are all members of this web site I can safely say we are not living in a state of fear. We just need to have the mental tenacity to take the steps needed to move toward the intended goal.

01-27-2015, 12:53 AM
Interesting preposition...

I plan for everyday emergencies, first and foremost. storms, floods, blizzards, tornados, etc... and as a total SHTF as a secondary. I feel if I can be prepared for blizzard after blizzard after... blah blah blah... I can be prepped for anything.

I prep because it makes sense. If I can buy 20 chickens from the hutt's for the price of 6 at the store and it takes me a half day to process them... that's money well spent.

I buy ammo when it is on sale, or I arrange group buys to benefit me both for storage, and because I want to shoot it. 30 boxes cost the same as a case of 3000... do I buy box by box... no, I save up for the crate.

Am I planning for zombies? maybe, but I am prepping for practice and fun.

Do I hunt fish and trap because of zombies? no... that's what I do for fun, for meat, and the skills are invaluable! I would bet on me to shoot a deer, gut it, skin it, debone it, cut and bag it faster than anyone on this site... why, because of our seasons and the practice I have had... is that a apocalypse skill??? of course it is... but more importantly it is a daily life skill!

I don't preach doom... I preach life skills! Even if you think you may never have to eat cat or dog, or rat... can you skin one out, gut and trim off the meat? I Can! Can you identify a dozen wild plants around your OA? I can! and not for SHTF, because I am harvesting them for regular use!

I can buy a fist size bunch of any herb for $5... I can grow 200 fist sized bunched for the same $. uh duh!

Prepping, to me isn't about the zombies (them bastards will get theirs), but about sustained living... for life!


01-27-2015, 01:04 AM
Well Vodin hit the nail on the head. Well stated.

For me, due to how I was rasied (Parents and both sets of grandparents farming. Grandparents going thru the depression in the 30's), I guess no surprise I would fall toward the homestead side of things. I continue trying to learn as much of the old ways as I can. But my time backpacking and spending time in the woods has instilled a healthy respect and desire for the survival life as well.

Good thread MIT. I look forward to the post coming in this thread. I'll see how close I get on everyone's thoughts.

Edit: To me homesteading is about living the life. And being able to deal with pretty much whatever comes up along the way.

01-27-2015, 01:57 AM
I am more of a homesteader, but because of dealing with hurricanes for years I became prepared. Now I feel like i am pretty set up, never fully prepared, but can survive fairly well. Since we don't buy meat from the store, I can and do kill and prepare all my own food. I will eat just about any animal out there if need be. Buzzards are about the only thing that crosses my mind that I would pass unless actually dying. I know the edible plants on my place, and surrounding areas. If I can afford a solar powered well, and then get my fridge and freezers on solar I will be set up really well.

01-27-2015, 03:19 AM
I'm focusing more on skills, and sustainability these days. I've been out of work for 5 months, so while we still prepare with stuff, we've been canning, organizing, expanding the garden, etc. We've got rainwater collection coming soon as well.

Caveman Survival
01-27-2015, 12:54 PM
Thanks Mitunnelrat, for the thread. This topic is an important one to me in how I edge my wife along into this lifestyle. We are urban. Always have been. My wife came from the Philippines when she was young. She remembers what life was like without western comforts, and as such, respects and thoroughly enjoys what many of us urbanites (and rurals) take for granted. When I suggest (yet another) change to aspects of how we live her first response is 'I came from that, I don't want to go back to it!' That's when I explain how Prepping can help us avoid 'going back to it' if something were to happen. That's when she gets it and thanks me for all the work, study and time I invest into ensuring the preservation of our life style by learning traditional ways of living.

Like Sniper, a good portion of our efforts are directed to nature's fury: blizzards, storms, floods. Apocalyptic scenarios, while respected, are not the driving force behind our efforts. Identifying what is important to us is the driving force: health, family time, peace of mind, responsible comfort, and respecting Mother Earth. By working to satisfy these needs and wants, in the past 7 years we have been transitioning from a consumer lifestyle to a homesteader mentality. Urban Homesteaders, but homesteaders none the less.

Have we abandoned western luxuries? No. We still use an electric oven over a wood burning one, we still buy bookshelves instead of building them. I still use a charcoal bbq instead of solely cooking on an open fire. The difference between me and, say my brother or my coworkers, is that if needed, I have acquired the skills and knowledge to DO these things if need be, and continue to practice these skills in the regular. Hunting, foraging, gardening, wood working, bushcrafting, life hacking.... Becoming self reliant. That is our goal.

Are we preppers? Sure. Are we homesteaders? Slowly but surely, yes.

In the end, it's not a title, it's a lifestyle.

Thanks again Mit. Great post!

Caveman Survival
01-27-2015, 12:56 PM
@ak474u that is exactly what got me fully integrated into this lifestyle. Being out of work for two years taught me how to survive without, and how to prepare so that we will never be without again.

01-27-2015, 03:25 PM
I guess I am a product of my environment, my mom lived through the depression and WWII. Then there was all the wars afterward along with the Cold War. I grew up with the nuclear menace, we had the duck and cover drills. Our home had a basement with stored food and clothing. In 1963 during the Cuban Missile Crisis, we went on an impromptu vacation to some friend’s ranch. It was great for us kids until mom turned on the TV and said, “Let’s see if there is anything left of the United States?” That needless to say scared the shit out of this little kid.

So for me it is a way of life. I do not have a chain link fence topped with barbed wire around the homestead (the wife drew the line on that one). My shelves are stocked with whatever I need. I drive my wife crazy by buying two instead of one. “Why do you have two of this or three of that???” Because.

Years ago I was a commercial reloader so my stock of ammunition and firearms is ok. Having been in law enforcement gave me my training in tactics and went further as a trainer. I feel bless in having been in a situation which gave me such outstanding training, which continues today. All this is further enhanced as being a college instructor. I am a firm believer in education which has been imparted on my kids, one graduated and the other is still in college. I got my son involved in scouting at an early age and he went through to become an Eagle Scout. My daughter is a knucklehead and won’t listen to me is probably going to be a cop too. She too is into the outdoors and has got hooked on wilderness first aid.

Then there is my wife, who tolerates me and doesn’t believe in prepping…………However we garden together, can fruits and vegetables together, and recently started dehydrating what we grow. She sews crochets and knits too. We cook fantastic meals. So don’t anyone tell her but I think she is in denial….She does accept the fact we have earthquakes out here and could cause problems. She too is in public safety, a dispatcher. So when it comes to knowing what it going on we have a direct line, which is comforting.

We do have a beautiful home which we have worked hard to get. We don’t have the boats and toys other people have. We did not flip house after house and be so over extended we were underwater. We have lived in the same place for the past 25 years and hope to eventually have it paid off. We live on the outskirts of a medium city which is alright. We don’t believe in having a bug out location, we just have a vacation location. For now it is vacant 114 acres, two hours away high in the mountains very secluded. This is another one of those things given to us kids from my mom, bless her heart. This summer I am finally building a small cabin. If things work out right then my wife and I will build a small two bedroom house later. This would be a vacation home the kids bring their kids over the summer. There were five of us in the family but I am the only one using the property now. My nephew who is a cop wants to build a Tiny home to get away, which would be a nice addition.

Obsession, no, just a way of life.

01-28-2015, 02:42 AM
Great post MT. I think I fall somewhere in the middle. As I've said before I too am a product of parents who were Depression babies . always had things set aside for emergencies. When things got really bad and one brother lost everything it got me to thinking, what if that happen to DH and me? But when I went looking for a site that could help me store the 40 lbs of sugar and flour I had acquired (for Christmas baking with DIL's and SIL before Pop died) I came across a couple of sites that intrigued me. In reading further I started to ask questions and learning and was invited to this site.I don't feel I'm crazy, but I feel that something BIG is going to happen that isn't good for the world. Da Hubs thinks I am "over reacting" but I can't shake this feeling, especially now that my straight arrow, no nonsense, It's black or white, logical brother has done a complete 180 about prepping. He used to make fun of preppers and the Doomsday Prepper shows. My SIL told me about a year ago they started about the same time I did but didn't say anything till I asked about the dehydrator she got and the stand he had made for her. I came right out and asked her if they were prepping. she said yes, I said great I'm not the only crazy person in this family and I asked her what changed, She said my brother came home one night and sat her down and told her The S**T IS going to hit the fan in a few years and they had daum well be prepared for it. Now mind you they had lost everything a few years ago, (year before Pop died),and were digging themselves out of it, not prepping just trying to make ends meet. I can't go into what changed his mind because I haven't been able to pin him down and ask for certain what changed his mind (he won't talk about it on the phone or in emails or letters) but what ever extra money they could and can scrape together they have put towards preparing. He bought her the dehydrator, "sucky" machine and started adding water and ammo to the food they are storing. They have been prepping for about two years now and he's now talking about going off grid permanently.He and SIL are loaning our niece their house this year for the family reunion so I'll be able to talk to him privately about his why. When we were there in Oct it was only for a few hours on Sunday and we were too busy having fun with the kids , meeting the new additions to the family and catching up for us to talk privately.

01-29-2015, 08:58 PM
Thank you for the replies so far, it is much of what I expected.

Any other takers? I'm still waiting on a few of our more regular posters to chime in before I wax too poetic.

01-29-2015, 10:25 PM
^ yeah... been waiting to hear from a few too... Stormy? BWRR? LH? Grumpy?

01-29-2015, 10:54 PM
Let me start by offending the preppers, and state I am not a prepper, Im a survivalist from the mindset started many, many years ago... actually around the time that the ASG rag was introduced. I was a young buck and reading every issue I could get. The mindset of being ready for any emergency that may arise, and being prepared to protect yourself (family, property) with extreme prejudice were ingrained at that time.

Before I expand further, allow me to state that I have not a thing in the world against a prepper who is a prepper in the purist word, but I do think there is a definitive separation between prepper and survivalist. It has more to do with mentality than what is stashed in your basement (but, a bit of that too...).

I tend to get along with preppers in general, because there is knowledge there and we share the same general mindset.

Let me expand my ideas once more, I do feel there is a clear difference, which I wont go into detail of at this time (this writing at least), because I honestly feel my words might come across offensive or argumentative to some. As long as no one wears there ego or emotions on there sleeve Ill share my thoughts, but Ill wait before do that... Knowing the Enternet is public, things you say today may be held against you in a court of law later all the while never seeing the shitstorm coming.

I would be more apt to engage in constructive discussion on my thoughts and opinions in a secure & private format.

Anywho, I tend to focus a LOT on protection, and engaging in activities that ensure proficiency first, then plan and lay in reserves as a secondary focus.

I also tend to be very tight lipped with those around me (work, outside family, etc) about what I own, what I do with what I own and how I think. I share with some of them that I enjoy shooting and camping... Even if prodded I dont take the fly and get reeled in, because of things like Doomsday Preppers and the such, people like me tend to get the "whack'o label". In actuality I keep a firm reality check on myself so as to not get too carried away and end up like one of those whack'o we all have seen on DP! HA HA!

I do think there is a storm on the mist, how it will materialize I am not sure but if and when it comes, I sure as hell dont want to get caught on the pot with my pants around my ankles and no striking paper in sight! I may be a little different, but Ill be glad for it during the storm!


01-30-2015, 01:29 AM
Interesting to see everyones input. Seems most of the folks so far have somewhat similar outlooks. Imagine that!

01-30-2015, 01:33 AM

Its certainly no surprise, but I do find it interesting just how closely in common most of us are.

01-30-2015, 03:40 AM
Yeah... there is a reason why we all get along so well, even though certain parties disagree on the nutritional benefits of certain felines... lol

What about Izzy? RedJohn, Alphatea?

01-30-2015, 10:37 PM
No matter how diversified we may be, I feel confident that the blue helmets of JBT's kicking in citizen's doors make most outstanding targets... (I theorize it as a (low chance) possibility but hope that never becomes a reality).

The things I prepare for, I never ever wish will happen. Red Dawn is an awesome movie, but if it were reality it would be something not so enjoyable.


01-30-2015, 11:01 PM
trained or not...
prepped or not...
ready or not...

Real life 'RED DAWN" would be hell on earth!
The sky blackened with the sheer volumes of paratroopers; their chutes literally blocking the sun!..
yup... need another pallet of ammo!

01-31-2015, 12:46 AM
Not sure 1 pallet would be enough.

Eb, I'm with you on the bad juju coming down. I don't get into much in the firepower perspective on forum's, as much from lack of experience as anything. But I do try and follow both post on here and others and trends and info available. Along with keeping up with trying to practice as time and availability permits.
You never know whats going to happen. Lots of stuff sound far fetched, but the longer I follow various topics that 15-20 years ago was waiting on us? VERY far out there, the more stuff is actually coming to pass. One thing that stands out to me, Stealth technology (B-2/F-117 type stuff) was developed in the 1960-70's, but was never acknowledged until the late 80's-90's. What in the hell is out there now

01-31-2015, 02:10 AM
Big Brother!
he knows where you are sleeping
he knows why you're awake
he cares less when you're good
keeps tabs when you are bad
but for goodness sake don't trust his words for they are as empty as his thoughts...

01-31-2015, 02:55 AM
Well stated Brother. Well stated!

01-31-2015, 03:35 AM
Weird stuff?
I heard about this some time ago...


Our tax money funded this from 1925 until 2011... Question: When was the last time the US built a helium filled dirigible?

I point out the above, just as an example of "secret stuff" the g-v has done that didnt come to light for a LONG time.

What will be discovered tomorrow? In the next 10 years?

NSA's surveillance on us was a bit disturbing, the Patriot Act is scarey..

the list goes on behind our backs.


01-31-2015, 03:44 AM
NSA has been doing that well before Cell phones came out I'll bet. Most likely AT&T was giving access to outputs to their system.

Patriot act is my biggest issue with W. It took away from anything else he did and IMO, has allowed a major hit on the Constitution.

01-31-2015, 11:32 PM
ElevenBravo, I remember hearing about this and found it. Also if I remember properly there is/will be a permanent dirigible above California used to monitor. Monitor what.. don't know but I understand there is one.


Found the monitoring news blip:


01-31-2015, 11:57 PM

Coming to a test audience near you!


So much for PosCom!!! If we swallow it now, we will swallow it more in the future, and future, and future...

Since the G-V has not told us there are terrorist in the CONUS, why do we need such force? Domestic terrorist? I hate to say this, but a domestic terrorist (if... there is even one) is still a US Citizen. period. So, if the force on stand by is not for terrorist, WHO is it in preparation for??

Are we to anticipate M1's and Bradleys patrolling our neighborhoods, you know... to "stop the bad guys"? Who are the bad guys? Every time we move the goal post, the game changes.

I remember a supervisor I had that introduced me to Buddhism told me, "The more rules you make, the more rule breakers you make". Do you see a parallel??

Yup, things are 1984, all over again... Its all coming true IMHO. Or maybe I should be on meds?? You tell me... Im just playing "connect the dots".


02-01-2015, 12:41 AM
1984 was an interesting read. I can see lots of parallels to the US or world today.

Have you ever read Brave New World, by Adolphus Huxley? It was somewhat telling as well.

02-01-2015, 01:29 AM
No, but Ill have to google it for a possible download... thx. Animal Farm is a keen reflection too...


02-01-2015, 01:43 AM
Yes it is. I need to reread that one. It's been many years.

02-01-2015, 04:19 AM
What am I...prepper, survivalist, homesteader, ...I don't know. I've been waiting to read the perfect post to say 'that's it...that's me'. Some have come very close, some not so close. So here is me. As a teenager, I fell in love for the first time with a girl who had me thinking her way for a while...peace, love, save the world. I would make fun of the 80s survivalists mentality. This is where I learned 'someone has to do the work'. But while I went to work every day to support us, she stayed home and listened to music every afternoon and evening, as she didn't get up until noon and stayed up all night. This got old after awhile and led to divorce #1. Feeling down, depressed, and worthless, I shortly entered into marriage #2 by marrying the most evil, coldhearted, selfish bitch this world has ever seen. During 13 yrs of 'wedded bliss' this is where I learned 'someone had to do the work, but why the f*** does it always have to be me'. I supported my family working two jobs, working on the weekends, scraping by, just to end up with nothing. When I felt my son was old enough to get by with her if I lost, I filed for divorce and full custody, and won. My attorney latter told me he, her attorney, and the judge were talking in his chamber during a break, as her BS kept us in court all day. The judge said to her attorney, against your client, I've got this, this, this, etc. He then turned to my attorney and said, all I've got against your client is he was foolish enough to marry her. In court, when the case was over, I almost felt sorry for her, until when asked about visitation by the judge, her reply was " I don't care as long as I don't have to pay child support". Lovely, isn't she, and she didn't. I was only able to get $20 a month, until she was able to get it stopped. So I raised my son by myself until he was a teenager, and we all know how they can be. That's when I decided for the first time in my life I deserved to be happy and have a life. This is when I met the future Mrs. Domeguy. This is when I learned 'someone has to do the work, but we can do it together, and make it easier on each other'. After 13 yrs of marriage, I have never been happier. We help each other, and when I could no longer work due to health reasons, she didn't mind me staying home, and I would do all I could to make it easier on her. Am I a bit off topic, maybe so, but you will soon see where it all comes together. Until 9/11, I didn't think there was that much evil in this world. If you laid out their plot in front of me, I would have just laughed and said no, that's just silly. I was crying driving home that fateful day, so much so that I had to pull off the road. I could not get the visions I had seen on TV that day out of my mind. The world changed for me that day, as it did for so many others. I wouldn't meet Mrs. Domeguy for a couple of months yet, but I knew I wanted a wife I could love, cherish, and do my damn best to protect. This is when I unknowingly became a prepper, or what ever you want to call it. I wanted to be ready, no matter what might happen. I knew I couldn't build a stone wall around us to keep all the evil out, but maybe I could just keep it at bay. Luckily she and I think alike. She is more worried about me, and I am more worried about her. I try to anticipate her needs, as she does me. Right now I am working on a solar/battery powered mini fridge, not for my beer, but for her, to keep her insulin cold if we loose all power. We want to be able to help ourselves, our family, and community in the case of something bad happening, and not waiting for the FEMA trailer to show up. We have food, water, and a few surprises tucked away for a rainy day. Does this make us preppers, survivalists, homesteaders, or just plain crazy...I don't know...you tell me.

Ps. If you took the time to read all of this, thank you, but you may just be a bit crazy yourself.

02-01-2015, 01:53 PM
I did take the time, but I don't think you're any more crazy than I am. Crazy people do not know they are crazy. We know we are. Therefore we are not...

02-01-2015, 02:07 PM
Ok. I think I've given this enough time to pose my next question.

Do those of you who visit other survival forums think the model of our majority here is common across cyberspace, or have we got something different going on?

I know we all share a number of common activities with one another. I'm still thinking mindset here.

02-01-2015, 07:38 PM
I look at 3 other mostly prep sites. One has degenerated to more bullshit and name calling than anything. Just have some old friends still there.
The other two sites, while much larger than this one, 1 in particular, has kinda the same feel as this one does. The larger site has a spread of folks from across the country and has a blend of backwoods to urban, even city folks. They are very much a homesteader type forum. The second site is a pretty diverse as well, but more activity related to country life, with a little city thrown in.
This site seems to be pretty close to both of those.

02-01-2015, 08:06 PM
i didn't answer/post to your last question. i visit here, a bushcrafting and a homesteading forum. for me, this is a better place. the others have more of a 'click vibe' too them. if you aren't in with the popular group, your just there.

02-01-2015, 08:17 PM
The idea of cliques is a concern I've seen brought up at another site myself. I'm glad to see you don't get that vibe here.

02-01-2015, 08:24 PM
The idea of cliques is a concern I've seen brought up at another site myself. I'm glad to see you don't get that vibe here.

to be honest... it's what keeps me from other sites. there are a few i have been to but, this is where i call 'home'

02-01-2015, 11:06 PM
This is about the only one that most members share my mindset.

I got banned at a bushcraft site, resigned from a wilderness survival site and the other survivalist/prepper sites Im a member of, I mostly troll.


02-01-2015, 11:36 PM
This is the only forum like this that I am on.

02-02-2015, 12:24 AM
I live in a populated area so I choose not to stock up on more than I can carry, but not have so much that anyone looking to pilfer off me will be satisfied. I plan to work more on urban survivalcraft more. I'm pretty confident and skilled in the wilderness. But the city can be dangerous and I'd like to prepare to survive here if leaving isn't an option.

I don't really fit myself into a category. I joined as its a great looking community here. And it's always nice to refresh my memory on things.

02-02-2015, 12:27 AM
Thank you Domeguy it was not a taxing read. Sadly it sounds like it was taxing for you in your earlier marriage life.

I am one of those other weird people almost married for 25 years and amazingly enough she is intelligent and wise and she still likes me. :)
I have created a few speed bumps but if you hit em right you can catch some awesome air time.

All the best for you with your wife. And may fortune shine on you Mr. Domeguy.

02-02-2015, 10:25 AM
Mr. V, than you are indeed a lucky man.

I must admit to being unfaithful in the past. I am guilty of using the internet to send messages to other men in a chance to get to know them, looking at pictures at night for my own personal gratification, looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine....wait,what..... no that's not what I mean. I am talking about going to other prepper sites, looking at their solar installs, their guns and such. Get your mind out of the gutter.

02-02-2015, 12:01 PM
^ UM... Yeah... Okay then!

*tumbleweed rolls by...*

02-02-2015, 12:09 PM
Those southern boys concern me sometimes.

02-02-2015, 03:11 PM
Mr. V, than you are indeed a lucky man.

I must admit to being unfaithful in the past. I am guilty of using the internet to send messages to other men in a chance to get to know them, looking at pictures at night for my own personal gratification, looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine....wait,what..... no that's not what I mean. I am talking about going to other prepper sites, looking at their solar installs, their guns and such. Get your mind out of the gutter.


02-02-2015, 04:42 PM
I'm a little late to this party:
Though I don't like it... my current system would fall more under prepping than homesteading. I feel that a homesteading community is the long term solution to any large scale extended event. Currently, I'm good for a while, but anything longer than a year or two, and I'll need re-evaluate my location. Wish I had the means to do that now.

Being prepared was drilled into me at a young age. Scouting provided a lot of "formal training" in the art of preparedness, but most was provided by my family and good ole' common sense. Money was tight growing up, so I learned at an early age, the value of food, clothing, and even heat in the home. My grandparents always kept a garden and canned every year. I don't think I ate a store bought green bean until I was 10 years old. I was taught how to hunt when I was around 8 years old. Started with rabbits, then squirrel and dove.... When I was 11, I froze my seatmeat off sitting on a ridgeline near Big Stoney creek Va. on my first deer hunt. I remember hoping that I didn't see a deer that day. I know that's not what a kid is supposed to think on his first dear hunt, but, then again, most 11 year old kids weren't sent up the mountain with a 7mm Magnum. It was the only deer worthy rifle I owned and was the only thing my Dad left me before leaving the family in pursuit of cocaine and women. The recoil on that shoulder dislocator would give you a bruise uglier than Nancy Pelosi. (You now know more about me than you ever wanted to or needed to...Off topic... Sorry) Point is, for me... Camping, hunting, gardening, firearms, and power outages were always just a part of my childhood.
I didn't really get into "Prepping" until after the Y2K scare. I wasn't worried about Y2K, but I started thinking that I probably should have been. It was 07 and 08, with the recession, and incoming policies, when I really put it in gear and got a plan together. My current location doesn't really allow for the homesteading lifestyle that I would prefer, however we do keep a garden every year, and I've managed to rebuild our security supplies after an emergency sell out a few years ago.
We get Ice Storms here in Greensboro NC...Had a big one last year, and lost power for about 5 days. It gave us a good chance to see what we lacked. As neighbors left in search of hotels with power, we stayed at home, very comfortable throughout the entire event. Pics are from the 2nd night without power. The lights are all oil, candles, or LED. I still don't have a Generator. It was actually a very nice time. But then again, we knew the power would be coming back on, so we weren't dealing with the stress of unknowns. Kitchen and Livingroom 10:00pm

http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk95/slowz1k/Kitchen_zps55498d1b.jpg (http://s278.photobucket.com/user/slowz1k/media/Kitchen_zps55498d1b.jpg.html)

http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk95/slowz1k/LRJPG_zps816e44b3.jpg (http://s278.photobucket.com/user/slowz1k/media/LRJPG_zps816e44b3.jpg.html)

As for other forums, I only frequent two others. Used to Mod on one of them. Never post on either. I like the vibe here. You get some real world information, and a feeling that you can trust most of the posters to not be posers.

02-02-2015, 10:24 PM
Slo, you seam like you fit in here, so Ill cast my vote in the hidden forum to not ban you... yet.


I like the way you think, throw out any ideas you have as they populate your frontal lobe, looking forward to your future post.


02-02-2015, 11:28 PM
One thing I love most about this forum, is the camaraderie between members, whether you have 1 post or 6000. Unless you're posting shit, just to be a shit, your thoughts are considered, questioned, and expanded upon... no one is dissed, although there is some teasing between members who 'know' each other, and it is give and take.
AND share what I learn here
Most will remember a post I once made about "an Asian Buffet " I posted the same on a Canadian forum, and the comments were so ignorant that I got suspended, even after I pointed out it was in the jokes section. I am still on several other forums, but basically to watch the buy and sells. I am a founder/mod on one Invitational Canadian only Forum, amongst a tight group of friends. and that is where I get some of the info I post here.

If anyonewants to see one of the most ignorant, biased, prick based sites... I invite you to join Canadiangunnutz.com. you have to be active to qualify or the buy and sell, but be very careful whom you disagree with. There is some good info, but the pricks make it a chore to find based on their rude crude and ignorant comments.

So... yeah... this is my home too, and yeah I like to tease my brothers and sisters, as they do me. Again... give it time, give it a chance, and you will be readily be included in the SHTF family!


02-03-2015, 12:28 AM
This site is my go-to site. The others are more just to see if there is anything new I can bring over here. Or two check in with friends.

Hands down this site is much more like "family". With very few exceptions in times past, I feel like most anyone on here has my back. I have been able to meet several folks on here face to face. I have yet to be disappointed.

02-03-2015, 01:09 AM
I started researching "preppers" about 4-5 yrs ago. Mostly I was learning a lot about food and water storage from the LDS sites. I joined another large prepper site, but as a newbee, I got lost in the crowd. I joined this about the same time, and it's been happy sailing ever since, I've learned a WHOLE LOT, and I've meet a bunch of great people who I know would be there when I truly needed them....well, except for a few cat haters. But we will prevail in the end, and the whole world will love cats...and no, I don't mean with BBQ sauce and a fine merlot.

02-03-2015, 10:20 AM
C'mon Domeguy, Everyone knows that a nice merlot goes better with a hoisin sauce.
Mmmm... hoisin...

02-03-2015, 03:24 PM
I didn't know that, but I would bet a nice cab would go well with bbq.

02-04-2015, 01:22 AM
Spotted tabby with Jack & Coke is good too, Ranch for dipping sauce.


02-04-2015, 01:34 AM
Not a Jack fan... but a ranch dipping sauce... especially tied to a crisp fried... meat... add some melted feta, and Swiss... OMG yum!!!

02-04-2015, 01:44 AM
Feline... the other white meat.


02-04-2015, 02:17 AM

I'm grabbing my wet naps! that looks so awesome!!!

02-04-2015, 04:01 AM

02-04-2015, 04:24 AM
Damn.... ya know back in school, my principal always used to tell me that I pushed the envelope, pushed the rules, pushed the laws of bbq!

Damn Domeguy, but that is a tasty looking morsel!

02-04-2015, 03:07 PM

02-04-2015, 03:22 PM
Ok. I'm sitting here shutting up now, you're not going to hear another peep out of me, Nope, not one.

Mum's the word!

Guess I'll just have a sandwich...


02-04-2015, 08:18 PM

Ok, now that we've had lunch and recess I'm ready to bring school back in session and advance my next questions:

What sets us apart? What puts us a cut above? I cannot take anything away from the rapport and camraderie we 've already discussed. I enjoy it myself, but at the end of the day we are a survival/ prepping website, not social media.

I have my own thoughts on that, but I'd like to see whatbyou have to say first.

Annnd go!

02-04-2015, 09:12 PM
IMHO this entire thread is the perfect example of why this site is the best site of its kind, prepping or whatever. There are other sites that teach follow me or you will end in doom and gloom. Others go in different routes, but the end is the same, do it my way. This site doesn't take itself TOO seriously. We know it's important to prepare for the unexpected, but that it's not all consuming. I will do anything to save my family when pushed back into a wall, and I do mean anything, but until that time comes, if it does, I will continue to learn from others experiences and knowledge, and try to have a little fun while doing it. I have the flu or a stomach bug, so I'll sign off for a while with one final comment!http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f226/gantsum/dd17af1cf7f387de373d831bfea3de83_zps1ab7b8dc.jpg

02-04-2015, 10:14 PM

Ok, now that we've had lunch and recess I'm ready to bring school back in session and advance my next questions:

What sets us apart? What puts us a cut above? I cannot take anything away from the rapport and camraderie we 've already discussed. I enjoy it myself, but at the end of the day we are a survival/ prepping website, not social media.

I have my own thoughts on that, but I'd like to see whatbyou have to say first.

Annnd go!

I tend to disagree, While we obviously are a prepping/survival site, it is social media as well. This isn't just a regurgitation of facts, or one person preaching 'this is how it is done'. It is all of us sharing our lives, our experiences, and ourselves with each other. I enjoy hearing from everyone, and when someone is absent for a while, they are missed. Daring to sound cliché, but we are like a family. Albeit a somewhat estranged and even deranged one, but that isn't unlike most 'normal' families. We are a extremely diverse group, differing in age, background, race, sex, creed, colour, and obviously location but we are all here for the same reason... To live and to learn.

The best part is the mutual respect we all seem to have for each other and for different points of view. Even if someone posts something that you don't agree with, rebuttals are expressed and worded carefully to not offend, unlike many other sites. This differences of opinions has spawned some amazing conversations and discussions.

Granted, we've had some drama queens and some trolls sneak in here too, and they learn mighty quick that certain types of behaviour, certain types of comments are not welcome and either they join in or they don't. and if they don't they either move along or are moved along.

This place contains some of the nicest people that I know, and yet have never met.

cookie anyone?


02-04-2015, 10:19 PM
I can see the logic behind that. I'll have to chew on it for a bit with one of those cookies.

02-04-2015, 11:49 PM
LMAO, kitten cookies.

02-05-2015, 12:35 AM
DG get feelin better!

MIT, I have to agree with Sniper on this one. This is the best site around IMHO. And there is no doubt it is first and foremost a prep site. Just look back thru the thread from years past thru today. You can find about any prep topic that comes to mind, most of them discussed in depth by several folks. There are a lot of how to's, manuals, product reviews, and such on lots of various things. I have learned a ton of stuff on my time here.
But the best thing I have picked up on here is the friendship with some great folks. I have gotten to meet some of you, many others just talking on here. Other have been around and for one reason or other left or at least been somewhat in-active. Those are truly missed.
While not a true social site, there are some traits, support, helpful hand or thoughts when needed, even just a phone call or e-mail to see how things are going. As a rule that don't happen on other sites to amount to anything. I can count on one hand the times that has happened to me. One of them is the very first friend I met from a forum from my area. His wifes car is parked in our driveway while she is out of town right now. On this site, I feel like I could ask for a hand with just about anything and get multiple offers to help. Just the way things are around here and that's what makes this site so special.
But there has only been a handful that has come and gone that tried to push things in the direction that lots of other forums have went. I'll take this site any day of the week.
One last thing I want to bring up. I appreciate the owners and moderators on here. Some sites are wound so tight, there is no fun to be had. Others are, well lets just say the lunatics are running the asylum. On here the owners have built a fine site that just runs and has had very few problems and when they do crop up, they are fixed right away. All the mods will let things play out until things start to go seriously downhill. Then the hammer comes out. To me balance is the key to life, same with forums. And at this point I want to thank each one of them.
Just my .02

02-05-2015, 01:24 AM
As an aside... I cannot remember a single thread being locked on here because of anything... I may be wrong, but I can't think of a single one... ever.

02-05-2015, 01:37 PM
I. Was invited by lhk13 and I can'say enough thank you's enough. I am late comer to "prepping" In the 2-3years I've been here,I have learned that while I've never claimed to be sane,I have been accepted as me and not been treated like an idiot(like a couple of other sites have done) I found another site that is a bit like this and have enjoyed it BUT I feel this is home. I can ask my questions and learn from you all. whether you realize it or not. ,this is much more than a "prepping \survival" site. Sometimes it feels like a life line to me.

02-05-2015, 01:40 PM
I. Was invited by lhk13 and I can'say enough thank you's enough. I am late comer to "prepping" In the 2-3years I've been here,I have learned that while I've never claimed to be sane,I have been accepted as me and not been treated like an idiot(like a couple of other sites have done) I found another site that is a bit like this and have enjoyed it BUT I feel this is home. I can ask my questions and learn from you all. whether you realize it or not. ,this is much more than a "prepping \survival" site. Sometimes it feels like a life line to me.

We're all here because we're not all there. Lol

02-05-2015, 08:33 PM

I'm going to stand by what I said, but I will try to qualify it some. I realize any website designed to get people together and talking is, in fact, social media. I just make distinctions between sites like twitter/ facebook/ snapchat and forums. To me, the former is more generalized, the latter more specific. The former actually makes me more misanthropic, this keeps me social.

Looking back at my post I'd have perhaps been more accurate to say I already know our camraderie sets us apart, but what else? We've got a great group of people here, and I know that's what keeps us coming back. "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care" plays into that.

We've also done alright with drawing people into the fold through word of mouth, but I doubt any of us would say that's easy, and I know we're all doing all we can there.

Then, we also attracted a good number of people through search engines. Its here that I think we can do more. No, maybe not more, but different. We don't offer discussion on politics or religion, and I still think that is a good thing, but I also think they create an emotional connection/ charge that gets people talking. I'd like for us to tap into that energy elsewhere, and I believe defining our identity, where we fall in the dynamic I started this thread with, can help us do that. We have a certain pride in being who we are, in what we do, and how we do it.

RJ and The Stig took their vision of what a prep/ survival site should be and made it reality. I'd like to see that vision grow, and I think a clear sense of identity will help that along.

My apologies if there's a lot of typos or errors making this difficult to read or follow. I should have spooled up my laptop for this one, but instead did it on the dumbest smart phone I've ever seen. Mine.

02-05-2015, 09:01 PM

one of the reasons i come and stay is the 'lack of religious and political discussion'. let me qualify this, before i get yelled at. :) i feel there is a time and place for it and what you believe or who you voted for is personal. sound right? i don't really care for folks that have too 'shove' either subject in my face. sound better?

i don't really do 'social sites'. i have one i started for my paracord stuff, but it has gone by the way side. i come here for information, hang out and be around like minded folks. glad RJ and Stig have shared their vision with us as a group and hope the site continues to grow. i have invited several people to come and visit, i think 2 have stayed. i know 1 for sure.

my phone is stupid.... it doesn't know what the interweb is... LOL just the way i want it.

02-05-2015, 09:15 PM
You won't get yelled at for that here. :D

Anyone that's met me from here or that's connected on facebook knows I have some pretty strong opinions on each of those myself, but at the same time I am rather... zealous?... in keeping the forum free of it. I've been a moderator on another site that allows it, and believe me, I'd rather be thought an ass here for squashing it than having to do that again.

Every once in a while I do end up locking or removing threads, and/ or pm'ing members over certain posts, but if I do my job right it doesn't disrupt the normal flow here. I like that. It leaves me time to read and contribute.

02-06-2015, 12:00 AM
We do appreceiate your efforts in keeping things running smoothly from that perspective.

02-06-2015, 12:56 PM
Sorry Ive been late to the party, had a lot going on with the oldest son graduating Army Boot Camp and starting AIT.

Anyways, back to the original question. Ive thought about it a lot since I read it a few days ago, even to the point where I asked a few friends what they thought. I got the gambit from "extreme survivalists to prepper. Im not quite sure I can peg a label on it to be honest with all of you. I have more than my fair share of ammo and guns, and skillsets to use them proficiently. The people I surround myself with all do as well when it comes to the men and most of the women. We all know how to shoot handguns, pistols, shotguns, and we even usually make a fun event out of shooting golfballs at a long distance sitting on empty beer cans that the womenfolks seem to always beat us at every time we play. Does that make us survivalist?

As im sitting here looking at the pantry, and writing down or mentally tallying what I need to replace the food stocks used up over the week, I think I am more of a prepper in the fact that a good portion of my time money effort and skills these past few years has concentrated on upping my food storage along with canned goods, dried/deydrated goods, and learning how to rotate stock so that I will always have everything in its place. I also look at how as the children get older, some food supplies probably wont be needed and I can start cycling them out. By this definition, am I more of a prepper, than a survivalist?

Here at the end of the month, my business partner is coming out and purchasing the land we need to get our business up and running. Some details have changed, but he and I have talked about things he and I want to do with the property. Theres a 2 year old house on it that ultimately wife, kids and I will be living in after he builds his house in a few months. As I look at the property, I think about all the items we both agreed on. Hand water pump drilled and placed in a central location between the houses. Solar panel systems to provide electricity and a windmill to power the battery bank. Beekeeping supplies, a gasoline and diesel storage facility. Clotheslines for the laundry, possibly digging and putting in a small acre sized pond stocked with tilapia or small panfish. We already have the garden plots laid out where we want them, and we know what kind of animals frequent the property as a renewable resource. All this coupled together, I think "homesteader" is a more appropriate label if you will.

All told, Im not quite sure what you would label it and where I would fall in. Part survivalist, part prepper, part homesteader? I worry about my childrens future, and do what I can to ensure their safety, viability, and happiness for the future. Is that the main reason I prep? Of course not. Is it a large factor, you bet. Ive seen what happens firsthand to countries when they implode and self destruct either from too much freedom, or not enough freedom. I know enough about the inner machinations of our government and the ruling body to be very wary of it, and I know enough to have an exit plan in case one of those people decide to actually put a stupid plan in action that they are always talking about. I want to ensure my survivability, my familys, my circle of friends because to me they are my family.

Why do I do this? Not out of plain old fear, and yet, its a healthy fear and respect for that fear that I do this. Ive seen enough to know how bad it can get, Ive experienced enough to know we are on that same path that others before us have been on before things went south for them, and I want to provide a solution, an option, a way out if you will, within my circle of influence. I want them to have the same options that I do, and since they are of a similar mindset, I would like to think they all think the same as I do. Either way, I dont think I could define myself by a label. Im part survivalist, but non-extremist in my mindset, part homesteader, and part run of the mill prepper. I have the ability to become any of them, and yet I am all of them at once. Maybe you can say, Im a Hybrid?

02-07-2015, 12:32 AM
Maybe you can say, Im a Hybrid?

Maybe you are what you claim, but the question is as of now unanswered: Would you spoon with another man in a sleeping bag to prevent hypothermia? Do you want to go winter camping with me?


02-07-2015, 01:55 AM
I'd do it, and just so happens I bought a zipper repair kit today....just in case. I call big spoon.

02-07-2015, 02:06 AM
If you get cold enough, you wouldn't care who you were spooning with.

02-07-2015, 03:10 AM
Yeah buddy, that aint no shit!

3 off us got together and combined all our gear... ponchos and poncho liners and logged up against each other for the night. We got rained on all day and were soaking wet. Me and my bro Leonard were on the ends, DeVilla was in the middle. DeVilla was the only one to stay covered up all night, Lenoard and I fought over the blanket every waking moment. I swear that was one of the most miserable nights I ever had... Plain and simple, cold and wet sux to the max.


- - - Updated - - -

I call big spoon.


02-07-2015, 03:24 AM

02-07-2015, 06:10 AM
Domeguy get well....take a bottle of whisky and two aspirins and go to bed. Make sure you save the aspirins for the morning you will need them. The whiskey should kill all the bugs.

Labels.........prepper, survivalist, doom and gloom or are people just being smart. I like to think we are all just being smart. I too worry about my kids and what is in store for them. All I can hope it I gave them a good enough foundation for them to survive when I'm not around.

I do have a pet peeve about this forum and that just about everyone is way out east. No I am not about to move and I sure know there is none of you dumb enough to move to the left coast. Socal guy is way south and Grumpy moved out so we are pretty much on our own out here. There is times when I feel like a fly in milk out here.

Soooooooo as for me this place it a link to sanity......or at least I think it is....

02-07-2015, 03:18 PM
Not so sure about sanity...that's not the first word that comes to mind. :)

EB, being wet sux regardless awake, asleep, or trying to. It is miserable. Hiking around here, the humidity is so high and I sweat so badly, I have actually stayed dryer with no rain gear at times than wearing it. In cold weather that is a hard call to make sometimes.

02-09-2015, 05:17 AM
Maybe you are what you claim, but the question is as of now unanswered: Would you spoon with another man in a sleeping bag to prevent hypothermia? Do you want to go winter camping with me?


Spoon with another man to prevent hypothermia... hell yea, stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues. Mountain Warfare Training Center, Bridgeport California taught me that little trick in life. I did USMC recon beach raid training in Coronado Ca in January. When I talk about water sports, Im talking about us peeing on each others wetsuits to heat up the water so a guy wouldnt go hypothermic. Yea, Ive been peed on by 10 guys, best damn group of guys a Marine could ever ask to watch over him too.

You sure you want to go winter camping with me now?

02-09-2015, 09:32 PM
Sure, minus the golden shower though....

02-11-2015, 04:47 AM
Sure, minus the golden shower though....

Cant promise I wont try to relive the good ole days!