View Full Version : Survival Grenade

02-18-2015, 12:58 PM
Came across this, and thought it a nice collection of stuff, albeit probably a repeat for most of us, but is a nice way to keep a kit together


02-18-2015, 01:15 PM
the thought is there... way too pricey for what it is. some are about the 'profit'.

02-18-2015, 01:23 PM
If only we had a resident paracord guy...

02-18-2015, 10:18 PM
I can do the same for $25 without the bells and bling.

02-18-2015, 10:21 PM
I'll take 3

02-19-2015, 12:23 AM
Looks cool, and has plenty of useful stuff in it. I bet the same gear, or most of it would fit in a Altoids tin. And depending on quality of items used, $25-40 would probably cover it.

02-19-2015, 01:08 AM
true that* but comes w/paracord... If a paracord guy wanted to make them... like EB said, I'd buy 3. one for my truck, one for the mrs's car and one to bounce between my sled and quad/boat... hell I may even buy 5. no bouncing involved!
many is one, one is none!

02-19-2015, 01:22 AM
You got a pointy there.

02-19-2015, 11:02 AM
I like making things different things out of paracord. I have watched some of the videos oh how they make these things. I'll do a little bit of experimenting, and see how things come out, and send a picture in.
I'll give it a day to two, and I want you to tell me what you would like to have me put inside of it. Try to be in the real world, and give me a challenge, but also be practical. Also, how big is too big? How heavy is too heavy? How much paracord is practical? Do you need fishing line, or do you want to compromise the strength of the paracord to get it? What kind of fire making supplies does it need? You tell me in detail everything it MUST have and I'll see what we come up with!

02-19-2015, 02:25 PM
IF DG can't do it, or EB doesn't want too, i will make a limited run. take orders? and make what is needed. i have been busy with life stuff here lately and kind of forget to take ideas like this and run. :) i just need to run to Hall's Hardware and get the goodies to go inside.

edit also need to figure on price. according too contents.

02-20-2015, 01:29 PM
Come on guys. Give me some input as to what you would want in it. After rereading the posting on their sales site several times, I see why theirs is so pricey.
The Z.A.P.S. Gear Survival Grenade includes the following:
1 – steel shackle,
1 – Spring link (max. load bearing weight 350 Lbs) to attach Survival Grenade to your gear/clothes or to use in rappel,
1 – Compass,
1 – Wire saw,
3 – Ready-made wire snares with anti-escape swivels for catching small game,
1 – Ferro cerium fire-starter with striker,
3 – Pieces of tinder,
2 - Candles (approximate burn time of 15 minutes each),
30’ Braided stealth fishing line (50 Lb; strong enough for big fish, trip wires, or extra snares),
3 – Fish hooks,
6 – Sinkers,
3 – Barrel swivels,
1 – Knife blade,
1 – Sheet of aluminum foil,
2 - Safety Pins
1 – 1 Gallon Ziploc bag for carrying water,
3 – Windproof/waterproof matches (15 second burn time) and match striker,
1 – Large needle for small repairs and wound suturing,
20’ Black thread,
6 – Water purification tablets with usage instructions,
1 – Whistle,
45’ 550 Paracord,
Several feet of duct tape, and
1 – Z.A.P.S. Gear Survival Grenade User’s Guide (laminated for waterproofing).
Is the shackle necessary? They use it as a frame to hold everything inside? The carabiner is 350 lb rated, necessary? Tell me if this exactaly what you are looking for, or would you rather have different items? And are the items to be top quality, or the cheap crap sold direct from China? I know $75 is way to high. I said in my earlier post I would try to make one, but I was not talking about mass production for profit. I like doing things like this for fun, as I have a lot of free time on my hands. I wouldn't mind selling them at near cost, but I need to know what you want.
Also, if anyone else wants to make them, I say go for it. We could make it a fun challenge to see how bad mine would compare to someone else's best efforts.

02-21-2015, 06:02 AM
I would rather scrap the screw pin shackle and get an actual climbers carabiner. As I do climb myself I would never trust one of those spring loaded crap ones even in SHTF.

I would scrap the wire saw and get one of the chainsaw blade ones.

Scrap the tinder and give me some alcohol prep pads as it lists the needles could be used for stitches I want them sterile.

Instead of candles I would want glow sticks. less light but wind wont blow them out.

I would rather have an extra ziploc or emergency blanket than the matches. Or just 2 emergency blankets instead of the ziplocs.

Most everything is probably pretty cheap based one their price point seeing as how the snares I make from scratch for rabbits are 4-5 dollars a piece. Wire saws have never worked for me. Everything else seems pretty cheap to get.

02-21-2015, 01:57 PM
Ah, there's the price variance... With all that stuff in them, I was wondering how you could make them for $25.00. I just thought it was our local stores gouging us yet again!

02-21-2015, 05:24 PM
DG not really a challenge too you. i have a Hardware Store in the next town over (25 mi) that i can get most/all of the things listed. i am not really into it for profit either. just offering too help out some family. i don't know about $25? maybe closer to $40-45 depending on contents.

02-21-2015, 07:10 PM
While I was waiting for the ice to melt, I bought a bunch of stuff of ebay, such as ferro rods, whistles, cord and such. When it all comes together I try and see how much "stuff" I can put into one of these things, and see what the outcome is. I was joking about a challenge, but it would be interesting to see what several different people, working on the same thing can come up with. I'm curious as to what the similarities and differences will be. I was going to made 10 to start with, and see what the cost would be after it all come in, and I buy some of the rest of it local. I'm just now trying to fit in a magazine of 50 cal. into the mix, but so far the Bowie knife is a go!

02-21-2015, 09:04 PM
Even at a more realistic price like that, I'd still be in for at least a couple/few. I kinda figured a fully 'armed grenade' for $25 was a pipe dream. lol

02-21-2015, 09:05 PM
I did my amazon cart and getting the following in 8 kits plus a lot of extra,

1 ferro rod
1 carabiner-non climbing use
1 emergency whistle
19-gallons worth of water purification (enough to last one person for at least a week)
2-emergency blankets
4-rabbit size snares
1-keychain flashlight
1-clip on compass
1-pocket chainsaw
1-knife blade
50’ Braided stealth fishing line 50 Lb for clothing repair and fishing.
3 – Fish hooks,
6 – Sinkers,
3 – Barrel swivels,
1 – Sheet of aluminum foil,
2 - Safety Pins
1 – 1 Gallon Ziploc bag for carrying water,
1 – Large needle for small repairs and wound suturing,
20’ monofilament green for wound closure or fishing,
pocket magnifying glass
45’ 550 Paracord,
Several feet of duct tape

This is close to my ideal kit without cutting corners on cheap shit. total for checkout is $200, that breaks down to about 25 dollars per kit. Not counting the stuff I already have on hand that I can use to fill them out. I can see charging $75 a kit if going my route but there is way too much cheap stuff in their list to justify $75. That would be at least $50 in labor per kit.

02-21-2015, 09:16 PM
So what would your price be James?

02-21-2015, 09:42 PM
To be honest I have no idea. lol

I have never made one before but I think the hardest part would be the first one and trying to find out how to package it all together in a reasonable size and then make sure it is arranged so that you can get at everything easily.

I would have to make one and then see exactly how much time it takes to reproduce it. Hard part is convincing the wife to let me start on them. I can forward the shopping cart list to anyone with a more accommodating wife though! lol

02-22-2015, 01:42 AM
I like where you are going with this, and in a perfect world, all of that would be great to have in one convenient package. But this is what I was speaking about earlier, as I don't know if all of that would fit in a small enough package to be practical. But I hope I am wrong, and you do find a way. I've still got offers pending on ebay that I may not hear back from for 2 more days, and I am going to Lowes on Monday to pick up a few more things, and I hope to add a few things others might not thought of, but may turn out to not be practical. I'm trying to find a way to stuff Mr. BWRR, Izzy, and SniperT into my bag.

02-22-2015, 03:39 AM
I don't think that fitting it all in one thing would be difficult. I think that you would be better off just purchasing all of these things on your own and keeping them in a small plastic waterproof case or waxed rucksack. Most of the things I listed are already in my BOB and GHB. The only difference are some longevity items based on that I could walk from one side of my island to the other in about an hour.

BOB more longevity and sustainable items in there like the fishing gear,

GHB is more compact defense and discreet movement. (self defense, and street clothes)

I think this is less of SHTF use and more of a camping emergency use.

02-22-2015, 09:17 AM
It's my impression that this "grenade" is an item that duplicated the things you already have in your BOB. But it's purpose it either 1 of 2 things. The first is to have the most basic of the essential items on your self, in the event of something happening, and for some reason you are not able to get to your BOB, such as if your BOB in in your vehicle and it is stolen, wrecked, or a co-worker knew it was in there, busted the lock to the trunk and took it. The second reason for this item is for someone with a lot of paracord background, sitting down and thinking "I've got all of this crap here, what can I do with it to make some sucker pay me $75 for it"

02-23-2015, 05:15 PM
Ok guys and gals, this is going to be a long post, so I might have to list it in 2 sections. After a week of looking for the best quality products for the best prices, I have come up with a list of things I can put into a paracord grenade. The grenade would be wrapped with 50 ft of top quality 550 paracord, and have a heavy duty stainless steel carabiner like this...

Inside would be 1 large heavy duty foil bag like this...

Inside of it would be several packages that would be vacuum sealed, but I might put the foil bag inside a vacuum bag also so it doesn't get damaged. These bags could be reused for several uses. Inside these bags would be:
1 slightly used (so I was told on purchase on ebay) micra leatherman multi tool
1 mini compass
1 wiresaw
1 wire snare wire
1 ferro rod for fire making
1 6 in. Hack saw blade
2 razor blades
6 water proofed strike anywhere matches, dipped in wax
3 water purification tablets
I stainless steel whistle
3 coffee filters
3 cotton pads for tender or personal use
2 bandaides
I tube of non name brand super glue
1 stainless steel credit card multi tool
1 credit card sized fresnel lens
1 credit card folding knife
1 stainless steel tweezers, may be straight or curved
2 tea candles in metal base
Fishing equipment, 6 hooks, 6 swivel loops, 8 crimp on lead sinkers
2 packs of two Tylenol capsules
10 alcohol prep pads, for personal use or for fire starting
3 non lubricated condoms for carrying water, or for what ever you choose
5 large rubber bands
1 pencil & piece of writing paper, size yet undetermined, will size according to space
1 emergency space Mylar blanket
12 ft. Of dental floss, can by used for dental use, snares, stitches, many uses
3 needles and several feet of various colored thread, most likely blown
9 - 2 1/4 inch silver colored safety pins
10 feet of 1 inch wide or larger gorilla tape
5 beef bouillon cubes
3 mint candies
And possibly any other undetermined items that will be free
I have come up with a my price cost of these items, which if will post tonight. I will do my best to put all of this into a paracord grenade that won't need a small truck to haul it. I will post my cost tonight, and ask what you think would be a fair cost to charge. I have ordered enough supplied to make 10 of them, and for now, only 10 If no one is interested, I will just post them on ebay, so there will be no pressure for anyone on this site to purchase them. So I would like to hear before I post my cost just what do you think my cost for all of these items will be. I am curious to see what you think all of this will cost me, and I think you will be very surprised

But wait, if you act now, as an added bonus, on top of the price, if all 10 are ordered, I can include in each one if all 10 are agreed to in advance, I can add 1 genuine Streamlight Nano light #73001. This is a genuine top of the line light. It is not a knock off. I can include this light for an extra, get this... Only an additional $6.75, but I would need to know in advance all ten wanted 1 light each, as I can only get that price if I order 10. So, let me know how much all of this will cost me, and I will let everyone know later tonight. I have retread this twice, and I think I got everything right, but please forgive me if I messed up somewhere. Domeguy signing out.

This is the leatherman micra toolhttp://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f226/gantsum/07f9a2cf10dc34f4c54442e60d2a3487_zpsd63fa991.jpg

02-23-2015, 07:43 PM
Hmmm I dunno, honestly I would guess pretty high on it. close to 60 or 70 just for the materials. Then it depends on how long it takes you to put it all together.

02-23-2015, 11:03 PM
thinking, and will update later.

meantime, why coffee filters? (straining water?)

instead of dry cotton balls how about a 2" fat McDonalds straw filled with lint/Vaseline and heat crimped to seal?

Got a pic/link to the Fresnel?

Advil possible instead of Tylenol? aspirin?

6" hacksaw blade? how big is the grenade proposed to be?

Got a link to the credit card multi tool?

"3 needles and several feet of various colored thread, most likely blown" blown?

Possible Additions:

Baby bic lighter?

one of the credit card things could be wrapped with 20-30' of fish line. any light gauge braided is stupid strong and can be used for a plethora of other uses

single tea or coffee bags? who knows when a caffeine fix may be needed... or wanted.

sugar cubes/packets?

fold up type of cup?

02-24-2015, 03:35 AM
GEE...what do you think this is .....a frickin Walmart. It's a small kit...not a house with a piece of paracord tied on....gimme a break! Now you want a fricken Starbucks in the bag too...oh..,I think I'll have mine with some sugar...no...two lumps please....do you want a fricken gluten free muffin to go with that...gimme a frickin break ya ball buster!
LOL...I'm just kidding. I will post as many pic links as I can. So to answer some questions, first off the whistle is aluminum, not stainless.
The coffee filters are multi purpose, to pre filter water, for tinder if needed, can be written on if needed, add some tape and you have a bandage. I am placing cotton pads, not cotton balls. They are flatter, can be used as a filter, bandage, tinder, to clean a wound, etc.
Adding the straw is a good idea, I'll steal it and call it my idea. It will be added at no extra charge. The 2 packs of Tylenol were added because I can get them free, as my wife works at a doc office, DISCLAIMER...the Tylenol will not come from from my wife's office. wink wink. 6 inch hacksaw blades because I was going to put in a piece of broken lengths of bandsaw blades to use as a striker for the ferro rod, but I found them cheap, and you never know when you may need to saw your way out of a Turkish prison. How large will it be when I am done, well if you keep adding more shit like your Starbucks coffee, it may just be a house with a piece of paracord taped to it. Lol. I was thinking of a small lighter, but I have had lighters leak out their fuel over time, but that could be looked into if asked for by the multitude of people running from the zombie appocolopise. Tea, coffee, sugar, creamer, gluten free muffins, see above Starbucks comment. I'll look into that to, and if doable, I will steal it and call it my idea too. The thread would most likely be brown in color. I am also going to add 1 button, no extra charge. http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f226/gantsum/841f1081b406117b5391314fcfaecb6a_zpsb20c5464.jpg



http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f226/gantsum/7a615ae8063354afb8556691c33d72b6_zps4f7e485a.jpght tp://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f226/gantsum/9de806d8f0ca3121304cdac9871a2b6a_zpsa95b3a5e.jpg

02-24-2015, 04:44 AM
Nobody else.....aw, shucks. OK, here is the big deal of the day. I have enough of the equipment to make 10 "grenades". Of those 10, I am keeping two. One for my truck, and one for my wife's car, or until a time comes where she takes it out to make room for something foofey smelling. So that will leave 8. I will take the flashlight option for myself, and if you purchase one "grenade", henceforth called a G, if everyone else chooses the flashlight option, it will be another $6.75 for the nano light, but only if everyone takes one, or none of us get one. Is that clear. So to put everything mentioned in the above post, along with a straw, heat sealed with Vaseline in the inside, my idea by the way, and possibly a few other things that shouldn't cost more than a buck or two at the most. I have been able to gather all of this at my cost of.............$36.29. And there you have it. So, if I can weave the G with the paracord, then what would be a fair price for my time to make the G. You tell me what you think, because this kit has more in it than the first $75 G, and I would never dream of charging $75. But if no one wants one, that's OK also. I will just bundle it all as a lump sum, and sell it as 8 sets on ebay as a do it your self G. So, what do ya all think?

02-24-2015, 12:21 PM
oOOH, I forgot foofey smelling! Can you make it 'new car' scent? or 'leather'?

02-24-2015, 12:46 PM
I can arrange that sir, but wouldn't you rather have it smell like your precious Starbucks and your gluten free flax seed muffin? You want it to smell of leather huh...you wouldn't have gone to the movies this weekend by any chance?.............

02-24-2015, 12:49 PM
Szechuan style BBQ cat...

02-24-2015, 01:19 PM
really....you had to go there?

- - - Updated - - -

Hmmm I dunno, honestly I would guess pretty high on it. close to 60 or 70 just for the materials. Then it depends on how long it takes you to put it all together.

Version 1.0 should hit all the finer retailers in Spring of somewhere around 2027

02-24-2015, 01:29 PM
After all those comments about Starbucks... yup, yup I did!

02-24-2015, 01:42 PM
[QUOTE=jamesneuen;79238]I don't think that fitting it all in one thing would be difficult. I think that you would be better off just purchasing all of these things on your own and keeping them in a small plastic waterproof case or waxed rucksack.

To be completely honest, that is what I am going to do with my 2. I bought these at Walmart in the camping section.http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f226/gantsum/36bcfe98d0a053af38a9274fc54ab125_zps68783696.jpght tp://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f226/gantsum/0e7528f721642cb0346715d2f68de841_zps2a3d34b5.jpght tp://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f226/gantsum/3d478659765b9328f1fb997aecac854d_zps95757a4f.jpg
The water proof case was $4.96, and the fanny/waist pack was $14.97, so I'm still all in for way under $60. If anyone would rather go a cost cutting route, I could send everything to you for $38 (+ shipping) and you could either wrap it your self, or put it into your own container.

02-24-2015, 05:27 PM
Those are actually the exact containers I was thinking of. Some even have little storage compartments.